I have a question for mamas out there. I’ll be 35 weeks pregnant in 2 days, and today I woke up with an incredibly sharp, hot pain that hasn’t gone away, located right under the left side of my breast. When I take breaths or deep breaths, the sharp pain gets worse. It hasn’t gone away, so I made an appointment with my doctor a few days away. The pain has been radiating down my arm and through my back. Has any other mamas had this or felt this? Is this normal? It just started today, and I’m still not able to take deep breaths or cough or sneeze without feeling like something is ripping in my chest. Thank you.
Go to hospital u could be having a heart attack don’t wait for advice from facebook
You should go to the ER
Yes, go to the ER right now!! Better to be Safe!! Good Luck!!!
Go to the ER. Not only is this a sign of a heart attack but also a sign of severe preeclampsia and you and baby could both have health risks!!
Why are you waiting?
Go to urgent care or ER ASAP. Good luck.
ER, that’s your heart, sis!
When I was pregnant with my 2nd child, I had that as well but mine was on the right side. I went to the ER and they took an x-ray and did an EKG and i was there for 8 hours and they told me they found nothing and to just take some Tylenol and get a heating pad. I literally couldn’t stand and it was so painful!
When I was pregnant with my daughter, I had similar pain and it ended up being severe heartburn. I never had it before I got pregnant and now I still get it occasionally. It’ll take my breath away and make it hard to get comfortable, then it goes away like it was never there. I felt like I was going crazy!
A visit to ER is almost always necessary when it comes to the unknown while being pregnant.
Go to the ER and please let us know how you are
Sounds like gallbladder
Go to the ER ASAP!!!
I felt that same pain at 11 weeks and went to the ER, severe heart burn. Better safe than sorry though, you need to go in right now
Kinda sounds like a heart attack… go to the er
Could be a pulled muscle but yeah go to the hospital better safe then sorry
And will put your mind at rest xx
Forget your Dr, go to the ER.
I would definitely go to ER.
Please go to ER if u haven’t yet.
Definitely should go to ER. And if you spoke to an actual person at your doctors they should have told you that exact thing. Prayers that it is nothing serious.
Please we are all begging you to go to Er dont hestate just go love .why suffer this pain when theycanhelp you xx
Gall bladder or pancreas
Sounds like pleurisy. I had it. It’s the worst!!! Just last November. I went to the er thinking I had pneumonia or something
Could be your gallbladder. My daughter had issues, when she was pregnant
I not pregnant and I does get that same exact pain…doctors told me I had GERD
Gallbladder is predominantly on your right side at Hough the pain can radiate. Prayers momma!
i have pains similar and i’m 3 months postpartum, it does not always mean a heart attack but definitely go get checked. i had preeclampsia and i am currently taking meds where i needed up with postpartum cardiomyopathy. don’t panic it make it worse, just go to your local er and let them them what’s going on. i had to have an echo to find out my condition. best of luck !
Or rib dislocation… I’m no doc seek help if u need!! Tis’ the final weeks… moving … changing. bodies are weird and amazing
Sounds like gallbladder pain go to er and get it checked
Go to the er. That’s not good. Could be associated with your heart.
Often trapped wind but do get it checked out x
My guess would be pleurisy, it is painful and highly!uncomfortable! Especially when taking deep breaths. If it gets worse I would seek medical attention at an ER. Unfortunately there isn’t a whole lot they can do during pregnancy except anti-inflammatories and fluids.
Might be gallbladder?
GERD most likely. Eat a time and see if it helps
I’m 30 weeks and have been feeling the exact same thing for a few days now. Its really painful. Someone told me that its probably just a pulled muscle. With me living in Michigan where covid is really bad, I’m trying to avoid the er if I can. I just don’t know what to do.
Go to the ER Mama!
I have a hiatal hernia and experience very similar pain when pregnant and it got worse in those last few weeks. Try to eat light or bland for a day, see if it helps. Those last few weeks are rough, hang in there girl, it’ll all be worth it soon
Gallbladder possibly
U need to go to the ER those are classic signs of a heart attack
Could be a clogged duct. Try a warm compress or take a warm bath
You need to go to the ER. These are all signs that I would send a patient to the ER for. Back and arm pain are classic heart attack signs for a woman.
I felt that exact way with my gallbladder. I had so many stones and it was infected had emergency surgery to have it removed.
Is this now or before you had the Baby?
Sound like a pulled muscle maybe.
Go get check out at the end, better safe than sorry
Sounds like a pulled muscle or maybe a broke rib! My 2nd daughter broke one of mine when I was pregnant, I cant remember what I had done, but it wasn’t hard or heavy, they told me that it happens sometimes when the baby is trying to find room…
Could be a number of things. And I would say go to doctor/ER. But I get this often and notice it gets way worse if I’m having super high anxiety. I have been to the doc since 2011 for the pain and they never find anything and just tell me they don’t know what it is, maybe anxiety.
Could be the baby’s foot under ur ribs… happened to me and I had pnemonia
I had some pain similar to what was to this but it turned out to be a burp that got stuck weird. None of us can give you medical advice other than go see your Dr. or the Er and quickly, please. Best of luck to mom and baby
The fact that it goes down your arm and in your back is most unsettling, living with a high risk heart patient, ( all of his pain was in his back and down his arm) my advice is go to the ER immediately…
I had something similar and it was costocondritis, inflammation of Ribcage cartilage. I couldn’t sleep right, hurt to breathe. But go get it checked out!
My mom’s best friends daughter just passed away from PE’S in her lungs. She gave birth and…they couldn’t do anything. She was only 30
Call DR!! It could be gallbladder attack.I had pain under right breast.I had to call ambulance to get me.It took my breath away.I was crawling on the floor bc I couldn’t even stand.I thought I was dying.I had to have it removed.
My chiropractor told me my baby kicked a rib out of place. It hurt to breathe. I couldn’t take a deep breath. I didn’t even know that was possible! I can’t remember if the pain went down my arm though. But it was a sharp pain & I couldn’t take a deep breath until I got an adjustment.
Baby could have his or her foot under your diaphragm, or you could be having a gallbladder attack…
I would go to the ER now. It could be harmless but I’d want to know.
It could be the baby is pressing on a nerve. I would go to the ER to get checked out though. Better to be safe than sorry…for you and your baby!
Nope and you need to call the doctor or midwife and get that checked out asap! Don’t leave it!
I’ve had that while pregnant. Not sure what it was, but I assumed baby pressing on a nerve or sitting funny. Not saying that’s what it was though. Better safe than sorry to get checked
I cracked a rib by simply sneezing when I was pregnant. Baby takes a lot of nutrients out of you and your bones soften. Could be something similar but always best to get it checked out. If it does nothing more than put your mind at ease.
Pancreatitis? Had that when I was 28 weeks pregnant
To put your mind at ease, it does sounds like pleurisy and most likely is but…chest pain should not be ignored. In fact you should go in immediately.
It could be complications from GERD. Or your gallbladder. Both are extremely painful and can cause chest pains and back pain. It also feels like it hurts to breathe.
See your doctor. For whatever it is.
I would get checked out, when someone is pregnant it makes them at a higher risks of developing clots, which can present with symptoms such as what you are experiencing.
It will most likely be pleurisy but to be safe, I would get checked x
It very well could be your gallbladder go to the ER and get checked. My gallbladder became inflamed during pregnancy and needed to come out as soon as I had my baby.
Could be totally normal, could be something not normal. Definitely go to the Er. Better safe than sorry.
Good luck.
I had the same thing happen but mine only hurt because they was engorged breasts.
If you weren’t pregnant I would think gallbladder attack. I would maybe go to a urgent care or ER if you can. I wouldn’t wait a few days. I also know a lot of people who have gallbladder attacks while pregnant and have to have it removed after giving birth.
Just before I had my first I had pain like that turned out it was a symptom of HELLP syndrome. However it was on the middle of my chest… Not sure, where the symptoms of that are supposed to be, but either way please mama go get checked out.
I would go to the er. It could be a blood clot (sharp hot pain)
Sounds like pleurisy I’ve had it several times
Pleurisy (PLOOR-ih-see) is a condition in which the pleura — two large, thin layers of tissue that separate your lungs from your chest wall — becomes inflamed. Also called pleuritis, pleurisy causes sharp chest pain (pleuritic pain) that worsens during breathing.
I can almost promise you that’s what it is. It’s easily treated with antibiotics.
I had that when I was pregnant with both my kids, and it was my ribs separating at the top. Baby is probably stretching out and that is causing the pain. I would definitely talk to the doctor to be safe though.
Where I live we a number to call and talk to a nurse do you have something like that in your area
Women having heart attacks have pain radiating down their arms,neck n back.Dont have the same as men…Go get checked asap!
I had same thing , go to emergency room I did and found out blood clots in lungs
That happened to me when I was 5 months pregnant turned out I had gallstones
I would say pleurisy, but I’m not sure about the radiating down your back and arm. Go to the ER to be on the safe side.
I experienced that at 32 wks and I had a broken rib
I would just go in if your able. Rather be safe than sorry love.
I’m 34 weeks and been having a little bit high blood pressure, today it was high blood pressure with some pain on my left side, felt like my heart. Get checked to make sure it’s not signs of preclampsia?
No need to make guesses or take chances… Go to the ER and let them check you and baby out. Feel better soon!
Sounds like Costochondritis due to baby’s size in 3rd trimester but I also say go to the ER. They should have L&D that would evaluate you & your baby.
Is it warm to touch? If so could be a blocked milk duct and if hot to touch could be infected which you’d need antibiotics for so definitely stick to you gut and get to doctors asap especially if pains unbearable
You need to go get checked in case it is a blood clot
I would go get it checked out. Could be some simple or not. Would not hit to go get check. Better safe then sorry . Congrats. On the baby.
It sounds like you are having problems with your heart. If I were you, I would go to the emergency room.
You should probably go into the er. It’s better to be safe then sorry! It could be anything and it’s better to not wait!
Sounds like a thoracic vertebrae compression. I have the same symptoms.
Could be a blood clot if it’s really hot?
Go to the doctor, dont post things and expect results that can help you! !!!
I would go to the dr or atleast a urgent care
I would def follow the advice of going to the emergency room. With it going on in your back and down your arm, that could very will be your heart. Goodluck little momma.
yes i agree please see a doctor sooner, even an express care center.
I had this and it was gallatones
Please go to the ER… Better to be safe than sorry… Prayers that it is nothing serious…
I would go to the hospital right away
Go to hospital could be your heart
Please go see your Doctor ASAP.
Get to the ER right now.Dont wait. Now
sounds like costochondritis.