What should I do about my kids cavities?

The bacteria from the cavities will infect the permanent teeth which are already formed in babies gums. It will eat away at the permanent teeth. Get it done early before it affects the permanent ones


Please don’t, they’re baby teeth. Baby teeth will loosen and fall out naturally. Do brush them, but save your money.

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Fillings ok But no crowns there baby teeth . Your throwing money away


I made that mistake with my oldest daughter when she was five, too much for a little one to go through, didn’t with my other two. If they are hurting then yes have them baby teeth pulled, they will come out anyway, no crowns, or filling or root canal!


If you can, get the work done. It does affect their permanent teeth. My grandchildren both had a lot of trouble with their teeth. I thought it was ridiculous for them to have all that work done to their teeth, at 2 and 4, but now I am so glad they did. They now have great permanent teeth.

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Keep them from having to much sugar! That’s so bad for their teeth!

I had caps put on my sons for prevention never had a cavity again after that my oldest is 13.5yo and my youngest is 6yo. Not taking care of it will cause it to spread and get worse.

:sob: Aw I’m sorry mama!!! I totally get that, I’ve been fighting to make sure I brush my 2yo teeth every day.

Whatttt? They are baby teeth!!!
Find a new dentist!

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Fillings need to be done but crowns are unnecessary. They’re baby teeth and they will fall out.

And you need to start brushing their teeth twice a day. Do you skip days brushing your teeth? I would hope not.


My son had silver caps over a couple baby teeth. The procedure was horrible for him.

Our dentists have said there are several factors, not just brushing and flossing that lead to this. Especially since me and 1 of my children cannot floss at all. No cavities for us either. It’s many contributing factors. Just keep trying. You aren’t failing, parenting is rough.

Edit to add: get a 2nd opinion.

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you have to add brushing teeth to their morning and nightly routines. If they have one, we didn’t have much of one but they brushed right when they go up and then right before bed. by the time there 10 they might not have to be reminded.


Get a 2nd opinion. I would teach them how to brush and floss their teeth themselves, but they’re baby teeth! They’ll be falling out naturally in a few years.


Were it me, I’d find another children’s dentist immediately.


Brush those teeth and dont let them have anything to drink after brushing but water. Things like sugary kool aid sweet tea soda ruin kids teeth. That being said I worked in operating room a long time and we did dental rehab on kids everyday. Have the work done and make them brush everyday so their adult teeth will look good.

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You should really brush their teeth twice a day. Just like an adults routine.
I started a routine with my now 14 year old when she was 2, where I brushed her teeth when she got up, and when she went to bed. With mouthwash and floss each night before bed too.
She has never had a cavity. You have to start them young with routines like that.

My grandson whow I started raising when he was 4 had bad teeth his parents did nothing about he had to have 5 teeth removed at once personally I would get the work done on the 4 yr but I would only have the cavities on the 2 yr old filled I would not have any work done on the front teeth just because they have a gap.

let them do it to protect there permanent teeth. Set a reminder to brush twice daily and floss

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Fillings, but that’s it. Crowns are a waste of money in my opinion. Brushing is absolutely necessary at least twice a day


My 4year just had silver caps put in, he thinks he’s the greatest and they were free here in NZ

You need another opinion before your young children undergo that much dental work. See a pediatric dentist. Some children are prone to cavities no matter how much their teeth are brushed. My first 2 none and then my twins? Boy were they cavity prone and we brushed their teeth like crazy. That said children need their teeth brushed every single day. That’s a fact that can’t be disputed. They need to learn how important it is to take care of their teeth.I would get a second opinion. If the work is necessary for them to eat properly then it should be done. I’m questioning keeping a 4yo awake during the procedure though. That would be very traumatic. You don’t want to establish a lifelong fear of the dentist. My orthodontist slapped me. The tool he was using slipped and stuck in my gum. I jumped and he popped me on the cheek blaming me. It was NOT my fault. If it happened today my parents would be rich from the lawsuit. It was the early 70’s though and he got away with it. Until then I was never afraid of the dentist. After I was. I can’t imagine a 4 yo cooperating for all that work. Please get a 2nd opinion before you proceed. Crowns for a gap in a 2yo teeth also seems a bit excessive. Makes me very suspicious of the dentist’s motives since those teeth are going to fall out in a few years. Get that 2nd opinion ASAP.


Not too young for work. It’s not fun at that age, but oral health/hygiene correlates with other health. Infections and decay can be deadly.

Listen to the professional.
You don’t need to treat a gap now. But you do the cavities
My son had a few at 2 and we treated the issue.
Some teeth are more cavity prone, however you need to be brushing EVERY DAY multiple times. To not is neglect.
At least if they have gaps flossing is much easier.

But I definitely agree about 2nd opinion as far as course of treatment.

My 5 year old has 6 fillings. No matter how much they brush their teeth they are bound to get cavities at some point

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So you don’t brush your kids teeth every day? What do you expect? I bet you give the sweets & fizzy drinks all the time. Do you know that it’s a form of child neglect not looking after their teeth?


Find a pediatric dentist my son goes on the 22nd to get his teeth done. They r putting him to sleep. He’s 3

I recommend getting a second opinion. I took my 5yr old to the dentist and they wanted to do a bunch of fillings. I decided to wait and switched to another dentist in the mean time. I never said anything to the new dentist and let them do X-rays and a cleaning, they didn’t find anything wrong.
Makes you wonder who all that work would have benefited, my son our the dentist.


They are still baby theeth id wait tell theyloose them and deal with the adultones


Your husband is wrong in his thinking !! Get the dental work done on your older child ASAP - you don’t want him getting toothaches or abscesses !! The younger one - get the fillings done ASAP - personally I would skip the crowns unless they have cavities - nothing wrong with a gap …

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My son is 10 and got his first cavity luckly its in-between 2 baby teeth that are sooo tight together they filed a space inbetween the 2 and left the cavity he said no need to tramatize the kid for teeth that are going to fall out but if we run into issue bring him in and they will reevaluate if need be … id get a second opionon


I went through that as a child but I still brushed and flossed every day as a child and still do as an adult. It has actually caused issues with my adult teeth as well. My baby teeth didn’t come out when they were supposed to and it caused damage to my adult teeth. I’ve had to have ten surgeries on my mouth because of just how bad my teeth are from genetics.

Please remember that just because they are baby teeth doesn’t make this less important. If your children and parents don’t take care of the baby teeth and just let them continue to cause reoccurring infections and bad teeth then the children grown up will treat there adult teeth exactly the same. Rotten baby teeth can also hurt the incoming adult teeth bc the gums are nor healthy. At 2 & 5 you should be brushing and flossing there teeth and teaching them how. If you don’t start now your kiddos will never take proper care of them.


I would go get a second opinion before doing anything to their teeth.


Cavities hurt! It is important to address the issues, and fix the problems.

You can’t change what’s been done, but you can fix the issues and do better!

2nd opinion definitely


Dude, I’m the only one who brushes my kids teeth and there are some days where I’m just too freakin worn out to spend 15 mins fighting them so we skip. I totally understand.

My daughter had major tooth rot. The first dentist wanted to sedate her and charge me $2000 to fix hers. I got a 2nd opinion and they only charged me $500 and skipped sedation. She did great!

Some kids are prone to tooth issues. My 5 year old is. My 3 year old isn’t. Don’t feel guilty. A vast majority of kids have tooth issues and it’s not always lack of brushing


Brushing 2x a day at that age for at least 1 min is essential and flossing at least once. If the teeth are as bad as you were told then a second opinion will mostly likely give you the same answer. Cavities come from sugars, starches, susceptible teeth and genetics. I recommend getting them taken care of.

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Get a 2nd opinion if you want but my daughter gets 2-3 cavities every 6 months to a year and she’s 12. I felt terrible until her dentist explained she has a condition called enamel hypoplasia and that if we put sealant on the teeth that are prone to decay it will help tremendously

2nd opinion! The cavities prob need sorting as toothache and abscesses will be a lot worse. But crowns on milk teeth??? I’m guessing you pay for dental treatment!

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Hey so just keep in mind that most children under 5 have a lot of gaps in their teeth and that’s why most parents are saved those cavities is because those gaps prevent cavities from forming most of the time your child may have closer together teeth and other children as well. Definitely force him every single day to brush his teeth and floss with you do it because my mother did not care about my teeth and I am paying for it now as an adult it’s horrible. She never even took me to the dentist so applaud yourself for even taking your child to the dentist please. You have no idea how many children don’t go to the dentist.

Noooo way they still have baby teeth that will fall out don’t do anything unless he starts having a tooth ace just teach him to brush n floss every day

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Not doing anything will cause it to o Lu get worse and can be considered child abuse.


Brushing twice a day is a definite but at that age it’s not just because you didn’t floss. What do the kids eat and drink? Could be the issue… I’ve been a dental hygienist for almost 30 years and that was definitely what we found was the culprit!


Get another opinion…sounds like this dentist wants to buy a boat on your dime. Never heard of a young child getting caps.


Search in you area for a pediatric dentist. Often times the are really good dental schools. They dress up like Big Birds and they get the kids involved.

Their baby teeth! Do better with the ones that come after!


Don’t their first teeth fall out

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They are baby teeth. They fall out so second teeth can come in


Second opinion. Sounds like he is scamming you


I would definitely see another pediatric dentist.


Get a second opinion and find a very reputable dentist to do it. A lot of dentist with milk your insurance for no reason. I went through thins and when we switched the new dentist told me my kid didn’t need half the work done that we paid for.


Sounds like the dentist just want money :roll_eyes: all their teeth will fall out. Get the cavities fixed forget the crowns. Lack of Flossing didn’t cause cavities not brushing did you are aware of that just get the cavities fixed and have them brush before they are allowed to eat it takes 2 minutes of your and their day!

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I got my girlfriend back with the help of Dr Achio, if your trying to get your ex lover back contact Dr Achio
Dr. A Achio

Scam alert. You must have good insurance. That dentist needs you to help put his kids through college and pay off his Jag. Unless they have toothaches or decay, just wait for the baby teeth to fall out. Don’t put your kids through unnecessary dental work. It will traumatize them.


My step son is 4 and had teeth pulled because his mom doesn’t even have toothbrushes for them at her house. They do get toothaches so I suppose it depends whether you care if they’re in pain until they’re baby teeth fall out or not.

If you’re uncomfortable with the amount of work being recommended, absolutely get a second opinion but don’t neglect to do the work! While they are “just baby teeth” that will “fall out anyhow,” those teeth are important, especially to the two year old who won’t be losing teeth anytime soon. Baby teeth are needed for biting and chewing food, as well as being able to speak and enunciate correctly. They also hold place for the adult underneath that will need to take its place. Also, if the cavity is large enough, a crown IS necessary to preserve that baby tooth until it is ready to come out. Speaking from experience, as I was a dental assistant for 11 years for a dentist who saw primarily children.


These are all baby teeth. Won’t they fall out soon…with a cavity I would get filled but nothing fancy. Get another opinion but not from one of the big dental companies

I would look up at what age they lose the teeth that need work done. If baby teeth are decayed they can move into the developing adult teeth. I would find a second opinion and see what is priority and what can wait or leave until they fall out. Good luck :+1:

Time for a second opinion.

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and who pays for all this

Please get a second opinion

What? Did I read this right ? Don’t brush every day? Don’t brush every night? You go to bed with ALL that food between your teeth? What are you teaching your children?

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This happened to me with my daughter I was devastated and felt awful I went for a second opinion and she only had one cavity!

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They are only baby teeth, soon to be lost. Start brushing and improve those good habits, teach them to floss, it will be fine.


Have they lost any teeth yet if not I would personally leave it

Yes they’re young and they’re baby teeth but if it isn’t fixed and the decay stopped it can spread to their adult teeth


My son has been through the worst with his teeth got 4 crowns at a young age on the front 4 had to have 2 of those pulled recently. Has 4 other crowns. But it’s better to get them fixed or they will continue to rot to their adult teeth is what I was told. Sometimes kids just have bad teeth I literally brushed his teeth. And everything. My son had to be put under twice because he refused to open his mouth at all. But he came out of it ok and his teeth have been better and I swear he brushes his teeth at least 5 times a day

They are baby teeth, but to the people saying let them fall out. No.
Unfortunately I have extremely bad genetics all my life. I had mine ripped out at 2 years of age.
And my adult ones have constant work on them and still horrid.
And shit enough now my son has it.
Hes only 4 and got a tooth pulled out yesterday.
He was very very amazing. He had 3 needles and it pulled because he had a bad infection and his face was swollen.
Do not just leave them. Definitely get a second opinion if you feel it’s alot of work. But do not neglect them.
We brush every night with out missing. We limit sugar.
And rhat was all before this cavity. He has 3 other little holes he needs to fill too.
And im strong about looking after teeth. Unfortunately he’s already lost one.
But I’d prefer that then leaving it in his mouth him in constant pain and then it affecting the teeth around them and it can also go to the roots and affect the adult teeth that need to come through.
I understand and it sucks, but look after those teeth as much as you can!!
My son has deep grooves in his teeth and a pH level and different bacteria same as me that is prone to more cavities Unfortunately.
I thought for awhile I’ll leave the tooth its a baby tooth it will come out anyway. But some of them don’t finish falling out til like 10 or 11. And the infection in the tooth can carry on to the next. It isn’t worth it.
Fix them while you can!

Yall realize if the baby teeth are left untreated it can effect the grown up teeth when they start coming in right! But if you wanna try natural try cell salts iv seen so many say they have reversed and stopped cavitys with them they are safe for kids! And I’d definitely get a second opinion before doing any work to the teeth!

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Crowns on a two year old?! Get a SEcond opinion!

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No you have done everything for your children! Take them to another dentist.

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Try changing the kids diet……. Maybe less junk food and sugar.

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If left untreated, cavities in baby teeth can cause more significant problems such as dental infections, requiring treatments like root canals. This can affect the adult teeth and cause long-term issues for your child’s oral health.

He perhaps means less expensive type silver crowns /paediatric crowns which they can put on rather than porcelain crowns like adults have. This is quite common.

And brush their teeth TWICE A DAY!!

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Who doesn’t brush their teeth everyday??? Especially kids and idk why u wanna spend to have them filled or whatever at that young age when they are baby teeth they will fall out yes but what I didn’t know until now is it will affect adult teeth as well… I’m not gonna say anymore because people will think I’m a Bit”*


Why that’s baby teeth why all that work on the childrens teeth when their adult teeth is not through yet. To me that is stealing money from you. None of my kids went to the dentist while still having baby teeth, I waited till their adult teeth started coming through before all the fillings.

My son had same issue from a tooth he broke around 18 months old. Don’t beat yourself up and now you know he needs flossing too!

Don’t have kids if you’re too lazy to parent ffs


Please get a second opinion!!! I work in the dental field and some pediatric dentist are complete crooks! There is ABSOLUTELY no reason to give a 2 year old crowns just bc they have a gap!


Get it done. The reason why is because the cavities can become painful to the point they would have a hard time eating and be constantly in pain. You can get a second opinion for your 4 yr old because soon her adult teeth will be coming in might not be necessary but X-ray should show how soon the other teeth maybe coming but 5 cavities is a lot. Best of luck but I be telling my husband it needs to be done

It’s only gonna get worse… it needs to get taken care of.

People say they are baby teeth it’s not worth it. But it is worth it. If you need a second opinion get one! But I’d have your four year old sedated imo that seems really young to not be… Don’t say you failed. Genetics could play a part, being uneducated about just how fast things can happen can play a part. It happens. But I would 100000% get it done purely on infection, pain reasons

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If they are there permanent teeth then yes 100% do something about it but if there baby teeth then no they will fall out themselves.

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Mom’s, you need to help your children brush their teeth after every meal! They will.never do it on their own.

If they need filled, do it. Baby teeth may come out but it will affect the adult teeth just the same.

Brushing and flossing are crucial but let’s face it, sometimes it’s not top of the list .
Just make sure to do it more often…

Also, some kids just have bad teeth genetically, my kids have my teeth and it’s not good. Sometimes no matter what you do, genetics win.

Baby teeth are so important, they keep space for the permanent teeth. Both of my daughters have had to have dental work. It’s worth it.

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Instill good habits early on so they keep them later on in life

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Get a second opinion. Unless your kids have their permanent teeth, I don’t think many dentists recommend crowns on baby teeth. It is a ridiculous expense that I don’t believe dental insurance will cover at that age.

Yes, you need to floss. Yes, you need to brush. You also need to take your children to the dentist every 6 months for exams and cleaning. Start getting the dentist to use sealant on the kiddos’ teeth.

Start keeping a food journal and limit the sugary foods.

What does a 4 year old eat that they have 5 cavities? They need to be brushing at least twice per day!
Get a 2nd opinion anyway, that sounds like a lot of work!

If you don’t address it, it’ll destroy their permanent teeth. :woman_facepalming: The rot will spread & then what?
If your husband won’t care for their health, in all seriousness, get rid of him.
Teeth aren’t a sometime thing. Everyday, 2x a day. Mouth health is as important as anything else. If their mouths get infected, it can go to their blood. They become septic & gravely ill. You don’t not do teeth every single day.
All of you should do it together, every morning, every night. Mouthwash, floss sticks, etc.
They’ll learn if you set the example. They only have water after brushing. Milk, soda, juice… The sugar sits on the teeth and degrades the enamel, causing cavities & infection. If you do better, they will too. :black_heart:

My 4 year olds teeth are bad and my 6 year olds teeth are perfect :woman_shrugging:
Sorry I don’t have advice seeing dentist Wednesday

I would find a different dentist. I always had my children brush their teeth after breakfast and before going to bed at night. A friend had her children eat either an apple or some celery and her kids had very few cavities.

I don’t remember my mom ever flossing my teeth at that age? I’m 45

Never heard of crown’s on baby teeth which I assume being the age they are your children are yet to get their adult teeth??