What could help with this?

Could have allergies as this can cause upset stomach for a longer period

Child negligence is a grave crime, in case you didn’t know.

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Did you just say doctors are stupid? :woman_facepalming:t2::joy:

You can give 2 years and up Imodium for Diarrhea. Really helps. Should have been giving her something when it started so could see if was just a stomach bug or something else. Now she needs a dr or ER asap bc never know! Could be a bad kidney infection or UTI or something else dangerous with the bed wetting tossed in. Take her somewhere asap!


If you are not confident about her current doctor maybe it’s time to change doctors.

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Keep her fluids up, electrolytes, lemonade ice blocks, plain food hopefully she feels better soon. Id deff get her into the docs since it’s been a week

I’m not sure if its been said but you can get on your local Facebook groups and see what the opinions are of the doctors are around you. That would give you an idea who to avoid and who to try to use

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My daughter went through something like this not long ago! She’s 5 too. My doctor said feed her strictly bread with a little bit of butter or PB, rice, clear soups water pedialyte; absolutely NO fruit, vegetables, meats no dairy at all. She said it gives the intestinal tract time to rebuild the lining of the intestines and without it you just have constant diarrhea. Worked for us! It’s boring and no fun but it helped.

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All that diarrhea for so long could’ve caused a UTI. she needs a doctor ASAP also adding give her some of those probiotics for kids. It always helped my kids with their diarrhea

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Please make sure your child has not been in a position to have been sexually abused…
If you can 100% rule that out, try some Imodium & keep up clear fluids, applesauce, toast, bananas & Pedialyte popsicles. You can also add fiber, such as Metamucil to her fluids to help give some form to her stool.

Please reconsider seeing the doctor soon if it persists. You could be dealing with virus, IBS, or even Crohn’s or Celiac disease.

Best of luck :gift_heart:


Has she been on any antibiotics in the recent past? You should go see her pediatrician soon.

My baby just had diarrhea for 14 days. Yes stomach bug!

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Have you seen a nutritionist? Maybe a reaction to some food? My son had this and we’ve had to cut out all diary.

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We just went threw the same thing , the whole family !!!

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We just had this for 9 days. My son would run from and cry for every diaper change. There is definitely a nasty stomach bug out there right now.

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  1. Put her on the brat diet until the diarrhea has stopped
    B bananas
    R rice
    A apple sauce
    T toast

  2. Put vaseline on her bottom after washing her every time she goes.


Get her to the doctor. She’s probably dehydrated. Make sure that you give her fluid’s.


So doctors are stupid, but Facebook is gonna give you all the right answers. :eyes::roll_eyes:


Your saying doctors are all stupid but your asking random people on Facebook instead :woman_facepalming:t2: take your child to a doctor please


I would give her Pedialyte not Gatorade too much sugar. Try reducing her water and adding milk to thicken it up that’s what I do when the apple juice causes my LOs to run. I would definitely switch doctors if you feel that way. I’ve had the same pediatrician with my 23 year old that I now have with my 1&3 year old and I love her to death. She brings up things I think may be wrong without me even telling her first. If she’s had diarrhea for more than a week it’s probably not a bug their usually 24 to 48 hrs. I would definitely call a Dr. ASAP


I love how people say take her to the dr, like they must have a totally different experience or perspective than you or i because i totally am hearing you…
I think it may be a form of cognitave dissonance they just dont want to accept things arent always simple so they go to the dr who provides them with an answer. it doesnt matter if the answer is wrong the answer aleviates the anxiety over the matter its being dealt with…
Dr jade says if shes really sick you will know and she will need a hospital not a gp.
Starve her for as long as she can handle 24hrs would be good just keep up the water offer electrolytes or if shes really hungry something plain n dry like toast or saos
she wont die of hungryation in a day or 2
Wack some paw paw cream on her stingy dot
I could write you a script for some expensive bumhole cream if you need to feel like your doing more…

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Boil black berries in a little water. Add sugar and cool it. Let her sip on it. My baby had it for 3 months. Drs changed meds, formula and everyrhing ciuldnt stop it. Mom came down and did the blackberries and in 2 days it was gone. We have used it on many adults also. It works!!


Why do people have to be so mean? She is asking for help not criticism.


The norovirus is going around. At least from where I’m from in Washington. Make sure she is drinking plenty of fluids!

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It’s a thing right now. My 5 years old has it now, and I’ve been throwing up all day

Pedialyte is best for keeping hydrated. And as long as she’s taking in fluids, it’ll pass. And I agree about doctors. My Dr just told me I’m too young to be in pain I have degenerateive disc disease, arthritis, and extreme tmj disorder. And she’s the one who diagnosed those all. So yeah, dumb.

If she likes yogurt, add that to her diet. Help replace the flora and fauna in her intestinal track.

Make sure you use a cream on her bottom my 4yo just came out of a bug, took her to our GP who is amazing, gave her an antibiotic and she was good within 2 days… But what my Paed who is also brilliant told me is to get her Reuterina drops or the syrup. It helps in replacing the good bacteria she may be losing whilst going out… It’s worked for her…hope your angel gets better soon… :sunflower:


My kid (1 yr) and nieces just got over it, it took them all a bit ovee a week to get thru it… their doctor said it was a stomach bug going around that is currently affecting many kids. We live in Tx.

Probiotics. The culturelle kids one is a flavorless powder and you can mix it in her drink and she won’t even notice it. Desitin for her sore butt

My friend’s son had this when he was very small, I believe with some stomach cramping too … but he had a parasite from unwashed fruit :nauseated_face:

Bananas Rice Applesauce Toast (Brat diet) will help digestive track reset. What is going near or in her mouth? Wash it all, she maybe contaminating herself.


My 4 year old son just went through this last month ans it lasted a week. I took him to the doctors twice they didn’t do anything just said plenty of fluids and brat diet. Try giving her children’s immodiam.

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Brat diet is best for situations like this: Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, Tea and Toast. Plenty of water and pedialite to drink as she needs fluids and electrolytes. Diarrhea causes dehydration and dehydration causes Diarrhea, so it can be tough to get off that cycle if you don’t push lots of pedialite!


Does she have a urinary tract infection? When I get those I get diarrhea bad.

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First smear that hiny Crack good with old fashioned destin…till its covered…it will stop the soreness and provide a barrier


Put diaper cream on her butt everytime she goes!!! Believe me it does help!!! And maybe try Imodium??? I have Crohns so I know why she cries after every bm. Keep her hydrated and call her doctor!!! Good luck!!!

I’d go see a nutritionist with her, maybe she has become intolerant to something like lactose


Get some cream for her bottom with zinc in it (cant remember any names right now ask pharmacist)…it will help instantly …hoping she gets well soon

You say she’s not “sick” but having diarrhea for a week is considered being sick. My 6 month old just had 12 days of straight diarrhea. No other symptoms. It was horrible. But it finally went away. This was 2 weeks ago. There’s some nasty bug going around as 5/6 kids had it.

I increased applesauce for him and it seemed to help. Aloe Vera and coconut oil on her bottom will also help tremendously. All natural, too. At night I would put a good amount while she sleeps.

She’ll feel better in no time.

There’s something new going on!! Something she isn’t comfortable with…or it’s this new virus!! Sending prayers

With the wetting the bed it’s possible it could be uti


Get her some pedialyte to prevent dehydration instead of Gatorade


The brat diet, Banana, rice, apple sauce toast dry no butter.
Yogurt, pedialyte

The bed wetting is probably related to her stomach problem. Her muscles are probably all screwed up. I’d sanitize all of your dishes and anything that you prep food on. It could be something in your house or she could have a new allergy.

Go to the doctor… it may be a guess but they might be able to tell you there is a bad stomach bug getting around or it might be something more serious

If butt rash cream doesn’t work I suggest cornstarch powder, it will help keep her bottom dry. You can get it from the baby stuff, it’s what they replaced talcum powder with

She might have a yeast infection, get her some children probiotics Walmart has gummy ones in pharmacy area

Clean her toothbrush with peroxide before each use

I just posted that Pumpkin seeds clean the stomach of Parasites. I’m saying this because someone mentioned parasites. I hope she gets better soon. Poor baby girl.:pray:

Gatorade can make diarrhea worse. Get some Pedialyte.


Our daughter had same thing used pedialyte, dumb doctor didn’t help till we found one knew what was wrong, pedialyte and dry toast

She could be constipated … diarehia is signs of constipation and dehydration. Take her to the doctor !!

I’ve seen alot of post about stomach bugs lately. Hope you find the answer and she gets better soon. Praying speedy recovery

It could e.coli get her stool tested blood tests etc

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Sounds like ibs- definitely medical care is required maybe a referral to a gastroenterologist would be good

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A 4 year old with constant diarrhoea for a week needs to see a doctor asap. If you can’t get doctors appointment, take them to nearest accident and emergency department!!


Do the brat diet(banana, rice, applesauce, toast) to let her bowels settle down.

I can’t believe you haven’t already taken her to the doctor. If you can’t get in when you call on the same day that you call take her to the emergency room. DO NOT HESITATE.


Not only should you get medical help immediately but it is a stomach bug you probably would have gotten it too.

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Doctors are stupid? You’re the one asking ransoms about your daughters constant diarrhea. Get a goddam grip and bring her to a doctor. Or if you are much smarter than a stupid doctor, how have you not figured out the issue yet?


Should take her to the emergency room. If it’s that bad and it’s over a week, why have you waited so long?!


Don’t worry about asking Facebook doctors opinions and take her to a bloody real one


Medicated rectal infant suppository & motion sickness medicine/ ice chips or pop sickle/ Coke syrup. Get her seen by a doctor/pediatrician

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Every stomach bug & virus is going around right now too… our 6 year old had terrible diarrhea, 2 year old had vomiting & diarrhea…just keep hydrated & an eye out for butt rashes.

Parasites can also cause this


Definitely get her into a doc appointment asap! Also, try a no gluten diet! And add culturelle packets to her diet in the meantime. Its a daily probiotic for kids. It’ll help with gut health until doc can be seen.


Use Udder Cream for her sore butt. Available at Wal Mart or just about anywhere. My daughter had this when she was little and Dr said it was a virus. It finally went away after a couple of weeks.

What are you waiting for she’s a baby and she will dehydrate she can pass out and die is that what you’re waiting for what are you crazy


Take her to the doctor please.
Until you can try, BRAT diet: banana, applesauce, rice, toast, pedialite (not Gatorade, not enough in it)
Something is up. She could have PINWORMS in her poop. Which will cause her to lose weight if left untreated. Or something else…

Without reading a single comment… schedule an appointment and get a referral to check for allergies or sensitivities. Could be dairy related amongst other things. Chin up, momma!


There are numerous things this can be from but the doctors will tell you after 24 hours of diarrhea with other symptoms to bring them in… no other symptoms after 3 days to take your child in …dehydration can be deadly


Get her to Dr right away don’t wait


Some people on here are so bloody horrible! If you have nothing kind to say then just don’t comment! #bekind this mum is obviously going through a horrible time I hope none of you mums go through something not so nice!


I really hope your little one feels better. Since she has no other symptoms, She could have something like IBS. (I suffer from this).

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Could be teething, back teeth, diarrhea could have caused a yeast infection. Just guessing myself tho best to.take to Dr.

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Call the doctor they’ll most likely see you straight away as it’s been 4 days and put sudo cream on her butt

Why are you asking complete strangers and not taking her to a doctor? Young children can deteriorate quickly, so guessing about the cause of the symptoms and doing practically nothing is the worst thing you can do. Get her to a pediatrician stat! An adult with diarrhea for a week is bad enough, but for a 4yo child it can be deadly.


A whole week is to long. Giving her medicine to stop the diarrhea before consulting with a doctor and it is a virus it will just keep the virus in longer. Is it straight out or splatter. Make sure she don’t have a blockage if it’s splatter. Her laying down 2 inches from her belly button her right side gentle rub there . Her flap could be closed and that will open it. This happened to me. Saved me. Good luck. Sending well wishes soon.

I use the following for my kids:
-Colloidal or structured Silver
-Dye free Pedialyte
-Baby food pumpkin or plain canned pumpkin
Cut all dairy
-Bland diet (ie: chicken, bone broth, dry Cheerios, crackers, scrambled eggs cooked in coconut oil)
-Epsom salt baths
-Coconut oil and/or colloidal silver gel/cream for bottom
Good luck to you and your little.

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Hey hey don’t be so cruel she’s a mama asking for help don’t be so mean

Not a parent but best thing to do is note the symptoms and go from there, as you said: Symptoms are diarrhoea, night time incontinence. Both stem from an outtake of digestion. If this acute, meaning it has no underline medical reason or pre existing condition for these symptoms to happen, then 100% go to the doctor.

Since these symptoms contribute to dehydration, specially the loose bowels, it’s good you’re encouraging fluids. Another thing to note before going to doctor, and I know it sounds disgusting but it’s important, note the colour and texture of the stool, and the colour of urine. This can further help medical professionals in their diagnosis. E.g. loose watery bowels orange in colour and some mucus/blood. This can indicate a few things but also rule out many other possibilities. Also tell the doctor of any pain experienced from your daughter, when passing bowels or how long before hand, note how frequent it is and you’ll even further narrow down the possible diagnosis.

From the sounds of what you’ve said, it may be just a bad bug. I want to stress I am not a general practitioner, just someone who’s worked in healthcare for many years in the past. I see you didn’t mention no mucus or blood present so that is also a good sign it’s nothing serious. No vomiting also indicates to me it isn’t a stomach bug, but more an intestinal problem.

Good luck to you!


My Daughter has the same thing last week just a runny tummy for a week no other symptoms. It stopped after a week. I gave her a lot of flat coke

My son had rotavirus which is common it’s diarrhea some kids is worse than others. He was in the hospital with it but it was just so they could give him fluids.

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Take her to the Doctor.

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BRAT diet. Bananas rice applesauce …i forget what T stands for.

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It’s time to see the doctor, today.


Maybe UTI? Doc diagnosis is the safest!!

Get her o n a brat diet and gradually get to regular diet

Take her to a chiropractor. Trust me

Yogurt always helped my children when they had really bad diarrhea. You might try that. I hope your baby gets to feeling better very soon

If she’s been on medications could be Cdiff

Sometimes advises from experienced mamas are the best from inexperienced doctors. Let her eat bananas, rice, bread, (no milk yet, no chocolates) and yes gatorade, water. And sometimes taking her to a walk in clinic rather than an e.r. is best. Not so long for the waiting and walk in clinic doctors seem to have more experiences than the e.r people just saying from experiences


If you are unhappy with her doctor find another one you can trust. Get medical help for her


So you don’t trust a Dr but you trust Facebook?


Some of you mamas are fucking assholes.

Best advice I was given from my local GP was: if they have persistent diarrhea, to not feed them anything for 24hours (if you can) but plenty of fluids as the food is only fueling the tummy bug. Hope that helps and this works for all 3 of my children every time they end up with diarrhea.

Young one - go to the doctor- let them check her out -

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I would definitely avoid giving her bananas if she has diarrhea because it can give your kids crazy diarrhea if they have an already agitated stomach or they eat too many.

Diarrhoea can also be a symptom of something like gluten intolence, or coeliac disease. You really need to get her checked out by a doctor. Children can dehydrate so quickly.

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