What could be causing my 7-month-olds cough?

Hello everyone, so my son is 7 months and has a really bad coug. We had tried taking him to his doctor and he said there’s nothing wrong him it’s the cigarettes we are smoking around him. 1st of all we do not smoke around our baby, we always have the front door open and/or the kitchen window and smoke near there but we know something is wrong with our baby. He started off coughing while drinking either juice or from me. And now the whole house is sick and have a cough and my baby’s doctor said there’s nothing to give a baby for a cough that we needed to quit cigarettes. We are at a loss of what to do for our son. We are getting so worried because RSV is going around so bad along with a new strain of covid. The rest of the house is getting better but he is not and it’s worrying this mamma.


You’re still smoking inside. Your baby is still getting secondhand smoke. Leaving the door or window open is not enough. Please quit or at least smoke outside.

I smoke but I don’t smoke in my house. I go outside and smoke.

If you want to smoke, that’s your business, but it should be outside and away from your baby. You should be washing your hands/mouth when you come inside and changing your clothes because the smoke and chemicals cling to the fabric and none of that is good for your child. Please realize smoking in your home with the windows open or door open is still putting all that smoke in your baby’s environment and the chemicals cling to the cabinets and walls that he is going to be touching which will then be absorbed through his skin. Please research secondhand and third hand smoke exposure.

This is coming from a former and sometimes still once in a blue moon smoker. Sometimes my partner smokes, too. Regardless of how annoying it can be to wash hands or change clothes every time or shower when coming home or standing outside instead of in our vehicle, the baby’s wellbeing comes FIRST. What you want to put into your body is your business, but don’t put all that into your baby’s!!! That’s setting him up for health issues right from the start.

What is going on right now could very well be a persistent cough or Covid or just a bug, who knows, but weakening his lungs before he is exposed to those things is not going to do him any good.


It’s hard to quit but it is possible. Anyone can do it. YOU can do it.


Asthma from second hand smoke


Try smoking only outside for a week and see if it makes a difference. Usually doctors will do the tests if a cold like that has stuck around for over a week or 2 for a baby especially if there’s no other cold symptoms


You don’t have to smoke right next to someone for it to irritate them. It’s all over you and your clothes your hair… it’s all over the house furniture, the walls, the ductwork. Some people are more sensitive to smoke.

It’s a good idea to cut back or quit not just for little ones health but your health as well. I get how hard it is too I’ve been there so many times. And to this day there are times where I would quit quitting in a heartbeat if I had the chance. So I know it’s not easy. But food tastes better, drinks taste better, walking fast or going up and down stairs without coughing is so nice.

Smoke outside, whether that caused it or not, it’s ridiculous to smoke inside your house with a child. And I’m a smoker so I’m not biased. Take yourself outside. The cough could have croupe too, it’s horrible.


Second hand smoke from my sons dad kept him sick. He smoked in the car and my son came home every visit sick. Ear infections and respiratory illness constantly.
Now, there is also a likelihood baby has a cold and you all got it also. However, the 2nd hand smoke also lowers the immune system from being able to fight off germs. Consider either moving all smoking outside or trying to quit. It’ll be better for all of you.


I guarantee you it is the cigarette smoke!!!


Cigarette smoke clings to your clothes, hair, and skin so even if you smoke in another room, outside, or by a window, it is on you and then you go handle the baby and hold him near your clothes and hair so he still is breathing it in.


You shouldn’t smoke in the house at all, even if the roof is missing. Thats why he’s coughing. He could be asthmatic to the smoke.

It’s the season for germs, coughs going around happen and spread but the dr who has done years of medical training is correct. Smoking around anyone but especially a child is dangerous and can cause so many health issues.


What’s not helping is the smoke. The windows and doors being open aren’t doing anything. I’m saying as a 42 year old with chronic cough who has never smoked but parents did go outside.


He probably has RSV, request a test & don’t leave until it’s done.

The smoke lingers. It travels inside the house with you. With the windows and doors open, the smoke can get blown inside. It’s also on your clothes. So he’s getting second and third hand smoke from you.


2nd hand smoking!! Smoke stays on your clothes/skin/hair for ages and then your feeding you baby?
Did you smoke while you was pregnant too? That wouldn’t have helped your son’s lungs!
And having the door or window open is not enough! Go outside and smoke. Wash your hands, change your clothes before you touch/feed your baby!

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Open door or window still doesn’t prevent second hand smoke. Even if you go completely outside away from him you still have a one clinging to you’re skin and clothes which isn’t helping him any. The cough may very well be from a cold/virus but environmental factors such as the smoke will make it worse.
Extra warm mist humidity(humidifier), baby Vicks, steam showers(just sit in bathroom with shower running hot to create steam), hydrate well by giving extra fluids and keep him reclined/elevated when sleeping to help with breathing.

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Smoking inside also causes 3rd hand smoke which isn’t talked about much, but the smoke essentially settles on all of your clothing, furniture, floors, walls, etc. even if you’re not smoking around the baby, the 3rd hand smoke can still cause damage to their lungs. Smoking outside of your home can be rough, I get it as an ex smoker. But trust me, it’s a change you definitely want to make. If you have a garage, even going in there would be better than in the living areas of the house. Plus, your clothing, hair, and overall home will also smell better overtime too.

What is thirdhand smoke, and why is it a concern? - Mayo Clinic.

My neighbor only has a week to live bc of second hand smoking and he’s only 41 never smoked! But maybe u need to get a 2nd opinion!


Smoke outside only. Wear a covering and leave it outside.

You can smoke out the window or the door all you want, but a lot of that smoke is still drafting back inside so don’t ever think it’s not and I’m a smoker myself so I know what I’m talking about. Just because you don’t see the smoke does not mean it’s not there. Step outside and smoke, it ain’t going to kill you - put him in a playpen and watch him through the window as you’re smoking. If you’re that worried about the welfare of your child (as you should be), stop smoking inside the house and take your baby to another doctor for a second opinion.

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Are you serious​:face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth: FIRST OF ALL SECOND HAND SMOKE IS EXTREMELY BAD! Stop smoking anywhere in the house. What is wrong with you!

I am not bashing you for smoking, I grew up in a house where my parents smoked. They didn’t smoke right beside me either, but I had a cough constantly growing up. Always being diagnosed with bronchitis. I moved out after I graduated and that annoying barking cough I had my whole life went away. I have terrible lung capacity and have since a child. Living with smokers really can make all the difference. I don’t know if this is your son’s case at all… but I would at least demand he had all the viral testing he could to be sure! My daughter has a terrible and has for months. She’s negative for everything and it’s worse at night. I’ve gotten no answers and I’m now assuming she has bad allergies and the drainage is just too much at night.


Take your baby back to the pediatrician, or go to urgent care.
Smoking can be and is most likely a factor. Just because you open a door or window doesn’t mean you are not smoking near your baby. The smoke stays on your person, your skin, your clothes, your hair, and in your home, your walls, your furniture etc. and you hold and hand your baby. There are numerous viruses going around, including RVS, which smoke only contributes to. There’s also such a thing as an allergic or asthmatic cough. Whooping cough and many other possibilities. What ever is causing it you won’t know or be able to get him diagnosed here. Please take your baby back to the doctor.

Go completely outside. They can call cyf

Secondhand smoking. It’s what I dealt with growing up, sadly.


The doctor is right😂I don’t know what you were hoping here for. Quit your cigarettes or be a parent and smoke OUTSIDE.

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Smoke outside…take baby to ER to get tested for RSV etc. Cigarette smoke clings to surfaces. Smoking indoors even with windows open and in separate rooms baby is still breathing in that second hand smoke. I smoke outside only and not anywhere where my son is. If he’s outside with me I will wait until he is inside and the light up. I don’t smoke anywhere near him indoors or out. I will go without a cigarette for many many hours if my son is with me. I smoke at work and once after he goes to bed.


Quit smoking your child will thank you later my step dad smoked around me growing up and I HATED it they didn’t know at the time but I had bad asthma and couldn’t even breathe properly choose your child over cigarettes even with the window open you’re not doing anything it’s still in the house on your clothes and so much more

My son has had a croup sounding cough since he was born. He is now 5. It’s the only cough he has. I’ve never heard just a cough from him. He has environmental allergies that causes his nose to run. Unsure of asthma at this time. I am a smoker as well and the smoke flares his cough up if his allergies are acting up and he breathes it. Before anyone says anything about the smoke. I smoke outside and have for the last 10 years since moving into where i am now. He follows me wherever I go so he does breathe it in at times. I can’t stand the smell of cigarette smoke in my house… as for the cough of your child what’s it sound like? Dry cough? Wet cough? post nasal drip kind of cough? I have been to the Dr’s more times in the last 5 years with him than I think i have ever gone for myself just for his cough. He is on an allergy med and inhalers for when it flares up that help tremendously. Be persistent with the Dr’s and don’t give up. Relief has to be somewhere. I’ve also used zarbees meds when he was really little for cough. There isn’t much you can give smaller kids that’s not a prescription. Best of luck.

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Well , take him for a second opinion to another doctor . Please know the cigarettes stay on your clothes, in your car , in the walls etc. etc . The second hand smoke is just awful for your kids . I was married to a chain smoker and know of what I speak . I am sorry to say but you do need to stop smoking now ( do it for your kids if not for yourselves) . They Deserve to breathe clean air . Now that I am away from the smoker , I am so highly allergic to it I have to wear a mask if anyone even comes near me with smoke ( I get an instant migraine ) . Best of luck :crossed_fingers:


2nd hand smoking can be as bad as physically smoking. Do some research.


I get annoyed with parents that say that. “The window or door is open so it’s not affecting them”. It does. 100% it’s on your clothes, skin, the furniture. Everything in your house. Smoking in a house with children is ridiculous. I would try stopping that. If that doesn’t help then I’d keep pushing. But it’s probably that. I always had a cough when I was little due to my parents smoking in the house.


My boy is 18 years old and still coughs if someone smokes,not even near him .just the smell makes him cough. Pediatrician explained many years ago that some peoples lungs are just sensitive like that even smoke smell on clothes could affect them


Smoke outside with a bathrobe over your clothes. Yes, your smoking is contributing to the cougg


Stop the juice. Give water or water down the juice. I won’t lecture you about the smoking- I smoke and did when my kids were young… they didn’t cough! Get the baby checked for RSV, could be allergies to foods also… wishing you luck…

You should be smoking outside with the doors and windows closed! Smoke clings to everything its disgusting

Whether you like it or not, it IS the cigarette smoke that is making him sick. Smokers (and I used to be one) are often oblivious to how much smoke stays on their clothes/skin/hair. Also, smoking by an open window or door is still smoking inside and your child is still being negatively impacted by the second hand smoke.


You are smoking in the house. What makes you think all the smoke is going out the window or front door. That baby has second hand smoke! The dr is right.


Yuck its a filfy habit, and its your habit! Have the decency of protecting your childs health from it and smoke outside. Poor kid…


Your at a loss ? Really ?
I’m a smoker , I have three children , I don’t smoke in my home , or in my vehicle , or where they are even at … Yes it still clings to me but not nearly as bad as it would when your smoking inside your home … It clings to everything , a open window or door is not making any difference , it’s still there and your kids are inhaling second hand smoke which is worse if you didn’t know … So how can you say your at a loss ? You either quit or go outside. It’s not rocket science. Your kids health comes before anything . …

Uhm … clearly you need to use your head . SMOKE OUTSIDE .You need to be completely outside and not smoking near any open doors or windows. Yes the smoke is causing the coughing obviously . And have a designated smoke shirt and wash your hands and change the shirt afterwards .if you’re worried about stepping out away from baby , set up a baby monitor and put them in a playpen while you smoke . Stop smoking in the house , it lingers

The medical professional gave you an answer that you didn’t like so ask the internet for better advice…

Anyways you can get them tested for Covid/rsv/ the flu at any walk in clinic. You can use a humidifier for a cough and a nasil spray to help with congestion.


Umm…just go outside when you smoke. Don’t smoke in the car with the kids.
Might solve a few things

Even smoking outside it comes in on your clothes and skin. Why wouldn’t you quit for your child’s health ?


Poor baby! Smoke outside and close the door!

Why is Covid censored like it’s a cuss word lol

You really should not be smoking inside or around the house/vehicle with a baby and or children. Yes your child could truly be sick from a virus or infection, but more than likely, that second hand smoke is not helping and it can prolong getting better. Opening a door and all the windows is not enough to keep it away from your child, you need to go outside, and change your clothes and wash your hands when you come back in if you truly cannot consider quitting. I’m sure you got the education on this while pregnant. The internet isn’t going to give you the sympathy or answer you want just because the Doctor didn’t. Neither is another doctor. You are choosing to smoke, inside with your child present nonetheless, regardless of the obvious health risks. This advise isn’t judging you, it is from experience. I was always sick growing up because it was around constantly, my mother smoked inside sitting right beside me. All of my extended family smoked inside it didn’t matter if kids were around or not. I moved out of state to a household where the rule was to step outside and wash up after, and guess what, My health improved. I came back to this state and now have my own home and kids. I don’t smoke, but most of my siblings and cousins do. I rarely go to see my family, because everytime I visit my family home, where the smoke is still stuck into everything, and they still smoke inside, myself and all 5 of my children get sick and we stay sick long after a week has past and being back home. For the safe of you babies health please consider listening to that doctor and doing what he says, also push for additional treatment if it lasts longer than a few months. Your child should be important enough to you to choose over smoking.


& smoking while breastfeeding?

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Definitely sound like you are in denial.
From someone who grew up around cigarette smoke, please just quit.
You may be smoking close to an open door or window but the smoke isn’t following a trail like the Australian Current…there’s nothing containing it and guiding it outside….it’s going all over the house and right into your baby’s lungs. The chemicals stick to literally everything. Your skin, your hair, your clothes, the walls and everything in the house.
You are tearing up your child’s lungs and giving him health issues for life. Same thing happened to me.
And in this day and age these doctors are “report happy”. They have no issue calling cps over the most minor of things. If that doctor is evaluating your child and his medical opinion is that you are causing him harm, and you do not stop the action that is causing him harm, that doctor is legally mandated to document everything and report you. Are those cigarettes really more important than your child?
And they’re extremely expensive anyway. Quit smoking and use that money to go out and make memories with your child.


You’re kidding right? Your Dr is literally giving you the answer…QUIT SMOKING. I have asthma and even smelling cigarette smoke on someone’s clothes can completely close my air ways. Smoking near an open window still won’t work, the smoke still gets into the house. If you need to smoke, switch to vaping. That way you’re only affecting yourself. And vapes don’t leave a smell behind that triggers someone else like smoke does.

That is still smoking in the house even if your door is open or the kitchen window is. The smoke air sticks to ceilings, floors, walls, etc (it’s called thirdhand smoke) on top of the secondhand smoke your son is getting. Even if the rest of the house isn’t sick anymore but your son is still coughing, he could be more sensitive to the smoke. If you are worried about rsv, you could request a test. Has the doctor listened to your kiddos chest?


I was sick all the time when little. Parents never smoked. Turned out there was mold in our basement

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Every heard of third hand smoke? The the smoke that clings to the fibers of your clothing. You may not smell it but your baby does and it’s causing a reaction. If you cannot immediately quit smoking, then smoke outside wearing a jacket and immediately take it off before approaching your baby. You seriously must consider stopping the smoking. Did you smoke during your pregnancy? If so, your baby was also smoking in utero. Your baby can develop serious lung disease that will follow him his entire life. Now there is a possibility that you all have a viral illness too but you all need to stop smoking! I was a pediatric nurse for 40 years and have heard this story too many times.


I seriously can’t even believe what I just read. :woman_facepalming:


I’m not here to bash you about smoking, and tell you to quit. I smoke. We aren’t going to quit unless we absolutely want to no matter what anyone says. But - i go completely outside. When my kids where little and I handled them a lot I had a smoking jacket to avoid so much smoke getting on my actual clothing. I have never smoked in my home after I had children not once. Smoking is a disgusting habit and you as an adult should be able to admit this. Yes your second hand smoke from having a door or window open gets to your kids. Period. So just do better. With that being said, just take your kid for a second opinion if you don’t want to believe it’s your smoke. Asking on the internet got you no where but being told your wrong in thinking it’s not your smoke……


Smoke outside! That poor baby :confused:

You need to go outside to smoke!

Definitely take him to a different dr and demand that they do a pertussis test. A flu and covid test. And an rsv test. And dont leave until they do them.


Get him tested for flu, Covid, and RSV. Stop smoking inside. It doesn’t matter how “far away” you think you are from the baby, smoke travels and is incredibly harmful to such little lungs.


Are you breastfeeding and smoking nicotine? That’s sick! Smoke outside not inside and then change your clothes or shower each time
The cough is your fault
Your poor baby
I hate my parents for smoking around me my childhood!


If you are going to smoke, quit breastfeeding and smoke outside. Or just quit. Take him to a different doctor. Your child is having a negative effect from second hand smoke.


Don’t take this the wrong way. But if it’s effecting everyone are you sure you don’t have black mold somewhere?


I smoked for a long LONG time. 30 years. I smoked “away” from my kids too… but I quit a year+ ago and I can tell you now, as a non smoker, I can smell it a mile away. I can smell a smoker. I can smell if they went outside. I can smell it on their hair and hands and clothes.
Your baby can still get second hand smoke off of you.
I’m not judging you. I did the same thing. Then I realized that I dont want to die younger and have less time with my kids if I can help it.
Quitting was hard. It still is. But try. (I hated when people told me that)

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Wow…so you’re smoking inside the house? Having windows and doors open will not do anything, it still gets into the walls curtains, couches,your car and your clothes. It may not be noticeable to you as a smoker , but to anyone else it will be overwhelmingly strong. Even if you were to smoke outside every single time, you’re bringing it back in your hair, your clothes, your skin…it is 100% effecting your baby. There may be another reason for the cough, but the smoking will not help it amd cause it to linger. At the very least smoke outside.

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even with doors & windows open the air is what the baby is breathing. Plus even if you go outside to smoke unless you shower & change your clothes the baby is still breathing all that in, So the question to you & the SO , is do you want your baby to have continuous breathing problems & the chances are always there for second hand lung cancer or do you both want to completely stop smoking & live longer??? All your choices, you decide

Take to ER or different doctor…

Smoke outside. In The house is in the house

My daughter had open heart surgery and we were told that if my Dad a smoker wanted to hold her he needed to wear fresh, clean clothing so yes it’s your smoking.

Smoke outside like all the way outside.

My daughter had a nighttime cough that started before she turned 1 and turned out to be asthma caused by allergies. Try propping them up to sleep, saline nasal spray 2x a day, I would take her to sit on the porch at night if it was cool out, a daily allergy medicine. Walmart has Vicks shower steamers that I would use when her cough was the worst. Up until she turned maybe 6 we were in the hospital 2x a year. She’s going to be 10 in June and has pretty much outgrown it.

Take your ass outside to smoke, just a thought :expressionless:

Don’t smoke. Period. Care more for your child than your filthy habit.

& what’s the reason you can’t go outside for a smoke ?? I live where the air hurts your face in the winter but we go Outside… Nobody smokes Anything inside my house … Period …
Quit being selfish

Then STOP smoking in the house. It’s not hard to smoke outside. Also change your clothes and wash your hands after smoking.

You are an absolute fool. Smoking by a window does NOT protect your child from second hand smoke. Your pediatrician is literally telling you the issue but you clearly love your cigs more than your baby. Absolutely disgusting. And I don’t care if yall say I’m rude. You know what’s rude? Her lack of care for a baby.

Care more about your baby than the nasty cigarettes. You still smoke in the house and I’m sure that stench is everywhere including in your baby’s lungs.

Also, you shouldn’t be given juice to a 7 month old!!!


The baby is still being exposed to secondhand smoke even with the door open, and then there is also thirdhand smoke that is from your hair and clothing, which has been proven to be just as bad as secondhand smoke. For the sake of your health and your baby’s health, you need to quit.


The smoke is also on your clothes and hair

Take him to get a second opinion.have him tested for what’s going around just be sure and stop smoking anywhere near him

DUH, QUIT SMOKING! People don’t realize how bad the cigarette odor stays on you clothes, hair, breath. Sucking it all up in his lungs. Gonna say it. Don’t realize how bad it stinks until you become a non-smoker.

You. You are literally the cause. How many times do you need to be told?
I’m for helping but this is just ridiculous

Have you not heard of second hand smoke?

Yah… doc is right. QUIT smoking. Plus there is nothing you can do for RSV and Covid. It’s all viral infection. Smoking decreases their immune system and weaken their lungs. Focus on things to build up his immune system in order to fight viruses

Go. Outside. Stop smoking in your house

The smoke is still on your clothes and in your hair. You can’t be that dense

Sooo, you smoke in the house. But, because you have a window or door open you don’t think you’re smoking in the house? Your child has smokers cough…

If u want to smoke that’s fine, but go outside and if he nurses, change ur clothes first. He might have asthma

Stop smoking. Also get a second opinion

This can’t be for real?
If you’re smoking in the house doesn’t matter how many windows are open, it will be making him cough

You could always quit smoking

Did they test for RSV? COVID? Influenza?

Some viral colds just linger foreverrrrrr.

Did the Doc say his lungs were clear? Because #1 thing is clearing out any mucus.

There is such a broad spectrum of what could be going on here, especially with the cigarette smoke added into the mix.

Some Docs really do dismiss patients because they get hung up on 1 detail and that’s wrong imo. But without ALL the background of the kid and family, it’s hard to say what could be causing a lingering cough. Allergies? Asthma? Who knows with this post.

You don’t think that smoke stays in the house or on your clothes ? Stop smoking and stop breastfeeding .

Give up smoking! Non smokers can smell it a mile away. It’s disgusting and even worse you do it around your baby! The smell of smoke gets in your hair, clothes, furniture. When you walk past non smokers in public they can smell it! If you’re that worried about his cough give it up! You know better this day and age so do better!

The dr is right. Smoking near a door or window doesn’t help. The chemicals also cling to clothes walls etc. And FYI smoking at the door etc is smoking around your baby

Listen to the doctor. It makes no sense to smoke in a house with children and no one is going to sympathize with you. Imagine the money you’ll save not smoking, not to mention everyone in your house will be healthier.

Why is a 7 month old drinking juice?