What is c section recovery like?

I’ve had two c-sections. Belly wrap for after c-section it will help with pain and walking, high waisted underwear a size bigger then you normally wear so it doesn’t rub you’re incision for when you’re home and for when you’re in the Hospital mesh underwear maternity pads high waisted soft stretchy yaga pants lose tops that are easy to put on maternity bras that are easy to put on or gowns. Non-slip shower shoes or sandals non slip sandals non-slip socks because you won’t be able to bend it to put on shoes. A nursing pillow to put the baby on so you have a barrier to protect your incision. Here is some advise don’t take heavy narcotics after your C-section if you can help it because if you’re going to breastfeed your baby that will go through your breastmilk if you can go with ibuprofen 800 for pain management after your C-section, make sure they give antibiotics after your C-section to prevent any infection, you will also need a stool softener because the pain medication and everything else they will give you in the hospital Will constipate you take your pain medication antibiotic and stool softener regularly as directed during the recovery time which is 8 weeks because taking a constipated poop after a c -section HURTS, drink lots and lots of water it will move things along and I will help you not get constipated do not bend over lift anything heavier than your baby that you gave birth to you’re going to need help with house chores looking after other kids meal prep before your C-section that way you can just do something in the oven from the freezer walk as soon as they allow you to as much as you can without overexerting your body it will help your body heal faster and it will prevent blood clots when you feel tired rest take it easy and sleep that will also help you recover keep taking your prenatals everyday it will help you get stronger eat breakfast lunch and dinner. Do not skip meals because you will start to weak. Put a pillow against your abdomen and put a little bit of pressure when you feel like sneezing coughing or laughing because this will help you feel less pain when that happens or when you’re in the car. When you are going to go on a car ride make sure you take your pain medication before you do so go fill your prescriptions right after you leave the hospital so that you’re not without your medication especially the pain medication when you go home. While in the the nurses will massage your abdomen to make sure that you’re not bleeding too much and to help your uterus contract and go back to its original size now I’m not going to lie this does not feel very comfortable it’s painful but make sure if they’re going to do it they do it an hour after you took your pain medication. Chargers for your phones or any Electronics and usually you’re in the hospital for 3 to 5 days after c-section depending on how things go for you and baby, make sure after the C-section immediately after they give you something for nausea in case the anesthesia makes you nauseous because that is another thing that is not fun throwing up after a c-section is very painful

High rise underwear, a robe and going home outfit. Hope all goes well and you don’t have a bumpy ride home

just make sure you dont see any funny relatives for the first few days laughing is not fun

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Big pants, really big, like the biggest you can find. Night gowns rather than pyjamas you need to avoid anything that sits along where your cut is going to be. Avoid pepper and funny people.

I had a c section, its painfull but you can still walk abit after, but make sure they keep up with your drugs as when they ware off it’s very hard, I’d say ask the nurse to get your pads and stuff for the baby out and have it on the draws as you cnt bend to get the stuff, I was fine after 4 days, still in pain but could take the pain, and make sure you ge sent home with dihidrocodien, and make sure you have pants that go all the way up your belly as that’s the worst thing I had to handle, and a knighty, I only stayed in hospital for 24hours and then went home as I wasnt given enough water, and I didnt have alot of help with baby and I didnt get to eat my food as baby was crying, make sure you ask for help if you need it, all hospitals are different so I hope you get lots of help

Take any prescribed pain meds on the dot, they take a bit to kick in and you’ll need them. Also, take the stool softener. It helps.

Everyone’s body reacts differently I had never been admitted to a hospital let alone had a baby (u talk about being scared to death it was a triple whammy surgery, first baby and surgery while awake) and they said c section I did nothing but ask questions cry and google everything and people and the internet will make u think ur gonna die I was SHOCKED how ok I was I had barely any pain (I took minimal pain meds they scare me to many horror stories from people) I was cleaning my hospital room the next day everyone’s body is different

Get up and walks as soon as you can

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Supportive undies and ice packs. Sometimes when you walk it may burn. Just take it easy don’t lift nothing heavier then the baby and get up and walk as much as you can. Sitting only prolongs healing. My doctors were surprised at how well I healed and how quick. I didn’t over do it but I didn’t baby myself either.

Pack adults pampers … they helped me alot

It all depends. My first one was a breeze. My second was botched. I had very little help. Had to drive days later. Had an unrelated surgery 1.5 months after. All was fine.

It sucked but it was doable. You’re just sore for a while. Stay on top of your pain meds and get up to walk often. Don’t over work yourself!

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I had absolutely zero issues with my c section that I was TERRIFIED to have…I had no incision pain, I was up walking an hour afterwards and couldn’t stop walking…baby and me must have walked miles around the hospital…the day I came home I was back to doing laundry, dishes, etc…it really was like nothing even happened except I did hold onto some swelling in my feet…I went thru 32hr of back labor before I caved to a c-section…I was stubborn and wanted a natural birth with no pain meds…I would opt for the c-section and have one again with no fear at all…labor was hell and my c-section was NOTHING like the horror stories I had heard

I had all 3 c section and it was painful! U can’t move for anything. U can’t poop because ur scared ur stitches with open. :weary:

What this page is supposed to be about


Cold packs! Cold packs! I wish someone told me how wonderful a cold pack felt against the scare. Thank God for my husband’s cold hands. A pillow for sure to press against it if you need to move. I liked wearing my leggings because it wasn’t too tight around the scare but held me good enough, not too much pressure.

A firm pillow loose clothes and loose underwear

The things I made sure to have is loose fitting clothes and stool softener. Getting in and out of bed is gonna be challenging too

I’m over weight so I had skin hanging over mine and staples r so much better. I’ve had 2 with staples and 1 with stitches. The stitches ingrown and was not fun at all. But I used burpclothes to put under my belly fat to keep the incision dry. It helped alot

Wear. The. Abdominal Binder. It help support your belly and the pressure really really helps. I had them give me a second one so I had one to wear while the other was being washed. I don’t think I could have survived without it honestly lol.

I’m not going to lie either. I had two and developed serious adhesions, ended up having to have a hysterectomy some years later. Neither c section was easy for me if was very difficult but I’ll spare the details.

I’m in recovery from a c section had had my baby 4/29. And definitely get up and moving helps a lot and loose clothing I’ve been wearing dresses and granny panties so nothing is rubbing on the incision. And to keep it dry after a shower I used my hair dryer on the cool setting works great!

Honestly I thought it was great. Laughing and sneezing hurt afterwards but that was it. No issues down below or anything from pushing… No issues going to the bathroom after either which is nice. Just get up and around as soon as they remove the catheter… I brought high wasted undies and sweats with me… Bring pads too bc you’re still going to bleed after for a few days (which I didn’t realize lololol)


Everyone is different. I had no real pain. Just need to be careful, don’t overexert and pull the stitches. Keep them dry so no infection. But I didn’t have this excruciating pain people say. I was fine.

I just had 2 in 2 years. I had a rough first one. Take it easy. I didn’t hurt so I pushed it and split mine and got an infection. Long recovery. Slowed down on second and it went great. Listen to your body. You will know what you can and can’t do. It will go great!

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Honestly my hospital provided anything I needed…I refused any further pain medicine and took motrin once I was home…the pain was all gone within a week… I would recommend a natural laxative as it will be tough goin to the bathroom for a few weeks. Best of luck!!

Just an FYI they secure ur hands down during the c section lol no one told me they did that lol I’ve had 3 of them done n all have been different. My 1st one I was n bed for 8days…My 2nd one I was in rest for 3 days…which I regret but had no choice…didn’t listen to the Dr n got a hernia and had 3 of my staples come out :pensive: so pls do listen n get all the rest u need…my 3rd one was alot better rested for a week n recovery was better. The stuff that helped for all 3 were
●Loose high waisted pants were my bestfriend
●A belly band
●A firm pillow but my last one I just used 3 towels rolled long ways n wrapped around me under my stomach for when I sneezed or coughed lol
●Laxatives or anything that helps make u go cuz i didnt have any bowel movement for awhile n when i did it was like giving birth to a tinier baby lol
●One of those bobby pillows to help carry baby when they feed. can’t carry so much weight so that’ll help (my babies were all over 8lbs)
●liquid diet worked for me the most when it came to eating
●the longest pads I could find to put on incision to keep dry
● try walking slowly when u can
●bigger underwear…that goes over ur belly
Everyone’s experience is different and this was mine n what helped me… as you recover you’ll know what will help you to be more comfortable and if possible get all the help you need let ppl help you if they offer…with my 2nd I didn’t thinking I got this n I didn’t lol n I wish I did
GOOD LUCK AND CONGRATS! you got this :+1::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Shoes that will fit over your swollen feet when you leave the hosp. I went home barefoot

Wear a tummy belt feels like ur guts won’t be up where they should. And after it’s going to feel like it burns to get up and walk around but take an easy. My first 2 were vaginally my 3rd was a c-section

I loved loose pants or even a long maxi dress. Take it easy but do walk and move so you don’t get stuff. It’s hard and it hurts but just be careful. Totally worth any pain when you have a baby at the end

Definitely a firm pillow and I honestly stole some pairs of my fiances boxers

Hurts like hell but isn’t as bad as an episiotomy.

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They gave me a band that held my tummy tight but idk what the do I had a partial hysterectomy or how its spelled idk. But good luck and congratulations

Honestly, if you have the option not tohave a cs, have a vaginal birth. Its soooooo much easier.

I got a terrible infection and cellulitis around the wound. I had a drain in place for four months after. I took pain medication with fever reducer in it so I wasn’t aware that I even had fever until I has sepsis. I nearly died the first c section because of it. The second I got cellulitis from the staples. Just be aware. It could save your life.

Everybody C-section is different I had no problems whatsoever just took Tylenol or Ibuprofen but my niece had a C-section and she had major problems was in pain so much that she had to take pain pills for it.

I was fine and I was 40! You’ll be sore, not in pain though. It’s easy

You have to roll out of the bed… It hurts when you cough… But youll be okay… It dont last that long…

I didn’t even take pain meds. I got up and walked walked walked as soon as I got the go. The hardest thing for me was getting up from the bed! Omg I needed assistance for like a week. As for the poop thing. I pooped several times but then one day I went and nothing would come out. It was so painful I wanted to go back to the hospital! Find you a bench so you can pop a squat properly. Also I heard that if you have someone boil water and put a rag in the water and then bring it to you so you can apply pressure in your private areas that its supposed to help :woman_shrugging:
I’ll be finding out soon as well :grimacing:

Whatever you do don’t let them give you morphine right after once it wears off all of your stomach muscle and uterus will start contracting and it will be the worst pain imaginable and make them scrape the placenta out if not they are gonna come in and push on your stomach and that is definitely the last thing you want. I also bought one of those underwear girdles that go up to basically your boobs that way as I healed all my stomach muscles would stay up in place. I felt like it took a lot of pressure off the Incision

Don’t try to get up the way you usually do. Make sure you get up slowly and sway as you are standing up. It helps alot with the tenderness.


I had my son via c section on the 20th and went shopping on the 23rd. Everyone heals differently.

It’s called a natural birth…

I had 2 C sections 1st one was hard to walk or cough took about a week to recover. The nurses have you get up and walk the next day. The more you move the better. My 2nd one was like nothing walking was easier ect. You’ll be fine!

Ask for an abdominal binder!

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Take it easy and don’t over do it, as other’s have suggested hold a pillow or cushion to your stomach when you cough and be mindful of things you pick up

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Take a back scratcher with you! It was a lifesaver coming off of the anesthesia.


I had a c section and it went really well. I did not need to take pain pills after recovery. I think it might vary a bit between people but overall it wasn’t a bad experience. Best part is you get an epidural! Smooth sailing :sailboat: after that. Make sure you bring extremely loose sweats or yoga pants or maybe even a mumu. You may not have a period for 6-8 weeks. They literally clean everything out of your uterus so there’s little to no bleeding, in my experience anyway.

You will not be able to sit up, cough or sneeze without feeling like your stomach will bust open. Just be mindful if you do sneeze or cough to try not to do it forcefully. Overall it’s really not a bad experience.

Loose fotting cloths for sure. Maybe moomoos.


Yes,ask for abdominal binder. Helps a lot


I slept on the couch for the first few days. Easier to pull myself up then sleeping in the bed

Definitely take high waist underwear & pants so it doesn’t rub on your stitches.


Get a belly band. Everyone is different but I had a very hard time with my C-section. Took me a long time. It was so bad that I opted for a VBAC with my last baby.

Belly support band for sure. A lot of people say loose clothing but for me medium tight high waisted spanks really helped me hold everything in place when I was back up and walking around the hospital. I think it varies for every woman. I would take both to see which works best for you, blessings!

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I never had a c-section but I wish you a speedy and healthy delivery and healing process.

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I can say i have had both and the C section was so much easier than I though . After the trauma of my first pregnancy the C section was planned . Recovery was very quick and I healed very quickly . Just don’t do to much but don’t do nothing . I found the more gentle movements I done the better it was .

I’ve had 3,last 2 weren’t too bad. First was twins so dunno of that’s why the recovery was longer. I was doing the school run after 3/4 days on my youngest. Everyone recovers differently. Don’t cough or sneeze. Don’t over do things. Standing up and sitring back down hurts. Think of anything you use stomach muscles to do…

Ask for the support recovery band when they put you in recovery. That was THE BEST thing ever. I am so glad I asked for it. Made my healing so much easier

I had c-section 10yrs ago, he was born late afternoon so by time I got back to my room that evening was 6pm, the next morning at 6am I’m bracing myself for this first time movement n shower! H however I was extremely lucky the pain just didn’t happen for me or I was preparing for very worst, however I slowly moved n sat up on bed n then stood n straighten myself walked to shower n did alone n got back to room n nurse nearly freaked out cos I shouldn’t of took risk with fainting low blood etc, I was only focused on this pain I was to experience but also told get up asap n start moving…yes coughing or a sneeze made me without thinking put presser on lower tummy to help. I kept my scar very clean n dry, I’d dry it with hair dryer n place a pad on it n the sticky bit of pad stuck to knickers…when I could Id lay on my bed n face a fan towards me n id air my scar so to speak. It healed perfect n quickly. It’s just tender due to being cut open. I even drove n hung out washing etc, I forgot to take it easy n careful cos I felt good n normal. It wasn’t unless someone in that first 6wks asked how am I getting into town to shop (35km) who hangs my washing out etc and I’d be like oh shit I am.

I found recovery very easy and almost pain free
Hold your stomach when you cough or sneeze but other than that I had a great team and no issues w pain ibuprofen did the trick

I’ve had 4 sections…rule #1…get up and moving as soon as you’re able. Laying around too much or too long will make you very stiff and then it will be agony to get up walking. I concur with the pillow for coughing/laughing/sneezing.


Cut your nails, your face and body will itch like mad - a cusion to put pressure over your scar when you sneeze or cough, a carrier bag to turn in and out of cars with lip balm for dry lips (both in the section and after) move as soon as you can don’t stay laid in bed if you can - ask your hospital for a bed crib (they attach to the side of your bed in the hospital) knickers that go under your flabby bit so that you don’t get to sweaty over your scar (can also use pantiliners ) don’t over do it after as can take longer to heal (mummy with 2 sections) xx

my first was a section 2nd was VBAC and recovery from section was tons easier. granny panties u don’t want anything that will rub where he incision is

Stool softener helps, walking, take it easy, listen to your body, talk with your ob is what I did with both times good luck

The C section was so much better in every way

I had both my kids via c-section. It’s hard to say what to pack to make it easier. The first one, I had staples. They caught on EVERYTHING and it was quite painful. The second one, I had stitches and the recovery was much easier!

Easy pants too wear. Comfortable tops. Nothing too tight

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If you are larger in size, and your belly is going to hang over your incision line, ask for extra gauze to keep your incision line dry. I used baby soap when washing my incision line.I have had 2C sections. Neither one of them were fun. You will not move right for a while, slow is always the best pace. Bring food, Graham crackers regular crackers any kind of snack that will hold over your food craving… They will not feed you solid food for at least 24 hours. I saw someone comment about bringing a back scratcher, that is definitely going to be a must!!

Have your Ob place an On-Q pain pump to the incision site. It numbs the site for several days so that you will require less pain meds orally and you will be better able to care for the baby. Also make sure that you get up and move as much as possible as soon as you can. The more you lay in bed the harder it will be.

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Everything that has been mentioned here. And as a side note do not listen to any negative comments from people because you will definitely get them.

Also be prepared for the fact in 20 years you still may not have feeling in your lower stomach so you definitely want to be careful with that.

Get up as soon as you’re able! I was stuck in bed with my first due to the time of my section and getting a bed on the ward at around midnight they didn’t get me up until the morning and by then I was so stiff it was agony to walk. With my second I was up walking a few hours later and was so much easier. Peppermint capsules help with trapped wind. Isotonic drinks as soon as you’re in recovery. Maternity pads, much better than sanitary towels. Lip balm. Slippers for the ward and flip flops for wearing in the shower. Big granny pants!

I’ve had 2 c-sections. First one I was miserable for a couple months, hurt like hell to move and walk. Second one, the nurses kept chasing me back to bed as I was “up and around to much, I needed rest to heal”. I was back to work full time 6 days after c-section number 2.

Looking back, I should have been up and moving more after the first one to help alleviate some of the stiffness. Loose fitting and comfortable pants that don’t put pressure on your incision site are a must.

Also, as someone else mentioned, you may never get full sensation and feeling back directly surrounding the incision site. It’s been almost 16 years since section #2 and it still feels numb around the scar.

A medium tight high waist gurdle…put that on the first day…sleep on the chair…some ducloux and gas x extra strength…dont let the pain medication wear off especially those first 24 hours as soon as 4 hours come ask for med cause its harder when ur feeling the pain…after 48 hours ur good…this is just to get u thru those first 24 to 48 hours

Have someone help you! Avoid bending over or stairs. A grabber tool might help. First week is rough. Splint yourself for coughing, it still hurts. Pain meds don’t really help. Rest and increase activity as tolerated. Don’t get constipated.

I had 3 sections in 2.5 years. All were fine take it easy and rest up. Wear loose clothing. Good luck

Excellent question for your DOCTOR

Get a binder! It will be your saving grace! Your intestines won’t feel like they’re about to bust out of your stitches.

I had no trouble whatsoever with mine. I was out bowling the 8 days after my c-section!

Pack overnight pads unless you want to wear their diapers! Lol and also, please don’t be afraid to admit you need something for the pain!

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I’ve had 2 c-sections the recovery time is way longer. You need a pillow to hold against you belly. And remember not to lift anything over 10 pounds. Use a daily laxative at first, you dont want to be straining to poop.

I had 4 c-sections I went to Walmart the day after I got home from hospital with my first long story short i needed supplies for a boy NOT a girl​:woman_facepalming:t3: :rofl: :woman_shrugging:t3: best soap is dial antibacterial liquid body wash and move as much as your body allows don’t just sit and recover your body will hate you later or vise versa after a month or two wear spanx it will help put things back where there supposed to be and your waist will thank you congratulations and enjoy your new baby

When you need to cough, hold a pillow to your low gut.
Don’t lift anything other then baby.
Don’t jump into house chores. Be lazy.
Belly band helps.
Not as horrible as it seems. I hurt the first week, super sore week two, sore week three and four. Then didn’t really tell after week five.
Go easy on happy time with hubby. Wait the six to eight weeks they tell ya.
Oh, and pooping sucks. The hospital want you to fart before you go home to make sure everything is working. Don’t eat foods you know will back you up.

Just like gutting a deer!!

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My first one was bad I was sore and HATED to walk bent over in pain. Mind you I was in 16 hrs of labor b4 hand :joy:… the second one was a breeze I was ready to go home on the first day! Felt like speedy Gonzalez in that room Lol. The meds helped also.

I feel like my recovery was great. I was up the next day. I wasn’t in much pain. I was able to do everything on my own. Each person varies. Just depends on how u handle pain I think.

c sections are by far better/ easier!