Go to the ER or call 911
ER is your answer. hurry…
Hope she took everyone’s advice
Go to the er right away
Agree…better to be safe that sorry… go to ER NOW
Dont wait. To dangerous
Go to the hospital now
Go to the ER immediately.
You need to go to urgent care!!
Go to the ER. Do not wait.
It sounds like gallbladder to me. Mine started out like that and all of a sudden it got ao much worse i couldnt breathe i knew i was having a heart attack and ambulance came, the dr had to rush me in at 6 months pregnant to emergency surgery because my bile duct was getting ready to rupture. He said juat 2 hrs tops i wouldve died
Go to hospital right away
I had this - no other symptoms and turned out I had severe pre eclampsia. I got induced that day.
hope you went to the ER to get checked out just to be safe
Babys probably pulling muscles
First rib. And third rib caused all my problems like that when I was pregnant. My daughter is 9 months and I still have problems with my first rib a chiropractor helped me drastically.
Sounds like gallbladder. Mine started when I was pregnant with my twins. It started out as this annoying pain under my boobs and back, mostly on my right side, but also my left. It progressively got worse. It felt like something was stuck in my esophagus and causing sharp pain. It especially hurt when breathing. I woke up one day with my right side sore and hot to the touch. Waited 18 hours in the hospital for them to transfer me to another hospital to have a procedure done. A gallstone had left my gallbladder and was blocking a duct in my liver. It was life threatening at that point. They took it out, and I was scheduled for removal at 18 weeks bc I was only 7 weeks at the time.
I’m hoping you went to the doctor by this point and if not go to the ER. Do not mess around with pain with breathing while you’re pregnant. Whatever is affecting you could also be affecting the baby blood supply and food consumption or absorption. Since none of us are doctors we can only go by personal experiences and the last time I went to the doctor because I had waited till the pain was so bad I was septic and it would have overtaken my whole body and less than 24 hours. Pain usually equals a sign of trouble.
Pain is always a warning. Some babies are too bug for mommy womb. It needs to be addressed immediately. Go to ER always best to to safe today not sorry later.
Don’t take advice from us fake doctors. Go to straight to emergency!
I had it under my rib cage. Similar type of pain, not in my arm though.Thought it could be related to my otherwise healthy heart. Turns out it was an inflamed muscle.
Positive vibes
I had this happen to me it was an upper respiratory infection
I had that with my second and it started when I was around 35 weeks too but it never affected my back or arm…it did however do away right after I had my son
Babe is in your rib cage. Must be running out of room.
Sometimes that can be a displaced rib head. Hope you feel better
I vote for pulled muscle as well. I’ve had that a few times, just give it time to heal
I suggest you visit your local emergency room it could be cardiac related
Go to the ER it could be a heart attack. You need to go ASAP
Sounds like chest infection
It could shout heart to to the hospital.
It could be your heart goto the hospital.
Call your doctor… go get checked out
. Several possibilities could be blood clots or heart issues…
Urgent care or er. Quit playing!!
It could be a broken or cracked rib, but make sure you see a doctor ASAP
Call your doctors office and talk to a nurse. Most places have an on call nurse 24 hrs a day and they will most likely help you figure out if you need to go in immediately
Sounds like possibly gallbladder related?
You should get it checked out. In the mean time drink a soda pop and burp as much as you can. It may be trapped gas!!
Go to emergency room - could be a blood clot.
I had pleurisy after the birth of my daughter. It’s nothing to laugh at and it hurts like hell! My fever escalated from normal to 105 in a matter of 30 minutes. I was on KFlex for 10 days, and because my husband made me double up on the first 4 doses I was feeling much better in about 36 hours.
Get yourself to a dr right away! You never know being pregnant if there is a prob.
My son cracked two of my ribs before he was born . Dr said he got his foot stuck
Get to an emergency room right away. May be a heart attack
Go to the ER
Don’t wait for a Doctor in a few days
Not normal. Go to ER or Urgent Care.
NEVER consult FB-go to ER NOW!!!
OMG sweetie. Go to the ER!!!
By all mean go to er