um heart attack! go to ER rt now
Go to the hospital ER immediately!
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Could be gallstones
Please contact your midwife or doctor ASAP to be on the safe side.
I had similar pains. It ended up being a combination of heartburn and baby’s placement. KT helped. Find someone that can place KT tape to support your belly and back. But also check with your doctor to be sure
Sounds also similar to rib flare, pressure from baby under your ribs causes pain. Also worse if baby is breech
I had something with those symptoms but wasnt pregnant. It was called pleurisy. Inflammation around the lung area.
When I have this pain, it’s usually gas, and yes, it feels like an impending heart attack.
I had this same pain a few months after my son was born. It ended up being gallstones. Best of luck and hopefully your doctor finds the problem!
It could be heartburn, but def get it checked out by the doctor!
Definitely if its radiating u might wanna go to the nearest hospital dont wait to see ur doctor
It sounds like pleurisy to me. I’ve had it and it’s awful. Didn’t have it while pregnant tho. Inflammation around the lungs.
Could be the nerves under your ribs cause of how the baby is positioned. At least that’s what my doctor told me cause I have a slight burning right under my left breast on the ribs and it gets swollen when hot. Not nearly as bad as yours, hopefully its just nerve pain and nothing serious.
I had the same with my first, was put down to where his position was. He was crushing my lungs, however three days after delivery i was severely ill with pneumonia. Please get checked out. X
If you can’t be seen by your Dr. right away I would go to the Hospital, you don’t want to fool with unusual pains. Better safe than sorry!
If you can not be seen immediately by your physician I think you should seek emergency care. New pains in the chest that radiate need to be checked out immediately
I agree get to ER ASAP!!
I had 5 kids and never had this.
Do not try to figure this out yourself, go get checked right away!!
I’m sorry, that’s hard to answer, especially if it isn’t going away. Especially if you have arm pain, I would probably try to get in sooner, or right away to see a doctor. That doesn’t seem like a usual pregnancy pain. -(Mom of two)
Gallbladder agreed. I had this pain for several weeks. Thought I pulled a muscle. Went in and had a scan done and it was non functioning. Had it removed next day. Hurts so bad to stand lay down move arms. I’d say go in.
I have never heard of this, I’ve had five children and never had that experience. You should go to the ER right away
I had this same feeling when I hit my third trimester and I noticed it always correlated to when I had heartburn. My doctor thought it was GERD. Went away after I had baby.
Go an get checked but could be your organs are squashed because of your pregnancy. The may not even be where you normally expect them to be. I had gallbladder trouble while pregnant and my Gail bladder had moved to give me pain high in the middle of my chest. Best to see a dr and good luck with the upcoming birth.
Go to ER! Gallbladder is on the right side. Could be cardiac! Go to ER you need EKG and bloodwork for sure. Also placenta abnormalities/conditions need to be ruled out.
Go to emergency room or urgent care immediately I had a stroke not while I was pregnant but similar symptoms be over cautious when you are pregnant
Better go to ER and have it checked out! Don’t want to take too many chances with that kind of pain.
Maybe heartburn. Go to the ER to check though.
That could be a blood clot in your lung ! Pulmonary embolism…get to a hospital and dont waste any more time.
I would not wait go to urgent care!
Gall bladder. Go to ER and get an ultrasound now!
Rule out a PE at the ER now!
You should ask a doctor. Not Facebook
Inflammation of Diaphragm ?
Please go to ER, sounds important you seek medical attention now
I would get to an ER quickly. Speculation is the enemy of facts.
Go directly to the ER, do not pass Go just directly to the hospital, there are 2 of you now!
Call your provider. There should be someone on call.
Gallbladder my guess
I have had pleurisy twice and these are the symptoms I had.
I wouldn’t wait for a doctors appt go be seen in the ER and keep us posted
Lt chest pain, lt arm radiation, are heart attack symptoms. Women’s symptoms are different! Not worth the risk of waiting…get to an ER.
You are quite young, but your symptoms sound like a heart attack. Maybe you should go to the ER instead of waiting for a doctor’s appointment.
I jad symptoms like that, obvs not due to pregnancy. Turned out, the cartilage between my ribs was inflammed.
Definitely visit ER. If nothing is found at the hospital, I’d recommend seeing a chiropractor. My ribs popped out of place a lot during pregnancy and symptoms are similar.
I carried my daughter high. She kept kicking my ribs.
Your appointment is in a few days? Get a new doctor, don’t know what it is but you should go to a walk in clinic or an ER
Sounds like it could be an inflammation in the cartilage that connects the sternum to the ribcage. The pain mimics that of a heart attack. It is not dangerous and typically goes away on its own after a while. Anti inflammatory pain killers help.
As an old retired nurse; go to the ER. Not ergent care. Do not tarry. Get it checked out.
It’s most likely all the stretching happening to your muscles but having it checked out right away wouldn’t hurt.
Pregnancy often causes muscles to separate. Your baby pushes all the organs from the lower part of your abdomen into the upper part. Although with the arm pain, I would go to the dr.
I had the same pain and was told that it was pleurisy but about two years ago another Dr. said that it wasn’t so I don’t know what it is but it always goes away. Please let us know how you make out.
I sure hope she went to the ER to be safe - with all of the possibilities there is no way to know unless you get checked immediately.
Get seen now. These can be symptoms of HELLP Syndrome which can result in grave circumstances for both mom and baby. This comes from personal experience.
I am not pregnant and this happened to me and I was having a heart attack, go to the hospital it only gets worse
I would go to the ER and get checked if for no other reason my piece of mind . let us know what you find out
Has anyone heard how she is?
You have a mix of thoughts and replies, but because it COULD be a heart attack or something that is truly dangerous, go to the ER. Let a physician tell you it’s quite common in late stage pregnancy or some other non-critical issue. Everyone who responds is caring and concerned but none other than a physician can make an actual diagnosis.
If you haven’t already done so, GO TO THE ER NOW.
I agree with everyone. I went to ma school. Chest pain and difficult breathing means get in now!
As a heart attack survivor- go to the ER. Pain down the arm is a sure symptom.
Would not wait to see your doctor. You need to contact them to rule out other conditions. You could have a blood clot in your lungs or blood pressure issues. You need evaluation today. (Ob/GYN triage nurse)
Does it burn? Almost feel like baby lit a match inside ypur belly??? I had all ur describing plus the burn feeling and turned out to be gallstones. It could be serious tho and i wouldn’t wait
Go to the ER, it could be a lot of things, from constipation to aortic aneurysm. It’s worth getting checked out ASAP?
I had these same pains in the same spots and it was my gallbladder.
Sounds like angina. Get to the ER asap. If it’s not, at least you’ll know.
Don’t wait for any appointments just rush to the hospital and have a check up it could be something serious
Go to the ER. It could also be placenta related.
If you are having pain down the arm, go to ER
Hopefully she went to the ED. This was posted 3 hours ago…anyone know her status?
SCAD spontaneous coronary artery dissection, ER now
ER now sounds like a blood clot
Please get to the ER now, for your sake and your baby’s. Better safe than sorry.
Keep us posted please
Think it might be time for medical care?
Go to the ER do not wait for your Dr Appointment.
As a retired nurse I say go to the E.R .
Sounds like a pulmonary embolus - GO TO THE ER!!!
Here’s an idea- go see a dr or go to the er or urgent care.
pleurisy feels like a knife everytime you breathe
You should be heading to the ER instead of asking Facebook!!!
I agree that you should go to the ER. BETTER TO KNOW NOW WHATS GOING ON.
chondritis look it up I have it comes and goes
Please let us know. But again ER is where you need to be NOW
Call your dr… run it by whoever is on call… dont wait!!
I suggest to call your doc now or go too ER.
Go to the dr now and do not wait
You need an er… Why would you wait for a Drs appointment
Sounds like an er visit. Could be lung issues
I’m no mom but I can tell u that isn’t good
Hope you went to the ER. Could be a number of things. Gallbladder, pleurisy, heart, baby pushing on something. But ER is the best idea.
Anyone know how she’s doing?
My suggestion is to call 911 and head to the ER by Ambulance…The Dr’s will see you much sooner…had similar symptoms driving home from work and immediately drove myself to the ER…thankfully wasn’t a heart attack…Acute Indigestion
I wouldn’t wait. I would go up to the ER especially being that far along
Heart problems are happening more and more in younger people…
Get checked…better to be safe…it could be serious…but it could be nothing to.worry about…I would be concerned because u are pregnant and you may have pre-eclampsia…cause bp to rise and heart working harder…please get it.checked
Girl go to the hospital why are u asking strangers on fb about your health especially being that deep
Go to emergency room NOW!!!
Go to the ER immediately
My dear, go to the hospital ER ASAP. Better to be checked by the professionals!!
Go to the ER dont wait!!