Just from experience with my husband, if you don’t show up to a court hearing they will issue a warrant for your arrest. That might depend on the issue but that’s just from my experience
Depends on the state, speaking from my girlfriends experience you will lose the hearing by default if you flat out dont show up. Best option is to request a reschedule or the judge/arbitrator will favor the other parent that does show up. You wont be in contempt of court or have a warrant issued, you just default the case.
For starters… stop seeking legal advice from an anonymous Facebook group! Contact an attorney. Call the court. Nobody’s experience will be the same as yours. Especially if they live in another jurisdiction.
Id ask for a reset or if you could do it via zoom
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What happens if I don't go to a court hearing?
If you don’t show up, he gets what he wants.
If u don’t show up the judge useally rules in favor of the other party.
Isn’t all court through computer ?
I’d call the courts and ask. Where I’m from you don’t have to but everywhere is different
They will either postpone it or side in his favor
In my state the person receiving the support doesn’t have to go to the Court dates because the county attorney takes care of it.
You can call to postpone, but if you don’t show up, they will side in his favor.
I didn’t show up to ONE hearing and the whole case( including arrears) was thrown out😩
You can have the courts reschedule. I would not miss it. The judge can dismiss the case if you aren’t there.
At least in NY anyway
If it were me, I’d be there. Otherwise he’s going to get off easy
See if you can attend via zoom
I heard Some times I the judge will cancel child support all together if the custodian parent doesn’t show up
He will probably end up with what he wants and you will get what you get but if you got a promotion you should probably report your income increase.
It’s definitely in you and your child’s best interest.
If you don’t get a subpoena you don’t have to go. At least that’s how it is here in GA. I didn’t have to go to any of the child support hearings for my sons case.
Call your lawyer and tell them you can’t go buy you don’t want him getting everything you need to be there to defend yourself
I wouldn’t even want a job where I can’t take time off lol
Court is a excuse to miss work. You just show them the order saying you have to be there.
Don’t tell your new boss while you’re taking off work. Say something like you have to meet with your financial advisor. Don’t tell your boss about the messy things in your life.
You can send an attorney in your stead.
My sons father didn’t show and I ended up getting physical and sole custody.
Either call and postpone or you’ll get a warrant issued.
Definitely go- I missed mine and my ex said I was making about double what I was making and they for some reason just took his word for it and he pays shit for child support
Call them or send a fax asking if you can do a phone conference. I’ve done that many of times.
You need to go. Work will understand when it comes to going to court.
You don’t show up you either get a warrant or you lose by default. Depends on the judge.
In my county they let you call.in maybe you can do.that,?
Idk what state you’re in, but here in MD, both parents income counts when determining child support. If you don’t go, your child’s father will likely be assigned whatever amount he wants to pay, and it could drastically change what you receive for support
It’s my understanding if you don’t go, they rule in the other parties favor.
You don’t show or have a legal representative there, you’re likely to get shafted.
Just go. Do you really want to skip court then get in trouble for not showing? Maybe you don’t want them to know you’re making more cause that could reduce his amount of child support and that’s y u don’t want to go.
Best to go…if you have an increase in income and your ex finds out you may lose some of your support and get less. I would go… don’t like surprises. Defend yourself always.
Usually it’s the person paying that needs to be there.
U dont show what he wants will be the new childsupport. I did this once because i had moved 1000 miles away. I couldnt drive back for it. My childsupport went from $85 a week to. $35. As he made up a bunch of lies that i wasnt there to prove was lies. I couldn’t change it. If i wanted i couldt file for another hearing that would cost me alot of time and money.
Never miss a child support hearing. I did and got screwed.
I let it go. I was occasionally getting money when my son was in his twenties. That should explained what type i was dealing with.
Than they changed laws that if parent went in prison the child support stopped the entire time they was in jail.
Funny paying bills and supporting a child didnt stop when they was in there. Yet again gettimg screwed. Child support system is screwed with nothing but excuses any more. I just didnt care about it. Wasnt worth my time after certain point. He would work under the table jobs making good money. Yet he lie to CS say he wasnt working that he slept on hid mom couch.
I gave up because my kid was more important than playing the lying game with him and CS.
Than was able to focus more on my childs upbringings instead of arguing over money with such a lazy ass doing anything he could so not to pay CS
Its not worth it.
You need to be there. It’s not like divorce proceedings
They’ll dismiss the case if u don’t appear
You need to go. You lose in more than one way. And depending on the judges mood you might be held in contempt.
All work needs to know is you have been summoned to court
You’re crazy of you don’t go!
I mean I’d go. I wouldn’t blow it off. Unless you have an attorney representing you you should probably show up.
Ask if you can appear by phone
Call into the hearing!
If you have custody and filed the paperwork for child support and don’t show up, nothing will happen to you, but the case will most likely be thrown out. If dad has custody and he filed the paper work and you don’t show up, then you’ll be held in contempt and could face having a FTA warrant issued for you.
It’s in your child’s best interest to go. They will rule in favor of the other party. They can on the spot file other motions there.
If it’s important to you, you will go.
Call whatever court house you are attending and ask. Sometimes it’s just one party that has to attend. But I’d definitely call the friend of the court and ask them. Not all the same rules apply in every county or state.
Try to do it o er the phone
Do you already have a case and child support ordered? I do and everytime he gets a show cause which is every month because that’s how my lawyer set it up if he dont show he gets a warrent they always tell me I don’t have too! But that’s just my case everyone’s different I would definitely call and let them know you might ba able to do a quick zoom? Just don’t get ur self introuble because he can hold it against you well try to!
I have never once been to a child support hearing and never had a single problem. I requested a review of child support for it to be increased due to dad’s new higher paying job and wasn’t there and I got the increase with zero problems
You are ordered to appear in court and complete a worksheet plus produce whatever documents are on your subpoena. If you dont show it defaults to whatever your ex wants (assuming he shows). (or at least that has been my experience every time for the over past 10 years when dealing with child support and my ex in court) Also everything for over the past year has been done via zoom in our county for custody/child support stuff. You should be able to email the Superior Court Clerk/Secretary to request a zoom hearing
I missed the call for my last hearing and it still went in my favor however he is 40k in arrears and it’s been an ongoing thing
Both parents have to be there,because they require both your Inputs,and this makes it FAIR for both parties,and it is for the sake of your child,so just get it done,so they be done with It!!!
They told If one of us doesn’t go that it doesn’t matter the judge will still do his job and say how much your son/daughter will receive.
While I will never say what a Judge will or wont do… as a Process Server… I will tell you that your failure to appear can result in a contempt charge which can result in jail, a mad judge that gives your ex everything he asks for, and court costs… or a garnishment being levied against your pay check to meet your support obligations or just the judge being mad and assesing you your ex’s legal fees for wasting the Court’s valuable time especially with Covid… all of which I imagine would also screw up your new job… or how irresponsible it will make you look when your work finds out about it later…
If you were summoned you must appear or risk being in contempt of court.
If you don’t go, you run the risk of them placing judgment in the other parents favor. Some people in the comments might have got judgments in their favor, but they aren’t you and aren’t your situation. You’re better off going.
Fairly certain you only have to attend court if you’re summoned to be there. Family court may be different. Best to call and ask, and if you have to give up a days worth of work, they may be able to subtract your missed wages from whatever you owe
I would go. You can get a note to excuse however long you’re absent.
itll rule in the other parts favor
He would like nothing better than for you to not show up.
My ex husband didn’t show up to child support hearing. Nothing happened. He called him and did it that way.
Call and explain your situation and they may be able to switch the day, or talk to your employer. If you’re ordered to go, your employer can’t do anything.
It’s been my experience in Virginia the custodial parent that receives child support don’t have to be present for this. It totally falls to the parent paying. They will be in contempt of court if they don’t show. Now if it is a summons from court then you have to be there
For Pete’s sake if you can’t make time for a 30 minute court hearing why have children? Children are much more time consuming than that. Are these posts even for real? Too many outlandish stories on this page!
First order of business, call the courts and ask them because that is where you would get your definitive answer……that’s it, stop asking Facebook or google what a quick call can take care of for you!
I didn’t show on my last one. For the same reason. They will still set everything with or without you. Try calling the child support agency to give them all your papers. Let them know you can’t make it.
I know when my boyfriends ex didn’t show up, they just awarded him what was asked for. When she tried to fight it they more or less told that she should’ve shown up and left it at that
Call them or just go
You can probably appear by phone. I just got a letter from another state saying that they were in charge of my child support case, and my ex had court, but I didn’t need to go. They’ll just send me another letter.
Why is this even a question???
Why would you not go?? If he skipped with that same mentality you’d be pissed.
Just went through this (I’m in Pa) after adjusting things so I could be there- he wasn’t. They told me in the future, I could just call in to court and tell them I was unavailable to come, give them all my info, and tell them what I would want the outcome to be and they could just put it in the file and it would be the same if I came.
They will decide what you pay on their own if you dont show up. If you have been served and dont show up you may get a warrant depending on the laws in your state
By default, you will lose whatever you’re wanting to get out of it.
Why would you not show up?
ur stupid not to show up…ur work will understand
Go to court. Promotion or no promotion.
So you want child support? Assuming your the one who is taking him to court? But you dont want to attend? Becouse you want to stay in work?
Call the court and ask to appear by phone. They’ll call you when he arrives
Always show up to a court date no matter what the case is… let’s be hypothetical here; let’s just say you asked for more support and you didn’t show up then they would drop that case and he won’t be eligible to pay you for that child. Unsure what would happen if it was him and he didn’t show up, cause one day mine never showed up and he never got arrested
It will be dismisssd, no show means you’re not serious about enforcing support, ide call ASAP ask for continuance, same happened to me
They took my income into consideration and lowered his amount. He pays 200 a month for 2 kids.
Oh thats bad they will screw you royally unless hes a good guy
You will most likely get a bench warrant out for you. Yall expect the men to show up but yet its suppose to be ok for the woman not to show up?? No no chances are if it was HIS income that went up your ass would be there to get more money. Go have that child support re looked at. (Not saying you yourself feel this way, but I seen many woman like this)
No. You will not be incontemp of court.
It is your choice to show up for the hearing if you are not the one who owes!
girl let your boss know you need the time off and go. your children come first remember
Some people don’t have a clue
Take advantage and say your having some covid symptoms and ask to postpone or do it ive the phone
Just tell them your situation and that you need one day off… they legally have to give you the day off and they can’t fire you otherwise you can go to fair work about it and they won’t look good
My kids father didnt show to fight for custody or child support, wound up being a deadbeat. Hasnt seen or talked to my son in over a year.
Umm it’ll show your not serious and it will be dismissed
Really depends on where you live and how that system works. Some states, you don’t have to be there, but others require you to be. Give them a call and ask them if you being there makes a difference. Make sure to explain that YOU are working to support your child and your new promotion.
Lots of states require you to be there, but a few don’t need you physically there to go over numbers… unless there is a dispute of some sort.
ask for a continunace
Call them and do it over the phone if you they allow. If you don’t show up, it could go in his favor