set a rat trap if there is one there you will catch it
Call a pest control person. They will look for evidence of rodents-droppings, etc., and set up traps/whatever as needed for it. Then you will know!
You have spirits visiting you , Somebodywho has passed an meant to give you a message relax an listern … xxx
I love how she says she saw this figure wrap itself in a blanket and everyone is still like iT’s A mOuSe
You need sleep and salt.
Talk to an ophthalmologist please
I have had some similar experiences, especially at work. Its like a dark figure in my line of sight and it startles me! I and certain my eyesight is getting worse. I have bad eyesight as it is
Are you sleep deprived? I see what you’re describing when I’m sleep deprived for many days/weeks.
My eyes play tricks on me bc my brain is so foggy
Spiritual visitors♥️
So we moved a new home and had things happen. I learned a previous owner died &her husband is who we bought the house from. I truly believe her spirit was here. I told her to go find her husband. I also walked through my home stopped in every room cast out all evil in the name of Jesus Christ Almighty, asked that the Holy Spirit fill the room. Did it in every room. Then prayed for protection for the house and property under the blood of Jesus. Have not had any incidents since. They don’t sound evil or hurtful.
Might be floaters in your eyes
I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and one of the symptoms was seeing black shadows or blobs out of the corner of your eye. Not sure if you have any emotional issues or dealing with mental disorders. I experienced this often and thought I was just crazy or had a medical issue with my vision. My brother and sister both have macular degeneration and that is also a symptom. I’d get checked medically just to be safe.
Spirits are real. If they are concerning you, contact a local medium and see if they can pick up on anything in your home to give you some direction. Do some research on if there have been any deaths on or near your property. It’s usually spirits that don’t know they are dead and need to be released or they have a strong attachment To the home. Please come back to update us! Good luck!
COA here call your eye doctor… you need a dilated exam to check the health of your eyes! Good luck!
If you are a beleiver, in Jesus, pray over your family and home. We live among good and evil spirits. Pray to remove any evil spirit from your home. Also, take care of yourself and get checked out by a doctor, our minds can play tricks on us due to medical disorders. Praying for angels to guard and guide you and your family, in Jesus name, amen.
Rodents are nothing to be ashamed about, they can just happen, even to the cleanest houses. Especially in the winter. We lived in the mountains of Virginia for a couple years and ended up absolutely infested with HUGE rats - I’m talking small kitten sized rats - and we are incredibly clean people. It happened to lots of homes in our small towns, the rats would come in from the railroad directly behind the houses or the creek across from all of us. It may be apparitions, but I saw someone mention macular degeneration and I agree, you should rule out any eye disorders related to possible diabetes or even glaucoma as well. I have floaters and they can be dark sometimes.
Yes yes yes !!! We have a million mouse traps … no mice . But I have seen this blob thing several times and have heard it scurrying away which prompted screaming . My dogs leave food … didn’t consider it could be paranormal .
When I am super tired, I will see things like this out of the corner of my eye that aren’t there, idk about others, but it’s happened many times for me!
Check your pantry for little brown turds huge indicator it’s a mouse. It could be paranormal too. Set up some traps with peanut butter on them too. Good luck
Have you started a new medication?
Firmly tell it to go away. I have always seen what I call shadow ppl & some times they still scare me but not much anymore. In my last apartment my daughter woke me up shaking from fear. She was staring up at the ceiling & said someone was in the corner watching her with big eyes. I grabbed her & ran to my roommates room & we stayed there for the night. We cleansed the next day & told it to go away & never had a bad experience after that in that apartment.
Ok open all doors and windows in your home and closets and smudge your home if you had a family member pass away or have history on your home make a meal set an empty plate out and fill if with food to give your loved ones there last meal and bury the plate and give back to the creator use sweet grass and sage along with raw tobacco this is to cleans your home and remember to smudge yourself and family members this is to bring good sprits and to release the negative out of your home say the Native prayer it is on you tube or google and they have videos to show you how to do this go and hug a tree it releases stress always give back to the earth and creator Peace and blessings Amen
If you have a rodent you will find droppings, please make an appointment with an optician to rule out eye and brain complications x
Girl, you need to burn some sage.
Try the sticky mouse traps. It really could be a mouse.
No help with the possible paranormal, but if you do have a mouse/rat, my bf’s brother has a trap that connects to your phone, and it alerts you whenever it catches something it uses electricity to “solve the problem” … zappy zappy would be good to invest in!!
Kristen Erin Johnson
Look into shadow work
My 2 year old that has down syndrome was sitting next to me on the couch the other night it was just him, my 9 week old baby and myself home, daddy and big sis was gone, he starts acting very weird he wouldn’t lay down and he was looking all around us down the hall and he would start shaking his head no and saying something (which you can’t understand alot of his words yet) to something behind him. He would look scared one way and he would look somewhere else and start laughing and hitting his legs and acting up . I know without a doubt something was in my home with us that night and when I made it known that I knew something was there and I said be gone in Jesus name I had a numbing, tingling feeling all over my body for a short time.
Does mental illnesses run in your family? Are you sure it’s not a hallucinations? It might be worth mentioning it to your dr.
I once woke uo to a dark figure over my bed. It had a blurred face and i asked it to leave never saw it again.
Usually a family member doesn’t appear in this way. They play a song on the radio, they hid your keys, they show up in loving wAys. Doesnt mean the figure is evil but it could be someone who used to live there. Smudge the house it was s scares you ask it to go away
When I feel like I’m not alone. I always repeat out loud. In the name of Jesus Christ and his blood I forbid you to scare me or be in my house. I just keep saying that out loud and it stops.
You’re on the wrong page You’ll get alot of People judging you Join a paranormal group on fb I believe you I have seen these in my house as well as others No I don’t have mental issues or mice Sage your house
A previous tenant had a rodent problem. He set traps and waited. When one finally snapped downstairs he got so excited he jumped out of bed, blanket still wrapped around him and he tripped and fell down the stairs and died. This event plays itself out over and over. Hey, it could have happened!
Don’t use Sage it’s a closed practice. If your religious go to your local church and get holy water bless your house. If not rose water will do the trick. You can make some at home a few ways. Small jar of water one that seals with a cap like a mason jar. You can crush and add fresh roses petals a couple drops of olive oil and a pinch of salt. Let it sit over night and it will be ready to use in the morning. If you don’t want to use fresh roses petals there is a Rose oil. Then you can cut out the olive oil. Salt is great for cleansing. And sealing out spirits. Once you’ve cleansed your space place a salt line around your property. Sea salt is best but table salt works.
As for something running across the floor, it could be a large spider. I had that happen before.
Rodents can fit in extremely small holes and it definitely sounds like you do have a rodent. Set some traps get the humane ones if you don’t want to kill it and I don’t mean the sticky ones as those aren’t humane. Rodents will often chew off a limb to free themselves from a sticky trap so I never use those.
Just tell it it’s not welcome and to leave. Or just learn to live with it. If it’s not hurting you or your kids and likes to play tricks then leave it be. My dad had a ghost at his house that played tricks on him all the time
Honestly I experienced the same. It ended up being an issue with my eyesight. Something that could lead to retinal detachment. They were kind of like floaters that I SWORE was a mouse.
If you don’t get your eyes checked regularly, is recommend it!
Have you never seen anything like this before on your life? I’m always so intrigued to find people who have never experienced paranormal things.
Maybe speak to your local Spiritualist Church and they might be able to see if what you’re experiencing is a spirit or not…
I go thru shadow people sometimes meaning, I see them for weeks then nothing
Get some Holy Water and start praying casting out all evil spirits ,make sure you cast the Holy Water in the corners and closets demons like to hide in those places
I think I would take everyone’s advice here and just move down the list.
First- Put some mouse traps out, there are some that is a box so you don’t really see
the mouse or have to handle it.If your looking for droppings…check under your toaster in your search.
- Eye exam to check for floaters / issues
- Talk to a doctor , sometimes people develop mental health issues where they halluicnate…OR the anxiety / stress of the thought of rodent could of trigger a hallucinate your sure you didn’t possibly have a nightmare , half awake, half asleep…However I did live in a place that We would see or hear strange things too…
so then maybe after you rule all the other stuff out or do it anyway…maybe have a priest come bless your home??..
I hope you start to feel better and get to the bottom of this. Best of Luck!
Thankfully I haven’t seen what you are describing, but I do think it could be paranormal activity. I don’t think it’s always evil beings. I’ve been experiencing strange events recently. My husband had a heart attack a few weeks ago, and suddenly her play phone kept ‘ringing’ n it’s own. It did that for 3 days while it was just me and our 2 yr old. It never turned itself on before and hasn’t since. Then he had to go back to the ER a week later. This time, her new playhouse started making sounds of the door opening and closing. It all stopped when he came home.
So…maybe it’s just our loved ones? Both me and my hubby’s dad’s died within the last 3 years.
If your in bama pm me
When I had a problem like this, my preacher told me to say loudly " In the name of Jesus Christ I rebuke you!" Also, go around touching each window and room giving it to the Lord’s protection.
I would set up video cameras where you have seen the things you mentioned. Then you can review the video and see if anything shows up. Also putting out mouse/rat traps baited with peanut butter you can catch the pests.
Seconding the idea to rule out physical before jumping to paranormal. I get small black floaters frequently. Mine are placed in such a way that I think there is something like a bug “buzzing” past my face. It turned out I was dealing with an epiretinal membrane in one of my eyes. Got that corrected and haven’t seen the floaters since.
Call pest control. They will be able to determine if you have an infestation. I’m sure there’s a logical explanation for it but of course, that’s not as fun.
Put down a mouse traps where ever u see it happen it was happening to me and I did the same I put some chicken on it and it was a baby mouse only 1 too never seen any again. I also set my camera up on my phone and set it to record when we went to bed how I finally figured out what it was
Get yourself a video camera. Record all day and night. The figure could have been one of your kids and then pretend to be asleep. The little black thing coukd just be a trick of the light.a camera will record it all
Get a cat or a snake… lol. Or a rat terrier…they have that name for a reason.
Mouse trap, peanut butter.
My house is clean and unfortunately mice and Chipmunks seem to find a way in and no way can we find where they are coming from. I also get floaters in my eyes where I’ve thought I saw a shadow in my hallway a few times. And lastly growing up in an old home in Detroit my house was definitely haunted. So I’ve experienced everything.
I’d set up a mouse trap, get your eyes checked and bless your house with holy water.
I totally believe in this. I have had some weird things like that happen as well.
Those little shits are fast and you most likely are definitely seeing one. We had a rat problem and that’s how we noticed it, they started appearing inside. I walked into my bathroom and one was in my sink. He got away in a split second and was gone.
It’ll get worse, we had to get an exterminator and I pretty much lived at my moms until I knew they were gone.
One time my mom made curtains for my brother’s room when we are still kids and when she went to take a picture of them with her camera she pointed it at the doorway cuz she was taking it through the doorway and there was the figure of a woman who looked an awful lot like her best friend who got murdered standing in the doorway and then when she took the picture the camera shut off and never worked again and me and my two brothers took it outside and smashed it to bits
On a separate occasion my mom was sitting in her bedroom reading a book completely alone me and my brothers were outside playing and her computer chair started spinning really fast for no reason there was nobody in it
Another occasion my parents were sleeping in bed and their fan all of a sudden started spinning super fast and the fan blade flew off and landed right in between them in bed
And last one I can think of at that house was my mom heard a woman saying her name she’s laying down in bed reading a book she always did that before she went to sleep and she heard a woman calling her name she thought it might be me or my aunt Daisy who was staying with us at the time she walked out there my aunt was asleep she went to my bedroom I was asleep so mysterious female voice calling my mom’s name don’t know who it was
Paranormal I. My opinion. Record every room !
Plead the blood of Jesus over you and your family.
This does sound like a dark and Malevolent spirit .
Dark is not so good Gods spirits are light ask God to send His light to fill your home. If you are a believer even better
If not ask the Lord into your heart !
Little animal spirits. If they aren’t scaring you and the kids leave them alone. Your not crazy I see them all the time.
I totally believe everything your saying! I NEVER believed in this crap until I bought my daycare trailer house…for awhile I thought I was going crazy, people thought I was full of crap, seeing and hearing stuff, but sadly…parents and friends would come and see and hear same things! Like cupboards opening by themselves…wall hangings falling to the floor. Toys I TOOK BATTERIES OUT OF going off…I closed it down…
Mix sage and bay leaves. Crack a window and burn in home…going through home demanding all negative energy leaves your home. Let the mixture burn in loving room for an hour after…then close the window.
Sage your home open all windows and doors start of in farthest room of house walk around and ask all spirits and negitive energy to please leave your house then place salt along your window and door frame this way negitive energy will not crops over
No you do not sound crazy at all there can be ghost or spirit in your home sounds like it’s a spirit of a small child I belong to a group called
Laura’s reading from the heart
There are mediums on there that may help you find out who or what it may be and it’s all free readings
Mice are terrible this year. You think there’s nowhere for them to hide, well there is lol. Doesn’t matter how clean your house is. They’re cold n they’re hungry. Probably eating your drywall as we speak.
I’ve seen things like that on the floor from time to time. But I figure it’s my eyes.
I agree with the saging of your home. Start by cracking open windows in each room. Then start at the front door and work clock wise going through each roon, make sure to get the closets also. End up back at the front door. As you are doing this say the lords parayer if you know it, or something in terms of telling the negative, and ill will to leave and only good to reamain. Afterwards go through with a cedar smudge stick or Polo Santo to bless the home with positive. Sometimes all it takes is telling the spirit you see a few time to follow the white light that they have family waiting for them.
I know and see what your talking about… It’s in my house too…sometimes it’s a black bloog and sometimes it’s little dark specs , almost looks like flies but their not . idk what it is…it’s scary and I hear it talking too. It almost sounds like a mumbling in my fan and walls…but I can hear very clear of them sometimes and make out the voice. They come up to my face at night while I’m trying to sleep. They say bitch or …sometimes whispering my name very soft. They give me nightmares and my daughter, about this yellow house down our road and bad things happening in it. And there is a river next to the house. We had the same nightmares. Sometimes it even feels like we are dead or just dreaming while awake we see places of things and people, my bf added he had a dream that someone took me in his dream and he had to fight off these 3 guys .almost every night I feel and hear a man standing over me I can even hear him breathing while I’m trying to sleep, I just try to fall asleep nothing you can really do…I’m scared but honestly I’m trying my best to just ignore it. A couple of things came to mind and some say cyber bully’s or a stalker or spirits…I’m like why!? Fuck!
Mice can live in the smallest of spaces that you may never find and are very fast so it most likely is a mouse. Having a clean house does not mean you will never deal with bugs or mice cause they can still use your home for a nursery and hide in the walls where you may never see them
Get some sticky traps lol. If you don’t catch anything you got yourself a ghosty pet
You likely have a floater. When the gel, called vitreous in your eyes brakes down it causes like a bubble. Visit ur eye Dr.
Think you have become obsessed with your imagination, like a child thinking monsters under their bed. As for the figure, you were dreaming. I have had similar dreams and they do seem real. You are not crazy, just need to shake it off.
First, set traps in dark corners. Mice/rodents can be in places that would amaze you. Give it a few weeks.
That said, bless your home. Holy water, blessed salt in window sills & doorways. The head of the household should lead the prayers & the family unit should be there, if age appropriate.
You can also use sage.
Simply pray for safety & light while telling anything dark it’s not welcome.
Sadly, I had to get rid of a family member this way.
Do you have what the eye doc calls floaters in your eyes. I do an I get exactly what your saying. I see things too. It is called floaters in my eyes. I guess some have an some are more pronounced.
If there is a mouse set some traps. Good luck!
just because ur house is clean doesn mean u wont get mice ect.
as for the paranormal stuff. i 100% believe in everything like that.
start with traps for the mice. sticky traps dont work. theyll get away. get a actual trap
Look up Paranormal experiences there’s more out there than anyone thinks it’ll put you in the right direction
Mice can be very fast and sneaky. I once had a mouse in my room for years. I found him dead one day by my bed after I put out rat poison. I felt bad after that and decided never to use that again. I used ethical mouse traps after that and caught another one with chocolate chips as bait. I now have a cat and never see mice anymore.
I would mention this to your doctor. You could be having visual hallucinations. A lot of things cause them including stress.
- mice and rats are in every home, not just dirty ones.
- you would be AMAZED at what types of areas and spaces they can fit themselves into. They can flatten themselves almost completely to fit into itty bitty little crevices. They really like electrical wiring and outlets because it’s warm there along with the insides of dryers from the heat and the lint to make nests.
- set some traps for the mice; dark corners, around appliances, stairwells, etc. peanut butter seems to have always done better in my experience than cheese or anything else.
;;&;; a Ul’ a B n@)@(@73??@g
I’m yelling because this is something that a lot of people are unaware of!!!
You do not have to be schizophrenic to have hallucinations!!!
Now that I got that out of the way,
This could absolutely be paranormal too. I personally believe paranormal activity and hallucinations go hand and hand.
Look into smoke cleansing, give your house a good cleanse and go from there.
Also be on the look out in kitchen cabinets, pantries, counter tops etc for mouse poop
Agree, it’s a Mouse and the other may be your eyes, get them checked out.
Ghost .I believe in them as well.your not crazy .someone who has passed is visiting you
Sounds like shadow person. Those are mischievous indeed. I’d research shadow people and go from there. Honestly if your uncomfortable and dont have a background in learning about the paranormal, I would reach out to someone in your community who does. Whether that be a local medium, church, or paranormal investigator.
I haven’t read all the comments… but if you are on medication you might want to check some of the side effects with something you might be eating or drinking….or you might want to get your eyes checked for those things called floaters I think… especially if you are diabetic or pre…. And it might be a mouse … try a lil trap. Good luck dear.
Randy Peterson could help make it or someone go home
Look for droppings rodents always leave droppings. Check inside your cabinets and behind any furniture.
Put out a mouse trap, the kind that has a gluey jelly type surface; they are very effective. You can get them at Walmart or Ace Hardware. If you see droppings around your food cupboards about 1/4" long, then you know you have them. Mice can be very creepy. I had one that would made shuffling noise around the house and even ran across my head while I was asleep. Yuk!
I am an empath and I also see dark figures in life figures. And it could very well be a mouse but what else you’re saying with the blanket and stuff it could be that you have a spirit in your house. As long as they’re not nasty and mean you’re good
Are you sleeping well at all ?? A few times when iv been physically / mentally exhausted iv had hallucinations could this be a possibility ??
I assume you don’t have a cat??? Maybe you could borrow one for a few days??? Lol you’ll find out quickly
Peanut butter and a trap. Could be a spiritual being from your deceased family or friwns checking on you . Ask if it’s friend or foe
it sounds like a visual hallucination I would go see a doctor. With you even trying to say you have your shit together is a red flag for me don’t delude your self
I personally went through that too, Prayer helps and it stoped
put glue traps down under a shoe box with holes cut in each side
Reminder that glue traps let mice and other pests get stuck in one place then slowly die from starvation. Would you do that willingly to an animal? It’s cruel and everyone suggesting to use them is rotten.
You can hear mice chewing and scratching at night. More than likely in the kitchen…
if you don’t see anywhere the mouse or rat could have went and hid in those places you saw it go to, then you more than likely have something in your home. you can try the glue traps and go back to check them to make sure nothing did get caught and if so, so you can remove it from your home or call someone to do that humanely. tbh, with it being a dark figure that you saw, and now from the corner of your eye you see a dark mouse like figure, i think you’re seeing it more often and you should get someone there to tell you exactly what’s going on. talk to the people in your house to see if they have similar encounters
Mice can hide in barely a crack so it’s most likely a mouse. The other could have been a dream or you’re eyes playing tricks. If you’re really worried about the paranormal tell it to leave in the name of Jesus