Take the time for your kid pretty simple. I’ve quit jobs before I started because my son always comes first. ALWAYS
U don’t have to show up it’s only the parent that has to pay has to show up. I didnt go to all my hearings either
Hire a lawyer and have them go in your place.
You won’t be in contempt but the judge may rule in his favor. Happened to me, I showed up and he didn’t, they ruled in my favor.
If you don’t show it will be dismissed and you will have to refile paper work and the court cost will go to you .
Call the child support office that sent you the letter and ask them if it mandatory you show up. That is how you will get your answers. Some court hearings for C.S I didn’t have to show and then some it was mandatory.
The odds will not be in your favour
They will come and arrest you if it’s ordered for you to go.
I would talk to my employer and work half a shift. You need to go to court and settle child support and you will continue to deal with the ex and such until your child or children are 18. So I would talk with my employer and explain that maybe you could work half a shift. Or possibly pick up a extra shift to make up the missed shift. Good luck and God bless.
When there was a court hearing for child support with my ex, the child support office said I dont have to be there. I’m in CA though so I’m not sure about your child support or state laws. I would call child support and ask.
If you don’t show up it will work more in his favor
Ask your lawyer, seek knowledge not opinions
Don’t go and find out!! Your choice take off work and go or don’t go!
Not sure where your at. But in indiana only the one who has to pay has to go. You won’t get in trouble for not going. However if he asks to have it lowered or anything its possible the judge will if you don’t show. Most the time it doest matter tho. If its your first one i would definitely want to be there. If it’s not the first one then you should be fine but I would call
You can call in you don’t need to be physically present.
Call and ask. In my state/county, the custodial parent is represented by child support so they don’t have to go to court unless they want to.
Call and see if it can be done over the phone. But sometimes they need financials in hand. Maybe submit them before court and have them put it in your file and have them call you when your case is up. But it doesnt hurt to ask. But if you can take the time off, do it! Its better for you to show up to everything.
You should go, at least call the court house and see what they suggest. I can’t see it going over well if you don’t show up.
You’re being silly by valuing a days pay over financial costs and money for your child for years.
Your kid comes first. Don’t let court choose or decide anything for you without you being present and speaking on behalf of your child and their welfare.
Definitely go if you want a verdict in your favor.
It should say on your paperwork if your required to come. More than likely your not BUT just to be on the safe side email or call your caseworker
What’s more important, your job or the financial support for your son? That should help you decide.
Jeebus! Court hearings are not optional, unless you’re comfortable losing the case. Take an hour off work. They can’t penalize you for it. There are even laws about it. If you want your child support, you’ll show up.
I never showed up. They just order him to pay the lowest amount. I wasn’t looking for money. It was out of principle for not being in her life for years.
I have always been able to appear by phone. But yes, it will count negatively against you if you don’t even attempt to show.
Most employers will work with you if you’re being summoned to show up.
Your work shouldnt hold court against you. If you dont go then it will go to his favor not your daughters
Judge will be in his favor, in other words whatever your ex asks for he’ll most likely get it
I missed my court hearing with my kids dad and they dismissed the case and I got nothing.
You should talk to your boss and go
Do you want the child support or not? Smh you can’t just not go to court.
I honestly wouldn’t miss it. Without you present they can decide on an amount you don’t agree with. If you can try to reschedule the hearing for a few months out so that way you have plenty of time to request that day off.
Get a lawyer. Don’t miss court!
Technically you’re ordered to appear, so you have to be there.
I got a Subpoena to go to court as a witness and didn’t go and went to jail for 6 days with a $30,000 bond.
Don’t you have an attorney ?
Why did u file if you had no intentions of following thru?! A court date is a court date. You need to show up.
I would HIGHLY recommend you attend the hearing. Things would definitely not go in your favor if you don’t. You’d be allowing your daughters father to tell the judge whatever he’d like and make a decision based on that.
Your child’s well-being is important. I am sure if you went to HR they would understand
You can call them anytime you have a question regarding anything court related.
That said, I was told numerous times that appearing for child support (against the other parent) wasn’t required for me just him. I never had to go or call in or anything but again I’d call and ask just to be sure.
My court ordered child support hearing for my child’s dad was on the phone and he didn’t answer his phone and you could tell the lady was annoyed he didn’t.
It’s Court go, judge overrides all. Don’t mess with court.
Are you serious ? Lmaooo no don’t go to court and I hope you get what you deserve to be honest .
Don’t chance it. Just go to the hearing.
You should go for your daughters sake!
Not appearing is a sign you do not contest anything that could get decided at that hearing. You could hypothetically be ordered to pay your whole salary in child support and since you weren’t there to argue against it
You’ll have to start a whole new case to get the amount adjusted.
Show your boss the court order and the boss have to let you go no problem thay got to let you off
So let Dad take the kids the day of your promotion. And also leave support as is since you got said promotion. And don’t go to court. Problem fixed itself. Oh, no it didn’t, sounds like you’re the problem.
Go to court or go to jail
I’d maybe call the child support office.
If you dont show up you could lose your child support, it will go uncontested
If u don’t go to court, judge usually sides with the parent that did show
You need top go show the letter to your boss. You might be able to appear by phone if your boys would not mind you taking the time to do so while at work. This is important.
They may reduce the amount of child support you receive! I would make every effort to get there.
You have to show up or a warrant will be issued in your name. Trust me, you don’t want that to happen.
If you don’t feel the payments are an issue call and see if you can set the appointment for a later date so you can have more time to focus
You need to go if it’s for calculating the payments
You can literally call the court clerk for questions. But you should go just to make sure everything is what it’s supposed to be
Anything that has to do with court by law your job has to give you the day/time off for it. So I wouldn’t be to worried about your job.
Can you attend via zoom? That seems to be the way they’re doing all court things in my county since covid.
Grow up, be responsible and go to your hearing. Maybe work a half day instead
Girl…… don’t EVERRRRR miss a family court hearing. Ever. Not only will it be contempt of court, you could very easily lose parenting time because it shows lack of care for your child in their eyes. Do not miss it.
maybe your work can be more understanding of your situation. if you want the support you will find a way
Send a lawyer on your behalf
If you are ok with the order then you don’t have to go, unless it states you have to. Call child support to find out for sure. I never went to mine cuz I never really cared what they did.
I didn’t have to go to it. All that paperwork should be done. It just needs to be signed into order by the judge. Unless he is fighting against it. Then you will need to go
If you don’t go be prepared to find out he got everything he wanted and more. Just go. It’s important.
I would always attend when it pertains to my children, promotion or not.
My ex was always in contempt of court because he never paid so there were court hearing like every 6 months. I never went to them except the 1st initial hearing. The case was through the state so I would always call my case worker to verify that I wasn’t needed at the hearing. Call your case worker if its through the state.
If you don’t show up for court, every allegation against you becomes a legal fact.
They will find a way to get your income and proceed without you and it may not go in your favor especially if the other party attends. I messed up the dates for mine and of course my ex went and lied his butt off and I wasn’t there to call bs.
you can ALWAYS set up a hearing by phone!! especially now because of covid… call and set it up by phone. Do not wait until the day of court call prior and set it up. Good luck!
Your job has to give you the day off for court. Never miss child support court unless you want your ex to get everything he wants without you being there to have your say. Not a smart move to miss any cour.
I’m almost certain your employer would A) understand, if given the proper notice ahead of time, and/or B) is required to allow you the time off to appear for a court hearing. Also, you can call the court ahead of time to see if it’s mandatory for you to be there or if you have an attorney, typically they can be present on your behalf. If you’re concerned about what he “has to pay” or if it’s in the best interest of your daughter, I’m struggling to see here why this isn’t a priority or even a question at all? If you don’t go, especially for something like this (child support, custody, etc.), it can go highly favorable for the other person if the Judge makes a decision at that time…especially if her dad brings up your promotion, that can only help in his case in determining the amount to be ordered.
My X refused to go to our divorce hearing because his mother told him that the court notice was illegally delivered because it hadn’t been put into his hands. It was given to her and she signed for it because he wasn’t home when the deputy came to deliver the paper. So she decided that if the notice hadn’t been put into his hands he didn’t need to go to court. He came to my home to tell me that the divorce papers were illegal and not correct because the notice to appear was not put into his hands and he hadn’t been in court so we weren’t divorced because his “Mommy said so.” He and his Mommy found out their ravings were just that, ravings, and the divorce was legal and registered and he had to pay the child support. In 18 years at the judgment if $25 per week or $1,300 per year he was in areas for $18,000. The public Aid received all the monetary of almost $17,000 they had sent me to support the children because he refused to send the child support.
I could work and support my children or pay child care but not both without the child support at the time. It was in the 1960s to early 70s. I worked from home or at part time or temp jobs but only got a full time job the fall my oldest turned 13. That was the minimum age a child could be responsible for the younger children when the parents worked. She was 4 months before her 13th birthday when achool started, but I quit the sitter mid week the first week of school and only paid her for 2 and half days when my children told me she let her almost 5 ft. tall 12 yr. old son beat up my 9 yr old son who was a head shorter than him and she physically held my girls so they couldn’t help their brother. They only went the last morning a few minutes before school started so my oldest could give her payment for the 2 and half days they were at her house. She called to say I owed her a full 1 week and 1 week notice to quit or she would call the police to have me arrested for non payment. I told her that the police would be real interested that she physically held my 2 girls so they couldn’t keep her adult size son from beating their small 9 yr old brother. I said I didn’t know who would be arrested but I would bet it wouldn’t be me. I never heard from her again.
You can ask for a phone conference. But you need to ask them for it now. You don’t show up whatever happens will be your own fault.
Yeah you gotta go work will understand
They’ll take out a warrant for your arrest. You can call the cs office and ask if it’s a case where you have to be there but if it’s the initial one, you’ll have to be there
If u don’t attend the judge will rule in the other parents favor, even regarding child support
They’ll make up their own numbers and you’ll be stuck paying that even if you don’t quite make that. And if you have other dependents or anything none of that is considered. So just go. I made that mistake and pay a lot more than I make
Send your paper work in !
It’s for you and your child’s benefit! Go!
If you don’t show up they may not give you what you’re asking for. Happened to my ex husband. Always show up
If you don’t show they’ll lean towards his wishes more. I’d be terrified of not knowing what’s happening. Why would you not go.
Its for your kids, insane that you are questioning not going. I wouldnt care if its to go over the spelling of their names, its for your kids.
You can be issued an Order to Show Cause or everything can go in the other parties favor since you “failed to appear” (I work at the courts)
But you may just lose your chance at child support until (you) make another court motion.
And he may have the option n opportunity to change up anything, I would definitely go.
Tell that to your daughter! Nothing is more important than your child!! Just, wow!!!
You can do it via zoom or request a telephonic hearing. Just sit in your car and take your break during the hearing. I’ve done it before as a single parent.
You need to tell your new employer and let them know it’s not debatable.
Well clearly you don’t need the child support so
Get your ass to the court room
You definitely want to be there. If he makes any requests and you’re not there to disagree/state your side of things they will automatically rule in his favor. You do not want to miss a hearing regarding child support, or any hearing involving your children for that matter.
It will go his way not yours if your not there to voice it
Usually it will state on the paperwork if you have to attend or not.
If it does, you’ll be held in contempt and arrested for not showing up.
If it doesn’t specify then call the court to be sure.
If you have to go then your employer can’t deny you the ability to go just show them the papers
You should show up. Since things could change in court. Possibly the amount owed to your daughter. Since you didn’t show up.Also no need to mention you have a job promotion. You could always tell your job. You needed time off my emergency/ family etc Good luck
Then it will go in his favor.
Since it’s him who’s behind you don’t need to be there. Literally nothing will be different. He’ll be called up. Tell his son story about how he can’t pay. Judge will either order him to pay a certain amount, add it his arranges to a new payment or order him to take classes. They’ll threaten him with jail time if he doesn’t get caught up. Then you’ll be right back in a few months. It’s a waste of time. I’ve gone & wasn’t even allowed in the court room or told what was decided.
You can see if you can request a zoom meeting for it. If that’s more convenient for you.
You absolutely do not want to miss this. Hire an attorney right away. Omg seriously