What is something you wish you would have known before you had a baby?

Before my first I didn’t know that some pediatricians won’t accept your baby as a new patient unless they’ve done a check up in the hospital? I didn’t realize I needed to set all that up before he was born

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The house work can wait. Rest when baby rest… also if u have room in the freezer then home cook some meals in the next few weeks and pop then in the freezer saves so much time… keep a drink near you at all times. It’s cheaper to buy a box of wet wipes then it is a few packets at a time

I wish I had known how amazing having a midwife is! First 2 ob and third baby midwife… night and day difference!! I also wish I had known how hard postpartum is. Take it slow, have food in the freezer and you are going to be great❤️

I wish I had known about all of my sons fathers mental illnesses. Would have made things so much different.

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I breastfeed and when I tried to switch to a bottle, he denied every attempt and every nipple possible. If you choose to give breast milk, I suggest just pumping it into bottles for feedings. I wish I did.

Buy big bottles from the start so you don’t have to buy them more than once.

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You’re husband will become extremely annoying, during pregnancy :joy:


Always carry extra clothes even if you’re going to the corner for 2 minutes. Keep extra diapers and wipes in the car. You are going to swear you packed some when you actually forgot. It happens, it’s completely normal to forget things. Don’t be to hard on yourself, you are still trying to figure motherhood out.

Get sleep while you can haha

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Listen when they tell you to take it easy after you have baby. Don’t worry about house work or anything like that. It’ll get cleaned. Rest and enjoy your new baby!

the squirt bottle they give you after giving birth is your best friend only on some occasions but use dermaplast even if it burns before numbing anything.

Don’t fall into the new gadget trap like needing the diaper genie, or wipe warmer. oh and you don’t need a changing table either, it’s literally a clutter collector.
fed is best so no matter what way you feed the baby, just do it without guilt. breast milk or formula, they are both food. Doesn’t matter what you choose they still end up eating doritos from the couch cushions eventually.


Keep boxes for EVERYTHING and return what your baby doesn’t like or don’t use.

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Every parent has their moments. You can ask for all the advice and follow a lot of it (a lot said is extremely helpful) but no matter what anyone tells you, you are still going to be learning daily. Just breathe while you try and find your way thru this journey. Some days it’s a shit show. Others it’s amazing.

Sleep when the baby sleeps. Chores will always be there. Breastfeeding isn’t a piece of cake for everyone.
Attach baby mobile to changing table-wish I would have thought about this with the 1st-it’s Like wrestling an alligator when they’re a bit older.
Tiny love makes a travel music mobile that can attach to car seat handle and stroller. I always give it as shower gifts
A swing that goes both directions is a must.
If you have a boy, invest in pee-pee teepees. They are a real thing. Trust me. Not fun to get peed on or when it goes across the room🤦🏼‍♀️

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-Take all the pictures. (Google photos will save all of them for no $)
-Dont worry about breaking your own rules. You’ll make new ones up to break as you go.
-Dont stress about having EVERYTHING before baby gets here. I found that I didnt need half the stuff I ended up with.
-You can exchange unopened diapers at walmart for the right size as long as they arent open with no receipt
-Always trust your instinct unless it endangers the baby (which Ive never heard of a parents instinct endangering a baby but you never know)
-You know best and dont let others tell you differently BUT at the same time take into account advise from others and do your own research

You will LOVE being parents


My mom actually told me when I was pregnant with my first that one thing no one had told her when she was pregnant with me (her first) is that right after you have your baby you still look like you’re about six months pregnant for a few months

Never wake a sleeping baby


Enjoy your pregnancy.

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When you pack your babys diaper bag…also back an extra shirt for you. My son had really bad acid reflux and there were many times I needed a new shirt out in public. Also I wish someone had told me more about the after care for mama after delivering. Such as them pushing hard on your stomach to push out any clots… that surprised me a lot and I was soooo not ready for it.

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If you plan to breastfeed/pump, take a class if you’re able! I feel like there’s not enough information out there about breastfeeding and pumping, I was very unprepared when it came to putting my pump together, how to use it, and exactly what to expect from it all.


Dont compare milestones to other babies.


Breath! Take time out for yourself! Take ALOT of pictures because they grow way to fast! You dont need a baby changing table or anything fancy thing like that!

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If you plan to breastfeed… good for you! But it actually hurts like hellll. I didn’t know with my first and ended up giving up almost immediately because I thought it was just me 🤷

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1 - You dont EVERYTHING they make for baby. A lot goes to waste. 2 - a birth plan is nice but birth will happen exactly how it’s going to for you and you kind of have to accept and be happy for healthy baby at the end. 3 - ask for help if you need it! Becoming a mom for the first time is a HUGE life changing experience. It’s beautiful but it changes every aspect of your life and that’s a lot. You’re not a superhero, you have to take care of mom to be a good mom for baby. :heartpulse:

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It’s the hardest challenge life will ever throw at you. You will probably cry. Remember to shower. Remember you are more than just a mom. And the hardest one always remember even if you dont think you are perfect, you are perfect in their eyes. Good luck and congrats!


All newborn babies have hiccups and sneeze a lot . Also if you have a girl , she will have discharge in different colors because she is losing all of your hormones you had inside of you


Following im expecting my first as well! :heart:

Cherish those middle of the night feedings and every stressful day with the babe.
They won’t last forever and someday you will wish that you could get them back.

Make your own healthy baby food :blush:

Remember to take time for you. :revolving_hearts:


Research information on breastfeeding (if you plan to) such as cluster feeding, 4th trimester, lactation consultants, haakaa, pumping/storing. Also safe sleep, car seat safety, when to start solids (6 months and never in a bottle). It is NORMAL for baby not to sleep through the night. You will do great, take care of yourself too. Post partum it is nice to have Epsom salt, sitz bath, peri bottle.

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Don’t ever think that there’s a right way to be a mother. We all are still figuring it out and you will too. Still try to Take care of yourself too, you matter just as much as baby!


Breathe. The first two weeks are the hardest, but remember it is only temporary. It does get stressful, so do not be afraid to ask for help. I think I called my mom a gazillion times when I first had my daughter no matter what time it was. Do not be hard on yourself. They grow so fast so do not think that holding your baby too much is going to spoil the baby. You can never hold them to much. Cherish the time as they grow so fast. Congratulations, having little ones is such a beautiful blessing❤️


Breastfeeding does not hurt like helllll for everybody don’t be scared because of what one person experienced. It may hurt because the baby may have a tongue tie or they aren’t latched properly. If you’re not breastfeeding then that’s also fine! You’re not a failure if you don’t.

Nothing. Ever. Goes. To. Plan. Ever. Lol children make so much unpredictable. But enjoy every moment and remember to be patient


I wish I had known that mom guilt is a very real thing. I don’t work I feel guilty for not bringing in money. I work i feel guilty for leaving him. I put him down for a little bit to have some time to myself i feel guilty that I’m not holding him. Then I feel guilty because maybe I’m holding him too much. No one told me i would have this problem.


Zippers not snaps for newborn pjs. No one wants to do up snaps at 3 am


Learn to adjust to YOUR babys needs. Not what everyone else say they need. Every baby is different. Some babys like to be swadled some dont. People say they need it but if they always break free then let them. Some babys love baths and some dont. I had to fill the bath enough for me to put my son in my lap and rinse him while holding him in my lap because he would freak out without feeling me. Now he is 4 and will go take a bath without me having to tell him. My son preffered baby food over more formula when he was about 6 months so I skipped a bottle and gave him baby food instead or he would drink half a bottle and half baby food. Changing the norm to make your baby be more comfortable is ok. They will show you what they need you just need to follow their lead and they will be ok


If you plan to breastfeed, it really hurts for about 1.5 to 2 weeks while your nipples get used to it, then it stops hurting. You will only have colostrum for about 3-5 days after the baby is born, your milk wont come in until after that.
Babies tummy is the size of a cherry when first born, they dont need 4 oz right away to be ok. You dont need to take diapers to the hospital for when the baby is born, they will give you more than enough.

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Every baby is different do research on some things and don’t believe what everyone says. Like how breastfeeding hurts like hell and how you should never wake up a sleeping baby.
You may have to wake up the baby to feed them until they have gained weight because they lose some weight after birth.
People are saying not to wake a sleeping baby but sometimes it’s necessary.
You do what you and your pediatrician think is best for baby😊 and trust your instincts


Don’t let the baby co sleep cause they will never get out of your bed lol but seriously it’s your decision I never co slept until I had my3rd and now he’s almost 7 and refuses sleep in his own bed he wants to snuggle mama


That’s once the baby comes if communication isn’t strong relationships can struggle. Counseling isn’t for couples who want to end their relationship its for couples who want to become stronger and that PPD is very real and very different than regular depression.


Babies are slippery when wet!! I had no clue how hard it would be to bathe my newborn lol

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Hold them as much as you want. Baby was carried for 9 months non stop . Don’t feed into what everyone else THINKS is best for your baby. They grow very fast so capture a lot ! There is never a thing known as too many pictures or videos. Zippers not buttons. Clipping baby nails is important for your safety too. Just invest in lots of baby wipes. They are good for everything. Don’t be afraid to ask for help or take a break. Teamwork makes the dream work. You got this girl !

Make sure you give yourself time to take for yourself. Take that chance to nap, to go to the store alone, do your nails, etc. It’s easy to lose yourself when you’re a mom. Remember to care for yourself too :heart:

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You may feel like you want to spend all the time with your baby and do everything for him /her on your own… But humble yourself and take help from those who offer and are close to u… Obviously those u trust as well… Honestly I would never have made it through the first weeks without my family, we lived in the same house as my mom, dad and brother, so my husband and I used to have a schedule, and they literally used to come in and take baby so we could sleep (baby never slept at night for more than an hour)… Take the help, take a shower, relax, breastfeeding is painful, physically and emotionally draining, I did it for a month and my milk dried up, bottle feeding is OK, having a c/s is ok, wanting to sleep with baby on your chest is ok, falling asleep while breastfeeding is ok(completely normal in the middle of the night) wanting to eat everything is OK… All in moderation, the first meal I had after delivering was a McDonald’s Cajun chicken meal with xl fries and oj…I didn’t know how to do so many things for baby luckily my mom was there, she did most of everything…

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Sleep when the baby sleeps! Enjoy every moment… it goes fast. The mess, the dishes, the laundry can all wait! Most of all… except all help! And yes zipper pjs are life.

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1st, dads can get post partum depression too. If dad seems to be acting differently, convince him to talk to someone about it. I thought nothing of my boyfriend being extra tired and moody till he started saying weird stuff and we found out with a quick dr visit he was having it real bad.
2, which has been SUPER important to me, if they’re toxic to you - you can keep them away from the baby. No matter who it is. I say this because i have an extremely toxic family member who gave me a ton of baby stuff so i felt obligated to let her see and hold my daughter even though i had cut her completely out of My own life. My own mom had to step in and remind me i don’t owe her anything just because she gave us free stuff.
3, You are more than just a mom. Make sure to take time for yourself even if it’s a simple shower alone to relax and destress yourself
4. You will feel guilt over literally everything, you really don’t have to beat yourself up and don’t let anyone shame you for your decisions. I still get shamed by an aunt who thinks i need to go work full time, i dont talk to her anymore.


Research EVERY type of birth.
Vaginal with or without epidural
C Section With or without epidural (anaesthesia)
Even if you think it is irrelevant.

Baby wraps are life.
Breast milk or formula are OKAY.
Essential Oils from Young Living are AMAZING. Store bought are TERRIBLE.
good luck! You got this!

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You will sleep again. One day!! :joy:


Also, I dont know what phone you have and I dont know if its on iphones because i have an android but theres an app called familyalbum thats absolutely amazing for storing any and all pictures you take. Its free and you can invite family to see anything you put there and they can add their own. It has a shop section you can buy physical photo books and stuff to. Ive used it since even before my daughter was born for ultrasound pictures and videos when she started kicking and stuff.

Sleep now. A LOT. Because I promise you that you will lack in that department for at least 2 years.

Listen to your body and your gut. If you feel like something isn’t right then check it out. Who cares if you have a million questions for the doctors. Better safe than sorry. This goes for pregnancy and motherhood

Never too many pictures!

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Always have an extra everything when you leave the house lol

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To not run my mouth saying all the things my kids are not going to and would never do :rofl:

You’ll eat those words


Don’t let anyone bully you into thinking “breast is best.” As long as the baby is fed, happy, and healthy, that’s all that matters.
Don’t be too hard on yourself! Newborns are hard work.


Always take time for yourself also and don’t feel guilty about it. Mom and dad need to not lose themselves in all of the baby stuff too. Best thing that will ever happen in your life is to have a child to love though.

You absolutely can not spoil a baby an infant they aren’t toddlers. Hold them Rock them feed them it builds they’re self esteem if they’re crying there’s a reason


The hemmoriods you get after you push a baby out

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Dont be afraid.to tell people no about helping. As nice as it can be, it gets overwhelming and sometimes you just need you and baby time. I liked to have my mom come to.my house or come with me places.instead of taking him or.watching him while.i went places. Also, dont let yourself become isolated. Its.not usually intentional but can happen. Dont listen to everyone’s advise. As the mom you will find a groove for you and baby and other people are going to try and give their input on how to do it but you will pretty much always know what’s best for you guys. But at the same time, dont be afraid to ask for advise if you.feel you dont know what to do. My son is 17 months and I still have to call my mom about stuff that I feel like I shouldnt have to ask about anymore…

This will start a huge argument, I’m pretty sure of it but… I wish I had known that vaccines continue aborted fetal tissue, formaldehyde, bovine calf serum, monkey cells, polysorbate 80, aluminum phosphate, etc… I wish I had known that the Vitamin K (first shot given to a newborn baby within hours of birth) had a black box warning. I wish I knew that vaccines were not mandatory with my first baby.
I wish I knew that your birth plan does not always go as planned. Recovery after an emergency c section was so painful (everyone’s recovery is different). Dont be afraid to say “No” when someone wants to hold your baby, but you’re not comfortable with them holding he/she yet. Its YOUR baby, you and dad have the final say. Dont be afraid to set rules for guests visiting you and baby.


You and your SO will feel all the feels and need time to adjust to the “new” yous. Be completely open with each other on how you feel and what you need. I wish I made a dry erase paper that prompted me to express my needs without actually talking. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. I also wish I accepted more help…with food, cleaning, watching the baby to take a quick shower or nap. I wish I knew it was ok to feel all the emotions, good and bad. I also wish more people were aware of the signs of post partum depression and what I could have done to prevent it or help reduce it. It was bad with my first and our marriage was really rocky. With our second I have been doing all I can to fight it off (essential oils, mental/emotional health journaling, self care, vitamins, etc).

How hard breastfeeding is. No one ever mentioned it. Only spoke to labor. It’s extremely difficult. If you’re gonna pump with a medela make sure to get a few different sizes. 1st ones I had didnt fit and it was painful! And post partum sweats. I thought I had a reaction to the pain meds, but I sweat out of my clothes every night for 9 days. It was so uncomfortable!

The days are long but the years are short. When you are absolutely exhausted, and you will be, remember that there will come a day that all you will want is for them to be small again. Also when giving them everything you never had, remember to give them what you did have.


If baby has colic, you can buy mommy’s bliss. It’ll help them with fussiness, gas, tummy aches, and of course, colic. Don’t feel guilty if you can’t breastfeed for long. If you get stressed while doing so, your baby will feel that and it’ll be more difficult. Hold your baby as much as possible. No such thing as spoiling them. They’ll be attached to your hip for awhile but that’ll subside when they’re older. Lol. If you’re feeling stressed or sad, absolutely talk to your doctor while you are pregnant and after you have your baby. Ask for help…lots of help. My 3 month old is attached to my hip like crazy but I have lots of help from my mom and her father. While pregnant, get lots of rest chica.

First make sure you get some cotton makeup pads put them in a jar and add a bottle of witch hazel. This will help with the hemorrhoids your about to get a lot of. Also works for cleaning face and taking the burn out skin. Totally wish I knew this 5 kids ago lol I found a back pack was easier to use then a diaper bag and my husband liked it better as well. Feed on demand and breastmilk is a natural healing agent to cracked sore nipples from baby cluster feeding . Seek advice from a lactation coach they are wonderful as ever. Ask doctors a lot of questions but remember the only one who really knows your baby is you so follow your gut. If you have a baby boy a wipe warmer is a lifesaver from getting peed on but just in case keep a baby sock close by to cover him up while changing…and learn to change fast lol mommin comes naturally so go with the flow and follow your babies cues and he or she will fall into a natural routine. Sleep when they sleep and don’t forget to ask for help when needed. Finally remember you are the mom, dont let anyone tell you how to parent because we all have our own opinions, ignore the unwanted opinions of others lol congratulations and wishing you the best of luck fyi witch hazel sold at dollar tree lol you will thank me later lol

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Make time for each other . No matter how hard it may seem to organize.


I wish i would have known that babies grow too fast and that i should not buy too many clothes because they outgrow them quickly. Could have saved lots of money

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How breastfeeding is a skill both you and baby need to learn … it doesn’t just happen :slightly_smiling_face:

Honestly you don’t have to take a class there is lovely nurses in labor and delivery that will talk you through it & educate you. Always keep in mind a infant breathing is normal. I know I didn’t have any advice when I had my first. I think you will do great:)

That sleep training would make or break my life after children. That you need to be in charge of your birth because nurses/doctor etc. can ruin an experience from you that you cannot get back. And that everyone has advice, you only need to be polite and listen, and choose what’s best for you.

Postpartum is extremely painful so make sure you have a good support system

First of all congratulations!
It’s a amazing experience being pregnant and learning about all the different changes your body and baby.
My 1st pregnancy I suffered terribly with heartburn and morning sickness. But let me tell you that every pregnancy is different.
My advice to you is make sure you do things your way, do what feels best for you. Don’t let people force or push you into anything your not comfortable with.

Midwifes are all textbook crazy and most of them don’t have children so don’t let them think they know what’s best for your baby when they haven’t been there with you at all times.
I learnt from the best person… my mum, on how to become a mother and what to do as a first time mum and I look at my self now I have a beautiful little girl who is 3yrs old and a handsome little boy who is 9months old.
Enjoy every moment as much as you can. X

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That having a child is HARD. It changes a lot of your life + his! Sometimes we adapt better and quicker than they do because we have a slightly different connection to the baby from being the one that carried them, etc. You will grow after you have a child, become the true adult version of yourself & sometimes that means the relationship will change but not for the worse, you just have to get through the changes and grow TOGETHER! Ask him for help when you need it, we can’t do it all and neither can they — you are a team. When it gets hard at points (because it will) fall to each other for support, communicate, and love each other even when you are exhausted. Don’t let your own relationship slip through the cracks, baby is priority & so are you both! These are the things that helped me and my husband through two children in 15 months, colic, acid reflux, many sleepless nights. It’s not all picture perfect but it’s always worth it! Good luck. You got this. Every baby is different so just take it in stride once they’re here, it all changes and goes so quickly! :yellow_heart:


Work on what you want to do, don’t let visitors dictate to you.


Ask for help, as long as the baby is alive your fucking rocking it and doing great, do not listen to anyone’s advice (their like assholes, everyone has one but no ones are exactly the same). Take time off even if it’s taking a long bath or a nap or just eating alone. And most of all it’s an emotional rollercoaster of being sleep deprived and lonely but its is so blessing watching and loving this little one and it will bring out something amazing. The emotions attached to a child are beyond explanation and all encompassing

Go for a short walk each day with your little one. My friend advised me this and it really helped and Always keep time aside for you and your partner, it’s easy to fall into a mum bubble x

Don’t feel obligated to anyone. The baby is yours and your husbands. No one else gets a say. I wish I would’ve given us more time to adjust as a family of 3 before welcoming people over to meet the baby. We were smothered, stressed, and uncomfortable with people swarming is constantly. Epidurals are amazing, if you choose. Babies don’t need all of the novelty things or a ton of clothes. The days are long and nights even longer but it’s so temporary. It’s okay to not be okay. Take care of yourself too. Take stool softener after birth to help yourself out. Breastfeeding is HARD and so demanding but worth it. If formula works better for you then great. No shame. Postpartum is hard. Watch for signs of PPD and ask for help. Be assertive with your rules and boundaries. The postpartum uterine massages aren’t comfortable. It’s normal to bleed heavily. You can have contractions after birth while your uterus is shrinking. Invest in a good pump and a haaka if you decide to breastfeed. Learn car seat safety. Don’t forget who you were before you became a momma. You can’t spoil a newborn. You’ll never know a truer love. :heartpulse:

You are the mama. If you fell like your doing a good job its because you are and dont let anyone tell you otherwise. If you need help dont be afraid to ask. Breastfeeding can be hard but you have a strong support system that can help you out and the outcome can be great. Have whoever will be at the hospital take notes about what the doctors say and what the lactation consultant says so you can have that reference when you need it at home. Sleep when baby sleeps. Take it 1 day at a time. Every parent learns something every day. There isn’t a handbook for everyday life.

Snuggly days in with your baby sound amazing but they are HARD, pick something to do each day to get you both out of the house even if it’s just a walk, groups are amazing to keep you busy and meet other parents - they’ve kept me sane!!!

Be in charge of your visitors do not let people just drop by when they feel like it. Ask for help when you need it and try and do something for yourself when you can, it took me forever to start asking if it would be ok for me to have a soak in the bath or go for a nap alone - and my baby is still alive and well!

Oh and sleep when they sleep is utter nonsense :joy:

Congrats and enjoy, it’s amazing!!! X

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it’s not as bad as you think. the sleepless nights WILL pass. don’t let others tell you how to raise your child, the advice is appreciated but don’t let them change your mind if you know that’s what you want to do. talk to your baby, they’re listening. let dad take over some nights, you’ll appreciate the rest.

I wish Id known how spontaneous morning sickness can be…once again, Im very sorry to the lady in front of me at Walmart I hope she liked her new Jacket (I had to buy a replacement :open_mouth:)

They take up all and I mean all your time energy and love. I always thought they would grow up and be independent and I would be free. I have three children,eight grandchildren and one great granddaughter. I still am involved and worry etc. They never leave.

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Don’t be afraid to say “No” to friends and family.
PostPartum Depression is very real and is very common. Don’t feel ashamed or embarrassed if you feel like you need help. You’re not alone!
Don’t compare yourself or your children to other mothers/children.

The baby gowns with no buttons are great, disposable drop-ins make life so much easier and disposable diapers also (this is not the time to be earth conscious it’s about survival)
Cloth diapers are good if you are on a budget though.
This is my first baby but these are things I learned working at a daycare and what I noticed when my sister had hers.

Oh and I also do case management for moms and I always recommend to give Dad a job. They want to be included also and you also want to get him in the habit of being involved and helping.

Just bc your baby isn’t fat doesnt mean he/she isn’t healthy when you breastfeed

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Ask about all the possible side effects, including the very extreme negative ones. I knew things could go wrong with every delivery, I was not aware of a post partum heart condition you can get due to pregnancy months after delivery. It is important to be informed of every possible outcome pregnancy can have on your body. Everyone worries about the baby, wich is fine of course, but tends to forget about mom’s physical and mental health.

Expect not to sleep once bubs arrives.

Baby blues sucks. But worse with no sleep.

Send your hubby to sleep. They are impossible / not helpful when sleep deprived too.

Take a zillion photos and mini movies

Google deep latch technique for breast feeding

Introduce foods rich in iron from 6months (this is when bubs iron reserves run out). Low iron in babies mean they are very bad sleepers.

First, don’t be so scared. None of us know what we r doing, and I have 4. U will get a ridiculous amount of advice but please remember just stay in tune with urself and trust ur instincts. If u can do that u will learn very quickly what cry is what and what ur baby wants. Last, USE THE LACTATION CONSULTANT! If ur gonna breastfeed and this is ur first, let the lactation woman show u the proper way to get ur baby latched on. I did not use her when I had my first because I didn’t want anyone grabbing my boob and that is the 1 thing I wish I knew the importance of

If you have a family member who wants to come help LET THEM !! His mom your mom anyone. Relax and try to get as much rest as you can. Be sure to take birth classes they really do answer a ton of questions you are going to have.

Get the pajamas with the inverted zipper! Unzipping a babies pajamas from the feet up is so much easier than unzipping all the way and making your baby cold.

Always know that you may have a plan/routine of how its gonna go but it’s a routine pretty much the baby sets up for feeding. Make sure to do things together now b4 baby comes.

Ignore the advice “sleep when they sleep”. It sounds great to say it but it honestly makes so sense in reality.

Also - you and your husband are the parents. EVERYBODY is going to give you their input on what you should do but it will be an instinct you have to do what you feel is best.

ALWAYS “listen” to all advice. But most of all, “listen” to your heart!!! (My Mom told me this) being a Mom is very scary but the best ever!! Believe it or not, it all goes fine!!

Your birth plan may not go as planned, showering may not happen as often as you thought, poop explosions can and will happen no matter what and not always at home, write down feedings, bowel movement and sleep to maintain a schedule. Savour those baby moments just hugging holding and loving that’s tiny baby :baby_bottle:

Having a new little person in your life that you are totally responsible for can be very overwhelming and emotionally exhausting. Take it easy on yourself. Let others help you, expecially your husband. They may not do things the same way you would but that is not a bad thing. Take that nap, go have a bath. The baby will be fine. Congratulations by the way.

  1. you dont use half the shit they tell you that you “must have”

  2. a comfortable nursing bra is life, find one and buy in every color lol

  3. extra padded hospital underwear to have at home really helps those first few days.

  4. DO NOT let anyone make you feel like you should jump right back to cooking, cleaning, etc. you literally just pushed a kid out… someone else can do the damn chores

  5. prep and freeze meals for when you come home because, well lets face it, you might be expected to make a meal or two anyways, regardless of my previous tip.

  6. DO NOT GET THE LONG ONESIES WITH THE SNAPS…GET THE ONES WITH ZIPPERS. no one wants to align & snap 30 damn buttons at 3am.

  7. when baby craps up his/her back (and they will) the onesie can be removed from the shoulders down, dont try to pull that poopied outfit over their head. just fold back the top layer of cloth at the shoulders, shimmy it down and burn the onesie to destroy evidence of the trauma you just endured.


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  1. Ppd is real and there is nothing to be ashamed about
  2. It is OK to ask for help.
  3. Needing a break does NOT make you a bad mom.
  4. Only you know what is best for your spawn. Everyone has their own opinions but ultimately only YOU know the answer.
  5. If you have ANY QUESTIONS call your kids doctor. At any time of day. SOMEONE will answer and help you.
  6. Its gonna be hard. Everyone tells you that but they make light of it. It is the hardest thing you will ever do.
    Good luck, darlin. Goddess hera bless you.

Exprct the unexpected, Its ok to ask for
help, listen to your instincts, and enjoy those little moments of joy.

  1. No clothes with snaps! I have 3 children and have seem to forgotten every time the hell that is clothes with snaps.
  2. If you want to breastfeed know in advance that no matter what you do its going to hurt. I was personally not aware of the pain of your milk coming in and thought it was going to be forever but you just have to get thru it if you really want to breast feed it will pass.
  3. Always always always “open” the diaper before you take the old one off.
  4. Buy adult diapers for after baby is born. They are so comfy compared to just wearing a huge pad. Very absorbent too. The hospital just gives you a mesh one while you are there. I hated wearing the gigantic pads because I felt like I couldnt sleep on it or when I would lay down it would shift. My last baby i bought adult diapers and was able to sleep when possible. Felt like I was just wearing underwear and no worrys of leaks.