If you don’t show up they’re going to cancel it because you couldn’t even make an appearance so if you really need child support that bad I recommend you take a half day off work use your sick time if you have to and go get some money for your baby girl
No I got the letters but never had to go. He had to go
Uhhhh. You Def need to go…
Call the court and ask. Then you’ll know the exact correct answer. Good luck!
Girl please go to court. It’s important.
You can literally call them and reschedule or do it over the phone
If you don’t go, they will put in an order against you, without your input which will probably be more since you didn’t bother to go.
U will go to jail
They will mark it down that you are contempt in court. Also in my case when the other party failed to show up I was granted pretty much exactly what I asked for.
Yeahhhhhh…the courts don’t care if your inconvenienced in the slightest. Thats why it’s an “order” not a “request”.
They will rule in his favor… If he asks for a lesser amount or anything and you’re not there, he’ll get it
If you don’t show up you might not like the amount your ur gunna get, which most likely will be $0 if you don’t show up.
I mean honestly, every state is different. I would definitely recommend that you call the court house or socal services child support division and ask.
If you can’t make it after speaking to the court - email the judge directly and explain that current finances mean you can’t afford to skip a day of work
Can you appear telephonically? Contact the court and ask. That way you can just take a long lunch at work to be present for the hearing instead of a good chunk of the day.
If you aren’t there, there is nobody to present your side. I worked in family law for years, I’ve seen people pull out some crazy stuff at hearings. Don’t take anything to chance.
I mean my ex didn’t go to court and didn’t get contempt charges but it also means to forfeit his rights to a fair trail. I was awarded the highest amount with him still paying 1/2 of medical bills so if I were you I’d go
You should go and ask for modification since you got a promotion. This way the costs and calculations are the most current.
If it’s court ordered your work shouldn’t mark it against you.
My husband got sole custody of his daughter because she kept not showing up. Go to the hearing
If you don’t show up the judgement will be in his favour
Ok… so, is this just a adjustment hearing between child support and your ex? If so then no you won’t be in trouble for not showing. I’ve been doing this for years. They let me know when a hearing is as a way to let me say my piece but I never bother because I never see a dime anyways, regardless of the “order”. I’ve given up. So I don’t go. However, that’s MY situation. It’s not contempt in my case because they are just going over expenses and income. I provide anything they ask but no I never show up.
Only way to get out of going is to have your attorney go as your representative. Even that may not work depending where you live
Get ready for it to be a year wasted and now go in he’s favor
You might end up with less child support if you don’t go. I mean if you’re willing to risk getting less than what your getting now then sure, don’t go, and waste the judge and everyone else’s time by not showing up.
In Georgia, only the dad needs to show for court for child support I believe. Not sure about anywhere else. However, if you don’t go, you won’t be able to voice your opinion about anything.
Why start the process if you aren’t going to follow through?
the paper should tell u if u have to go. IN NC we dont have to show up only if you want to
Ask the court if you can appear telephonically
You will be in contempt, unless you have an attorney who can appear for you, with courts permission, or you can try to attend via Zoom, but again you need courts permission.
Never miss court, EVER.
You really just need to call up to the courthouse or child Support and ask them. It all depends on your state.
Court appearances are excused from work. Not to mention you don’t show up and court will rule in the fathers favor.
You’ll lose if you don’t show. So plan on paying what they want. Possibly more if you don’t show.
In Illinois I haven’t gone in person for 10 years
Google your state and see
Too late! She decided not to show up.
It would be an automatic default judgment and he will get what he’s asking for automatically
Usually you don’t need to go unless it says you have to be there.
In Kentucky… You have to be hand served.
A letter is nothing.
If you are the one who filed, they might dismiss it for you or if he shows up, they might go in his favor and you could end up in a not so favorable position.
Why fight for child support if you aren’t going to show up… that just looks bad on your behalf.
It won’t be good for any future hearings your filing will be dismissed or ruled in the other parties favor and if other parry shows up they can file a motion to amend. Your job should be pretty understanding of the situation
No it’s your choice to show up or not
Why wouldn’t you show up for something as important as child support?
If you don’t show, it’ll probably be decided against you.
May want to let them know about that promotion at work though so dad isnt getting screwed into paying more than supposed too.
Texas I didn’t go because I knew he wouldn’t pay anyway they put off for months till I went didn’t know he was in jail for that the whole time
Contact a lawyer. A lot of times they can have your requirement to be there waived.
If you filed the request, go. If he filed the request, either go or don’t complain if they reduce or eliminate the support he is required to pay.
Idk what staye you are in but here if you don’t go they will dismiss and he won’t have to pay anything
In the letter it should tell you If you need to be present
This is about your child there is nothing more important in life as a parent. If it’s a court order - it’s exactly that a court order. Failure to appear will only be used against you young one. Please reconsider it - your baby’s well being is in your hands Momma.
Can’t you get a solicitor to go in place of you with all your finances for him/her to go through and do for you?
You default and the other person get what is being asked for…
They will more than likely throw the case out. If you contact your solicitor and if you don’t have one get one and explain you have work. They can show on your behalf sometimes as long as its an actual excuse and you go about it properly.
WOW … JUST WOW!!! I can’t believe you’re asking such a stupid question!!!
Shit just call and say you have covid new date
If he filed, he will get what he wants if you don’t show. If you filed, they’ll throw it out and you’ll have to refile
If you have a lawyer, they can go for you.
Go or get nothing. You are there to stand for your child.
when in doubt contact your lawyer or a lawyer if you don’t have one for legal advice
Call in and have them do it over the phone or at least reschedule you
Idk about where you are but in CT rn everything is virtual. But if i were you i would go work or not thats for your child wether its child support or not
So work is more important than your child…got it
I’d be honest with work that you have a court hearing for your child. That takes precedence.
Go to court or you risk having your case dismissed. His attorney could actually ask for a reduction and it be granted. You can not let this happen. Judges tend to frown upon no shows. It is a waste of time and resources that could have been used for someone else. It is disrespectful to the Judge and his court as well. Talk with your boss most are understanding especially when court dates are involved. If your employer is not cooperative contact your attorny or the Clerk of Court to ask for to reschedule your court date. Be sure to sited the reason for the request. The courts may be able to assist you. Good luck!
If you just don’t show up they will automatically reward the other party with what they are asking.
Definitely call and check it out! You will then know what to do!
Babe talk your work what is going on then if for some reason they say you can not have the day get the court to ring you and do it over the phone because I know that’s possible it’s possible in Australia so surely it would be possible for you guys good luck with whatever you decide to go with
You definitely HAVE TO GO!!
It depends. Does the letter state that its mandatory you attend? Like a subpoena, or whatever its called? If not you may not have to attend. I get letters from child support that they are taking my child’s father to court every few months, but I do not have to be there, nor have I gone as of yet. The case worker attends and takes care of everything, and then I get a letter explaining what happened during court and what was ordered. Not sure where you live, or the situation as to why you are going to court. Just giving my situation. My best advice would be to either call the courthouse or child support to ask, just to be on the safe side. Good luck
U must update ur Lawyer with a valid reason on why u cannot attend the court hearing
and ur lawyer will attend the Court hearing in ur Absence an ur Lawyer will then tell the Judge on why u cannot attend the first court hearing
Then the Court hearing will be Adjourn to another date available for the Next court hearing
Ur lawyer will then provide u with a letter on all what the judge had to say during that court hearing u were not able to attend an in the letter will have the Next court date given
The Court basically wants to Know if child support is being paid on time, an if the father violates \breeches the Court order
If it’s not a subpoena and you are represented by an attorney their shouldn’t be a problem.
Call you attorney and ask him/her if you have go, if he has all your info it shouldn’t be a problem.
If you don’t have an attorney then you absolutely should go.
Attendance at court hearings is not compulsory but it is strongly encouraged so that each party has a chance to put forward their argument. The Family courts can proceed with a court hearing even if you are not in attendance at the court.
You can hire an attorney to appear for you. However the attorney will have to argue based on what documents you have provided to the court.
Ask to have it over the phone so you can just take a break and do it. Tell them it’s conflicting with your job and you can’t afford to miss work… I’m going thru same thing. I drove 45 mins to the courthouse for a hearing HE asked for and the jackass didn’t show up! I’m in Pennsylvania…. I said can he just do that? The moderator called him on phone tried to at least do conference with him on the phone and he didn’t answer, she said nothing they can do but that I can Request over the phone because of the distance
Maybe you can do virtual… don’t hurt to ask… all I can say is your in my prayers… may all this work out for the best. Best of luck …
Ask a solicitor they normally just garnish a percentage of their wage
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What happens if I don't go to a court hearing?
A lawyer can ask for a different hearing date as well
Your attorney can represent you. If you don’t have an attorney you need to be there. You can also file a petition for continuance so they can reschedule. That need to be done immediately if that’s what you do. If you don’t show or have am attorney show the court will address it and it won’t be in favor for you .
I kept avoiding mine and they told me it would turn into a warrant .
Big, hugh mistake to miss Court. The Hearing will, go on without you and you will be very sorry with your unfavorable outcome. You think missing a day of work is expensive try missing a Support Court Hearing. Apparently you don’t have an Attorney or you’re not listening to them.
If you don’t have a lawyer you’ll have to appear. If they find out you’re working they may not even send child support. That’s how it is in some counties where I live anyway
Yes? Pretty sure jobs have to let you off for court dates. This seems kinda important don’t you think?
I would talk to your attorney about representing you if possible cause not showing up definitely would look bad on you. Depending on the judge he could make it out to be like the situation isn’t important to you if you don’t show up.
I think this really depends on your state. I have never had to appear for a child support hearing. The kids father has had to be present, but they have never required me to be there.
I missed mine due to work and they just sent me a paper I had to fill out about my work and wages and everything and where I lived and if I had any dependents. They just adjusted how much they was gonna deduct from my paycheck. BUT it was from the state of Kansas. So idk how they do in other states when you miss court.
If you show your work you have to be in court and have the proof it shouldn’t be held against you, you shouldn’t have to miss your whole shift just tell them you’ll be there as soon as it’s over
Worst case scenario you can always give temporary power of attorney to a trusted family/friend that has your best/similar interest at heart. With written instructions of what your wishes are.
Call the number on your letter to be 100 percent sure. They are the only ones that can give the correct answer. Make sure you write down the persons name you talk to the date and time so you have a record of Communication. So if something does happen you have that record to fall back on. Recording the phone call would be better.
If you have a lawyer you should contact them. If you are listed as a party in the court hearing (plaintiff or defendant) usually you will have to show up. If you don’t show up the other party could get what they are asking for as a default judgment. And judges get really pissed off if you don’t show up and often (even though they are not supposed to) hold it against you for future hearings.
In my experience If you don’t go and he does The judge is gonna side with his request (the fathers) and a good chance of dismissing yours if you are requesting more from the father
In my state if you don’t show up for child support court then they put a warrant out for your arrest!!!
If ur attorney can represent u it shouldn’t be a problem. If u do not have an attorney they could compute it to whatever u were making before or the minimum wage in ur state. Either way I would show up
Best thing would be call your case worker! I got out of it because of work.
You should be held responsible… both parents should be there if he missed court you would probably throw a fit
In Michigan, if you aren’t the one paying, then you do not have to attend. You should have a case specialist, that person will be able to tell you if you have to attend.
They are going to tell you have to go if you don’t show up they can say you are putting work above your kids and it will be used against you later on down the road
Go to your H R manager. It’s their job to try and accommodate you. Good Luck
Call and try to talk to them over the phone if you don’t go there and depending on what county will pick you up
It’s your case. I’d say you need to go or hire a lawyer to go for you. If you don’t go represent yourself, then you have no say. You don’t have to miss a whole day, it’s a hour to ensure your grown up business is taken care of. Since it is your case, you may not be held in contempt, however they may close your case, because you - the petitioner didn’t show up.