What could help with this?

Definitely needs to go to the doctor because it sounds like the diarrhea has caused the urinary tract infection… and she needs to have treatment for the diarrhea

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Could just be a stomach bug or she can have ibs. Ask to see a specialist

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time to go to urgent care. Seriously…?


Take her to the MD and get medical advise not Facebook crap. You are the adult and if you don’t like her pediatrician get you another one for your child. Grow up and be a responsible mother.


Ask the chemist sachets can help and they can help you a lot till you can see a doctor


And don’t have any more children please.


A lot of judgment on here y’all
Definitely worth a call to the pediatrician they will give you the best advice. Skip the Gatorade and get the pedilyte though


Ummmm possibly C diff if she’s been on antibiotics lately. She could have H pylori. But if you went to a doctor they’d know more than any of us. :woman_shrugging:

Jesús christ take her to the dr. Why would you wait so long

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Please take her to her pediatrician, let us know how you make out. :pray::heart:

My oldest son has issues where if he gets a virus he gets diarrhea and keeps it. The doctor always had us do this diet for a few days and it always leveled out. Definitely see the doctor! Maybe ask about the BRAT diet too. I swear by it and do it myself sometimes. Good luck!

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She needs to go to the dr and be evaluated for a UTI and AND Type 1 Diabetes. Wetting the bed was one of the first clues that my DD had developed T1D.

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Could be something that she eats that her body isn’t agreeing with or constipation. I would definitely make a Dr apt and see what they say. If your not confident in the Dr get a second opinion.

Anything rice for diarrhea. Horchata.

Please have them check her blood glucose.

Gatorade gives my 3yr an 5yr diarrhea.i mix it with half water.

Clean her bottom then put corn starch on her bottom to ease her discomfort.

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Doctors are scientists who work specifically with the human body. Science is trial and error until you find the right fit. It’s dangerous to discount modern medicine, especially when a child is involved. Please take her to a doctor, I would hate for this to be something more serious than a stomach bug and not knowing because you didn’t ask a medical professional.


She could have a UTI which could be the cause of her wetting the bed all the sudden and an infection, of any type, in her body could cause diarrhea. Or it could be some type of stomach bug but having diarrhea for a week isn’t good for a little one. Please take her to see a dr.

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Take her to the doctor there is so many things that cause dirrehea and somethings don’t go away by themselves. My son ended up in the hospital and we just thought he had the stomach bug it turned out to be a bad bacterial infection in his intestinal tract.


Could be lactose intolerant. That will cause long term diarrhea


Does she have stomach pain? …. Grape juice helps with tummy bugs

Try the BRAT diet. Bananas rice apples toast. That’s what my pediatrician had me do when my kids were little with diarrhea

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Doesn’t anyone read posts all the way to the end. She clearly says she going to the doc…


Gatorade dehydrates, the sugar. Pedialyte is best.


U need to do the BRAT diet…bananas rice apples toast…drink pedialyte to restore elecotrytes…


My daughter’s GI Dr once told me that stomach viruses can cause temporary lactose intolerance. The reason is because the virus damages the ability of the body to create lactase, which is needed to digest lactose. This usually lasts for a couple of weeks. Try cutting out milk products for a week or two and see if that helps. In the meantime, definitely do the BRAT diet. It’s bland and will help calm everything down.


Not Gatorade. Pedialyte.

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Advice from her doctor is “stupid” but advice from strangers on the internet isn’t. Logical. Please reach out to your doctor before allowing people who don’t know you or your child to diagnose her.


Try the syrup from a can of fruit give her a teaspoon 3 times a day

She has kidney or bladder. I had that problrm. And i have bad kidneys naw so take her she has infection. Amd if she says her back her she might have kidney stones. Good luck little one.

I am a mother of a type 1 diabetic child and I would be very concerned with the sudden bed wetting. Is she drinking and eating a lot, extra tired and/or grumpy? Losing weight? Urinating a lot? Stomach pain? Fruity breath? These are all signs of T1D onset. If she has any of these symptoms go straight to the ER. DKA is very serious and can progress quickly


Sounds like her blood sugar is not quite right


You need to treat her with corn starch and antibiotic cream like neosporin to stop the skin from breaking down and honestly if she’s that sick and wetting the bed you need to get her some pull-ups so she’s not sitting in soaked clothes

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Doctors ASAP!! A week is a long time for a 4 year old !! Something is up !! They also can dehydrate fast because of their little bodies


Take your kid to the doctor. Children can become dehydrated QUICKLY. Get off of Facebook and TAKE YOUR CHILD TO THE DOCTOR.


Take her to the stupid Dr as you call them.

Get some bag balm and put on her bottom… instant relief and starts healing, immediately. It is good for chapped skin, minor cuts and scrapes…ask any farmer, especially if they have cattle.

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Give her some tea! My pediatrician told us when our daughter was 3 and had a stomach bug that once it was gone left her with water butt for over 2 weeks that sweat tea would calm it. It did!

Man there are some rude a$$ women in this group!! Besides going to the Dr which she says she is obviously going to do/did. What do we as a mom of a sick child do??? Usually even before we call our child’s Dr. We pick up our phones we call our mom, sister, grandmother, mother in law, aunt, etc to ask for advice. I’m sure everyone of you do it. Well some of us are not as fortunate to have our moms and mother in law’s around anymore, or we don’t have sisters cause we are only children, or we don’t really have any other women in our life with children. So we ask other mothers who maybe have been through something similar. Sometimes a mom just needs a little encouragement that they are doing a good job. And I have to agree, doctors are not what they used to be! Most drs have no idea who their patients are anymore. And yes some of being a Dr is guessing at what’s wrong based on symptoms and past background. People need to stop bashing each other over the stupidest $hit!! Either give the women advice if your child went through something similar or shut the heck up.

Baking soda in the bath water, probiotics and plenty of fluids.

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BRAT diet. You only give her banana until she has more normal poop. Next food is you add rice. If still improving then add applesauce (without sugar) last food is dry toast.

She may be suffering constipation and the diarrhoea could be over flow. This would also cause incontinence of urine due the the pressure the bowel is putting on the bladder. Constipation will really hurt her bottom because the hard stool is pushing on her rectum even though your only seeing lose stools.
I hope you can find out what it is for her its horrible for them xx


Maybe a parasite, I know crypto causes lots of that, and you can get it from contaminated water or pools

My 4 yr. Old greatgrandson had the same for 3 days. He is ok now. Sit her in. Warm baking soda bath for bottom. Just stir up baking soda in water.

Lot of it going around, keep hydrated, and may I suggest a cream called Butt paste, from DG, it’s amazing, also would take her to doctor to rule out any infections, good luck :two_hearts:

I wouldn’t give her Gatorade because it’s not formulated for children. There is children pedaling. That is formulated for kids.


Most people don’t know but if you give too much Gatorade it makes it worse. The diarrhea could be headed in the wrong direction and can cause a uti which could lead to the bed wetting. There’s lots of things that could be wrong. Take her to the doctor!


My Mom would recommend the BRAT Diet for a couple of days. Bananas, rice, applesauce and toast. Easy to eat and will help firm up stool.


Might be lactose intolerant but take child to doctor to be sure and next time don’t wait so long

Feed her bananas. They’ll help her get back to solid stools. But I would deffinatley take her in to be evaluated.

It could be parasite … fix foods with lots of garlic - garlic kills parasites… spaghetti, etc.

Dr. check may be in order. When they are that young good to stay on top of illness. brat iiet…bananas rice apples toast. Plenty of fluids for dehydration. No milk. Ointment on bottom keep her coated.

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My 3 yr old had a nasty tummy bug about a month ago and lasted just shy of 3 weeks

I literally just got home from taking my 4 year old to the doctor for watery diarrhea for the last 5 days. Last Monday he was vomiting all night but after that was fine. Then the diarrhea started. The dr said sometimes it can take kids to get over stomach things and we will wait a few More days before we do stool cultures. He said to cut back on juices and dairy cause it can cause stomach upset and possibly diarrhea!

Has she been result molested. Predators are good at hiding there crimes


She could have a stomach bug or is having trouble getting over one. Switch to a low residue diet or BRAT diet (same concept). The diet means less waste in the digestive tract so the body doesn’t need to work as hard to digest the food leading to less stools. This gives her digestive tract time to heal to alleviate the diarrhea. IBS and IBD can manifest early in life so if I were you I’d ask your pediatrician for a referral to a GI just to make sure everything is ok.

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Go to a general practitioner, get referral to a GI ( gastroenterologist) even if you don’t like the pediatricians maybe a Dr gp will see her if you trust your Dr maybe they will be willing to see her :slight_smile:

Most likely a regular stomach bug. I would go get stool tests. Kids can catch things easily.

You could also try the brat diet banana rice applesauce toast for a few days see if it changes anything :slight_smile:

Pedialyte no gatorade

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Yogurts the best thing for diarrhea - my daughter had this few years ago, Dr diagnosed as rotovirus


Give her yogurt with probiotics rice and bananas will also help

give her rice water and put butt butter on her it will sooth the hurt and the rice water will help with the diarrhea

Take her to the doctor .

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She may have a UTI. Have her seen by a pediatrician since kids don’t always have the same symptoms as adults. Hope she’s feeling better soon.

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sometimes something viral can cause diarrhea but the wetting the bed thing isn’t usually something you hear about. def go to doctor.

Dr visit is important here. Nobody here will be able to tell you anything. She has to be examined. P.s I agree with Lorene Bush , this is definitely a red flag that should be ruled out.

Blockage can cause diarrhea.

She’s not having dairy ?? Whilst she’s not well as my son loves milk when he was sick and I would have to hide it in the back of the fridge as he used to go scull the mild down

She could have food poisioning’need to have her stools checked if the diarrhea keeps happening …Also rub preparation h on the sore butte.It helps.

Go to the Pediatrician.

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Dont give Gatorade give Pedialyte. Keep her on BRAT diet bananas, rice , applesauce and toast till diareah is gone.

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I’m so concerned you won’t take her to a doctor because you think they are “stupid”! Medical neglect is ground for removal of a child ! And you are only guessing too but your guessing could kill you child where a doctor’s education guess could save it!


Please take your child to the doctor, they can do test to help figure out whats wrong. Don’t delay she could become severely ill.


Desitin! She’s raw if she’s had it that long. No sodas or anything citrus or acidy. Those will only burn more. Try children’s Pepto?


A week!!!…. Ur child shuu ok kid of saw a doctor a few days ago😡


Obviously, if she’s h asd diarrhoea for that long, she is sick. Especially since that’s not normal for her. Get her to a dr asap


It could be her nerves has anything traumatic happened to her recently

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Ever heard of a doctor?

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She could have urinary track infection along with stomach bug. Def take her to pediatrician and make sure she’s drinking plenty of fluids. All they have to do is test her pee

Don’t be stupid. Get your child to a Doctor.


Maybe a UTI or bladder infection


when your organs start to fail like that especially in a child she or he should have been admitted by now dehydration will occur next which will mess with her electrolytes and then every other organ will start shutting down get her to the hospital now!!!


All children are different, and Children have different symptoms when it comes to stomach bugs. Some throw up, some get diarrhea. Some the combination of the two. It’s a good sign she’s going about her day normally besides the diarrhea and accidents. I would definitely make an appointment to go over with the dr since it’s been more than 3days just as a precaution.

It’s really good she’s staying hydrated! I would also ask about adding a probiotic into her daily routine. It was recommended for my 6 year old by her pediatrician to help fight that bad bacteria and help their immune system. Good luck💖

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Um first, don’t listen to the Karen’s. Go with your gut, as far as her bottom use some coconut oil. The doctors will probably tell you to put some butt cream on it, give her pedialyte and that it’s probably a bug. Everything you already suspect. If you feel you really need to go to the doctor maybe teledoc. That way you don’t have to take her in where more germs and illnesses are. Also other things to consider, cleaning products! Lysol is known to cause diarrhea along with many other household disinfectants. And maybe check for salmonella. My daughter had it and she had no symptoms at all but the doctor did tell us to watch out for diarrhea. I wish you the best of luck with your little one. I will never understand why people have to be so rude

Diarrhea for a week and you haven’t contacted her doctor??? What are you feeding her? Try giving her clear liquids, jello (no fruit) for a few days - if that doesn’t help get her some medical care.


Arent you just guessing? Lol. You would rather come to the internet instead of a doctor who went to school and actually knows things? That poor baby. A whole week. Im sure if it was you, you would of went in already.


Diarrhea for more than 24 hours should be an immediate trip to the doctor. Waiting a week is asinine and dangerous. She could be very sick or have food allergies but it is not something to mess around with.


Take them to the doctor ASAP!

I wouldn’t continue to wait it out and see…take her to a doctor. That should have been done to begin with

Sorry, but a Doctor’s guess is bound to be more reliable than random people on the internet!


What’s wrong with you? That poor baby should have seen her doctor after 24 hours of this ! Wow .let’s go to fb and ask the experts!:roll_eyes::rage:


You don’t let diarist go for 5 days it dehydrates you have to be put on a Iv. My grandma boiled milk put it in a coffee cup poured the milk back and fourth in an empty coffee cup til it got cool enough to drink and got the person to drink what they can I tried it and it work but I think they have medicine to check it the drug store has a lot of very good thing but read the directions well for a childcheck age appropiate really check what dose is proper very important

Crying and miserable and wish you could do something? There’s a place called a doctor office you can take her to. :person_shrugging:


Urgent care, doctors office, hospital.

urgent care… it’s been a week


You need to get her stool tested. Could be cdif or some other stomach bug. You won’t know without testing and wouldn’t be able to get antibiotics without a visit to the doctor. A week of diarrhea is too long.

I was always told diarrhea for mor than 3 days is an immediate trip to the doctors. Something is going on. Id rather have a doctors guess than the guess of a random person on the internet


My 3-year-old had this a couple weeks ago I took him to the doctor but nothing really changed. I just continued the BRAT diet and used corn starch on his bum

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