What could this pain be under my breast?

Sounds like you pulled up ur sternum

Please go to the E.R.

I’ve had this on and off for years. No doctor I’ve ever had took it serious and none have found anything wrong

Those saying it could be Pleurisy or Costocondritis what did y’all do to help it or get it to go away?..I’m dealing with that right now and I’m miserable cause I’m freshly healing from csection and they gave me pain meds that aren’t even working and it’s not gotten better and it’s going on 2 weeks…

Do it could be nothing ( most likely is) but it could also be something that needs attention. To ease your mind, you should go in to be checked out. Better to be safe…

Yes I have. It was ribcage inflammation. They told to suck it up pretty much when I went to the ER.

I get pleurisy every winter
More than once. It hurts like a mother. But with my son and my daughter they both broke ribs by kicking. Pushing was so painful in more ways than 1.

First thoughts that came to mind were either a blood clot or gallbladder attack, ive experienced both while pregnant, id definitely recommend going in sooner than later.

You could just have a torn muscle (I tore my abs twice with the last baby!) but the location and description worries me.

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Let us know what the Dr says it is plz

Being pregnant I’d go get checked out ASAP could be nothing but could be heart related!

:woman_facepalming: why do ppl post such urgent issues instead of asking a doc or going to the er??

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I can’t believe your dr didn’t tell you to come in or go to the ER to be monitored at the very least.

Get checked, but the last 4 months I was pregnant baby girl snuggled with my sciatic nerve. It caused a bunch of different problems, the most severe was leg and back pain. I went to the chiropractor and he moved her off of I with immediate relief. By the time I got back home she was back on it! That happened every time I went!

Did you ask your dr.?

Sounds like pleurisy

i had these exact symptoms and it was heart failure due too fluids being retained from preeclampsia. i would go to the emergency room.


I had a cracked rib, as well (carried twins & I’m very tiny, in stature)… please go to the ER. I’m not trying to frighten you, but I think it warrants a trip to the ER. I wouldn’t wait several days, as they may want to do an x-ray anyway. Much love and luck to you and yours. :heart:

You need to go to the ER and get checked out. my friend had this happen and they thought it was costocondritis but it was actually her heart

Crazy thought but try checking with a physician instead of FB

If it wasnt down arms…i would think pleurisy…get checked out

Gallbladder. I had the same pain for months.

I would go to the hospital and wouldn’t wait!

Go to the Dr. Not facebook. Wish you luck and comfort.

Wondering whats so funny?

Let us know what you find out plz be safe

Go to the ER now immediately please

Go see about that now.

ER asap, just to be sure!

Don’t ask fb go to the Dr’s!!:person_facepalming:

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Go to the ER dont playgames

Go to the ER better safe then sorry

Consult with your doctor :revolving_hearts:

Call your care provider’s after-hours line, ask for an urgent appointment. If you are dizzy, experience any numbness or tingling, or are short of breath, call 911 or get someone to take you to the ER instantly. I don’t know, but some red flags are going off.

That sounds exactly what I had, honestly thought I was having a heart attack. I’m only 10 weeks pregnant and an ambulance took me into hospital. The doctor there said I had pulled the muscle between by breast bone and rib cage and it can be very common in pregnancy. He had a proper term for it but cannot remember what it is called. Would absolutely get checked though as he said they do worry about blood clots and pain can be similar. I hope the pain goes soon.


Might be a rib out of place. Ever since I was pregnant mine still go in and out of place. I let it do its thing and it feels better. A chiropractor can also get it back in place. I went every week and it was amazing


I had the same issue when i was pregnant. My son had managed to kick a rib and pulled my muscles. I would go to er Just to be sure its nothing more serious

Could be G.E.R.D (A digestive disease in which stomach acid or bile irritates the food pipe lining.)
I got diagnosed with it about a year ago. It was in the middle of my chest & same sharp pain radiating to my back & down to my legs & the only way it would go away was ibuprofen (which I know you can’t take while pregnant) but you could look into it.

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I had the same similar pain, I was about 8 months pregnant when my son had kicked me and broke my ribs, not uncommon in pregnancy. But I would see a doctor asap.

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Does it feel like an indian burn almost? Hurts soooo bad? Had it under my left breast while preggo and docs couldn’t figure it out. Would still go get it checked :confused:

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Pulled muscle!!
I had the same thing when I was heavily pregnant.
I was sent straight to hospital because doctors thought it was a blood clot.

I’d go to the ER. After I had my third c/section- I was having pain upon inhalation & couldn’t lay on my left side- turns out I had blood clots in both lungs. Better to be safe than sorry!!!

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I wouldn’t wait go to the ER just to be sure! If they send you you can relax!

A couple years ago I started getting pains under my right breast. It would take my breath away. ( I am not pregnant but I am heavy. ) My dr. said it was from my asthma! But it felt on top of my ribs!

I didn’t have it while pregnant but amount a month ago I had that sort of pain, I was on the floor crying from how much pain I was in and I’d say go to the hospital and get it checked out just incase it isn’t just a pulled muscle

Could have a rib out, could be a pulled muscle or even a clogged duct already. But, if you’re concerned go to the ER.

Stop playing around you could be having a heart attack mine started like that go get checked out , heartattacks in women are different than men ,better safe than sorry


You probably pulled a muscle or rib. Happened to me all the time when I was pregnant. Your body’s getting stretched in all kinds of ways.

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Get it checked at emergency sounds like a clot on the lung I’ve had this!

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Go to the ER, could be a blood clot

I’d go to the ER, something doesn’t sound right. Worse they can do is send you home, but then you know what’s wrong.


i pulled my stomach muscle it eventually hurt to eat and breathe deep. hospital sent me away with no answers. i was crying so bad, and so hungry bc i didnt want to eat, i eventually ate until it hurt and took the deepest breath and it “popped” pain stopped. not a suggestion, just a personal experience


Maybe preeclampsia I was diagnosed at 35ish weeks and admitted to the hospital for a few days. Had that same pain for weeks. Was pregnant with twins.

Infection in muscle around heart…Ive had same bloody horrible

Pulled muscle is my guess. I’ve definitely had that pain before.

My daughter kicked me in the ribs so hard I thought that she had broken my ribs from inside… I was 38weeks pregnant. Went in and got checked out. My bra was too tight and the upward pressure of her combined had popped a rib out of place. 14 years later it still flairs up when I get a bad cough.


ER Now!!! Cant believe they didn’t tell you this when you called. Women experience heart issues differently than men. This sounds like your heart, you need to go get checked now.

12 years of ER experience & I say ER asap…that’s nothing to mess with…
Better safe than sorry


If pain is really bad like u said I’d take a trip to a&e just to be checked put your mind at rest


Once had something similar but in the right breast turns out it was just tissue damage

Go to the hospital or a walk in clinic. Do not wait because you have no idea what it is. Keep us posted, please.

Is it a hot pain or actually hot to the touch like an infection? My daughter had an infection in her breast last week and needed antibiotics(not related to pregnancy)If not,disregard my comment and listen to the other ladies!

Go to the ER better safe than sorry! Doesn’t sound right to me!


Call your doctor. Always better to be safe than sorry

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See a doctor. Facebook friends are fine when picking a restaurant but if you are in pain see a doctor.

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Facebook is not the place to seek medical advice! If you care about your baby & both your health & it’s seek QUALIFIED MEDICAL ADVICE.


As the baby grows your muscles pull and stretch I would go to the ER and be checked - it’s painful I’m
Your having this problem

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You probably need to go to emergency room

Sounds like a pulled muscle but best getting checked over

Probably go to ER. I’d say not normal for pregnancy.

You need a doctor ASAP…

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Please go to the ER, just to be safe for you and your baby

If u start puking get to hospital now! Or your jaw hurts…

Sounds like symptoms of a heart attack

Definitely follow through and get it checked out.

A & E sweetie,just to ease your mind and make sure everything ok. Good luck xx

Better go to check it,

Could be a pulled muscle

Me too but it will b well around 16 weeks

Baby is pressing on a nerve

Pulmonary Embolism :thinking:

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Go to emergency, don’t wait!

You should go to the Dr to be check out

Don’t ask Facebook.!!!call your dr…

Sounds insane… but have your gallbladder checked. I had this pain around my rib and up thru my shoulder blade that would come and go for months… it was my gallbladder but they couldn’t or wouldn’t do surgery to remove my gallbladder until after i had my daughter.


When I was pregnant that happened. Same side too. My doc didn’t seem concerned at all. He just said I was getting bigger & everything was getting squashed in there🤷🏻‍♀️

Sounds like possibly pulled muscle. That is agony.is really common in pregnancy.

Take some Alka-Seltzer first it helps with pain too spasms take turmeric or Ibuprofen just to see if it calms down

I know it’s weird but gas !! Lol I had this too many times or spasms

Go to the ER. It could also be a boot clot

I’d go to the emergency room a.s.a.p


I had pleurisy and the symptoms were similar… See your dr

Gall bladder I had the exact same thing happen pregnant

That sounds like a heart attack I hope you have gotten immediate medical attention

Not saying it is this but it might. Definitely get it checked out.

Go to ER sounds like minor strokes.

You need to go to the ER ASAP

Go to the ER while you’re still alive! Getting medical advice on FB is ridiculous!

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Hope she let’s someone know she is ok.