I live in NY. Please reconsider moving here. We are the most expensive state and now with the bail reform law, dangerous people are being released with no bail. NY 'ers are fleeing in record numbers to other states.
I’m not sure of the legal aspects in your country. I live in Canada and did the same thing, moved from one province to another. I did, however, just go to the courts ahead of time. I notified my ex of my plans. Then I went to the courts and said I’m moving for whatever the reason are. My ex didnt show up in court til the final appearance and by then I got the approval to take my kids and go. There was nothing he could do. I just didnt want any hassles once I had moved. Just my experience. Best of luck!
What does the original custody agreement say? Does he have any legal rights through the court? If he does, you have to notify the courts of your move and him. He may disagree and fight you in court. Sad but true.
Don’t buy trouble. Move and don’t worry about it. If he does attempt to take it to court (doubtful) tell him you’ll then ask for back support if he pursues it.
This doesn’t make any sense what I just read. He not involved so why are you trying to involve him. I’m confused.
Get a lawyer then move
He lives across country he can’t say now because it’s not barring access to the children. Even if he does it won’t matter because he restricts his own access by being across the state.
If there isnt a court order between you two for custody then you can move and don’t need to inform him.
If you have full custody then no, if not I’d get it approved through the courts
Is there a parenting plan in place? If so, by law you HAVE to inform him, and file your intent to move with the court. If he denies the move, you go to court and state your case to the judge. If the father hasn’t been involved at all and has all but “abandoned” them…the judge will allow you to move. I’m not a lawyer but have a lot of legal experience.
If he lives across the country - it makes no difference where you move as long as the custody agreement remains in place. He is entitled to your new address and phone number if it changes. I moved to multiple states and never had a problem.
Court Should tell him he has no case after Not seeing for 9 years, he quite Obviously is just a control freak
You can move without telling him. It will only be a problem if he finds out and decides to Cause trouble. Which by your description, that sounds like it would be too much work for him to do anyway so you should be fine
He can’t say no and idk why you would even bother contacting a dead beat who hasn’t been around for 9 years. My kids dad has been gone for 9 years by choice as well. If we ever moved to another state. I won’t bother with him. It’s not like you’re moving out of the country. Fuck um.
Find you divorce decree and see what it says about the children and if need be just contact the court in which your marriage was dissolved and let them know your concern and inquire from them what is the best route to take in this just to be on the safe side of the law. But if he lives across the country and has had no contact with your children together don’t see why he would care where you all went. And you did do the right thing by letting him know but I’m almost sure he cannot tell you can’t move unless you were moving out of the country. Contact the courts and they can legally and professionally advise you on this matter.
Let the court know you’re relocating. He shouldn’t be able to give you a problem unless you have joint custody. Otherwise to heck with him. He hasn’t had contact with them in 9 years and I’m sure the court will see it your way. Quit giving yourself anxiety over that miserable jerk!
Why are you stressing before you know what he will say?
What exactly is in your divorce decree? If you are moving for a job or spouses job that would benefit your family, the court is not going to say you can’t. The fact he has not seen them in so long is a factor here, does he call? Have any contact with them? If not that is abandonment …also move and make him take you to court if it is so important, does he have the money and time to do so? First he has to find you in the new state and pay someone there to serve you papers for court etc…otherwise file papers now yourself so it doesn’t have to be messy and I am betting you will be able to move especially if it is for the goodness of your family.
Go on, move. So he says no, after 9 years he actually has no legal leg to stand on. He says no, file abandonment charges. Go ahead, move on.
Update the courts with current address/phone, all documentation filed will present with the same docket # for further proceedings. Why was he even contacted if he hasn’t cared in this long. He probably only wants to be spiteful you contacted his girlfriend
I swear, these “questions” cannot be from real people. It has to be fake news. 1. She doesn’t tell us where she lives now. 2. why would an absent exhusband/father of her children give a rats ass where she moves? 3. Update him after the move. Here are where your children are living now in case you ever want to fly across country to ever see them. WTF.
You just have to provide address. It’s in your decree or child support documents.
Some laws are so stupid in some cases! My parents wanted to take my daughter on a trip into Canada…Because it was across a country border, I had to track down my ex, that had not seen my daughter in 7 years, nor want to…and get a notarized letter stating that it was ok for her to go with them…thank goodness on my part that with the lifestyle he was living, he knew I could make his life a living hell, and as soon as I contacted him, he met me at the notary’s office…but, point being, I shouldn’t have even had to ask…
Call the court and find out how it would work since he’s out of state already. Might not even have to file into court or ask his permission.
Update courts, make sure they know where kids are and that there has been no contact. Enjoy your move.
He has no say. He’s been absent from their lives for 9 years. I think he’s given up the right to an opinion on this.
As long as your collecting his money the kids aren’t considered abandoned
unless you have a court order that states you cannot move outside an area you can move wherever you want he does not decide that.
With my court order we could not well I cannot move outside the county which stinks because I can’t get suitable housing. But I don’t have the money to go back to court
Talk to a family law attorney in the state you currently live in. Most offer a free consultation. If there were no stipulations in your divorce, im sure you have nothing to worry about. Besides you are doing what’s in the best interest of your family. Stop stressing and get to stepping. Good luck
Why did you even contact him/his gf?? He hasn’t been involved all that time anyway so do what you want to do!! You stressed yourself unnecessarily
If you have sole legal and physical he cant say shit.
Although non custodial parents have rights, one of those rights being whether the custodial parent can move the kids and how far the move can be, and the guidelines can vary depending on the jurisdiction.
However, you state he lives across the country. That being the case, how much difference is it to him if you live in New York or in Massachusetts if he’s in California or New Mexico?
Any Family Court Judge who knows how to think would see the lunacy of any objections he would make on it.
Relocation laws typically apply to situations where both parents are in the same town or at least the same state.
Also the children are Adolescent not toddlers or infants. What they think or feel about it is relevant.
If the custodial Judge refuses to take what the kids have to say into account, get the kids a legal child’s advocate and go back again. Or just get them one from the start.
Good luck
He hasn’t had any contact with them in years and you felt like you needed to let him know you’re moving??? Girl stop texting that man and live your life! block the number and enjoy your move!! End of story.
You invited that trouble yourself. Notify the court and move on with your life.
If your court papers say he has to approve the. You must go through the court system. If there is nothing legal on paper stating that, then you are fee to do what you want. In my experience anyway. I would call domestic relations and inform them what’s going on and let them guide you.
Go to the court and ask to sever her parental rights, unless he is paying child support it should be a piece of cake to get approved.
i would talk to a lawyer in the satae of florida you cant leave if there is a custody case in progress
i think she has to tell him until her kids are 18
Please stop with these questions u know the answer to
He’s been an absent father, after 7 years you lose rights to say. I wouldn’t worry about it. If there isn’t placement, custody or visitation in place he has no say.
You shouldn’t have any problems in court since he has chosen to stay away
Let the court know you’re moving and make sure that use and held all the information about where you’re moving phone numbers addresses except or a. Do it certified mail so he has to sign so he can’t say he didn’t know
Ummmm for as long as he has been out of his kids life I wouldn’t even ask him. Nothing loss if you move. He made the choice to stay away so you make the choice to love on without him. Just my thought as I can’t stand a so called father to have a say in my life after he gave up his own children. If you want to do it the legal way that’s good too but if he can care less for his own children so may be a waist of time too. My ex chose not to see my boys 3visits back to back and from there he had no more say in anything I did with my boys until he took me back to court which never happened
Don t borrow trouble. He may not even care since he has no contact what would it matter to him
Why did u even try to get a hold of him.your kids could probably not even care to see him.i would move any way
I would have moved…then sent him my new address.
Contact the court. With him being an absent parent, unless he’s paying support, it won’t take long for the judge to sign off. Legal Aid in your state can also help you. As a former paralegal, I wouldn’t leave the state without the proper steps taken.
He has no say so… just move, if he cared he’d always be there
Do what the kids want!!! Don’t be torn and do what they want!!! If they wanna move, then honor their feelings!!!
After 1 year of no contact, it is considered abandonment and he has no rights.
After 1 year of no contact at all you can have his rights taken away, especially if he isn’t paying child support. Also I believe since he lives in a different state he has no rights to tell you where you can live
If he doesn’t have joint custody whatever he says doesn’t mean shit!
Just pack your stuff & move unless in your divorce it states you can’t move. THEN just go to court & ask to be able to move
Ask him to relinquish rights
Just move and give him your new contact information. He’s obviously not interested in seeing his kids but he should still know where they are…
Why lose sleep over someone you’ve had no contact with in 9 years?? Just move! If he has a problem with it if or when he reaches out than he can explain to the judge why after all these years with no contact he has a problem now.
If he hasn’t reached out to you in 9 years all you are required to do is give your new address and stuff to the court. If he is paying child support, all that stuff will have to be switched over to the state you reside in.
Are there any court orders I would just move he has had no contact let him take you to court good luck
You did your part already by informing him of the move. I can only assume your cell phone number will remain the same. Contact is attainable. Hes good and so are you
Good luck with your move!!
What a waste of imagination.
If there is no court order
Nothing he can do
Just go before he try’s to put one in place
Yet no contact at all for 8 yrs is abandonment of his said children and he could possibly be removed from any and everything
Not sure in America but in Australia as long as there’s reasonable access to the child/children you can move where you like. You may have to pay the child/children return journey fare though, half the travel costs for access. I’d suggest getting legal advice to cover your butt. If hes had nothing to do with them for years it shows he’d only complain out of spite and malice not genuine care or concern, courts do take that on board as its meant to be what’s in the child’s/childrens best interests.
He no longer has rights. Just move, you will be ok.
Why did you even contact him? He doesn’t care where you live and he has made that obvious. Apparently you still have unresolved feelings for him and are hoping he will show up. Move on…
Let the court know. And him you dont need permission cause his living across country wont interrupt his visitation
Put your mind at ease and just go to a judge and have paperwork filed for relocation notice put in your files. Then it won’t matter what he says
Does he pay his child support? If not, he really has no right. That’s just my opinion, but something to look into
That’s not his decision to make. He hasn’t been around for 9 years and this is a question? Just move unless he’s got joint custody.
It will all work out
He doesn’t have a leg to stand on if he’s not local
Question would be… what does your divorce decree say about the children? If it isn’t specified that both parties need to agree if you relocate, why tell him. Most of the time it is stated the addresses and phone numbers have to be kept current and that is all. One of my favorite sayings is… DON’T BORROW TROUBLE
You can move anywhere in the country unless it is legally written in a custody agreement. Go to court if needed.
Why worry if he hasn’t come around for over 9 years?! If you had not notified him , he wouldn’t even be aware. Best to go on and not bother him anymore.
Ha. Ha. Hahahahahahaha. I’m sorry but F*** that deadbeat douchecanoe. No judge would side with him. Move. I wouldn’t even tell him.
Just have a consent form sent to him and if he wont sign it go after him for child support and half of evey dr., dentist bill you have ! Trust me he will sign it
He has no decision unless you have court order stating you cant move. If he lives in another state then the court wont stop you. All uou have to do is notify him. It is up to him to legally challenge it.
Has he said that you can’t move? Unless you have a court order saying no then move. Doesn’t sound like
He is too involved anyway.
I would contact a lawyer to get their opinion. If he already lives across the country already no court would rule that he can stop you from moving, just make sure you do whatever you legally have to do to protect yourself.
Fuck him, do you
You have your own little family to worry about
He hasn’t had contact for that long it doesn’t matter what he says, u didnt even have to notify him. Enjoy your life and do what’s right for your family x
He hasn’t cared about his kids for 9yrs “and” lives across the country… He won’t give a sh*t. Let’s take that .0000001% chance he says “no”… you go to court, the judge will slap it down, you’ll be able to move. If what you say is true then you’re worrying about nothing and wasting your energy on needless worry.
Kids are not know who he is… Sorry his loss…!!
Just go- give the court your reasons! as for him W.T.H. (moved on) n has no say!
He hasn’t seen them in 9 years, no court will hold anything against you for a move. He just wants control and you need to break that. He isn’t going to come and see them, even if they lived down the street. Be happy and move.
If you guys don’t have a formal parenting plan, he really can’t say anything, especially since he hasn’t been around for the past nine years. Take precautions and contact s family law lawyer and see what they say.
Why ask? Just do it! He probably never woulda known to be honest. And deal with out later. I’m sure there’s nothing he can do anyways. Plus why you keeping contact still? do you!
If he is not in the same state and doesnt exercise his visitation rights now courts won’t stop you