What could be causing my daughters headaches?

It could be migraines caused by her periods everytime my daughter get her period she gets migraines that cause her to throw up


This happened to me when i was 11ā€¦ exact same experienceā€¦ i also experience it as an adult around my period.

I agree with the others. I get a migraine a day before my period starts. I donā€™t throw up but its very common to.

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I get menstrual migrainesā€¦ comes with feeling sick, light sensitivity mostlyā€¦ started when I got my first period. Birth control pills helped tons as a teen.

If her headaches continue I would suggest her having a CT scan or MRI done to rule out anything serious. Yes a girlā€™s period van cause those symptoms, but it shouldnā€™t last long and if they do call her Dr to have her checked. Luckily my 11 yr old started her 1st period a couple weeks ago but never experienced anythingā€¦ no cramps, no headacheā€¦ I told her she sucks LOL


I get bad mirgines with my period sometimes and the same thing happens to me it hurts so bad that I throw up, its a hormonal thing!

My daughter is 9 and the last year and a half she was getting migraine headaches daily. Had an MRI and thankfully nothing showed but her sinuses were inflammed! Maybe checking into that with her pediatrician. It also could be related to her periods too.

Yes. When I hit puberty I began getting migraines always at the start of my cycle. Try Excedrin migraine at the onset of any headache and see a neurologist.

My cousins 9 year old son had the exact same symptoms and was diagnosed with a brain tumor! Please bring her & get an MRI. He had been to Urgent Care twice and they said it was a bug. They finally went to the emergency room after he got really nauseous while playing soccer. That Doctor did the MRI & found the tumor.

Sounds like migrainesā€¦vomiting comes w migraines & stomach pains sometimes. Iā€™ve been having migraines for my whole life & my son did for about 5 yrs & now my 7 yr old has had them for 1 yr

Itā€™s could be vertigo? My friend had it for weeks at age 14 years old. I suggest 2 pillows head lift up

Hormones or sinus issues. Take her to pediatrician to be sure

My 12 year old son has been getting migraines. But he has allergies and I think it might be from that. But when we go back to dr for his ADHD im gonna talk to her about it.

My oldest daughter would run a fever and throw up 2 days before she started then they day she started and the next day she would get a migraine. It was all hormonal, low dose birthcontrol helped

Hormones, the fluctuations could be too much. Iā€™d suggest getting her seen.

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Are yā€™all having sympathy pains for her?? Not sure why yā€™all would be sick if itā€™s her period??..

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Migraines, hormones and cervical instability can cause that

Yes I experienced the same thing and still have as an adult.

Sounds like a migraine

Could be vision also.

Facebook is not a place for medical anything take her to a Doctor


Why do so many people come on here seeking medical advise? Bring your kid to the doctor!

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Maybe migraines I suffered terribly at that age. They stopped when I was about sixteen. Doctor put it down to puberty.

I would say hormonesā€¦I would get migraines every time I was on my cycle

Sounds like migraine

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What could be causing my daughters headaches? - Mamas Uncut

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It could definitely be her period, I get headaches and nausea. It could also be some anxiety. Check in with her to see how sheā€™s feeling emotionally


Absolutely. Hormonal migraines are a thing, and they can be debilitating. I have a migraine disorder. Hormones make it one hundred times worse. Poor kiddo.


So I have a rare condition that hormones play a role in. Itā€™s called idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH). Iā€™m not saying this is what she could have itā€™s probably likely more migraines, but to be on the safe side have her optic nerve checked for swelling.
I also have chronic migraines & like many have said hormones play a big roll. But look up IIH. Itā€™s scary but not common & highly overlooked. Hugs & hope she feels better soon. Migraines alone are not fun at all. I hope she doesnā€™t have what I do. It awful and debilitating.
Hugs :hugs: hopefully itā€™s just a sign for her time of month.

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I have chronic migraines, and mine are the most debilitating during my period. Unfortunately you could be given all the advice in the world, but really itā€™s trial and error until she finds something that works for her :purple_heart:

Mine is a cold, pitch black quiet room after a hot shower. Liquid IV to get fluids down throughout the day, as well. Looooooots of sleep.

If they get worse, Mobile IV Therapy has been a lifesaver!


Yes, it most definitely can. Iā€™d get cramps so bad I couldnā€™t stand up, eat, or do anything. It would cause more pain and vomiting. Give her some pain reliever. If she gets cramps, have her lay down with a heating pad on her belly. If it continues, I would definitely see a doctor. Or see if she can take migraine medication!

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A lot of women get hormonal migraines. I began getting cluster migraines around that time too (Iā€™m old now)ā€¦ either way, Iā€™d get her checked. Headaches can often be an indicator for abnormal brain ailments, ie tumors. Probably nothing, but better safe then sorry.

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Headache and vomiting is more common than people think with periods. Especially with all the new hormones. You could have her see a chiropractor it may actually help. I was just getting headaches in general and seeing the chiropractor really helped me.

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Definitely could be the cause! I remember a few times crying and laying on a floor in a store because I was in so much pain around 11-15y old. get some extra strength midol. If the pain/headache/vomiting continues Iā€™d see a dr maybe they can prescribe stronger meds or see what is really up with her sickness

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I get hormonal migraines right around period time. They suck so bad. If it becomes concerning please have her see her pediatrician.


Are the headaches, just headaches? Or are they migraines? I suffer from migraines and if itā€™s bad enough, nausea to the point of vomiting. The flux of hormones could be causing migraines, which is common.


Yes. Before reading the last sentence, I was actually going to ask if sheā€™s started her period yet or not. I would take her to see her pediatrician. They may be able to get her some medication to help her, around that time of month. Or, she may have to start taking birth control. Cause birth control doesnā€™t only help prevent pregnancies. It helps a lot with menstruation. I had to start taking it, when I was like 16 I think it was. To regulate my periods, and my cramps. And it helped my periods not be so bad. After having my children thou and getting my tubes tied, Iā€™ve since stopped. Cause well I didnā€™t need birth controlšŸ¤· and my period have then became horrible

I get nausea sometimes around my period, not always, I never actually throw up but Iā€™m sure some people do. I feel like I have a headache most of the time so I canā€™t speak on that :joy::woman_shrugging:

Sounds a lot like migraines, I got them around that age and still do due to it being hereditary in my family it also causes me to be nauseous. Could be her period, might need her eyes checked, if it continues every day or many times a week Iā€™d see a neurologist.

So for me when I first started my menstrual cycle I had severe cramps that gave me headaches, nausea/ sometimes vomiting as well. The only thing that helped was prating for the pain to go away and resting. I hope you find better answers/ responses.

When I first start my periods I would get deathly sick, nausea, head aches, stomach cramping, through the years it did let up.

Could be near to starting or before her cycle. I used to get headaches and upset tummy every time when I first started

When I had my wisdom teeth coming in I would get migranes to the point that Iā€™d be nauseous and vomit. Went away once I got them out.

It could be her hormones leading up to a period BUT I suffered soooooo much like this around her age and had eye tests etc and no one could figure out why and put it down to hormonesā€¦A few years later into adulthood and was still suffering the same, I actually find out I have stigmas in both eyes that everyone missed all these years (pupils are meant to close in a circle when reacting to light but people that have stigmas mean their pupils close like a rugby ball shape so too much light was still being let in to my eyes) and needed glasses anyway for my sight. I suffer the most when itā€™s really sunny or when Iā€™m in bright places and end up with such bad headaches if I donā€™t wear sunglasses when Iā€™m outside. I also get the headaches from using phones or computers too much or if I donā€™t wear my glasses and my eyes have strained too much. I also go like this as Iā€™m allergic to certain foods. It could be hormones, it could be food intolerance or something else. Please get it checked out just to be safe.

I get super nauseous and sick a few days before I start my monthly, it could be that. Iā€™d just keep an eye on her and give her some Tylenol and hotpad with lots of rest.

Yes it is . I was the same way . U might need to take her for a check to see if all her hormones are good .

Hairstylist hereā€¦does she have thick long hair that she wears up a lot?

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Im not a doctor but i use to have migraines even had to give myself shots . I got a hysterectomy and they stopped !

Omg my first period was awful!!! Vomiting headaches dizziness everything!!! It was bad!!! Never forget that day thought I was going to die :woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2:

Iā€™d take her to the doctor for a full check up and eye examā€¦


Could be the period but my son found out he needed glasses and that was what was causing headaches

I occasionally get them before I start my period but when I was 12 we discovered the majority of my headaches were because I needed glasses!

From experience, it sounds like hormonal migraines

It could be! Her body is still getting used to this new change. It wonā€™t always be this bad. Give her some midol and lots of water!

From my personal experience at 11 with my first period this is how my migraines startedā€¦

Not sure on vomiting but I used to suffer terrible with headaches during period.

Hormone surge maybeā€¦but get her checked out by an md to be sure and safe

Itā€™s a possibility. My daughter did something similar to her.

Blood pressure being high or low?

Look into or talk to her PCP about abdominal migraines.

You bet! Very common. My daughter and I are this way too.

Happened to me throw up on my desk in class cases the teacher wouldnt let me go to yhe bathroom .

The vomiting may be from the headaches. Headache from period n stress etc

It could definitely be the period, I used to get really nauseous the first few days of mine and would vomit everything in my stomach. I had to be put on birth control just to maintain them, because it was like that every single month.

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Might have a virus call her doctor. Donā€™t rely on FB

I was just about to ask about a period. I actually started getting sever migraines about 6mos before i ever got my first one, and continued to have them threw my teen years. Nothing aleviated mine, except dark rooms, quiet and a fan to blow.on me. My mom would put cool rags on my forhead

The Heat will do that

I have vomiting and headaches and nausea on my periodā€¦ :woman_shrugging:

She could still be dehydrated and not feeling well. I also got migraines when i first started my cycle i had migraines, i was dizzy, painful cramps.

Check her first for covid

Yes that is pretty common

Sounds like migraines

She needs to see a doctor. My sister had the same problem and it ended up being hormonesā€¦ but my middle step daughter also had the same problem and she ended up having calcium deposits behind her eyes that were causing pressureā€¦

You should be talking to a DR. :bangbang::bangbang:

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Sounds like migraines cause when I get them I throw up a lot or I feel nauseated. I suggest Coca Cola or 7up for her tummy and also pepto which helps with the nausea. And my migraines usually start days leading up to my menstrual

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Yes it very well could be. From experience I can say so. Iā€™m much older but I still can remember that years and years ago! I took a prescription for that to help. But I have no clue what it was. Iā€™m 59 now. It was so long ago. I would be sick in bed that time of month for a couple days! Itā€™s horrible poor thing. Talk to your dr.

Go to dr right away. No use for her to suffer. Good luck dear.

When I was younger, I used to vomit the first day of my period. It was awful, it was like a 10 hr bug every month. That symptom only stopped after I had my son, he did something to my hormones.

Migraines. Hormonal. I had them up until I had a hysterectomy

Sounds like sheā€™s having migraines, I almost always have nausea and/or vomiting when I get one. I suffer from chronic headaches and they are always worse before and during my period.

Maybe take her to a neurologist & find out whatever is causing this. Just a thought

Could be a number of things but I got headaches, nausea/vomiting, when I was around that age (maybe 10), was because I needed glasses. I was straining my eyes so bad it caused tension headaches which were so severe Iā€™d get sick to my stomach. I couldnā€™t even eat lunch so Iā€™d go hungry all day which only added to the headache/nausea.

It sounds like migraines. Mine started with my period. See if you can talk to her GP and get a referral to a neurologist. Theyā€™d be able to diagnose it best. She may go through a bunch of tests; MRI, CT scan possibly with and without contrast. They do this to make sure there isnā€™t anything else that could be causing the headaches. If they diagnose without running tests, get a second opinion.
Not to scare you, but please consider avoiding botox treatment if itā€™s offered. Iā€™ve suffered so many debilitating side effects from it that are life changing. I didnā€™t know what Iā€™m dealing was possible until I read the 28 page pamphlet that the dr didnā€™t give me. If you want more info, feel free to pm me.

My daughter started getting migraines when she got her period. Apparently for my daughter anyway her period can trigger migraines

Hormone fluctuations can cause migraines. Dehydration from all this heat weve had could be causing it. I would talk with her doctor. When i was like 19 my doctor basically scolded me for not going in for a migraine until day 3 when i couldnt take it anymore i needed 2 bags of saline and 3 doses of a injected migraine medication before i was okayed to leave.

My daughter had headaches and would also feel nauseated! Hell I have the same symptoms before I start and Iā€™m 35, she just might have bad pms, talk with the dr about. Iā€™ve learned a Advil and lots of water helps a warm shower will help with the nausea and headache tell her to just sit in the tub with the shower n and let the water run over her head and neck. We had to start birth control for my daughter at 13 because her pms and periods were so bad, it helped her tremendously

If sheā€™s vomiting with the headache it could be a migraine. Thatā€™s when mine started.

Definetley schedule a doctors appointment. Also gynecologist appointment.

Im no doctor but heres advice. Drinking more water is necessary especially while on period for younger girls. Dehydration has the symptoms you said.

Most importantly. If she is using tampons. Its extremely important she is changing it out regularly or it can have bad consequences. Nausea is the first symptom. Pads can also have a similar effect for sane reason. Even if there isnt that much blood it must be changed. Maybe using bleach free tampons or pads It cost a lotā€¦ i use menstrual cups. She may be too young to use them.

Okay, I appreciate questions on this page for normal everyday advice but NOT MEDICAL questions :bangbang:
Please call a freaking doctor :unamused: :roll_eyes: :expressionless:

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Menstruation can cause all those symptoms, I used to be this way for many yearsā€¦.I went through a study in my 20ā€™s at The Mayo Clinic, periods and ovulation can cause migrainesā€¦relief I found was Excedrin Migraine, no off brands helped me. Cool cloth over my eyes, rest in a quiet dark room.

It could cause it yes. I get that way every time I start.
However Iā€™d definitely get into a Dr if you havenā€™t already just in case itā€™s something else :relaxed:

Hormones !! She may become a woman soon.

Have her tested for H Phylori . If it has caused infection then that could lead to a headache. So many people have this and doctors donā€™t check for it.

I bet migraines before I start my period. Itā€™s common in alot of women.

Have her eyes checked for papilledema

Migraine are connected to the blood flow. I use to get migraines with my periods. No more periods but I sti get Migraines and Iā€™m 56 prayers for her.

Yes mine started when I started my period and Iā€™m 36 I still suffer with it badly