What do babies start crawling?

hey im a first time mom and i have a 9 month old baby boy and i am also 8 months pregnant with my baby girl and my baby boy just hasnt started to crawl yet and i get pressured so much everyday because of that and they blame it on because i pick him up whemever he starts to excessively cry to where he screams amd starts to bang his head into the floor everybody tells me to leave him there and just Let him be but i feel horrible and at the same time dont want to pick him up and then here them say some judgmental comments to me what do i do to help him crawl?


Heā€™ll crawl when heā€™s ready. Some of my babies crawled earlier than the other ones.


My son hasnt crawled until he was 9 months, give it some time. Every child is different :slightly_smiling_face:.


Babies will crawl all in their own time, my boyfriend crawled for a week and went straight to walking when he was a Baby! Donā€™t stress too much momma, you canā€™t rush nature! :heart:


Some babies donā€™t even crawl. Mine walked before she started crawling. Donā€™t be lifting the baby with your pregnant belly. It affects the baby inside. Experience talking. Cuddle him sitting down. You will get through it :heart: hang in there.


Heā€™ll crawl when heā€™s ready. If you have concerns talk to your pediatrician and try not to listen to others.


My baby didnā€™t crawl until she was 10 months old :heart:


My son was almost a year old before he started crawling and then was up and walking right after his first birthday. Heā€™ll crawl eventually mama. Breathe. Youā€™re doing great and you got this!!


Mama donā€™t stress, you donā€™t need to beā€‹:heart: My daughter only started crawling when she was 9months and 3weeks and then she was already walking at 11months. All babies are different and he will be ready in his own time. Do not let anyone pressure you!:heart:

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You cannot do anything to ā€œmakeā€ him crawl. Positive reinforcement, thatā€™s about it. Practice with tummy time, each child is on their own learning scale and try not to compare your little one to others who may be doing this or that. As for the judgmental views & comments, youā€™re mama at the end of the day. The rest is irrelevant, if you want to pick that baby up you do it! People are always going to have an opinion when it comes to parenting. Stand your ground and brush off what others say. Only you know what best for your little one.


Give it time. Dont let others bug you about it. You are the mama. You dont need to defend yourself to anyone. Plus a 9 month old who bangs his head on anything should be watched. I would never let my baby bang their head on the floor or anything they are still too fragile especially their heads. The bones in their head dont fuse until like 18 months I believe. It can be dangerous.


My husband NEVER crawled as an infant. He just got up and started walking at about 10-11mos old

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My baby is ten months and is skipping crawling and going straight to walking šŸ’ heā€™s pulling himself up and trying to step so every baby is different donā€™t listen to any negative comments youā€™re doing great :blue_heart:

He will crawl when he is ready

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Mine never crawled. She butt hopped everywhere :joy:


Heres a tip, dont listen to themā€¦
Everyone has something to say all the time, you need to learn to not listen to them you need to learn to stick up.for yourself and say thank you for your concern but Iā€™m doing a fine job and he will crawl when hes readyā€¦
YOU are mommy YOUR instincts have most likely kicked in and you are doing absolutely nothing wrong by picking up your child when he cries.
He will crawl In time just alway think of milestones this way, hes not going to be 10 not crawling hes not going to be in 3rd grade in a diaper let him grow and learn at his own pace and relax, and for hell sakes keep picking him up and give the finger to anyone who wants to tell you any different


Some babies skip crawling all together and go straight to walkingā€¦ Every baby has their own pace! Maybe u can encourage him with a little toy he likes a short distance in front of him with you in front as well cheering him on. Dont sweat it!!! You are his momma u do what is in your best thoughts for him!!


If youā€™re super worried about it. You can go to an ECI and they can check your child

Some babies skip crawling too. My niece skipped crawling and started walking at 10 months old. My daughter never really crawled much either just started walkingšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø

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First off, do not listen to those people, thatā€™s stress you do not need.
Secondly babies do not have the same timeframes in milestones, he will crawl when hes damn well good and ready.
Tell them to mind their own business

Heā€™ll crawl when heā€™s ready, they do stuff on their own terms.


Each baby is different they all learn at different agesā€¦ And FUCK WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK.!! Your the mom you know whatā€™s best for your baby trust your instincts do what you feel necessary

Tell the family its none of their business what u do with your childā€¦ If u have concerns about his development than talk to the pediatricianā€¦ Or do that anyway so they can tell u they arenā€™t worried& in turn tell them if your Dr isnā€™t concerned than they shouldnā€™t be either.


All babies are different my daughter started late wasnā€™t even walking till 15 month my son was walking at 9 month! I did the same with both! They will do it when they are ready donā€™t listen to anyoneā€™s negativity mamaā¤ļø


My son was late crawling but he learned to pull himself up and walk really early


He will move on his own time. Donā€™t worry about that. Everyone has opinions of how to raise someone elseā€™s child. Donā€™t pay them any mind.


I WISH people would butt out of motherā€™s lives, especially since youā€™re a first time mom, the guilt and pressure is horrible! Take if from a mother of SIX kids, fuck them and their opinions! They will crawl, walk, talk, potty train when THEY are ready!!!:speaking_head::speaking_head::speaking_head:

Hes fine. You cant listen to other people judge your kids based on theirs. It will drive you crazy


He will craw when he is ready


My son didnā€™t even start crawling till closer to a year and he didnā€™t walk till 15 months. Crawling isnā€™t actually a developmental milestone and some kids never crawl they go straight to walking


Sit him up with a tiny bouncy ball to support himself if he doesnt like being on his belly.

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Put toys in front of him and let him scoot to them heā€™ll get it haha and fuck what those judgemental ppl say

I am a new mom also after 12 yearsā€¦ I adopted a baby girl. It had seriously been so long that i didnt have a clue about babies! But i just started figuring out what her favorite toys were and sitting them a few feet away from her. At first she kind of rolled til she got to them but after a week or so, she was pulling herself with her arms then figured out her legs could help. She was all over the place before i knew it


There going to start crawling when they are ready. Donā€™t worry about what anyone else has to say.


Keep with the tummy time. Lots of toys just out of reach to give the goal. Try leaving him be when he cries and lay or sit on the floor with him and do play stuff. My oldest only crawled for a short time and later we found she had a fine motor skill delay and needed physical therapy. After going through her milestones the Dr said her strenghth in her arms and shoulders could have been effected by the short time crawling. She was up walking around completely at 10 months. Pulled herself up at 8 and started to really try to walk by then.


Raise your baby your way and the heck with those people!!

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Babies will go at their own pace my oldest who is now three walked when he was 9 months old and crawled when he was 7 months now my youngest heā€™s 15 months old and he donā€™t even walk yet, he just started crawling on his first birthday. Each child develops at different rates my oldest was a fast learner my youngest is going on his own curve. I wouldnā€™t be too concerned about it right now heā€™s still very young if you get concerned later on in life seek in early intervention Program like I did for my 15 month old he has OT and a PT that come once a week

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My youngest didnt crawl until he was a year old. He was just lazy :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Oh My God lots of babies are not crawling at that age quit listening to othersā€¦Your baby crys you pick him up hard to spoil a baby with love. Let him go at his own speed. You will know when and if there is a problem.


Your little one will crawl when heā€™s ready. Enjoy the fact the youā€™re not chasing him at this point in your pregnancy. Donā€™t let them get to you!


Mama, if heā€™s not ready, heā€™s not ready and nothing you do will make him ready.


"Although the average age to begin crawling is nine months, Joni Redlich, DPT, of Kid PT in Somerville, New Jersey, says that there is a large variation thatā€™s considered developmentally appropriate.

ā€œLike with everything with babies, there is a huge range, so generally between eight and 10 months we want to see the kids mobile in some way, whether thatā€™s the classic hands-and-knees crawl or some of variation, like army crawling on their bellies,ā€ she says."

Source: When do babies crawl? Pediatricians answer all your baby crawling questions

Your baby will hit his milestones in HIS own time. Supervised tummy time can encourage crawling, but there is NOTHING wrong with you picking up and cuddling your baby when he is stressed, upset, overwhelmed, or fussy. People will judge everything you do as a parent. All you can do is what feels right for you and your baby/family. There are very, very few hard and fast rules. If youā€™re concerned about him developmentally, you should talk to your pediatrician. (S)he can help you determine if your child is ā€œon trackā€ developmentally.

There is only one sure way to know when a baby is ready to do something - he does it. You are a GREAT mom; if you werenā€™t, you wouldnā€™t be worrying.

On a separate note, please take some time for self-care. I know it can be hard, but if you have help, accept it. Let your sister/brother/cousin/uncle/aunt/mom/dad/friend come over and watch the baby for an hour or two while you take a long bath and relax. If you canā€™t have someone watch the baby, try to do something for yourself while you watch him or while heā€™s sleeping. You cannot pour from an empty cup, and your kids will benefit more from having a mom that takes an hour or two for herself every once in a while but is, overall, well-balanced and happy than a mom who is constantly there but overwhelmed and exhausted all the time. Taking some time for yourself IS NOT BAD and it IS NOT SELFISH. Self-care is not selfish. You are under immense pressure right now, and you deserve to do something nice for yourself. Buy yourself your favorite snack and drink and put on a movie you like. Paint your nails, take a bath, go for a walkā€¦ whatever it is that will help YOU feel good about yourself. You deserve it.


Some babies just skip crawling and some just learn a little later. Babies go at their own pace.

Try tummy time activities with him. If he has a favorite toy or bottleā€¦set it on the floor across from him and try to have him go get it.

Try to keep him on the floor and do as many floor activities with him as possible.

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Ignore them. You are doing what you feel is best for your baby. He will crawl or walk in his own time.


He will crawl when he is ready u pick him up when u feel the need your his moma u dont need there approval stand your ground


He will crawl when heā€™s ready to. My son starting crawling early on (army crawling at 4 mo, normal crawling at 6 mo) but I also picked him up whenever he cried uncontrollably. Itā€™s not affecting his crawling abilities. Babies start when they are ready to!


If his pediatrician is worried, donā€™t sweat it. Iā€™ve picked up my son every time he cried even if there werenā€™t any tears and Iā€™ve held him every chance I had from the time he was born. So I can assure you thatā€™s not why he isnā€™t crawling yet. Donā€™t listen to them. Make tummy time fun! If heā€™s eating baby food/snacks, sit in front of him and see if heā€™ll go for it. All babies are different and do things on their own time, donā€™t listen to anybody elseā€™s negativity/judgement

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Umā€¦ Every baby matures at their own rate. There is nothing wrong with yours being a little slower on crawling then some. :heart:
We have to stop comparing our children. Everyone is unique we all have our own pace for things.
And if itā€™s truly concerning talk to your ped. About it. :heart:


Actually they have taken crawling out of the milestones cuz so many are skipping it. They only say to worry of not walking by 15mths you have time mama

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Some babies skip crawling altogether. Donā€™t worry about.

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My son NEVER crawled. He was straight to walking just before his first birthday.
YOU DO YOU MAMA! Ignore the judgement, your son is healthy, happy and being loved. That is really all that matters in this world!


All babies are just differentā€¦I picked my son up everytime he made a peep and be started crawling when he was 5 months old.


Mine army crawled never actually crawled went straight to walking. It depends on your baby.

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My 1st crawled when he was 8 months old and I worried when my 2nd still wasnā€™t at that age. I did alot of tummy time and playing with him, placing items in front of him to encourage him to try. He started crawling at 9 months. Every baby is different. Also, itā€™s not any easier when baby is crawling and getting into everything :joy: Every stage comes with its challenges.


All kids are different. My son did everything so fast. Sleep through the night, roll over, walking before 1. Only wanted sippy cups by 10 months old. He didnt talk u til he was almost 4. I was so scared something wasnt right even though drā€™s told me he was fine. He started talking and he talked like he was grown. No mama dada it was cylinder, parallagram lol. If the drs arenā€™t so worried then relax.


Theyā€™re all walking, talking and wiping their own bums by the time they start school. Itā€™ll happen, donā€™t sweat the small stuff :blush:


First of allā€¦ donā€™t let others OPINIONS on the timeline of your childā€™s growth bother you! Babies start to crawl at all different times, and some never crawl! Your kiddo may go straight to walking or running. :wink: my daughter is 10 months and she crawls, but itā€™s more of a slide, lol, but Iā€™m not worried at all. Even when a friend told me babies crawl at 6 months. :roll_eyes: well, not all babiesā€¦ sooā€¦ just rememberā€¦ your kid will hit that milestone, just give him time! When heā€™s ready!

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Someone told me I spoiled my son because I picked him up when he cried tooā€¦
This was my reply: our babies are only babies for a very short period of time ā€¦ before you know it, theyā€™re crawling, then walking and running. Soon after that theyre busy playing and off spending time with their friends and too big to be picked up and held. So I held him every single chance I could ā€¦while he was still little enough for me to do so. You do whatā€™s in your heart to do with YOUR childā€¦he will crawl exactly when heā€™s ready to .


&&& donā€™t leave him face down on the floor so heā€™s banging his head and is uncomfortable just to try out tummy time. Ignore those who think you should! Thatā€™s traumatic for the babyā€¦ My daughter HATED tummy time. I never pushed it. It took her until she was almost around 8 months for her to want to flip over on her tummy. When your kid is ready for it they will show you !

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Iā€™m sorry some people are so mean and judgmental. Pay no attention to them. Babies crawl at their own pace. There is no specific age! If you want to pick him up, pick him upā€¦he is yours!! Donā€™t let foolish people tell you what to do. You know your baby better than anybody. Iā€™m on my 6th grand babies, twin boys, and theyā€™ve all been different!! Time flies my dear, enjoy every single minute!!!


Mine took time at 10 months she started and standed all have their own time

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He will on his own time. Screw what others say. You can not over hold/spoil a baby.


He will crawl when he is ready. Trust me he will walking and running soon and you will say i wish he was still crawling


Each baby is different and does things at their own pace. Some babies donā€™t crawl at all and just walk and some crawl early. Itā€™s all depends on the baby. Donā€™t let anyone make you feel any type of way as long as your baby is healthy and happy forget what anyone has to sayā€¦ stay strong mama


NOTHING YOU DO NOTHING , he will crawl when HE is ready . Relax ā€¦ donā€™t let ppl dictate to you how to raise YOUR child . Unless you think there is something wrong ā€¦ then leave it be .


Has anyone taught you about tummy time? Babies must spend time on their tummies learning to lift thier heads and bodies to build muscle to crawl. Many babies hate it.


Have him check out by your baby Dr. All of mine did things at different times. The head banging is not good, put him in his crib for a time out or until he calms down. You are going to have your hands full with 2, so heā€™ll have to learn to take turns.

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My son started walking at 10 months and only low crawled before that. I picked him up every time he cried. You CANā€™T spoil a baby. My son got tummy time about 30 minutes to 1 hour a day(usually on my chest). Now, heā€™s 16 months old will put his books away by himself after reading time, tries to put his own shoes on, and locks mommy out on the porch every time she takes out the trash. He also runs and giggles when daddy unlocks the door. Every baby is different.


They do things on their own time mama. Hold him every chance you get!! My oldest crawled when he was 6 months but my youngest didnt start until he was about 11 months then just went to walking. They are all different! Dont listen to those people, just kindly remind them your the mom and they need back off.

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My son never really crawled. He went from rolling to standing to walking. All babies are different and he will get there.


My daughter never did a ā€œreal crawl.ā€ She would do like a lunge style ā€œcrawlā€ and everyone always thought it was weird. I was a little concerned. She walked at 13 months. My hubbyā€™s niece straight up skipped the crawling phase. All kids are different.

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My kids never crowed itll they where walking so he will when he ready give hime time

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Maybe heā€™ll go directly to walking. Put him in a Walker let him be able to follow you while strengthening his legs. What did his pediatrician say about him not creeping . If all is well leave it be. Ignore the white noiseā€¦ Try the Walker.


SOME KIDS NEVER CRAWL! He may just start walking instead! The only thing you can do is stop listening to peopleā€™s opinonions /criticismā€¦ You are the Momā€¦ And donā€™t let anyoneā€™s lame ass opinion matter more than what you know is right for you and your babyā€¦ Besides in a few years no one will remember what age youā€™re kid started crawling but them bond you have with your child will be foreverā€¦ So just pick him up every chance you getā€¦ Before he is to bigā€¦

Some kids never crawl. Most do, but some seriously donā€™t. My son was never a crawler. He used to roll all around the room lol. Itā€™s however they feel like getting around. And then like clockwork they will begin walking when theyā€™re ready anyway. He didnā€™t sit up on his own until around 8 months either. He is now a healthy, smart 7 year old that doesnā€™t ever slow down. My daughter on the other hand was crawling by 5 or 6 months and she was early with everything. Just goes to show theyā€™re all different, even siblings. I wouldnā€™t worry too much. Youā€™re his momma, donā€™t worry about what others say. You know whatā€™s best for your bub.

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Nothing he will do it when heā€™s ready. My son is 13 months and still wonā€™t walk on his own. But we catch him slowly doing it My daughter was 10 months and walking each baby is different and will do things in there own time. I had a cousin who never crawled just straight to walking. They just do it in their own time.

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Not all kids crawl. My youngest didnā€™t. My middle child didnā€™t either that I can remember. My kids were just
Much more interested in standing and walking.

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Continue floor time and let him be when he is content when he isnā€™t snuggle him! Donā€™t let anyone talk down to you for babying your baby! I got a bunch of boys and they all progressed at their own speed. Guess what my last one I held 24/7 and everyone use to talk crap and now he is more independent at 3 then my 7 year old.

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My daughter hated tummy time but I would let her fussy and cry for no longer than 10min but when she would get mad it made her wanna move thatā€™s how she stared to roll around then last month at 8m old she started crawling now sheā€™s 9m and already trying to walk cuz no matter how mad she gets I stay consistently making her try. Yes heā€™s gonna get mad but donā€™t automatically pick him up unless yes heā€™s crying uncontrollably but if heā€™s just mad and crying a little heā€™s fine itā€™s good for his lungs and he will eventually get mad enough to move around

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My daughter never crawled she just rolled everywhere lol


All babyā€™s are different he do it on his time when he really

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Babies are different ā€¦some never crawl at all.
They just walkā€¦you have nothing to worry about


My daughter literally never crawled she went straight to walking around 10 months

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Some kid donā€™t even crawl and go straight to walking he might just never want :blush: donā€™t fret you got this

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My baby boy but scooted and didnt walk till 14 months


I have 10 month old and i just kept doing alot of tummy time and i even would just put him in a walker before he started crawling ā€¦He will crawl when hes readyā€¦

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Some kids skip crawling and just walk. Dont worry too much about it.

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Donā€™t leave that baby on the floor to cryā€¦
itā€™s best if you give him tummy time and even though It may be hard for you at the moment but try your best to get on the floor too and interact with him.
That will help him begin to enjoy tummy time.
Then when he starts to enjoy It he will start exploring what his arms and legs can do. Then you tuck his legs under him, tickle his belly if he stiffens his legs out to avoid It. Place his hands under him then lift his upper body make sure to have some kind of thick blanket folded multiple times so you can scoot his knees under him like heā€™s crawling then also move his arms as well.
It will take some time if he favors a toy put It out in front of him to also encourage him to get It even while helping him It will show him he can get to where he wants to go to get what he desires.


Pick up your baby all you want girl. For stimulation, you can grab a sheet, fold it to the size of his torso and put it under him and lift him enough to where he can be in all 4 and move. I did it with my nieces, nephews and my kids and they all loved discovering they could go places on their own like that and eventually got the hang of it on their own.

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My son completely skipped crawling and went straight to walking at 14 months


my son didnā€™t even army crawl until 10 months and then he started walked a week after he turned 1ā€¦ some babies just donā€™t crawlā€¦ I also started standing him up to hold on to things at 6-7 months, and by 8-9 months we was walking along the furniture, that was his form of getting aroundā€¦


some babies skip the crawl and go straight to pilling themselves up/crawling

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My son didnt crawl in until he was 10 months every baby is different screw what others say

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Pick him up. Crying doesnā€™t teach him anything


My first didnā€™t crawl till about 9-10 months walked just after his 1st birthday. My second started crawling about 3 weeks ago and will be 8 months. A friend of ours little girl didnā€™t really crawl but walked before her first birthday, my brother didnā€™t walk till around 18 months. When he is ready he will do it just keep up with floor time

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He will crawl when he is ready. Who is blaming it on you ?

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Do not let anyone tell u what NEEDS to happen. Every kid is different. My daughter did this funny scoot on her stomach by pushing the floor with her feet , crawled for about 2 weeks and took her first steps 3 weeks after turning 1. It will come. Also, babies do not understand or put together the idea if they cry then they will be picked up. Soā€¦ donā€™t worry about that part. Pick him up if thatā€™s what u want. Everyone will always have an opinion and not everyone will always agree so do what u want!

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I got my son to crawl by getting a piece of cake and letting him taste a lil of the frosting, then as he continued to reach for it Iā€™d move it away lil by lil. But he also did tummy time every day. If the baby is crying on the floor and banging his head, youā€™re doing the right thing by picking him up. Every child is different, some just take a lil more time then others. Just remember, YOU are his mother and even though no mother is perfect, YOU need to do what you believe is right for YOURE child. If someone is case, tell them to back or pull away from them. Being a mom is hard enough without having negative people around you telling you how to do your job or how youā€™re not doing good enough. You are doing great and donā€™t let anyone tell you different! Keep it up the good work :sparkling_heart:

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Donā€™t listen to those ppl. You know best. He will in his own time. Sound like youā€™re doing as you should

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He will crawl when he is readyā€¦ I would try not to worry what other people think.

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