What is something you wish you would have known before you had a baby?

You will see your so realy face after baby is born :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

  1. Buy a couple of mattress covers for accidents. Layer them sheet, cover, sheet. Makes night time messes alot more manageable and less stressful.
  2. Pack extra everything in your diaper bag. One time I only packed 1 extra onesie and my little guy had 2 blowouts while out running errands!
  3. Bring comfy pjs and your favorite pillow with your hospital bag. I ended up being in the hospital longer than I thought I would be and was so happy to have my pillow.
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SLEEPING GOWNS lifesaver even for boys makes late night changes easy peasy

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If your baby is jaundice at birth and you choose to breastfeed don’t let the nurses tell you it won’t go away without giving the baby formula.


Dont listen to other people and their opinions lol do you and what you feel is right

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Take everything the hospital offers !! If they don’t hand it to you ASK for it !! Most hospitals let you take home the stuff you used in your room.

If you plan on breastfeeding ask for catch cups you can stick in your bra. Because the other boob will leak while your feeding on the other side !!

Also safe every drop of mother’s milk and freeze it.
There will be nights where you need it !

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Dont over buy size newborn and 1 diapers, they grow out of them QUICK! I had bought like 8 boxes of 1s to prepare, and returned 6 of them for half price because they had already clearenced and moved on to other brands/counts.

Drink lots of water while your healing it helps when you go pee it won’t burn as bad, use depends instead of giant pads, bouncers are life savers, have meals made or get a food train going so you don’t have to worry about feeding anyone but you and baby! It’s a life changer but in the best way congratulations mama🤍

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Buy some ural sachets for yourself it helps the first few days for after birth wee’s,

Sleep when they are sleeping is also great advice for the third trimester!!! Currently 33 weeks tomorrow and little man has waaaaaay more energy than me.

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Expect the sleepless nights and tiredness. It would be more tough than you think and if you are mentally prepared you can overcome it like a pro. Rest all you l learn in just about 12 weeks after baby

Buy some nipple shields. Always look for a lip or a tongue tie if baby doesn’t latch properly, or is not eating well, has lots of gas. ( Google it) . Accept all the help you can get but make sure you set very clear boundaries. Make sure hubby does his share of house hold and baby duties from day one. Don’t set a presence of doing everything all of the time or it will be bad for everyone.

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Every baby isnt the same! Some babies sleep amazing some do not sleep at all! Even if you are doing all the “right” things as a sleeping baby. Lol Also laundry is going to get a lot more! Have more fresh fruit or veggies snacks you like all prep already pick a day of the week when your tired just want to sit down you can grab and go, i would a just not eat cause i was just to tired.

Breastfeeding can be HARD. Even though we are made to do it, it takes work. Get an LC, it should NOT hurt. If it does, something isn’t going right.

Don’t be hard on yourself. PPD is a very real thing & you’re not less of a mother for it. Don’t be afraid to get help if you need it.

Soak up those early days, you’ll never get them back.

Bring Chapstick to the hospital if that’s where you’ll be giving birth.

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I wish I knew about sleep sacks with my first because with my second that’s all we used at nights for bed time! You don’t have to unzip or unclip you just pull it up change and pull it back down! Also a pack n play with a changing table and bouncer all in one it’s so much better then a bassinet because they won’t outgrow it so soon and at nights you won’t have to struggle too much since you have everything next to you. Do what feels comfortable to you don’t let anyone tell you how to parent because what works for others might not work for you.

Cant heat up formula in the microwave BUT you can heat up their water in the microwave then add formula! I stood for 20 minutes trying to heat a bottle under hot water for my first child! Was exhausting. I can now make a bottle in under 20 seconds!!!

Don’t buy a nappy bin - waste of time!
Also, it’s OK to ‘go with the flow’ and not have a set routine that rubs like clock work.
Co-sleeping is ok

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Stool softeners and Tucks for vaginal delivery recovery. Also use the peri bottle they give you. Also if it’s a boy and he gets circumcised use Vaseline in tubes so you can squirt it right on his boy part. Meals delivered afterwards so you don’t have to cook are a nice way for people to help. Otherwise make some food ahead of time and freeze. Make sure to still spend time with baby’s dad too and let him help you. Just be precise in asking for exactly what you need.

That 11 years later I still dont sleep and i pee the same as i did 9 months pregnant. I also have a 6 year old to lol.

Use room temp water pre filled bottles and powder formula. If not breastfeeding.

My hair is STILL falling out almost 5 months after delivery :flushed:

Keep an emergency diaper stash in the car. At least 3 diapers & a small pack of wipes. I’d run somewhere for a quick minute & not bring the diaper then next thing I know, poop.:joy:

you will need to cross your legs when you sneeze or have a hard cough


Sleep , for the love of God sleep while you still can…


have a parenting plan but be prepared to adjust it as your child didn’t get to plan with you and babies are stubborn :stuck_out_tongue: remember pick your battles. Like I didn’t want pacifiers, well my first would want to eat all the time, til he vomited. So gave in gave him a plug and he was happy. sometimes you gotta bend.


If he’s gassy/colicky/having bad spit up try gripe water!! It’s a miracle for so many things


I wish someone had told me that breastfeeding is hard & some women can’t & it’s ok to feed bub formula it doesn’t mean you’re a failure. Buy infants friend it helps with gas. The first 6 weeks are brutal. Sleep deprivation is the worst& your relationship no matter how solid will be rocked to its foundations at times. Housework can wait. Some days bub will want to be in your arms all day. Accept all offers of help. If baby makes a car siren cry bub is hungry. It’s not as easy as feed, burp, change nappy & bub will go to sleep sometimes they will take ages to settle. In all honesty do what you need to get through those first few weeks. Sleep when baby does & no matter what you got this Mumma Bear :heartpulse: it’s a crazy ride. As a ftm myself to a 10month old baby boy. But omg it’s worth the craziness :heartpulse:


If you are hoping to breastfeed stick with it!! Everything will end up going smoothly at the hospital and more times than not as soon as you get home your little one will decide not to latch on the greatest. Just keep trying and keep at it it will pay off! Usually they won’t nurse for very long until they get the hang of it and you’ll feel like you have your baby attached to your boob all day and night but once they decide to start latching properly it’s so much easier. And don’t worry if at your first appointment they are down in weight breastfed babies usually lose a little more initially than bottle fed babies. Nipple cream and nursing pads will be your best friend. And at about 3-4 weeks when they are latching on really good don’t be afraid to introduce a bottle! The longer you wait the less likely they will want to take one. Especially if you are going back to work. I’m a stay at home mom and exclusively breastfeed but I still made it possible for my daughter to take a bottle for me when I need her too and she has no issues with it!

Sleepers. Get the frigging zippers. I don’t care how cute that one with the snaps is, think about doing it up one handed while your child screams at 3am okay, trust me. ZIPPERS.

Also, if you’re doing a Vaginal birth I highly suggest buying a sitz bath!! That thing and the squirt bottle were my best friends.


2nd baby just turned a month old so I definitely have a list. Sleep when baby sleeps, buy tons of zipper sleepers in multiple sizes, buy tons of onesies, start buying packs of diapers it will help you out when babys home so no late night runs to the store, always have a ready to go diaper bag Emergencys happen unfortunately, freeze tons of healthy meals 2 to3 months in advance itll be easy on you when you come home from the hospital, take the help when someone offers. Congratulations and enjoy the baby they grow up so fast.

Parenthood is the hardest job u will ever have. There will be good and bad days and this will truly test your relationship with your husband. Just remember though its all worth it and on the bad days its ok to cry its ok to ask for help. Never be afraid to ask for help. Find time for yourself even 5 minutes is refreshing once in awhile. You will be a great momma. This is all things a family friend wrote in a note at my baby shower for my first. I was so grateful n 3 kids later still try to remember it cuz i think it was the best gift i received. Also be flexible with your birthing plan things happen.

Let them cry. If they’re fed, dry and burped - let them cry for a bit. Don’t go writing to them at the first damn slightly unpleasant sound they make. Crying doesn’t hurt them.

They’re there 24/7. No, it’s not ok to neglect yourself, your personal hygiene and your home. That “I’d rather cherish these moments” crap is just that - CRAP.
Life still goes on. House needs to be cleaned, you need to shower, etc. Newborns sleep, eat, shit and piss - not doing it is just an excuse.

The newborn stage is the easiest but most exhausted stage and that sometimes babies just cry for the hell of it when you done all that you could do

Please remember that every baby is not the same. Just because a friend or family members baby did this or that, it does not mean your baby will. # CONGRATULATIONS :baby:

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To really enjoy the newborn stage
It goes so quickly

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Find a few sample feeding schedules and make one! Honestly, you’ll get more sleep through out the night until baby finally sleeps all night.

A warm bath can help a lot, whether it’s teething, sick, or just fighting sleep, anything really. A warm bath can help.


Dont be so hard on yourself.


Buy extra pump pieces for your breast pump if your breast feeding thats one big reason I lost my supply was waiting on a piece for my breast pump!

Sleep when you can
Mess can be cleaned later

Make foods and freeze before you go into labor. When you come home with the baby you won’t have time to cook.

Zipper sleeper

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Something I’ve never done and always wanted too was getting a pregnancy photo shoot ! And a pregnancy massage


Don’t introduce them to co sleeping with you. Or you will be fighting to make them sleep through the night in their room when they are 3 years old.


I wish someone would have mentally prepared me more for what women go through after having birth…the special undies, the squirt bottle to pee, etc…just the overall healing process in general after giving birth.


You really don’t need as much as you need

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It’s not going to go as perfect as the baby books tell you it is.

Every child is different. Dont compare yours to others.

It’s ok to ask for help. Burnout is real sometimes with a baby…and self care is just important as babys care.

Set a routine early, whether it’s a morning wake up or nighttime sleep routine. Your birth plan can change when your in labor, be open to that idea. If your a working mom and breastfeeding, start making a supply a month or 2 before returning to work, pump once or maybe twice a day. Mostly just enjoy every second, even when it’s so stressful that you think you’ll lose your mind. Just hold onto the babe and enjoy it

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I wish I wouldn’t have stock piled on a specific type of bottle lol (come from a mom that bottle fed) I did this with all 3 kids and each one ended up needing a different bottle for whatever needs. My first ended up using a bottle with a tilt, the second had reflux so I needed the bottles that need a bag in them, and my third did best with doc browns. If bottle feeding definitely start with a few and see how they work before stock piling lol


Consignment shops give you store credit for all old clothing (washed) and most baby equipment and you can get what you need with the credit.

Swaddle blankets will be your best friend! And pacifiers !

Swaddle blankets!
Sound machine!

Show your man how to work the crockpot lmaooooooo

Ice packs for you lady parts. However you deliver… YOU WILL HURT AT HOME.

With my first son it was easy to forget to eat because I was so tired.

Try to load up on apples and PB
Avocado toast
Just simple things your man can make for you to make sure you’re staying fed. If you breastfeed it takes a lot out of you.

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Get a swing. Trust me it will save your life. I didn’t get a swing until my 5 month old was just over 2 months old and omg I wish I knew lol

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Try to keep the baby on a schedule. This is for your own sanity, I promise . Bath tim

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Get as much alone time as you possibly can!

Be gentle with yourself. Finding yourself again as a mom takes time but you’ll get there.

When someone “pops in” unexpectedly and says what can I do?! Point them to the sink full of dishes, the vacuum or the laundry waiting to be folded. You take the quiet time and snuggle that baby.

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My biggest mistake in the beginning was trying to keep the lifestyle/schedule I previously had. My SO works 3p-11:30p so this meant I thought I was fine to continue staying up until he got home and hanging out with him until 1 or 2am. WRONG! Eventually the baby starts to sleep more at night and you need to sleep whenever that may be. So I started going to bed around 9:30 when my little one had his longest sleep stretch and that helped tremendously

That I would still look pregnant for a while​:woman_facepalming:t3::woman_shrugging:t3::rofl:

A couple things I wish I knew was that you can feel good one day with pregnancy and out of no where feel like crap haha, breastfeeding is way harder than I thought and wished I would have had my pump before I went to the hospital so it was ready to go (this is the hospitals fault as they said it was ordered and there and it wasn’t), make sure you have a good amount of support lined up for when you come home from the hospital in case labor was tougher than you expected and you physically can’t do as much as you had hoped, have everything you want to be taken care of taken care of before baby comes because it’s hard sometimes to adjust to the schedule with a new babe, you can never have enough heavy blankets or socks, spend some quality time with hubby before hand and talk about how work and the sleep schedule may work (since it doesn’t always go as planned) and just take time to really enjoy being pregnant, I miss it now that babe is born. Hoping for #2 soon! Good luck to you!

Do not rush out to buy everything you think you might need. You will probably have a shower. Use all your gift cards to buy the little things you didn’t get. And if you got many newborn to 3 month sizes return if you can for larger sizes. I was given many size 18 months,size 2 or 3 which was perfect as she grew into them

Enjoy your time as it all goes to fast. Learn to adapt and go with the flow. Easier said than done. Good luck and enjoy being a mom it is the best.

Baby grows so fast. Create a very simple memory book. Each month (on their month birthday) for the first year cut the side off a cereal box, punch 3 holes in it. On the back stamp their foot & hand (if you can). Put it in a 3 ring binder along with an 8x10 taken that day & a collage of pictures taken through the month. It’s hard to keep up with scrapbooks. But this is simple & to the point. After the first year spread it out more. Maybe every 3 months for his second & 3rd year then every year. You’ll want a reminder of his tiny years when he’s older.

Set a schedule for you and baby.
Sleep now!!!
When the baby sleeps you can sleep but prob won’t be able to so clean.
Don’t worry about making noise while it sleeps. It will learn to sleep thru it (which is why I cleaned even vacuumed while they slept)
Lots of receiving blankets!!!
And burp rags and diapers
Talk to your husband about anything and everything baby before it gets here. You want to be on the same page about everything!
And you don’t have to listen to people after it’s born about how to do this or that. You are mom. You know your baby.
Have a baby shower and have everyone bring diapers. You could do a raffle of a simple prize for them bringing diapers.
Enjoy being a mom!! Don’t let people tell you your doing it wrong. It’s your baby!

Take good care of yourself so you can take good care of your baby. Stay hydrated and get your rest. And there may be some days you just have to let baby cry and walk away for a min. Take a deep breath and regroup. Its ok. And dont worry if everything isnt Instagram perfect. Real life doesnt look like that. So dont be hard on yourself :heart: you will be fine :heart:


Do what FEELS RIGHT for you and your baby/family despite what others are telling you!

You will be tired for a few years

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At the hospital: We brought the fire stick to the delivery room which was awesome. Labor can be long and you can’t eat or drink! Hospital binkie is the best one. Ask for all the extras you can at the hospital: ice packs, pads, the creams, the underwear! Was a lifesaver. Bring your own PJs, blanket, shower stuff. It was so nice to be comfy after. We made a shopping day out of it! Nursing bras and pads, no elastic underwear, really soft and loose PJs, slippers, travel size toiletries, anything you can think of that you’ll need. And yes breastfeeding is really hard and it hurts really bad. The hospital has things, but be prepared, and don’t be afraid to ask. My baby wasn’t latching and I had no clue she wasn’t, so ask when you’re not sure. One thing I wish I would have done is my little one has jaundice, and it wasn’t bad enough so they sent us home, only to be back at the hospital 2 days later. I should have denied going home, which you are allowed to do, and made them take care of her.
At home: sleep when you can, it’s so hard too, but don’t worry about the house or company, just you and the baby. I couldn’t just sleep, felt guilty not cleaning, and let everyone over, which meant I would only get a few hours of sleep a day and it was miserable! Remember things can wait. Pack and play in the living room is a must. Boppys everywhere lol. Burp cloths! Soo many burp cloths needed! Which get your dreft laundry cleaner, and oxy clean gets poop out of clothes if you let it soak.

Important: Make everyone wash their hands in front of you, and don’t worry about them getting upset, it’s not worth a sick baby, I made smokers change clothes, and absolutely no kissing. Babies die all the time from people not listening, and yes they we’re annoyed with me but so what!

Good luck!

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If possible have dad take over feeding on the weekends. My husband and I did this. Even when I was nursing we gave the baby a bottle. He would take over the late night feeding on Friday night and wake up with baby Saturday and Sunday morning. I would take over Sunday night feeding. Of course I would feed during the day Saturday and Sunday.

Don’t worry about those mommy instincts and if they will come in, cause they will the second you see your child’s face.

And dont be afraid to ask for help with postpartum depression. It’s scary, emotional, and really hard setting your pride aside, but do it. :heart:

You don’t need expensive fancy things, the baby doesn’t know any different. Zip up onesies for goodness sake zip up onesies. And don’t pressure yourself into housework and chores. Sleep when the baby sleeps. Take a shower when you can, and don’t stress too much. Babies cry. Get gripe water :slightly_smiling_face: and don’t pressure yourself too much.

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Sleep now. Watch uninterrupted tv now. Take all the help you can. When the newness wears off it’s just you!

TYLENOL before shots less of a fussy baby and they aren’t in as much pain

Ask for help and if help is offered don’t over criticize if it’s something that bothers you tell them

Oh and if ur kid gets hurt don’t freak out laugh with them now I know if its alot of pain if hes actually crying!

You do not need… Changing tables… You can change a baby on your bed… Lap… Floor… Etc… Do not hold them constantly… Load up on diapers…

Get as much sleep as you can before baby comes because once he/she comes there is no more getting good sleep

If something seems wrong and you don’t like the answer to your questions. Get a second opinion and keep asking questions. I got a lot of shit advice from experts. An got real answers from second opinions.

Don’t freak out once you get in a routine. The baby will change that in a spit second. Don’t let the baby run your life. Don’t forget to do stuff with your spouse. Like being alone, go on dates. It’s the best investment you can do for your children.
Also don’t buy the expensive name brand things. They will grow out of it within weeks. If your into boutique items try consignment or just buy one outfit for each growth. Like 1-3 months 4-6 months and so on… also your baby will eat when he/she is hungry. Don’t stress and always sleep when the baby sleeps. Even if you take a cat nap and then clean it’s better than nothing. And do not turn the lights all on when the baby wakes. And sound machines are awesome!!!

Breastfeeding cramps are worse then labour, recovery is awful, not every baby will take a soother, you probably wont sleep for 3 years, babies choose a favourite boob so if you breastfeed you’ll end up lopsided, it’s okay to let them cry a bit, they won’t die from it.
Fancy outfits are not newborn friendly :joy:

Sleep deprivation is serious. You can let the nurses watch your baby so you can get rest, it helped a lot for me because at home, you dont have all that help!

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Sleep sacks at night make diaper changes SO much easier! Stock up on all baby items, household supplies & easy meal items now. So much baby gear is not necessary & a big waste of $. Trust your gut. Try to relax & enjoy these first few months b/c they go by way too fast.

Tylenol before shots, everything doesnt have to be brand new or name brand, cabbage leaves and benadryl for sore breasts if you decide not to breastfeed, Walmart sells store brand formula for $9 a can and it’s the exact same as Enfamil. Good luck and congrats!!

The labor pains were so intensive,then hardly sleeping for at least 3 months.And then it goes on and on.Good thing we love them.

It’s ok to let the baby cry so you can shower.

Always always always cuddle and kiss them every chance you get. And don’t let anyone tell you that you are ‘spoiling’ them. Babies need all the love they can get.

The first month will be rough, and taking naps when mini does, is key! And for the nights, set yourself up as best as possible so it takes less time for you to be prepared. The nights will be rough, but you will somewhat miss them. So cherish these moments, no matter how tired you are! Music is also an amazing tool for baby…I used it with both of my kids, lullabies and such. It always kept them calm. Enjoy it mamma, it’ll be tough, but trust me, you’ll somewhat miss those nights

Congratulations, my biggest advice, after having 4 of my own the last pregnancy being twins, if you have trouble breastfeeding, if thats what you choose to do. Don’t let anyone make you feel guilty or inadequate if you change to bottle feeding. You will know within yourself whats best. So lots of cuddles, baby will take what it needs, and enjoy. You will be pleasantly surprised that your natural instincts should/will kick in. :slightly_smiling_face:

My son came so fast. Learn how to monitor contractions. He was early so I had nothing when I went in. Not unusual then. Bassinette next to our bed so I could get up with him and feed. Car seat to bring baby home, don’t think they will let you leave with baby without one now. I took showers when he was sleeping as well as clean the apt. My delivery was easy though. 45 minutes from apartment to hospital and he was here! I was anemic though so had to stay in the hospital longer.

An exercise ball to help induce labor when you’re ready to send eviction notice AND also for when baby gets fussy. Sit on that thing and bounce- instantly calms and may also put them to sleep. Good luck! Motherhood is the hardest but best and most rewarding thing ever!

Dont waste money on newborn sizes. Get 0-3 month. I had so much newborn stuff that she didnt fit into cuz she was 9lbs at birth and didnt fit in a single one. They gain weight fast so newborn stuff is useless. Only goes to like 8lbs

Don’t share your names with anyone until the baby is born. For some reason ppl love to shoot down names you love.

A heating pad will warm a matress while you’re feeding baby. Warm mattress, remove pad before placing. Baby may stay in bed longer if she goes from your warm arms to warm bed. Also socks filled with rice & warmed in the microwave can replace your arm. If baby hugs your arm gently remove your arm & replace with the fake arm or lay it next to her when you put her down. It gives her the feeling of being held.

Changing tables are a waste of money & space. You aren’t going to run baby upstairs for every change. Have a water proof changing pad, diapers, wipes, ointment etc in a basket downstairs. Change her on the couch or floor.

Toddler beds are a waste of money & 1 more thing you’ll have to transition baby from. When the time comes transfer her to a twin bed with crib mattress on the floor.

Don’t waste money on child proofing. Baby is smarter than you think lol

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You can use toilet paper to clean up poopy messes and then a wet wipe for final cleaning. If they get it all over you can just take them to the sink and wash them up. When burping them sitting up, be sure to hold their head up to straighten the body and neck…you can’t burp slumped over. Some babies have a stronger urge to suck in between meals than others so some babies need a pacifier and some not so much. Feed your baby at an angle, not lying flat, to prevent ear infections. Babies don’t need bathed daily, except for the diaper area and the hands. Bacteria transferred from kisses to the mouth transfer and it’s need said that the ones that cause cavities do to so do some research on it if you care about that. Keep linty things away from the face to keep fuzzies from getting in the eyes. You know how hard it is to find an irritating fuzzy that’s in your own eye. Even though I chose to nurse, the doctors told me to feed him a little water in a bottle daily which I did not. I later realized you do need to keep them used to a bottle too, even if you put breast milk in it instead of water, simply because if someone else needs to feed the baby you don’t want them to refuse a bottle. Gently bouncing the side of a baby’s tummy helps if they get colic. Swaddling a baby is popular now, especially when putting them down to sleep. I think they need to be able to move, but if you have a baby that startled easily it may work in that case. But I think wrapping them snugly by tucking the covers around them gives them security without pinning their arms down. If your baby cries and you are not in the room, say " Just a minute", or “I’m coming”. They will learn quickly that it means you hear them and will be there soon - building trust and preventing panic. Babies tend to gag when being fed the first week or so, especially bottle fed, so make sure if using a bottle it’s the right flow type of nipple. A soft glove filled with rice and sewn closed can replace your hand if you find your baby sleeps better with your hand on them. A little sock filled with rice sewn shut and warmed in the microwave is very soothing on an earache if that happens. I guess that’s enough for now, lol. You’re going to do great. Babies are the best.

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If you’re going to be a stay at home mama by chance and your little one doesn’t wanna take naps when you try to put them down try and let them make their own sleep schedule. My daughter hated me trying to force her to go to sleep by certain times through the day so my husband and I decided to just let her do her own thing with sleeping/napping and not waking her up to feed her anymore by about 3 weeks and since then she’s yelling at us it’s bedtime at about 8:30 sometimes she will be passed out at 8:30 other times not until about 10:30 and she will sleep about 5-6 hours at a time already through the night and she’s almost 3 months old now. She figured her days and nights out by herself since she hated the fact that I was trying a Pinterest sleep schedule on her.

Nothing goes as planned - pregnancy, child birth, being at home w a new born. Dont set crazy high expectations just to let yourself down. “I will make it to 40 weeks, I will have a baby anyway that is safe for both, I will take life one day at a time and we will make it through this”
If you plan on having a baby shower do it after baby is born (I did this w all 4 and called it a meet n greet and waited until baby was closer to a month old). You don’t need every newborn outfit you see or nearly as many clothes as you think you will (even w baby 4 I had that problem). If you plan on. Bottle feeding buy a variety of types/brands every baby is different.
And if you EVER feel overwhelmed or angry not like yourself GO SEE SOMEONE. Take yourself out once a week or month take time to yourself you will need it, and it is a must.

Buy lots of microwave dinners and prepare to have help around the house the first few weeks. Basically just plan it like you’re going into hibernation and won’t be able to make food, clean, or go out for several weeks while you adjust to the new life. You may still be able to do those things but if you can’t, you’ll want to be prepared. Make sure that you and your SO know the signs and symptoms of postpartum depression/psychosis, and remember that dads can experience it too. And lastly, make sure to have comfort items around for after you give birth. Your emotions are going to be all out of wack because of hormones those first few weeks, so having things around like treats and tea and cozy blankets and scented candles will help. Also, bring comfy bras and reusable breast pads with you to the hospital.

The best advice I ever got was when you bring baby home DON’T BE QUIET!!! make as much noise as you normally would (if not more than normal) and you will never have to worry about a phone, a knock, a loud guest, etc. waking the baby up.
One piece of advice that I read about is never talk “baby talk” or allow other people to talk “baby talk” to or around your child no matter how cute it sounds when they mispronounce it (cute gets old, LOL), always pronounce things properly so that they don’t sound like they have a speech problem when they start school and get picked on or have to go through unnecessary tests and you’ll also be able to catch in potential hearing or speech problems early on so they can get any therapy required before school starts.:heart: Congratulations and best wishes :heart:

Hold the feet when you change a nappy haha

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Start saving money. Get Lots of sleep- once baby is born taking shifts seems to be ok. Find someone to babysit and like 2 extra back up baby sitters… have that daycare on Lock way before they’re able to go. Baby wipes- you can Never have too many.

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Go ahead and stock pile diapers in sizes 1-3. You won’t need a ton of newborn clothes or diapers.


Remember to breathe and don’t feel bad to ask if you need a minute to yourself. What they call the “baby blues” is no joke. You’ll be emotional so just be sure to take care of yourself too.