Has anyone had problems with uti’s in infants ? My little girl is ten month old with her 3rd uti. We go see a urologist June 28th. She uses unscented soap and I always change her as soon as she poops. Just wondering if anyone else has been through this.
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Could be kidney reflux. Doctors thought my baby had it.
No baths. That might contribute to a uti.
My daughter had a lot of them they said no more baths at all only showers… and def no bubble baths etc. But it pretty much stopped when we stopped giving baths. We only did showers for years. Now she’s 7 and we started allowing baths sometimes bc she’s old enough to tell us when something is wrong… and yes as someone mentioned above we went to a Pediatric urologist and he ordered a reflux test to check for that. So check into that if they feel need
I had this issue as a baby and was diagnosed with a narrow and kinked urethra. My mom tells me the doctor stretched it. Mind you this was over 40 years ago.
I’m sure there are multiple things that could cause it. For us, it was a duplicate ureter. It was loopy and causing infection and had to be removed at 7 months. However, she is 10 years old now with no issues since!
Do not use fabric softener in her laundry. Also unscented wipes and diapers.
No soap, it’s not needed
Just keep on top of medications and dr’s and do what you’re doing whenever needed as they can cause scarring which can lead to problems later on.I had this with my daughter when she was about 5+ and I never even recall her having infections.She was checked for SA but wasn’t the cause
If she’s constipated it cause UTI’s
Get her checked for molestation.
Have her bloods checked, could be diabetes
Are you wiping her correctly? Front to back only!
has bloodwork been done? Diabetes can cause frequent UTI. Also, IF she takes a bath, no long soaks, no soap AT ALL in the bathtub. Plain water, soap on a washcloth, no soap “down there” unless, a mild baby bath soap.
My daughter had them really bad and would get 105° fevers, we had tons of tests run, but ultimately they said it was from the bath and soap, we stopped letting her soak in bubble baths, and took as many showers as possible. She’s 9 now and has one very rarely, but we use D-Mannose powder and mix it in water, it’s AMAZING and keeps us out of the doctors office, it usually clears them up within a day, at the most.
Is she getting plenty of water to go along with either formula or breastmilk? She may be getting dehydrated, which can cause urine to be too concentrated.
Wonder if diapers could cause it a bit too? Noticed alot of mom’s saying baths. Start by cutting baths out and see if that changes anything. If it doesn’t try natural diapers?
If she’s having positive urine cultures (meaning there is a real uti with urine that grows bacteria) then she may have an underlying structural issue.
Someone above mentioned reflux, which is a fairly common cause.
I found Huggies gave my daughter uti something in the liner
My sister had this problem when little, they had to stretch her urethra.
It could be the brand of nappy you are using.
My baby girl went through this, her urethra wasn’t completely open so she was not emptying her bladder. They did a procedure in the dr office to open her urethra the full way and no more uti’s.
No soap at all on genitals. Ever. That can cause repeated uti’s.
Following as my 1 year old just had her second uti which caused high fevers and sezuires:(
Something with her urethra most likely. But a doctor can look and tell immediately
Give her probiotics with vitamin C and cranberry for kids
Check the type of diapers, some can cause uti’s
Bladder reflux. My daughter had the exact same issues. Most grow out of it by 2 to 5. We seen a very lovely Dr. In Morgantown and I can’t recall her name but the team there was wonderful. She was on precautionary antibiotics for about a year or so til she grew out of it.
My daughter had this issue and it turned out that she had kidney reflux…had nothing to do with diapers, soaps, wiping etc….I had blamed myself for causing it. Turns out it’s genetic and most of the time they grow out of it. She did have to have X-rays done of her bladder and kidneys two different times.
My little girls keeps closing up
Is she ever left with anyone else? Inappropriate touching could be the cause. I pray it’s not though!
It could possibly be VUR/Kidney reflux. My son was diagnosed 5 months gestation. He is now 12.
I got them like that… I still do I’d I use scented soap . I just am careful
Look into urine reflux. This can be an issue between the bladder, ureters, and kidneys.
My daughter is more prone to utis due to horseshoe kidneys. Girls are more prone if they aren’t cleaned properly down there or are sitting in dirty bath water for too long.
My friends daughter had a tiny flap of skin covering her urethra which caused her to have many utis they used a hormone cream to help open it up.
ask about reflux…. i always had utis as a baby and ended up needing surgery when i was 3 to correct this
Not myself, but someone I knows child did. A lot. Turned out she had something wrong with one of her kidneys.
The kind of diaper brand you use…you said poop……don’t leave her to long in a pee diaper for to long maybe she’s more sensitive
I had a friends whose child had this problem. After testing, they found that the valves on her urethra weren’t closing all the way and urine was going back up. They were able to correct with surgery.
My daughter had them a lot for holding her kidneys and not going to the bathroom on time because of her being terrified of automatic toilets at school, sounds like your little one may have issues with her kidneys and bladder or the reflux everyone is talking about
My daughter was a preemie and has this happen quite often up until she was 6ish. She wasn’t emptying her bladder all the way so her left over urine would cause a uti. It can mean a variety of different things. They will probably do some testing to see what her exact cause is coming from.
My little girl had this issue as a baby. She had testing done to figure out why. All tests were normal. They were worried about urine refluxing into her kidneys. Some are just prone to them no matter what you do.
My daughter had A LOT of stomach problems as a baby and when she would get constipated it would cause a uti because the stool put pressure on her bladder not allowing it to empty completely
My son has to see a urologist in October he don’t urinate all the way like he should so they think he may have
Kidney or bladder problems he’s has one UTI at 8 months old lasted two days. They’ll figure it out then again it could be nothing.
Don’t use soap at all. Her private parts are way too sensitive for anything besides warm water
My daughter has them too. 7 in her short 4 years of life. No explanation so far
It’s been about a year and a half without one so hoping it’s stopped
Not being cleaned properly and probably wouldn’t use soap full stop at that age
My cousin had that issue I guess there’s a tube that connects to the bladder from kidneys I think and it was too short, so caused UTI. Simple quick surgery solved it.
Best advice would be to see if you can transition to showers, baths are fine but they do increase the risk of uti so if you are able to just make sure they get out as soon as they are done so they aren’t sitting in the water. Girls are more prone to them. No soap for her bits on the inside that too can cause it. Just keep doing what you’re doing minus using the soap
The juices and foods given could be too acidic, kidney problems, dehydration, not getting cleaned thorough enough, sweating can cause them, some soaps can cause them
Check on this. It’s the reflux my daughter had and needed surgery to correct.
Lots of things can cause them until you figure it out let her spend as much time as possible without a diaper on keep her really clean and as dry as possible when she has to wear one.
It can be a genetic condition where urine backflushes up the ureter to the kidneys. Its mostly common in girls. In some cases it resolves itself by 1 year old. In others, surgery is the only way to correct it. In my daughter’s case, it resolved itself. She was six months old when when they found it.
Change diapers and don’t use soap!
Discuss with anyone and everyone that changes her diaper;from the babysitter, daycare, family, friends, etc. the proper way to change the diaper and get in all the folds and wipe down toward her bottom, never up. Don’t use wipes that have been treated or scented.
I was like this as baby. And I had them often growing up as well. I think it just depends on the baby and how sensitive she is. To this day I have to be extremely careful with what I use and have to buy all natural ingredient soaps.
We found bubble baths were giving our daughter UTIs so stopped using bubble baths and no more UTI for us
My eldest daughter is 30 now but she used to get a lot of UTI’s she was older though… 3-5 in the end when we took her for scan the nurse couldn’t find her bladder as it was SOOOO full but she never felt the need to go!!! So she eventually went and the nurse was able to see the bladder then… she had to have her urethra stretched slightly that seemed to work the trick. She wasn’t emptying properly and it was just always getting infected… hope this helps… I know your little one is a lot younger. It is a simple procedure but it did require outpatient surgery.
Girl try a little baking soda in her baths . My son was getting them as well …. UNITL the baking soda. I also make sure to wash his hair then let out the water and throw new water & baking soda in for his play time . He’s been awesome ever since . I use 1/4 cup each bath . Always change water out . Also , the baking soda cleanses the skin naturally, so no need for body soap if you don’t want it ( that’s just my personal preference
My daughter got a lot starting that age too and now is 16 and gets 2-3 a month still. Been to 4 urologist. Did 1 surgery. A crap load of testing and still don’t know why she gets or how to prevent. Now getting ready to travel 4 hours away to childrens urologist in another state to seek help. So this will be specialist number 5
I had the same problem as a child and still have flare ups. I was diagnosed with kidney disease at the age of 5. And had to be on an everyday medicine til I was 9. At 7 I had a lower GI done , as well as had my urethra stretched because it closed shut.
Have her checked for any and everything. My parents took every precaution with me and nothing worked to prevent them …
Do away with baths hun give her air time n ask the dr bout giving her water downed cranberry juice
My daughter had kidney reflux disease & has constant reoccurring UTIs starting at 6 months old. She was on daily antibiotics until she was 5. She had a VCUG yearly. Her nephrologist said a lot of kids grow out of it by the time they are 5. If at that time had she still had it he would do surgery to correct it. She is 27 now & gets them easily & it can go from nothing to a stay in the hospital if she doesn’t go to the doctor right away. We were told it’s due to the scar tissue from all the infections.
My daughter has had this issue for years. She’s five now. But she is very complex special needs and is in diapers still. At the urologist they will probably do a test to see how full her bladder gets (maybe you could start counting how many pee diapers she has to give them a good idea if she’s going often enough or waiting till her bladder is too full) and the test can also show if she has urinary reflux into the kidneys. They stick a sort of catheter in her and may fill it up. Depends if they feel it’s needed. My girl ends up in er bc of her other health issues when she gets a uti. So they started her in daily amoxicillin and it’s worked so far along with daily cranberry tablets which they may recommend. From what I’ve heard, it often has a lot to do with anatomy down there. I often have gotten them too. But for my girl it’s a bit more complex than that as she holds her pee until it just shoots out same for her poo.
My daughter started getting them at 2 months old. She had 5 5 before she was 9 months old. They were terrible fever was 104-105 fever lasted for 7-9 days. She’d get extremely sick.
After having 2 more at a year old. They did ultrasound to make sure everything worked all right.
Could be a food allergy. Had a friend whose daughter got lots of UTI’s and it was a food allergy. There are many causes. Let the doctor find the cause. All else is guessing.
People are suggesting no soap. Soap or baby wash cleanses the area Urine eats the skin if not properly washed. Maybe she needs to switch diapers or pull ups
She may have a reflux in one or both of her kidneys. My daughter had a uti at 3 months and I was told that it was uncommon for a baby to get them unless there was something else medically going on. They did a test and found that when she urinated, some urine was going back up in. They filled her bladder up with a dye until her bladder was full and took X-rays as she was peeing. She ended up having a grade 3 reflux. But grew out of it.
It could be bladder reflux. My daughter was tested for it after she had a uti at 6 weeks old. But she ended up being negative so I don’t know too much about it.
My 1st thought is does she drink enough water? Orherwise definitely a good thing to see drs.
My daughter use to get them a lot when she was little, her dr told me her body didn’t produce enough acid to fight off infection so to give her a glass of orange juice a day and that actually helped a lot.
Have you tried a different diaper? She is not old enough for bubble baths but my granddaughter couldn’t use bubble bath.
Could be her kidneys
My oldest was run through test after one uti. He had a valve that wasn’t fully formed. We tried preventive meds and that was a hassle so we stopped. He out grew it
Stay away from bubble baths or anything that has scent.
Could be allergic to the diapers
Does she drink juice yet ? If so , I would stop giving it to her . I have a bladder condition called interstitial cystitis, it’s similar to having a UTI … fruit juice is a big irritant.
Possibly reflux where the valves don’t function properly and instead of allowing urine to only go from kidney to the bladder it allows urine to flow back from the bladder towards the kidney. The test to diagnose it is non-invasive and doesn’t hurt.
I am not accusing I just know not everyone is taught: Are both you and dad wiping baby front to back (if its a girl)? Always wipe front to back so you aren’t bringing fecal material into that area.
My niece was the same. Turned out it was (they seem to think) from sitting on the shower floor and picking them up that way. Once they realised she didn’t get them again
Have them check for vesicular reflux
My daughter used to have to drink a specific amount of bottles every day or she would get them. Try giving her an extra one to keep hydrated in the heat! Also fruits hydrate you the most so give her some apples and watermelon is a good one
My daughter had this and turned out she needed surgery . Her ureters were at a wrong angle. She started getting UTIs at ,3 months2
My daughter had renal reflux. The testing SUCKS! Thank goodness she outgrew it without surgery!
Probably hydronephrosis and reflex disease
By saying you use unscented soap, i hope you don’t mean you’re putting soap on her down there. That area should be soap free ALWAYS. Stop bubble baths immediately.
Could be the infection has moved to bladder so medications don’t fully get rid of the infection
Could be a drink apple juice i couldnt have no bubble baths change diaper brand wipe front to back
How often do you bathe her?
My daughter had kidney reflux. Had soooo many kidney infections/UTIs. Have them order a VCUG test.
My young daughter was constantly getting UTIs. Her urologist said it was due to hard stool pressing against bladder and not allowing her to empty her bladder of urine. She gets Miralax regularly now and has not had a UTI since.
I was born with a bifurcated ureter. I had urinary reflux and my urine would back up into my kidneys because I held it for so long. I had surgery at the age of 6, had the “duplicate” ureter reimplantated on the opposite side of my body that it belongs on, I had terrible pregnancies and my son completely blocked my right kidney by resting on my reimplanted bifurcated ureter … Today they would have just made it into one instead of reimplanting on the other side. Wet undies, staying in a bathing suit too long or bubble baths always caused a UTI for me. Hope you get answers
They can also be genetic
My daughter had frequent vaginitis from bubble baths. At that age also when I was young I had uti alot from chronic kidney disease
Sounds like an uncomfortable condition, poor little thing. When you clean her at diaper change time, make sure you’re cleaning front to back so as not to deposit material from rectal area near urinary area. It’s so easy to spread bacteria right there. What kind of diapers do you use? I know in older people, they tell people with chronic UTIs not to wear silky underwear but cotton underwear. There are different types of disposable diapers now. Maybe there’s a difference in the lining of some of the different brands of disposable diapers. Don’t be afraid to offer more fluids if your baby is willing to take them.
Maybe it’s the laundry soap
When my daughter was little she would get uti’s as well. When I took her to the urologist they said her urine was going from her kidneys to her urethra and then back up instead of coming all the way out and that if she had one more uti she would need to have surgery. Once I got her out of diapers she fortunately did not ever have another one. It definitely was not a fun time for either of us though and you should for sure go see a urologist.
My sister had a similar issue. She would be totally fine and the spike a crazy high fever out of nowhere. Her urethra was too small and not releasing all her urine. I hope you get answers soon. Poor baby.