What should I do about my controlling husband?

move the fuck on !! That’s abusive behavior point blank period. And he’s more than likely accusing you because he’s guilty

Usually when a person acts like that its because they are cheating…

Cheaters always accuse

You should leave him, LEAVE him, and LEAVE HIM lol seriously

He has someone else!!! Don’t let him do those mind games on you!!!

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If he accuses you of cheating He might be cheating.

I say he is cheating!!!

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He will get worse, he is isolating you, he is belittling you, he will hurt you give it time. Trust me get out. Do it for the little gal that you said was being neglected. Because she is in danger too. And yes he is cheating on you. This is only going to get worse. You know how much you love him, well that is a condition he instilled into you. By his abusive controlling behavior. Ya want to know how I know. It happened to me. Stop being gullible. I’m sorry to be so harsh, but you have to know all that I’m saying is true. God bless you :pray:

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What should I do about my controlling husband?

Speaking from experience…it’s going to get much much worse. Leave!


It’s guilt. Usually when they are falsely accusing you they are the ones who are guilty. He’s a narcissist.


Sorry but unless he agrees to couples counselling and getting help you need to leave him. Usually if they are accusing you then they have done something themselves, neither of you are happy and it’s not a great environment for a child to grow up in. He can still be a dad without being your husband


Get out it.now it…won’t get no.bettef


sounds like he’s the one with the guilty conscience


Its guilt…usually the one accusing is the one doing.


Usually its because his ass is guilty. Either way lifes too short to be battered and abused untrusted, get rid of him


File for divorce. He won’t have a choice in the matter. He’s only going to get worse. And keep proof of all that he is saying in in written form


It’ll get a lot worse it’s better to leave now before it does get worse


Girl you NEED to leave now ASAP. It will NOT get any better. He doesn’t want to admit he is abusive, controlling and toxic. He told you he doesn’t want help. He is blind to his behavior and doesn’t care about your feelings or your daughter. If you continue to stay in that abusive marriage your daughter is going to think little men like that is normal and it is NOT :-1:. Please leave and seek the help you NEED for yourself and your kid. File for divorce :clap: :clap:


It is extremely hard to admit this is not going anywhere your husband has severe insecurities and he has to admit it to and smarten up u say u r separated well if I were u.id keep it that way it will get.better.youll become stronger over time good luck my dear

That means he’s doing something

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Had the exact experience. It’s him that’s cheated or cheating and hes accusing you as that’s what he’s feeling and hiding…it’s called projection. He’s projecting his insecurities onto you


He’s guilty himself. Girl he done screwing something else

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Leave his ass and fuck all your work friends… not necessarily in that order!

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Leave he won’t change


Read your post and then tell yourself what you would tell someone else. LEAVE

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Leave. It’s that simple. He’s being abusive and honestly the one who is always accusing of cheating is usually the one who is doing the cheating.


This is how it starts … It’s already affecting your kid so you need to get out for the kids sake. Him not wanting you to get a job is just controlling you to have money to be able to take care of yourself

You need to grow up and move on or I hope cps takes your child. Neglect is NOT OKAY and your better then that it’s hard I totally get it I’ve been there I wish you strength to move on and over come any obstacles that stand in your way.

He sounds like a narcissist. You are not doing anything wrong. Tell him to get help , grow up or it’s over.


Kick him out. You and baby deserve so much better

He’s accusing you bc he’s doing dirty. The guilty always place the blame elsewhere.


He’s probably cheating on you, and projecting his own dirty deeds.
Speaking from experience.

You need to LOVE YOURSELF more than him and move on

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Leave. It dont end well. Have been though it 3 times.

Oh hunny, I know you love him, but get out and don’t look back! I was stuck in that situation and it got worse through the years. Love yourself and take time to heal. It took me 11 years but I healed and found an amazing man now

Your first call need to be to a women’s shelter! IMMEDIATELY! or CPS! They will help you get out of your situation.

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Get a job it will only get worse do not let him control you it’s making you both miserable.

You need to go. He’s controlling you. Bringing your daughter into things to make you feel bad. Go. Tell him to stick any money up his arse. You’ll do just fine without xx

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Leave a man that won’t work and provide for his children is worthless

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You don’t need his approval to file for divorce. If he’s not willing to go to counseling and he’s acting mental, go see a counselor yourself to help you decide what’s right for you.

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Sorry to say but the person doing the accusing is normally the one doing the dirty.
This guy sounds very controlling , he also can’t see any wrong in his actions therefore the only thing to do to be happy for you and your daughter is leave and don’t look back x


You need to love your daughter and yourself more than you love him to leave!! You are teaching your daughter that it is ok for a man to treat her like crap!! Break the cycle!!


In my experienced. He accused you because he tried to hide his flaws… in this case he might be the one who cheats on you.

I know u love him but my best advice to u is to. LEAVE, expecially if u have children involved, this is just the calming of the storm if he gets angry because of stupid crap like who’s on ya fb it’s going to eventually escalate into violence… U said he won’t let u work he gets pissed if u have male friends I bet he gives u a certain time limit to go to the grocery store…get out of the relationship by any means that u can u can get legal help

My 1st husband was like that and he was the one cheating! There is such a better life out therr believe me! My current husband and I have been married 24 yrs and all he asks if we have respect for each other. If he is going to stoo at the store he calls and asks if I need anything and vice versa. Get you another life unless you want to live like this forever…

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When you start loving yourself then your eyes will open and the answers will not be a second thought

He left the marital home, so use that to your advance, because all of that control is spousal abuse. By Law, he has to support you and your child, so walk yourself to family court and start your court ordered support.

My granddaughter was with someone like that and he had her suicidal. He had to approve anything she wore, made her throw out clothes and shoes that he didn’t approve of, she couldn’t talk to any friends or family. He physically and mentally abused her. She is still taking medication to deal with all of this and it’s been well over a year and a half. They have a beautiful little girl and my granddaughter is a wonderful mom. Please get out of the situation, protect yourself and your little girl. I know you love him, but you need to love yourself :two_hearts:

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If he won’t agree to counseling, GET OUT!

Sadly it won’t get better and each time you go back,he will turn is torture up a notch and yes it’s mental torture, you will be in self doubt if not already… rule with your head and not your heart as he is already manipulating you with it and now using your little onr as bait…
Get out now as it will only get worst.


I speak from experience and the woman who stayed way too long (10yrs) too long. It will NOT change and if anything it will get WAY worse.
My piece of advice my dear is…
Go and re-read your post as if you are reading it cause your little girl wrote this post as a young woman, would you stand for a man who would treat your daughter this way…would you tell your daughter to stay with a man who is being this way… I would think NOT!!! Look at this with fresh eyes as a parent, not a wife, and you will clearly see that this is toxic !!! Toxic for you and your little girl. Set an example for your daughter, be a role model and be her protector, cause this will affect her in her future life…as well as your future if you stay (cause believe me it can happen over night and you may not have a future ahead of you. ) RUN ,run, run away and be her protector. I wish you well and a clear mind to see what you posted and how bad this is for you and your daughter. :heart::tulip::heart:

Narcissist :100: things will never change or get better.


Sorry mama but its time to pack up and do whats best for you and your little girl!.

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He’s either cheating on you or has cheated on you or is doing something behind your back that he wouldn’t want you to do so he has a guilty conscience! Can’t blame it on past relationship trauma if you’ve already been married for 9 years and im sure together even longer than that! As hard as letting go is sometimes, it’s not as hard as staying with someone who is miserable and makes you miserable and then puts in no effort to change it. May be difficult at first but after you truly let go and start living for yourself and your child, I’m positive you will find happiness!

You are already separated so get help and get divorced. He will not change because he doesn’t see what he is doing wrong when that happens there will never be change. He is controlling and emotionally abusive. You need to get you and your child into a safe environment.


Guilty dog barks first…if hes accusing and youve never gave him a reason to then most likely hes cheating


turn the page, find someone else

Stay separated forever.

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Get a job, get some confidence and i swear you will see things so much clearer

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He’s guilty and his conscience is eating him and your relationship alive. Good luck. It does not get better.

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Normally the person who is accusing of the other cheating their most likely the ones cheating….


I read red flag, red flag, red flag, I live him, red flag, red Flag… My advice? Run, run so far away.

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He’s the one cheating. I speak from experience. My EX husband used to accuse me all the time. (I never did any of it) come to find out he was the one cheating. Leave now!!!

Sounds like the pot calling the kettle black me.

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Never put anyone before your child. Lovers come and go, that is your child. Secondly, your child is watching what you allow and tolerate. You are an example. Jmo

  1. He’s cheating.
  2. Leave him. It will not get better, it will get worse. He’s a narcissist

He’s seeing someone, when they accuse they guilty of what he’s accusing you of.


Get out, unless you want your daughter going to your funeral if he kills you, sorry I know harsh words but that could be the next thing that happens


These are clear signs of emotional abuse hun,
Hes trying to financially control you and house your child to manipulate you.
If he won’t go to couples counciling then maybe seriously consider staying separated.
With time you’ll be able to pin point these behaviours more easily.


He’s probably cheating you on you already and taking the blame and reversing it to you . So you get insecure and tears you down. I would divorce him don’t waist one more day they don’t ever change learned from experience. Wish I wouldn’t have stayed as long as I did. I am truly sorry he is doing that to you . Sending prayers


Turn the tables honey see he likes it when someone tries to control him. Stand your ground dont be controlled. If he hits or abuses you leave!

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Maybe he’s the guilty one !!?? Open a child support case and see how he reacts !!! Take care of child and get a job no matter what he says !! Good luck

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Get rid… I’m sorry but he won’t change and why should you feel guilty and shit for things you’re not doing??? You are your own person and are free to do what you want… why are you walking in egg shells for a man who makes up the life you lead???

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Love your child and yourself more than a man. If he’s neglecting your child you’re just as wrong as him because you’re letting it happen! MOVE ON!


Get a job and take care of your little they are all that matters


Leave him save you and your child it will only get worse!!


Divorce him. He’s a control
freak & you don’t need your child around him. :rage:


It’s him and if you stay he will destroy you! Been there done that. LET HIM GO. GET BACK TO YOU. YOU CHANGED TO ACCOMMODATE HIM, YOU ARE NOT YOURSELF ANYMORE


Parenting w/ Narcissists/sociopaths - Custody - Family Court -

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Your only two options is leave or deal with the abuse. But I can tell you that 99% of the time if someone is constantly accusing you of cheating, they are the ones cheating. He is abusing you and sadly you are allowing it to happen by staying with him. You may love him but he doesn’t love you. This mental abuse will turn physical and by then it may be too late. Get out while you can.
I want you to ask yourself a question, if your daughter was in a relationship like yours with a man, what would you want her to do? Would you want her to stay in the abusive relationship or get the hell out. Because if you stay, you are showing you child/children that it is acceptable.


He’s a Narcissist, please leave now. Your baby will pick up on these habits and will continue the cycle, don’t let it get to that.

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Control freak. Tread carefully.


You NEED to get out of that marriage NOW! It’s only going to get worse. I guarantee he is cheating on you. I’ve been there except for the not working part. I was the one working and paying for everything. He didn’t want me going anywhere and when I went to the store, or to see my kids, he was calling me to find out when I’d be home. He almost ruined me. Physical, spiritually and financially. After 15 years I had enough and left. GET OUT NOW!!!

Usually if they are accusing you, it’s because they are guilty of something


Yikes I didn’t even finish reading this but you need to leave asap :hot_face::hot_face:

I don’t understand you young woman where is your self respect you’re separated now stay that don’t go back same stuff will happen I can’t use the word for him on here .You and you’re child matter nothing else.

Get a job and get some counseling for yourself. Have an exit plan and get out of the marriage.


From experience… he is up to no good… or he is not mentally well…
Either figure out what he’s doing behind YOUR back to make him act this way… or find a way to get him some counseling… this is not ok behave, and you are only teaching your daughter that it is okay for a man to control her and dictate to her…


Don’t stay in the marriage, it’s a horrible experience to your child. She will grow up believing this is normal when it’s not. She will learn that its acceptable to be battered by a man, when its not acceptable. Get a job, find some peace and get a divorce before its too late.

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Becuz the heart wants what it wants doesn’t mean that they are good for us… If ur feeling the way u r and ur seperated already then keep moving forward not backwards… The heart will hurt but it will heal if u stop letting him control u… If he’s not good to u move on and let him go… U will love him still just not like him…


File for child support. If he cannot trust you he either has a guilty conscience or he never healed,but either way it’s not a life to walk on eggshells. If someone loves you and wants to be with you they get to know you enough that your life is an example of how you want to be treated.

I have dealt with stuff like this and it’s crazy making and not worth having in yours and your child’s life.


He is a controlling person. And this relationship is toxic. Read the warning signs of abusive relationships.

He’s up to no good himself.


Run as fast and as far away from him as you can he won’t ever change. Contact womans aid for help leaving and support for you and your child. Best of luck xx

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1.) get a job and support yourself.
2.) his insecurities have nothing to do with you and nothing you do, say, or don’t do will help him feel any more trusting towards you.
3.). He’s cheating on you and projecting like a mofo.


If anyone came anywhere near coming between me and my daughter once i would leave that same day. Leave him and put your child first she doesn’t deserve that behavior

Nope emotional mental abuse is just as bad as physical n needs helped !


He may b up to no good. That is customary but not always so. They may have been cheated on before or just a very jealous person. Either way, it will NOT change. Either learn to live with it if you “can’t” leave him and b a good girl and do what he wants, although he’ll just find something else you are doing wrong or leave if you want to be happy. The good times or the time you have been together r not going to outweigh the way this does or will make u feel. Resentment/anger will come calling eventually. But, u gotta do u. Good luck :heart:

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Usually someone who accuses with no basis is cheating himself. You have managed to escape an emotionally abusive partner. Stay escaped. Get a job…remain independent…if he won’t maintain proper space or becomes threatening… get a restraining order. Divorce him before it gets worse…it doesn’t generally get better.


Stay separated, get the divorce!!!
He treats you as property and not his partner, he won’t change and it will get worse for you before it gets better. (Sorry! But honestly, you’ll get through this)


I don’t understand how y’all haven’t been together for 3 months and he still has that mental control over u. Gotta get ya backbone mama. Do not let a man-child have control over u like that. Have u out here looking all kinds of crazy. He don’t want to go to counseling because he knows he’s playing u like a fiddle!! U need lots of therapy and a couple good girlfriends… the control we see he has over u is grip tight and he knows exactly what he’s doing and he will keep wiping his shyty shoes all over your life and when he’s done just know he has plan A, B, and C victims he’s already digging his demon claws into. Run and don’t look back. He’s not the guy u want around your baby gurl around father or not. Let alone your other children see all that narcissistic behavior and will think it’s good to deal with it or act like that.


He a control freak he dont want you arounds friends or co workers soon itll be family next itll be hitting you i know it always starts out with verbal and mental abuse then physical as for you child your showing her its ok be treated like that i would say run fast away from him counseling wont work he might back off for a bit itll never last