What happens when you and your spouse grow apart?

What does “I’m not into that anymore “ mean?


Love is a choice you choose to love this person everyday even when you don’t like them much! But the attraction part takes lots of work you have to rekindle that fire the thing that attracted you to him to begin with and grow from that. Life is not easy and the grass always looks better on the other side but you have to water an fertilize what you do have, make it beautiful again!!


Some people are meant to be together, some are only meant to be together for a little while. If you aren’t happy Your spouse can probably pick up I’m out because you share history and kids and a house and a life, But that doesn’t mean you owe someone your love. Not every friend you make in life is meant to be there for your whole lifetime why can’t it be the same for relationships??? You and your spouse both deserve to be happy and if you aren’t happy with your spouse even if they think they’re happy, You’re doing them a disservice by staying with them because they could find somebody else who might make them happier than you so why are you holding each other back just because you share some stuff in life??? It is OK to be with someone who you thought you were going to be with forever and marry them and then it turns out they’re not.


Communication is key. Sometimes people get so caught up being parents and employees they forget how to be a husband or wife. Go talk to a therapist. Maybe he’s not in love with you the same way anymore either. It happens, people grow apart. Just something to think about, dating in your 30s with kids is not like college :wink:

Try and explore things together. You have grown together don’t throw things away. You can always explore and come back to each other in love with each other you share children and a life there is no reason to let things go just communicate


Or has someone else distracted u from your marriage?


You’re saying that you have a man that has a job, helps around the house, has stayed by your side for 16 years, y’all have kids and a house and everything but you’re not happy? How about just appreciating what you have? Damn. I’m not surprised that you don’t have a lot of friends. You seem very selfish, spoiled and entitled. I know you said “no bashing” thinking that gives you some safety from hearing anything that you don’t want to hear but that’s not how reality works. I hope you don’t throw away everything you have and really learn about reality the hard way.


I say do whatever the hell you feel is best. Because no matter what anyone tells you, you can only decide what’s best for you. At the end of the day it’s your life, your choices.


It is better to be lonely and alone than lonely in a relationship. Get to know yourself and when u find out why everyone love you, you’ll be happy. Grass may be greener but it is fertilized with bullsh**. GOD loves you no matter what.


I no longer saw the light… took a stroll on the dark side…I saw the light again :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::woman_facepalming:t3::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::+1: . So your taste and love changed? BOTH?

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The grass ain’t always greener sweetheart


Talk to your spouse. If you truly are not happy then you need to figure out what will make you happy. A lot of times, couples that are together from a very young age actually do grow apart. It has to do with brain chemistry and physiological changes, not to mention that everyone’s tastes and feelings change as we grow older. It doesn’t make you a bad person and you definitely don’t seem spoiled, selfish, or entitled as some have said. You obviously care about your husband and you a thankful for your life and children. But, your happiness is also important. If you aren’t happy that can actually impact your children and their wellbeing. Take some time and talk to your spouse, maybe see a counselor. It couldn’t hurt. And don’t let anyone make you feel bad because you grew apart and your taste in men has changed. I don’t see how so many people don’t understand that you were saying you aren’t really into white guys anymore and are interested in other ethnicities.


I’m sure a lot of other women would appreciate your man.


If you want to save your marriage look into Mort Fertel marriage fitness… It’s something my husband and I did amd it can help bring back the connection. Just a suggestion. But if you arent interested it wont work.

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I mean how do you know you’re not into that anymore?!? :thinking: Sounds to me like you’ve stepped out and tried something new already. Which I’m not bashing you at all. That’s you’re choice, but why stay if you’re not into him anymore? If you’re positive that you want your relationship to be over then leave. Don’t cheat and see what happens then decide to stay. Seems that’s not fair to your husband the father of your kids. Seems if the shoe was on the other foot how would you feel? Especially when he finds out? Things could be ruined forever for something you may or may not really want. This is something you want to drag your children through seeing their parents hurt one another.


I know quite a few people who have been in your situation.
Some make it work others don’t.
I personally think everyone should live a happy fulfilling life, and it that means your marriage/relationship/friendship/job or whatever comes to and end, then graciously let that go and move forward.

Don’t let others judge you. You are the one who has to live your life. Not them.

Sometimes things just run their course and that’s that.


It’s all hard . But it would be hard to break up to. Choose carefully . Maybe find a friend or a group or club .some time doing things you like . Try . Good luck .

Go talk to a marriage counsellor . That is the problem of marrying young. Your taste change until you really mature enough and find your true self . However since you are already invested in this relationship, you have to try and make it work by trying to fall in love with each other again . with that you will need help from someone who has experience dealing with this problem - a Marriage Counsellor . Marriage is difficult and it rewuired a lot of hard work . It is ever evolving as you grow older and as your situations change ( children, moving, jobs, job loss and etc ) - in order for it to last, first you need to be friends - good friends ! Nobody is perfect and do not be too quick to throw away a gem !


All of a sudden you are interested in something else sounds like someone has been in your ear and you entertained it.


You can never build anything, if you’re constantly starting over. It’s not unheard of for people to question whether this is the man or the woman for me (is there something better over the hill?). You will never know love unless you surrender to it.

Sometimes a break is needed to really clear your head and see what it is you really want. :pray:

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Think long and do some soul searching before you act on anything . Uou don’t want up lose something good for a quick attraction to someone else

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This happened to my ex and I. Dated since we were 15. He left when we were about to turn 40. We grew apart. And instead of either of us accepting this we pretended. Then he had an affair and our marriage ended and now we don’t talk and our kids refuse to see him.
My advice. First have a conversation between the 2 of you. If you both are in agreement marriage counseling.
Do not stay together longer than you should. If you both know it over move on before you both regret it.

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Wait so you you grew apart or you don’t like white guys all the sudden?? No bashing but I’m sorry if it’s just because your both white that sounds so wrong and I hope he ends up with better he deserves it. Just my opinion. Throwing someone away because they are a certain race is just wrong especially with so much history involved!

Lets say that he also feels the same, you need to know, you are a smart lady enough to know if they to feel the same

You already know the answer to your questions… Search ur soul deep and u will make the right choices…

Its said, you never know wat you have till you loose it, en am a believer in dialog en especially in heart matters

Do as you wish, if youre not into your white husband anymore thats on you. Nobody can tell you if to stay or leave. If it doesnt make you happy and you know talking and fixing things dont work. Then you got your awnser. But as long as there is love, everything can be fixed. Love changes as we get older. Its not as wild but its better than wild… it can be stronger and everlasting.

Do what you know in your heart you need to do…for YOU.


If there is no abuse I would really try to make things work the only reason it may seem greener on the otherside is because their septic tank leaks. Good luck!


I was with my daughter dad when I was 15 we was together for 9 years . I was around 24 when we split . We tried to make things work spicing things up going out together just us but eventually things just fell apart and we split for good … just talk to him and tell him how your feeling . But make sure the feelings are true bc it’s not always what you think it is when you break up

Unless your relationship is violent etc I’d try figure out how to spice things up u won’t get what u have with someone else if someone has caught your eye its lust nothing more your get banged that will be it and lose everything u have built together over a life time … its normal to feel u have lost your spark when u have been in a long term relationship from such a young age especially if u haven’t been with anyone else im not saying u would but straying isn’t the answer… u need to find that spark by trying different things again a pandemic hasn’t helped im sure its put pressure on every aspect of life its been like ground hog day… u both need to work on this not just you … so date nights take it in turns to arrange somethings get online get some new sexy under wear if u like them get some toys… random day trips random night trips get up to tricks :wink: search for that thrill again because its there…:grin:


You probably need more alone time with your spouse. Having a family can really take a toll on the relationship. :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging:


Leave him and send me his number, good loyal men are hard to come by these days.

Start dating again, get the kids sat for and become a couple for the night, no talk of kids bills or work… Don’t give up yet

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The amount of time that you have been together is irrelevant, you’re totally committed to each other or you’re not. You can’t hold on to a relationship for the wrong reasons if you’re heart isn’t into saving it, it’s gone so stop fooling yourselves. If either of you have been unfaithful you need to make that known upfront if you’re going to attempt to try and save it. No one is “responsible” for your happiness but you and possibly make that the reason for the split. That is unless you’re trying to crush his heart and soul,then go with the I’m not into white guys thing.

As we grow …we change, we evolve. My ex and I got together young, but when I got older everything for me was changing…while he preferred to stay stuck. That’s ok. Find your happiness. I don’t regret a single thing…happier than I’ve ever been. And we are better parents apart

I am sharing this testimony to partners suffering in their relationships because there is an enduring solution.
My husband left me and our 2 kids for another woman for 3 years. I tried to be strong just for my kids but I could not control the pains that torment my heart. I was hurt and confused. I needed a help, so i did a research on the internet and came across a site where I saw that Dr Osagiede spell caster, can help get lovers back. I contacted him and he did a special prayer and spells for me. To my surprises, after 15 hours, my husband came back home. That was how we reunited again and there was a lot of love, joy and peace in the family. You can as well contact Dr Osagiede , a powerful spell-caster for solutions on WHATSAPP.+2349150344106
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Try to make your marriage work pray about it and keep communication going with your spouse

I was with my husband from the time that I was 18 years old until the time I was 44. We grew apart. I could feel it. It was to the point where we were just roommates. But we stayed together because it worked for us and the kids. And then he started talking to somebody else on Facebook and ended up cheating on me. Staying cuz it’s comfortable isn’t a good enough reason to sacrifice your happiness. Either consciously work on your relationship together or end it. Life’s too short to be unfulfilled!

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If there is no abuse , get help from a good marriage counselor, we have had problems, but still married for over 35 years

There’s ways to spice it up again. Go on dates, have a day with just you both and find the love again.


I think it’s pretty common, especially when you get together so young to have your tastes change as you get older. I think everyone’s tastes change over the years. Attraction is also about a person’s personality as well though, so if you’re unhappy and feel unimportant that’s likely a big source of your dissatisfaction and not necessarily just about his looks.


Life happens and this can be a result of that. Check out XO marriage online. It’s a fantastic resource with lots of great info. The couple was on the brink of divorce and now have been married for 40 years.


Nothing wrong with wanting a black man​:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


Life’s short, make yourself happy :blush:


Remember why you fell in love. Maybe you can rekindle the flame by growing together again.


I’d say give it a chance, work on it. If you find someone else you’d just have the same problems with a different person. We’ve been married 42 yrs. the sparks aren’t always there


Don’t push your self to love someone when you don’t find them attractive you guys can separate and have a good life


Growing apart happens. No use staying with someone because you used to love them. Leaving allows them to find someone who loves them and fits their personality


Before giving up on a marriage, think about how you can turn it around. Have a frank talk with your husband. If you don’t think you can talk face to face, write him a letter. Don’t talk about wanting someone new. Tell him what you want to do to change things. Try to set time aside for just the two of you. Just like it takes time to start a fire, it takes effort to keep a marriage strong. There will always be ups and downs. You loved him once! Remember why!


Marriage is work. People are always learning and growing and changing. In my opinion, sit down with your spouse and have this discussion. See how he feels. Discuss your wants/needs and talk about a plan of action. If after doing that and following up on your plan of action, you still feel the way that you do, then sit back down and discuss divorce.


Marriage takes work. It’s not always hearts and roses. As years go by and kids arrive the romance can die and people can grow apart. However, when you marry you make vows that say til death do us part. I also believe that there is value in a relationship that has withstood the test of time. I’d say try to spend time together. You may not have the same interests anymore. Maybe both parties could make an effort to do something the other likes every now and then. Take turns. I wouldn’t walk away without making an effort to rekindle what you had. You may run into the same problem again with someone new in ten years. You’ve made it this far. With a little work on both sides you can go the distance!!


We are in a time where we replace everything. There’s no TV repair men. If it’s broken, throw it out. Sad. Because the next thing on the shelf won’t come with lifetime warranty either. Fix what is broken


This happens in marriage. In life we are going to grow & become different people. Key thing in a marriage is to relearn each other over & over & that’s where the term “fall in love all over again” comes from. You also have to think of dating again. The dating pool seems to suck these days so if you already have a good man that contributes & treats you well then you better keep them.


My ex husband and I were together 21 years, since we were 14 and 16. We definitely fell out of love over the years. It could have possibly been saved, but it would have taken a lot of effort and both parties doing the work and it wasn’t going to happen. It was difficult at first, but now we are both sooooo much happier 2 years out, we co-parent our 3 kids now 2.5, 5, and 7, they go back and forth each week and we work really well on making sure they are our number one priority. We are both in happy, healthy relationships now, and I don’t regret the whole thing at all. We have forgiven each other for the faults we made during our marriage and hope to not repeat them. You deserve happiness and your kids need to see you in a loving relationship.


Sometimes clashing personalities is what makes the marriage work. I’d say be happy whether that’s entering the dating pool again or finding love in your marriage again.

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Marriage is work. Relationships are work. Sometimes you have to really sit and think about why you fell in love in the first place. Make an effort.

Just remember. The grass isn’t always greener. Don’t give up on so many years because it’s gotten comfortable and mundane. Start doing the small things again. Communicate.


Are you willing to work on it & rekindle what you had?
Marriages go through seasons.
If you’re not willing to work on it, you may as well go.

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I’ve been here many times with my husband. Once a week have your time with your spouse. No electronics, no kids just you two. My husband and I got to the point where we were just parenting instead of being in a marriage. As long as you both put effort into fixing the situation then it will work. Also you guys need to work on the issues you both see in eachother with no offensive feelings. It could be something simple but don’t get defensive just listen and try to work on it.


" My husband and I are both white" lol


The grass just looks greener on the other side, because it’s not on your side where the shade has settled at the moment. Get to know each other again. You got use to each other and now it’s in a lull. Got to chat with each other and learn about each other like you did when you 2 first met. If you were to leave and go out with other people, there’s a big chance that you would see how much harder and might regret it.


Basically, you’re saying that you are now attracted to another race group? And there is nothing wrong with that. I highly doubt you’re going to take any advice of working it out from anyone here because I think you have already met someone else (who is possibly of another race group) and are looking for the go ahead to have an affair. You don’t suddenly wake up and say oh look I like black, Asian men etc. You already have someone in mind…


Marriage takes work. My husband and I have also been together since we were 16 yrs old , I will 31 this August. Over the years we have grown together. We are not the same people that we were back in 2007. I guess what I’m trying to say is that marriage isn’t always butterflies and dates.As long as your good times together out weights the bad, your doing something right. Also I’m confused about that " me and my husband are white" sentence!? Are you curious about being with some one different or another race group?! I don’t even know what to say about that ,Try Porn?!:tipping_hand_woman:

I’d go for marriage counseling first. Give it at least a year of working on the marriage and trying new things under the guidance of a professional. If after a year, you both haven’t made any progress, look into separating.

Tell him to get a tan :woman_shrugging:


Maybe go on a date, and talk about what your feeling, start doing more things alone together. Always communicate with him. He’s not gonna change because he doesn’t know what is going on in your head. Then have some nice sex! Rekindle your relationship don’t leave because it’s boring, or the flame ain’t there! You married him for a reason. Don’t be weak. Talk.!


Go on dates… fall back in love again…


So you are 31, and he is how old? And you have children together. Assuming he is a similar age, you both find another love interest and both remarry and both start new birthing cycles just because those new spouses also want babies in their new homes. You think that is going to add to the complexity any? Ours, hers, and his children become the new reason to squabble. But, now there are 4 adults wanting to share those kids, separate housing, and child support…at some point, we all need to take a reality check. Watch your tongues, they will wag when you least expect it. Once said, that cat is out of the bag and there is no going back. Do the old checklist of Pros and Cons, think seriously, then burn it. Being so relaxed with your current husband that you feel safe about this daydreaming? Start talking to each other and give him time to decide if he wants to reinvent this marriage with you or not. Just remember, once to start talking you likely can not take it back, so be cautious how you approach the subject if you have not found another interest. Be careful what you wish for, you might get it, only to discover the good ones are already taken once he finds the new Mrs. Right and you were not as fortunate.


How long have you been seeing him?


I’ve been with my spouse since we were 17 and 18 and it’s been 25 yrs. It’s work , some days more than others, we talk about EVERYTHING ! Being attracted to someone else is healthy and totally normal ,it’s what you do about that matters. Go back to the start … what was it about him in the first place ?!
If you can’t openly talk to him write them a letter, find ways to spice it up again . Watch porn, buy toys. Communication is so very important.


Marry your best friend so that when the love fades, the friendship keeps you together


No more nails. It’s an advice page now? Wtf

Go get your nails done together…oh wait,this wasn’t about nails??


I’ve been with my husband since we were 14 years old I’m white he’s Puerto Rican been together 50 years had three children together you have your ups and downs no matter what you’re not going to agree on everything you just work through it and I still love him and he still loves me we have a great relationship he’s been there through everything that I’ve been through three hip replacements I was in the hospital for two weeks I mean he’s a great guy you just have to work it out together

Idu how your not into being white???


You need to sit down and talk to him. Yall need to communicate and let each other know how you feel. Counseling may help as well

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You re kindle and refresh your relationship… You make a daily commitment to recreate romance and work hard together to bring things back into alignment.


I’ve been married to my husband for at least 44 yrs. He’s always been my very best friend… that’s not to say we haven’t disagreed… its how you treat oneanother when you do…anyhow, when your raising a family, its easy to take one another for granted…find things to do together… there must have been a reason you married him… communicate


Sometimes it isnt all peaches and creme. Sometimes it isnt all about yourself. And sometimes you aren’t happy… Happy usnt a 24 hour thing… so think real hard and think if I leave all this am I going to be happy elsewhere, and you may be but soon you won’t be. Get some happy help and don’t listen to people say well if you arent happy you need to leave… sometimes you have to pull up those big girl panties and make it work… and I just celebrated my 40th anniversary… sometimes I have had to fight … it was worth it… good luck!!!

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People do grow apart…people change, situations change…sometimes for the better and then sometimes for worse.

Its just a matter of willingness to adapt to the growth and deciding if that’s something you want to hang on to or let go.

Life is way too short to spend it being anything but happy.

u dont need facebook u need to communicate all this to him what do u think of that hummmmmm

Wait, so basically, you’re not into being white anymore? I don’t think you can change that :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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You guys clearly need to do more Manis and Pedis together hun :tired_face::sob:

I would say try to reconnect first.
You’ve had to work hard for your home, and raise children. You may not have had a lot of time to spend alone, without worrying about the children or the house.
Try a weekend away together - but do something you enjoy together, or something maybe you did when you first got together? Or even something new.
Remember why you fell in love, and what brought you together.

Only consider separating, or meeting someone else if you have tried all other things (or unless a partner is toxic, then get someone were safe) xxxx

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Growing apart happens because you LET it happen. A relationship needs constant nurturing.
Go to therapy.

This site is lame. Fake stuff posted to suck people in. And why is it called Nails 2 Die For?

Quelle âge ont vos enfants ? Moi après dix ans je me suis séparée mes enfant avait 5 et 8 ans et j’ai gâcher leur vie je le regrette infiniment j’aurais dû endurer quelques années de plus car j’ai mis mes enfants au monde j’aurais dû penser a eux avant de penser a moi

What has white got to do with it , did I miss something !!!

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Separate,get some bbc,then reunite. Sorry but you need to find out if you are truly into interracial stuff or if you are just curious and hopping on the bandwagon. I have noticed a lot of women seem to want to try interracial dating but not necessarily dedicated. Dating interracially is a lot different because youre going to encounter situation‘s that are racial that you may have not ever encountered before and you are going to have to be a voice And always speak up in defense of your partner it is not a walk in the park to date interracially either, you will be judged by your side and their side it is not for the weak of heart or mind. And this is coming from someone who started off on black men and still dating them now never had intimacy that was NOT interracial.

You were very young in the beginning. Sometimes love doesn’t last and that’s ok as long you are honest wit yourself and him. Maybw try therapy by yourself so you can understand whats really happening then therapy as a couple. I got together wit mines when i was 18 and he was 24. Here we are 13yrs later but we did therapy together and separate and it work for us.


Your marriage has become monotonous and you’re looking to get more spice in your life. Yep, I’ve seen that many times…

Communication is key at this point and children are involved… He probably feels the same way and keeping it from you… Men tend to wait until kids are 18 to make the split… kids feel the unspoken tension and that isn’t what you want for them… I know couples who have gone thru what your talking about and found out they were the best of friends and both agree they were just kids and not mature enough to make “till death do we part” decisions yet… Being open they have a better family life for the kids and they are spending more time together as friends than a couple… Seek counseling if you need help to speak about this or your clergy at least… Good Luck and your in our prayers!!!

If you are not happy you have the right to walk out but be honest about it. The things you wanted/ liked at 15 are not the same at 31.

First off talk to him about it. See how he is feeling. If he is feeling the same way yous can decide to start dating again sometimes life takes over and you lose time for each other and grow apart. If that don’t work then go your separate ways

Learn to love each other as you change as you both change many times you must relearn them and open your mind and share your interest too your not mind readers

I left after 25yrs of marriage. I knew him since I was 14. I asked many times for what I wanted and nothing changed so I needed to leave.

Boredom, routine, stress, changes in personalities on both sides, the cliches of Life happen. If you can work passed all the cliches, and all the changes, then maybe the marriage can be salvaged, but you both have to want it, to make it happen. If you cannot meet common ground, then a divorce is inevitable or an agreement to live separate lives. Good luck to you, it’s a lot to deal with.

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This happens to couples inwas married for 32 years i felt like my husband was more like a roommate. Try talking to your husband suggest counseling if not unhave decision to make good luck

Maybe it’s time to talk about your feelings and decide if you want to work through the growing pains. I stayed for 25 years through abuse cheating he had children by another and I stayed for my kids funny thing was I realized when I finally was done and my kids were grown they said I should’ve left sooner. They have zero relationships with him and I’m remarried never been happier to a sweet man who treats me like a princess. My kids watched all the drama the pain the shouting the differences the growing pains. My kids take no crap and have amazing self worth. If I could go back I would walk sooner live free be a better parent. At the end of the day and when the kids grow up you all deserve to be happy and loved. Love is not always easy it can be uncomfortable no one can tell you this answer look for it inside of you. For once ask what you want. A story can still have a happy ending choose. Good Luck