What is my chance of getting pregnant at 43?

Go for it :slightly_smiling_face: if it doesn’t happen go see a fertility specialists. I’ve heard once you get into your Late 30’s and early 40’s it can get harder to have a baby because your egg count is lower. But clearly that is not the case for everyone.

Same as any other age. When and what happened.
My last one arrived when I was 45. No problems. Child is just fine, as most babies are. No interventions, no assistance in any way.

Remember that children with the Down gene are the MOST loving, happy people there are. Rejoice if you are blessed with one.

36 with my last son who now 11, lots of problems with baby through pregnancy but it was my blood and not age related. Induced 6 weeks early baby in scbu for 6 weeks. Go for it and good luck xx

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My mom had my sister when she was about that age

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me and my MIL were pregnant at the same time, and she was 42!


My friend got pregnant at 45 after chemo treatments. Had a healthy baby boy.


Also my Aunt was in her 50s and they thought she was going through the change of life with her surprise pregnancy.


Accidentally, had my last at 45, even with PCOS and irregular periods! Good Luck to you Momma!

Possible!! I had my last baby boy when I was almost 42…I had went from 1995 to 2009 with no birth control and then Boom I got pregnant…but let me tell you…he was a blessing!! And my pregnancy was great and he was perfect, and still is💙

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I had my baby 2 weeks before I turned 40 but had to have a c section bc I wouldn’t dilate and then he got stuck up under my ribs. Be he is healthy and happy. Talk to your doctor and make sure you are all around healthy enough to cary and birth a baby

If you’re still ovulating and having unprotected sex, you have the same chance as everyone else each cycle. Age isn’t the main factor.

I mean the oldest woman to have a child was 72 if I remember correct

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Women been having babies for centuries until the start of menopause. Go for it , quite natural actually. More laid back

Very possible depending on your body and ovulation and eggs. I know a few who got pregnant at 42 and again at 45

I had my daughter 3 months after I turned 40. Didn’t have any fertility treatments and didn’t have any tests to see if it would be possible.

When I was giving birth to my 2nd my doctor had 2 first time moms giving birth at the same time ages 40 & 44 :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I’ll be 40 this yr my son just turned 1 a couple weeks ago. It’s all up to your body

I got pregnant at 40 had my son at 41.


I was 39 & 40…. No probs at all. X

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I think that as long as You’re not in menopause you can

Buy some Vitamins and if you are not a walker, take up walking and that helps a lot! I gave birth to my youngest son at 38 years old!

You may need help and would be a high risk as well but go for it

My easiest pregnancy and delivery was at 39.

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My mom got pregnant at 42 and 45

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I had my last baby at 42.


I’m 40 my oldest is 15 and my baby is 1

My mom got pregnant with my little sister at 44/45 so it’s possible :slight_smile:

Still possible I’ve known a couple that have gotten pregnant at an older age than 43.

I did. Surprise! Everything was fine though.

My sister-in-law was 45 years old you could my daughters 43 and you could LOL

As long as you get periods you can get pregnant!!! Don’t be hard on yourself, I have a couple of friends who became mothers after 40 :relieved:

What’s my chances being irregular? Not skipping but the dates and flow change almost each month?

Use pre-seed while ovulating

How old was Abraham and Sarah? :wink:


Had my son at 40 it’s possible

Why would you want to?

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I had B/G twins at 42!


I had my youngest at 40

U may need help from a doctor and it is risky but go for it!

You should ask your doctor that. None of us can tell you as we don’t know your medical history

The better looking you are, the better the chances. Lol!


My husband’s mom had him at 42! Good luck :four_leaf_clover::+1:

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Why in the fuck do you wanna be pregnant at 43

I was 40 and he was perfect just take care of yourself

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My mom had a baby at 40. The pregnancy was a little rough but she came out completely healthy and happy. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Well I’m my mom’s oldest (had me at 19) then 22 years later she had my sister at 41 lol

Depends on the woman, really. As long as you’re re still ovulating and having periods, you can get pregnant. Advanced maternal age does increase the chances of twins/multiples, though. Not by much, but it does. As you move into perimenopause, you start releasing more than one egg now and then. BUT, advanced maternal age also increases risk of Down Syndrome and other complications.


I conceived naturally 43 and gave birth to a healthy baby :baby: xx

Hige the hormones play crazy before menapause

First time mum at 42 :raising_hand_woman:t2:, no problems :blush:


Possible… yes…but may also be high risk for you and the baby if not both. A few ladies who I know that had a child in their 40’s mentioned the risk involved made them regret their decision. :confused: Best of luck!

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Good. My mom had me at 45

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I had my first in 1994 at 16. 5 babies by my 25th birthday
It was like shelling peas. After a divorce and meeting my new partner 10 years ago I struggled to get pregnant at the age of 34. Doctors said I was a “geriatric mother” I managed to get pregnant with my son (baby 6) and he’s 8 next week.
The only major problem I had was conceiving. That and the bloody tiredness. I’m 43 now and no way would I have any more. But if you are trying I wish you all the luck in the world for a happy healthy pregnancy :heart::heart::heart:


I know a 52yr old conceived naturally

I’m 60 and have a 15 year old

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I have a colleague who is 43 and pregnant! She says it’s more difficult but she has no issues getting pregnant

Had my youngest at 41

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Have you had any children before? If you have your odds are super high. I had kids in my 20’s and then I had one at 41.

my neighbor had a baby at 42!

ask your dr that not social media lol sorry but social media cannot answer this for you

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God can make it happen at any age.

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Hubby’s cousin had a baby at 49 and 52, unassisted! And very happy about it!

very high if you know when you ovulating

Reasonably high. Believe :heart:

Only testing can answer that.

By choice or chance … :thinking:

there are fertility vitamins you should give the guy folic acid pills it triples his ahem “contribution”

I just had my daughter at 43😇

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also as much as this is a joke gravity will help the swimmers on the road to their final destination. the end scenes of “the big lebowski” show the eccentric rich lady doing yoga or something after to help the sperm on its journey

You perfectly well can and you have more options these days as well the only thing is you will be labeled as high-risk only because you’re an older female and age with pregnancy does come with risk but can also be totally normal and fine.

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Well as long as you’re still getting your periods even if they are not on time … you can get pregnant.

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My mom had me at 43.

0 if you get tubes tied x

I had my 1 and only just shy of 41st birthday. I was shocked and surprised. I was in that unexplained category for 16 years. :woman_shrugging::pray:

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Hell no lol. Do you know how old you’ll be when they are 21 lol


i pray you DO conceive & carry your baby to full term. I PRAY YOU DO MY FRIEND!

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I do readings (free for now) if anyone is interested. Health, fertility, general,love,business. Pm me. (No catches. Free for my cert approval for a limited time.)


Good…go for it…

If you still have functioning woman parts, still menstrate and have sex… You can get pregnant

It was easy for me. I had my first at 22 then my 2nd at 27. Did not want two in diapers. The universe laughed. I had one at 39 then 40. 11months apart. Then my last at 43. At one point I had 3 in diapers for a brief time. My youngest is now 23. It was awesome.

Doctor will tell you that you are a ‘geriatric’ pregnancy after 35, but I had my first at 38 and will deliver my second at 41. Just a few months away. I also am overweight and have hypothyroidism. So yes, it is possible. Good luck!!


My dentist got pregnant at 45 and so did my neighbor. If you take good care of yourself you might have a pretty good chance.

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Have the dr do an ultrasound on your ovaries to see how many eggs are left and their quality… start there

Depends on your genetics. Talk to your dr. My mom had my sister when she was 44.

My mom had my 16 year old brother when she was 46.

I had my youngest son at 42.

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I was 41 when i had my last , possible

my mother in-law had my little sister at 43! she was 42 when conceived! my little sister is turning 7 next month :heart:

why would u want 2 babys need young parents

It depends on when u started yr periods. We have approx 34 yrs of eggs . Once that time is up no shot. Also after about 36 yrs old yr eggs can be less viable. Not saying u can’t get pregnant, just that there r other factors only the medical
Profession can advise u on. Def not here with armchair experts of nothing…lol…. Good luck if u want to go for it and can.

My mother had me at 43 65 years ago!

I got pregnant at. 43 had my son at 44. No problems

I guess it depends on if you are exposed

Why not ask a doctor . Not facebook

My mom was going thru menopause and got pregnant in her 50s

Haaa!! 40 yrs old, 41 in August…8mths preggers. Oh…btw, I had an IUD. :grimacing::rofl::rofl:

Chances are, if you have sex, you could get pregnant

I got pregnant at 42

Chances can be pretty great
But the percentage is kinda high after 40 for things like Down syndrome and stuff . Just see your dr and get monitoring.