What could be causing my bad breath?

Make a “sage” tea and rinse every time you eat and also you can drink sage tea it helps alot good luck

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What could be causing my bad breath?

If you still have your tonsils, it could be from tonsil stones.


I’d suggest a naturopath if u haven’t tried already.
I’m sorry u have to deal with this and the bullying on top of it.

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i have same issue band i dont have my tonsils. i always have to keep the breathe strips with me

Are you a mouth breather or even while you sleep? Try Biotene.

Brush your tounge. Daft as it sounds if I dont I can be a bit wiffy x hope you get sorted xxx

It’s not always your mouth, could also be ulcers and digestive issues causing it.


Brush your tongue twice a day & rinse with half water half hydrogen peroxide mix once a week.
Use gum or breath strips if u have to.


Could be gum disease…talk to your dentist

I have this problem too and it is caused from tonsil stones.

Go to a doctor. If it Halitosis, they will help you.

Does no one read, she has done all of these things


Sounds like dry mouth. Since everything else is coming back normal.


Tonsil stones maybe. Give it a google. It’s essentially calcified bacteria that hangs out on your tonsils/back of throat. They smell like death. They are pretty common and typically you don’t know you’ve got them. Salt water or mouth wash will loosen them. You can sometimes feel them in the back of your throat and can cough them up or scrape them out.

These two things!! Helps a lot!


Nobody reads anything anymore, just say what you want even though it’s already been said :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:


You could always have an issue where your body processes sugars differently…diabetes? I know that could make your breath smell if your blood sugar is off.


Stomach problems can cause it also like acid reflux

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Former oral surgeon assistant. Best remedy for it and it’s super cheap!! Nightly before bed brush your teeth and a tongue scrapper (not as scary as it sounds) floss and then rinse in cheap .88 cent hydrogen peroxide! Plus eating an apple a day. Doing these will kill anything causing bad breathe! I promise! It might take 2 weeks to really notice but it works. Apples carry acid that naturally kills mouth bacteria and the teeth brushing regimen will work :heart:


Check with an ENT to see if you have tonsil stones. That can cause chronic halitosis.

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Halitosis. Going to the doctor and get it checked out

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Could you possibly suffer from dry mouth because if so that can cause the smell and taste and there is stuff out there to help dry mouth.

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My ex always smelt , then he was diagnosed with diabetes, he started managing that and stopped smelling , maybe your borderline diabetic , hope you do find a solution though xx

Not drinking enough water can do it

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Tonsil tooths maybe? I knew I had them, but didn’t know what they were until I was an adult. Once I learned, I picked them out myself and don’t go through the same problem anymore. If I notice them, it’s because of a sinus issue.

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How often do you pass out faeces? Maybe irregular bowel movement

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Yall need to realize that you can get tonsil stones WITHOUT tonsils. It’s rare but it happens.


I had a bad gallbladder and it was causing bad breath could have that checked

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Hiatus hernia maybe caused by acid reflux

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What could be causing my bad breath?

I once worked with someone who had this issue from sleep apnea. Once they were diagnosed and got a CPAP it went away. I wish you luck in finding the answer!!

Diabetes can be a cause

Could be from allergies, certain foods, chronic dry mouth. Eat parsley, drink lemon water, avoid coffee and foods like onions and garlic

It sucks people are so cruel. I don’t have any advice but I hope you find the answer you need. :pray:t5: Best of luck


Try oil pulling. Put 1 tablespoon of extra virgin coconut oil in your mouth and swish (like mouthwash) for 15ish minutes(I started at 5 minutes and had to work my way up to that).
Do this daily like you would mouthwash.

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Maybe a hiatal hernia. I had issues about 14 years ago. It literally smelled and tasted like I had farted from my mouth. :nauseated_face:

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Could be like tonsil stones but located in your adenoids. I had to get mine burned… Figured it out at 22 :frowning: best of luck

Tonsils stones… those suckers can make breath smell like death!

I feel you I’ve never been public about it because like you said bullies are cruel but I wish you the beat of luck . Just remember that you are beautiful :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I take it you do not smoke.

Brush and floss with tea tree oil make sure to rinse well and you can even add a few drops to your mouth wash works great

Other than things it seems she’s has ruled out, my next bet is chronic dry mouth. Which can definitely cause bad breath

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Maybe try a heavy metal detox. TRS has great testimonies.

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Could be a stomach issue

Maybe consult a gastroenterologist

I may be able to help you. Contact me.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What could be causing my bad breath?

Can be too much yeast or other gut imbalances. I would get on a good probiotic.

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I wonder if you do not have any of these rare disorders that is causing your Halitosis…

Trimethylaminuria could be this disorder or this one… Hypermethioninaemia

I recently found out that I have dry mouth, it can cause this to happen. Maybe do some research and try Biotene Dry Mouth, mouthwash, twice a day!


Try drinking peppermint tea instead of tea & coffee .
Drink plenty water ( hot or cold ).
If you eat healthy … are you eating enough ? Your stomach can go into ketosis which can also have an effect on your breath.
Nibble on extra strong mints .
Good luck

I’d highly recommend oil pulling. Very easy and inexpensive. You may check videos about it as well. I see lot of videos with coconut oil. I’m from south India and we have been taught to use sesame oil (gingely oil) that works wonders.

Link to one video- https://youtu.be/BltSLSV5IAw


I’ve heard if you have some stomach problems it can cause an oder in your mouth. Maybe see a gastroenterologist… I had hypoglycemia as a child so bad i would randomly faint and a few times stopped breathing. No one ever diagnosed me… One day when I was 18 we a saw a sign in a doctor’s office with a list of symptoms. I had 8 out of 10. The doctor said no you don’t have that… :exploding_head:. You need to find the right doctor. Don’t give up!

Have you tried brushing your tongue? I brush my tongue with my toothbrush when I’m done with my teeth - then … My dentist recommended a special instrument (can be found at a drugstore) that has a brush on one side and a scraper on the other … that scrapes away bacteria on your tongue that can cause bad breath.


Have you tried scraping your tongue daily?

Kidney/liver issues… If I remember correctly kidney issues cause a metallic taste

Diabetes or liver decease maybe. Uncontrollable sugar can cause a lot of yeast infections that can result in a lot of troubles in your mouth and vagina (if you have that too).
Fatty liver or excess of toxins can cause that too.

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I had the same problem until a Dr. told me I had a mild infection inside my stomach and he gave me this pills which are used for heartburn Omeprazole CR 40 MG wow on my second pill I noticed the difference after 4 days I stopped, but I keep this babies on hand and every once in a while when I noticed or have a sour mouth I take one pill that’s all it takes to help for a long time, WORKS for me try it.

My daughter had tonsils stones that literally smelled like :poop: she had her tonsils removed.


There has to be an underlying issue I can’t seem to think of out of all those professionals they couldn’t find not one possible thing or even a treatment or medication. So sorry you have had to experience this and that is has effect and altered your life. Your not alone! :revolving_hearts:

Are you on any medications? Some medications can cause it

Halitosis. There is medication for it.

I had tonsil stones and that can cause bad breath


Get tested for
H pylori - & is required to get a breath test :wink:

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Sometimes what you eat can cause bad breath also. I would discuss this w your Dentist on your next visit. Do research online. If u chew gum, switch to cinnamon. If u use mints, switch to the cinnamon. There’s something about cinnamon I can’t remember exactly. Hope this helps

I would suggest investing your $ into TRS SPRAY- Detox From Heavy Metals with Advanced TRS

A family member had a similar problem, and it ended up helping tremendously when his dentist did a deep pocket cleaning for of his teeth. He had regularly been to the dentist, but it wasn’t until he moved and found a new dentist that this was recommended.

I have no idea. Research on goggle. It has to be something with indigestion. Instead of going out butt it comes out your mouth

Make sure you brush your tongue! Alot of bacteria will build up and thats where most of the bad breath comes from. Use mouth wash every day after brushing.


A friend had this problem in middle school and it turned out he had like a fungal infection in his throat!

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Try Oil Pulling with coconut oil and make toothpaste with coconut oil and baking soda.

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i had a family member that struggled with this. they invested in an actual tongue scraper tool, would do it when they brushed their teeth, and it really helped.


Its stomach acid for me and my family. My kids can brush and brush, floss, mouth wash, specifically for bad breath. And an hour later, their breath stinks. I have acid reflux bad (not enough to take meds for it) and can have bad breath after brushing.

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Remove all teeth lol go from that. No jk maybe go to a oral surgeon. That are usually better Dr’s. Seriously sounds funny infection is number one cause I can think of. Otherwise I’m not sure try breath mints all day maybe gum till it’s figured out. Good luck

Do you take medications, one of mine I feel like gives me bad breath

Is your tongue pierced ? I found my tongue tongue gave me bad natal breath

You also scrub your toung ?? Get a toung scraper ? And they make special mouth rinse/ washes for bad breath, dry mouth maybe get a special wash for that ? Good luck

Scrub your tongue and make sure when you brush you brush your back teeth (to get any food particles hiding back there) and the roof of your mouth. Just to top it off, rinse with mouth wash and consistently chew a mint gum to mask whatever left over smell. You shouldn’t have to be depressed and lose friends over this😢

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Could it be tonsil stones?


Energy drinks are the worst for bad breath!

Possibly tonsil stones

Diabetic can cause this

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Caffeine does that also

It’s called Halitosis. You have some infection or unseen health issue!!! Don’t stop getting second, third, fourth opinions!

You’ve had blood work to check your liver or kidneys ?

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My mom breath started strinking …It took some years but her Dr finally found she had chronic pancreatitis

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Sodas and stuff are horrible for bad breath, coffee also does it and I know a lot of people can’t live without coffee or energy drinks lol so if you drink either it could be one issue.

I’d say carry mouth wash everywhere you go, use it often.

Try a natural path dr. They can do wonders for the “unknown”.

Do you rinse? If you do, Stop. Just spit out your toothpaste.

This is sold by naturessunhine (herbs).
When my child was in middle school she had horrible breath. Everything you’ve wrote was exactly the same as her… I was getting a massage one day and the person also sold herbs. We was talking and she said to try ALJ (name has changed now) AND IT WORKED. idk why or anything else but it worked. So you may try this since it worked for her.

Do you perhaps drink coffee?
I know of someone who happens to be a “coffee-holic” and because of so much coffee they drink it causes bad breath?

Halitosis - something in the gut or an infection I’ve been in dental over 10 years - seen a lot -

Could be tonsil stones. I have them and they can smell


My son had a split uvula and food would get in the crevice

Try drinking 2 tbsp of honey mixed with 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar. It works for numerous ailments maybe it will with this. You can add squeeze lemon if you like to calm the taste

Read the post. ENT visits? Any tonsil stones?

Do you brush your tounge?

Baking soda and peroxide with a soft bristle toothbrush.

Has a scan been done to your sinus cavities?