What is something you wish you would have known before you had a baby?

Sleep when baby sleeps!!
You do not need all the “gadgets” either!!


Don’t get too much clothes. Babies grow out of them so fast!


Take what you want from the advice people give you and let the rest go. You’ll find everyone has some way or some opinion that in their mind is the only way it should be. Smile and nod and go about your day your way. Congrats and be blessed!


Postpartum recovery is hell. Take a break, you did your part, it’s time for your partner to step up & help change the diapers & do feedings & clean around the house. Take your recovery VERY seriously.


Don’t take ANY advice.

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Stock up on diapers now, when they grow out of them you can exchange them. Dont buy all the fancy stuff, you dont need it.
Gripe water is a life saver. Skin on skin works when they fuss. Bathtime if they keep crying or cant sleep. Diaper genies are the best ,even if you dont have the bags. ( I put a garbage bag in mine until pay day)

Dont over do it on the clothes! There are soooo many cute outfits that it’s hard to pass them up. If it’s a special occasion outfit we’d get it like a week before so that we were certain on the size because theh grow so quickly that if you think “oh he can wear this in 3 weeks to this family event it’ll be so cute!” He wont wear it in 3 weeks and you have to get a bigger size :upside_down_face::sweat_smile:. Also, for the first little while, the bare minimum is really all you need, chances are you’ll be so overwhelmed the fancy gadgets are either too much work or they slip your mind and you dont get use out of them. We were gifted a wipe warmer which was neat in theory, but we change diapers in so many different places it never got a single use since it was in one spot.

The hospital I delivered in had me on a green/blue pad blanket thing to absorb bodily fluids (tmi) while I was in labor and after. I actually brought one home and it was nice to have postpartum since it tends to not be pleasant down there for a while. Now we use it under my daughters sheet as a pee pad. It’s easy to wash and awesome…grab whatever underwear and pads they’ll send home with you


Do not freak out if something happens, breathe and your mother insists will help you. It’s okay to say no to others about YOUR child. Everyone has an opinion on what’s right but do what works best for you and your baby. PPD is real, it’s okay to cry but please get help if you think you’re going into PPD. Theses are what I’ve learned from being a first time mom. Its going to be tough but you and your spouse need to work together and help eachother especially with the long nights a head.

Beware of postpartum depression. It is real and it is serious. Take time for yourself. If you feel down go to your doctor asap


Take a lot of pictures when they are little. I was so sleep deprived it’s the only way I can remember what they did.

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Don’t be afraid to ask for help

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Depends adult diapers are the best for post partum no hose and pads just a panty substitute that is comfortable and hygienic also if you have to get vaginal stitches peri paste (which is preparation H with lidocaine and witch hazel blended) is a God send everyone post things about baby and not so much motherly self care so I’m posting what had made me 5 births helpful for self care

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Get the zip up sleepers! Those buttons ain’t so bad till it’s 2 in the morning and you want to get baby fed and go back to bed.


Postpartum depression is a real thing


Dont buy expensive clothes for the baby, they grow out of/ruin them so fast. Take care of yourself as a new mom, you matter too!

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You truly do not need the fancy stuff. The swing was truly the only gadget we needed. It was a lifesaver.

The pack and play, play mats, toys, changing table, all the outfits weren’t necessary. Burp cloths are overpriced, flour sack towels work WONDERS and super cheap.


It’s ok to hate the newborn stage. When people tell you “enjoy it! They grow so fast!” that’s probably from a parent who had an easy baby.


Don’t watch the clock when feeding the baby was the best advice that I got. Also trust your gut and don’t worry what other people think about your parenting.


Remember opinions are like assholes everyone has one.
And take everything with a grain of salt because refer to above… :woman_facepalming:

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There is such a thing as too much clothing. Babies aren’t as fragile as everyone makes them seem, if you get frustrated it is better to set them down in a safe location like the crib and walk away for a moment, sometimes babies just cry. And don’t be too hard on yourself!

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I wish I understood the words “poop volcano” before having a baby. Wasn’t prepared for that.

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If you plan on having more then one kids get a pram that has double seat option
Onsies with 2 sided zips are life (bonds)
Get an extra washing basket coz you’ll never keep up with washing again lol
Lower your expectations of a clean house, a little mess never hurt anyone
Never ve afraid to ask for help

I only did this once! (Single mom here :raising_hand_woman:t2:) Advise my mom gave me. “Some days are going to be overwhelming, with baby crying and all the other duties. It’s okay to leave the baby in the crib crying for a short while, she’s safe there. If your feeling so overwhelmed go to another room for a short while and take deep breaths and gather yourself together. Once you calmed yourself go attend to your baby. Healthy momma Healthy baby.


Zipper outfits are your best friend


Congratulations on your growing family and my only advice is don’t be afraid to ask for help :two_hearts:

Everyone will tell you to wake them up every two hours throughout the night to feed them, no no no, let them sleep because you need the sleep. They’ll wake up when they’re hungry, I promise you they will not sleep through it, it won’t hurt anything. Sleep as much as you can. Post partum depression is a bitch, it can hit you like a ton of bricks. It doesn’t make you a bad mom or any less of a mom, it just makes you human and millions of woman suffer from it every day, don’t let yourself suffer too, talk to someone. You do what you need to do to survive :two_hearts:

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Babies do not sleep through the night so don’t expect them to.
You’re going to be exhausted and that is NORMAL, please ask for help so you can nap, shower and eat❤
Give yourself grace.


Take in every moment because they get big so fast💗 congrats!


2)How to ignore unwanted advice better.
3) As longas baby is healthy and happy your doing everything right
4) you will be tired and you will feel like breaking down at some points. Put baby somewhere safe and go calm and collect yourself and come back. You need to take care of yourself as well as baby. (This one took me 3kids to learn to do)

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You can buy reusable diapers that are good up to two years. The initial investment is about 200 but I personally think that’s great compared to the 2000 you’ll ultimately spend

Get the book… “What to expect when you’re expecting”… :green_heart:

FTM here: Mine is How to burp a baby. :hear_no_evil:

Trust your instinct. And never be afraid to ask for help. Motherhood is a whole new experience but it is well worth it :two_hearts:

You and your husband’s relationship will change considerably and this is normal.


Don’t buy a wipe warmer! They dry the wipes out


Take your time. With everything. Don’t rush youself. I rushed myself at the hospital and wanted to leave early I rished myself in breastfeeding. Make your own speed and stick to it.

Take everything the hospital offers - you pay for it anyways
Cloth diapers from the hospital works amazing for burp rags
Shoes are useless for the first year basically
Bite their nails off instead of using clippers when they’re little
Take mittens to the hospital
ADULT DIAPERS > mesh panties
Gripe water is amazing
Zip up sleepers
If you have a boy, point the manhood down or he’ll pee out of the diaper
We never used a changing table - just changed wherever we were

Depression after I have the baby will be horrible in most new moms ask for help when u need it

No one else’s opinions matter. Do what is right for you and do not feel pressured or like a failure because you do not meet someone else’s, or your original view, of what a mother should be or should do, or how you should look. You are perfect just the way you are and so is your baby.

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Some things new are okay but they grow a lot in the first year I bought stuff secondhand and saved a ton of money :+1: the only thing I bought new was the car seat

Oh yeah and don’t waste a lot on size newborn they grow out of it after like 2wks lol

Fed is best… don’t let anyone pressure you to breast feed if you don’t want to. FED IS BEST


Everything will work out, just stay relaxed and don’t get ahead of yourself

Not everything has to be perfect and that’s okay!

You don’t need a shit ton of newborn clothes. I had soooo many, but my daughter nearly lived in gowns. Made diaper changing easy. All the fancy baby stuff, not necessarily needed either. For example: a wipe warmer. Save your money for pictures. YOU CANT SPOIL A BABY!!!


Labor will never follow your birth plan so don’t get too attached to it (the plan) and PPD is a real issue and doesn’t make you any less if a mother if you experience it. Help is out there.

OMG my kid never slept like she ought. Not when she was an infant, not whenshe had a swing, not when she was taken on rides in the car–swaddling, weighted blankets, noise machines, cosleeping. We tried everything to get this kid to sleep. I breastfed til she was 3.5 because that was the only way she’d even closew her eyes! When she got old enough, we tried melatonin, which only sort of worked. Benadryl just gave her bad dreams. Then our furnace broke one day when she was five, and she stayed still all night long and really slept for the first time ever. All she needed was a cold room. All that time, when we were getting 4hours of sleep per night, she just needed a cold room! We heat up the bed with a heated blanket, turnit off when she gets in; she has a nice warm regular blanket. Sleeps in her drawers and that warm blanket, wont even tolerate pjs. Her room was 55 degrees last night, I swear. She never shivers and hardly moves, but in a warm room she rolled around the bed and fell out so often we had to put rails on it. I wish that f-in furnace had broken five years ago!


Get big comfy pants for after delivery, your legs will probably swell. Get some adult diapers, much better than mesh panties. A lazy boy rocking chair because you will sleep in that thing more than you expect. Nipple shields work, dont wait to long to get one if you want to breast feed and are struggling. Work on your arms and core strength now. You will be tired and will probably break down at least once. Thats ok.

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Just enjoy every single minute. They grow up way too fast. No baby is “by the book” so do what’s right for yours. And zipper pjs! Congratulations!


Always sleep when baby sleeps for the first couple of months otherwise you will be so drained.

ALWAYS keep a extra baby outfit in your diaper bag.
Any time you try to take a shower you will hear baby cries in your head and you’ll keep getting out to check on the baby until the point you just give up lol… but just breathe…
it gets stressful at times, but they grow so fast so enjoy every minute of it :sob:
Once your baby is here everything will just naturally set in so trust me… you don’t need any advice lol.

Don’t let the ease of the first one trick you into having a second too quickly. 2 under 2 is HARD.


Try to establish a nighttime routine I loved using lavender lotion… and when they say sleep when the baby sleeps do it!! Literally lol

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Take time for your self. Your relationship. It matters. Also never ever get kicked outta your own bed.

It’s extreme sleep deprivation like you’ve never known!!!
Girl babies can not crawl well with dresses on so skip dresses until she can walk.
Fed is best-> although BF is great, mother’s mental health and adjustment to motherhood is more important!
Bring pillows from home for delivery.
Birth is a private experience not a spectator sport for “all the family”


You’re the mother of your child don’t let anyone else try to take that from you when you say no it means no don’t let others walk all over you, be stern get as much rest as you possibly can, breast feeding hurts like a bitch, there’s nipple cream you can buy, going toilet after having ur baby is scary but you’ll get thru it, you won’t need expensive clothes they grow so fast, babies make strange noises there’s nothing to worry about, you don’t need to wake them for feeds they’ll wake when they’re hungry

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:wave:t4: my son is 7 weeks.
Not all advice is applicable. Stocking up on things isn’t always necessary. I went to the store days after having baby and It was nice to get out. I have a bunch of postpartum stuff I didn’t even use cause everyone stressed it and made it sound like EVERYONE will need it.
If you think there’s no way baby is crying cause he’s hungry, he’s probably hungry lol
Healthy, no complication pregnancies can still result in premature birth (4 weeks early, 10 day Nicu stay)
Babies grow at different rates. Lactation consultants are super important (part of why little one is growing slowly, non-nutritive suckling is a thing)
Do research on the first month. I focused so much on pregnancy there were some things I could have learned about a newborn ahead of time.
Birth classes offer a lot of information, even if a lot is repeat of stuff you’ve read or know there can still be stuff to learn (I’m in the medical field, but still felt it was a great experience)

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Get a support system in place. Robust. People- for baby n you who are their to help the way you want them to rather than thurst their opinions.

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The crying can get overwhelming. Just remind yourself that crying is the only way they can communicate to you that they need something/something’s wrong. I was told by so many people I’d learn my baby’s cries, but I can’t always tell by her cry what she needs and have to just go through the basics (food, diaper, add/remove clothing). Remember to not be so hard on yourself if you don’t know what’s wrong right away.


Adult diapers for postpartum are great, make sure to take time for yourself, they outgrow stuff so fast

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Swaddling is your best friend for getting baby to sleep sounder and longer, mommy’s bliss gripe water saved my life I gave it twice a day started when he was 1 month then decreased it down to once at night hes now 4 months and doesnt need it at all, take a bed pan home from the hospital and when you have a chance fill it with some hot water and eucalyptus oil and sit over it for a few mins everyday it goes right over the toilet and helps your stitches to heal faster and you to feel better. Accept the help thts being offered it doesnt make you a bad or lazy mom. My mother in law love to give my son a bath but I feel like I should do it it was only when I accepted her help I realized how lucky I was to have those few mins in the afternoon to just sit with my SO and watch a show, she even takes him on Saturday mornings so we can sleep in ( eventhough I’m still working on not feeling guilty for tht one), my mom and aunt came over a few times and helped me clean and my other relatives just to simply hold him so I can sit for a while and breathe. It’s hard especially since it’s my first and I want to be the one to do everything but my heart is so full watching how much love my son receives from everyone around him and I can lessen the reins a little.


Don’t buy a diaper genie, don’t buy a lot of the same size clothes. They grow quickly. The first 3 months you’ll be sleeping with a kid on your chest. When you feel something is wrong, take baby to doctor. Labor is NOT HORRIBLE. I have 5 kids. Take breaks for yourself to breathe. Trust your own gut. I can go on and on and on…


And have a support system/community

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Use sandwich bags to separate out complete outfits in your maternity bag.

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you will bleed … a LOT … for a month, at least. It wears you down. sleep when you can.

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Buy sleep clothes with zippers… NOT BUTTONS/SNAPS! Its not something you really think of, but buttoning one of those from top to bottom in the middle of the night when you are sleep deprived is really hard!


Everything is not a big deal. Every fall isn’t as horrible as we as parents think it is


Take advice with a grain of salt. Breast/formula… just feed the baby! Everyone does everything different and what works for one wont work at all for the other. Find what works for you and baby and forget the nasty moms that bash!


Don’t buy too many little baby clothes…baby will grow so fast and probably won’t even use most of them


Sleepers, onesies, socks, and burb rags are the best thing ever.

Sleepers with zippers. No fucking snaps. Their horrible


Don’t ever let anyone tell you how to parent your baby. Even brand new, know what you want for your baby, and stand your ground. If you feel something isn’t right, don’t be afraid to speak up! Even though your baby isn’t born yet, when he/she is born, you are their voice. Mommas know best for their babies, and I’m sure you’ll did just fine!!

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That breast-feeding is so crazy hard and gifts in the beginning! Oh so worth it, for sure, but I was so shocked. No one had told me that breastfeeding could be an issue at all so I cried and cried because it just hurt so much. Finally after a few weeks they noticed she was tongue tied, fixed it…and poof, like magic it was amazing. I wish someone would have told me…

DONT let people kiss your baby. Idc who they are just don’t. Way too many cases of babies getting sick from cold sores even when people don’t have them.


Dont let anyone tell you what you will/wont need. A wipe warmer is a perfect example. I use mine daily at at the end of each pack of wipes, I wet the sponge underneath so they dont dry out and I clean out the warmer regularly to kill any bacteria. We use warm/hot water for washing ourselves so I definitely value the warmer at home. Its something everyone said I wouldnt need but I use it daily and havent had any issues with rash from day 2 of owning it. A lot of folks also said I wouldnt need a changing table/pad and although I dont use it often right now (3mo) I do intend to use it once baby is in his own room/crib around 6mo. He currently sleeps in a bassinet in our room that has it’s own changing setup. Follow your gut and get information from both sides of any item you’re unsure about. To be fair, I got most of the items I was told I wouldnt need, as I got to know my son and his needs/preferences. Consignment shops are a life saver.

I also wish I had gotten acquainted with my pump better beforehand, I almost exclusively breastfeed but the confusion surrounding my pump made the early days harder than they needed to be.

Asking for help does not mean you’re failing, it just means you need help. And just because you are a new mom, does not mean you dont know what you are talking about. Stand your ground on topics you feel strongly about, but keep your heart open to good advice which will come from every direction.

Most importantly, take time to get to know your baby, your new self, and the new dynamic in your home with your partner. Y’all will be vulnerable to a world of misunderstandings but if you continue to communicate, you’ll be just fine.

P.S. Chapstick is life, start carrying it religiously if you dont already

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You won’t use have the stuff you buy :joy: they grow out of clothes soooooo fast!


Alot of the baby ‘essentials’ are not actually needed lol

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You dont need as much as you think every time you walk out the door. Too much stress!! Congratulations enjoy the awesome wonderful journey

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  • Forget the birth plan. You have very little control over what happens so why set yourself up for feeling like a failure if it doesn’t go how you planned? Just plan to get babe out safely however that happens.
  • Buy second hand clothes off FB marketplace (they’re often in new condition as babes grow so fast) and skip shoes entirely until they’re older
  • baby hats that come with outfits NEVER fit
  • splurge on a comfy chair for the nursery (if that’s where you plan to nurse/feed) and car seat while being cheap with things like the crib, change table, etc. You’ll spend HOURS in that chair and you want it to be comfy. NEVER buy a used car seat as that’s your babies life at stake…if $$ is an issue skip the bucket and go straight into a weight-appropriate convertible seat
  • ask for help and take it when it’s offered
  • adult diapers are WAY better than giant pads
  • wait until you have babe to try them in different swings/chairs - even better, borrow from a friend! You only use them for ~6 months but some babies hate swinging side to side, others hate vibration, while others hate a rocking motion entirely.
  • remove any expectations of how you think your baby will behave and just try to roll with life as it comes
  • sleep when baby sleeps in those first week (actually though!) - you lose all sense of time when you’re living feed to feed around the clock
  • never say “I’ll never…” about your baby because you probably will :wink:

*Almost no one will buy you want off your baby shower list!! There going to buy you what THEY want to get you.
*DONT waste a ton of money on newborn size diapers. They grow out of it quick!
*if you write a birthing plan, your cursing yourself for everything to go opposite (:joy:)
*Dont over pack for the hospital. They will have everything you need.
*DEFINITELY go on a hospital tour close to your due date. They will answer a ton of questions!
*take ALLLLLL the hospital stuff!! Especially swaddles, formula, burp rags, ect. (Tip- they will charge you for it all anyways!)

  • do research on delayed cord clamping. It’s highly recommend!
    *do research on all newborn shots and procedures so you can make up your own mind what you want for your baby/ don’t want for your baby/ want to push off for a later date. You have 100% say in anything that happens to your baby AND you. They will push whatever the “norm” is even if it’s not needed.
    *make sure you stay firm on what you want. They will try to push their own agenda.
    *velcro swaddles from the store are a life saver!

I wish I had known more about breast feeding I wanted to breastfeed but I didn’t know things I should have n let the nurse talk me out of it. I didn’t know it took 24 hrs for ur milk to produce or that she wouldn’t starve to death I was afraid shed go hungry n noone explained it to me

Congratulations! First off, you can do this. It’s exhausting but completely worth it.

•A routine helps. Figure out what works for you and go with it.

•Most babies get gassy. Some more severely than others. If their back is “stiff as a board” it’s their body‘s way of telling you that there’s gas in there and they need your help to get it out. Gripe water can help once they’re a few weeks old but the best way to get it out is to tuck their feet up to their bellies and work it out. You can do a bicycle motion or just pump the legs up and pulled them back to help release the gas. It will help them sleep because they will be more comfortable.

• Shape their heads. Many people don’t know this but you need to actively shape your babies head so that it is not flat from being laid on its back. You can lay a baby on their side while supervised to help with this. Tummy time also helps as they get older. Some babies hate it but it’s good for their development.

• Burping. Babies often have a particular way they like to be burped. Some only need a pat on the back while others need pressure on their belly with a pat on the back to get it out. Well burped babies often have less gas and are happier.

•Babies cry. They just do. Don’t be alarmed if you try everything and they just won’t stop. Take a minute, breathe and try again. It doesn’t last forever and you can do this.

• Take time for yourself. Ask for help if you need it. Mama can’t pour from an empty cup and it’s crucial that you do things for yourself every now and then. You will be happier and so will your babe because you’ll be able to do your best without being overrun.

•Swaddling. Some don’t like it but it’s worth trying. Wrap them up and hold them close. My 6 all loved it. It helped them feel snug so I could lay them on their own.

• Baby wearing. This is another that not all babies like but if they do, it’s great to help you keep your hands free to get stuff done while snuggling the little one.

•Car seats. You can use a convertible car seat with a baby as little as 4 lbs. Get a good one and it can be used for many years instead of a new one needing to be purchased when they turn 1-2.

Babies are the best. Congrats again. You’re gonna do great. :white_heart:

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I love my diaper genie. Make sure you’re drinking enough water if you choose to nurse. I was always so thirsty while nursing. And your hair might fall out after baby is born. Totally normal, but still scary at first. Try to nap when baby naps.

Burts Bees & Hello Bello are a life saver & They have cute stuff!

Ignore the MLM bullshit. The first time someone you haven’t talked to in ten years pops into your inbox going” OMG YASS, congrats on your baby you beautiful momma… you need to know about what helped me lose weight like mega fast! It even helped me make money like a total boss babe💪🏼” RUN, RUN AND DONT LOOK BACK.

Gowns are a lot easier for nighttime changes.

Buy clothes at least two sizes too big. They grow so fast

Nap when baby naps, I promise the dirty house can wait.

Bibs ! You will never have enough ! My girls 5 months Tuesday and the drooling has been real the last 2 months I swear I go through at least 5 bibs a day !

Oh also. Idc what anyone says. Dont wake the baby to feed. They will wake up on there own. Both my kids would go 3.5 hrs sleeping at night newborn…sleep when they sleep. Wake when they wake

Congrats on the baby. How exciting!Here are a few that got me through

  1. Sleep when the baby sleeps. Yes your gonna want to catch a quick shower or clean the house, but it’s totally worth a little dirt.
  2. Dont be afraid to ask for help, when you need it. My favorite thing was for sister to come over and sit with the baby so I could shower or even catch a nap. If the baby was asleep she would even help with dishes ect. Heck people may offer to bring you precooked meals. Trust me it gives you more time to rest and be with your baby.
  3. Post partum depression is real. Even you are thinking it’s just the baby blues, dont be ashamed to ask for help. In the end, you will be thankful.
  4. Be thankful for 2nd hand or hand me downs. Yes new things are great, but babies grow and change so much, so quickly.
  5. Know you are amazing! I wish someone would have told me this when I had my 3 kids. It takes a lot to be a mom, even a soon to be mom. As long as your baby is happy, healthy, and thriving, your doing great!
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Make sure that someone is taking lots pictures of the hospital stay!

Trust your gut. Doctors may have had schooling and other people may have experience… but you know your kid. Never let anyone change your mind if you have a gut feeling about something. Trust yourself.

Freeze some big pads after spraying with water and witch hazel for after labor. It helps SO much with the pain afterward, especially if you have a lot of bruising and swelling afterward.

Don’t sweat the little stuff, tomorrow is always a new day!

Your husband & yourself will be on a whole new level of teamwork and awesomeness, remember you have each other to offer and be each other’s support person. Because parenthood is the most ugly, beautiful, scary, loving & enjoyable ride of your lives… so embrace it :heart:

Also buy baby suits with the zippers… these will be your dearest friends during those late night/early morning clothes and nappy changes :laughing:

#1 If you have a baby that eats and sleeps well from birth be prepared for really horrible comments from people who didnt have the same experience. When you’re a new mum it can really sink you into a deep hole. #2 take lots of pictures of you and your baby. Even ones that aren’t pretty. I have about 3 photos of me and my babies but a million of everyone else.

Take pictures and have everyone take pictures of you and your baby. If u think they are horrible leave them for no one to see but u and your baby :heart: memories forever i wish i had more pics in hospital! Xxx

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babies learn at different stages. they grow at different rates. dont worry if your kid is behind esp in weight. if they are eating and jappy… dont worry if they a little behind.
mom of 4 here. 6,8,12 & 13

my 12 yr old is 55 lbs… his 13 yr old sister 145lbs.

Make sure you talk to your partner about there ideal parenting in detail and realize that a baby can majorly effect your relationship and possibly end it if you cant agree on these things and the bad thing is is that you may not even know these things until after you have the child pay close attention to there life choices and make sure they are the right person to have a child with