My son his 15 years old now and had a always been quiet and don’t go out with his mates and that but normally a happy young man but his not been his self now for a few weeks and not talking to anyone and yes he knows when his ready to talk big or small I am there ready and waiting XXX but he has been weeks now where he would sit in his room he come down and stand there watching us all (cook or clean or chatting what ever we are doing at the time when he comes down) he don’t say a word if I take to him he just move his head to answer me and then he be gone again XXX he literally in his room from minute he wakes until he going bed his not doing anything just sitting on his bed and when gets dark he won’t be turn light on he sit in dark only thing he does is get dress and do his hair and sit there I don’t know how to get him out off it and get him to talk don’t want to push him and make it worse and I know he won’t go to doctor but I think he needs something
Honestly it sounds like he’s depressed. Ask him what’s on his mind. Don’t let him come to you bc then he might think you don’t care. (Coming from a 15 yr old who was depressed at that age)
Puberty hits all kids differently…he may be getting depressed and feels like he can’t communicate with others. Maybe the school counselor is a safe place to start and maybe they can help.
It sounds like depression to me…I’m not a doctor but everything your saying is what I went through…I was depressed,severely depressed…please try to get him some counseling…it’s hard on kids his age,alot of them fall into depression…if you believe in God pray for him…and get him help asap…when your in that dark place alot of dark thoughts come to mind…there is a high rate of suicide among teenagers and depression …I’m 45 and went through depression,I all most didn’t make it …get him help please…
Seems like he is depressed. Seek professional help for him asap.
Depression. Something is bothering him and he seems afraid to say something
Am Londiwe. Am 38 years of age. My father was a police constable who shot himself because of depression. I was raised by a single parent (my mother) who passed away when I was 27years of age. In my life the only time I had been happy was when I got married to my husband for 10 years but he dumped me and left me with 3 children who he couldn’t support, but he only decided to marry another woman. After trying so hard to bring him back and I failed I decided to move on and support my kids as a single mother. Bad luck was following me everywhere I go. I was always retrenched (fired) from the job to job I get until I got a job and I was made permanent.
When I started working for sometime this is when I took a loan to buy a car and start a business so that I can be able to support my children financially. The bad news was I also got fired from this job with no executive reason and I reached a time where I couldn’t afford to pay my loan. I sold my business and tried to pay off my loan but still I could not cover all of it. The bank took my car and I ended up hopeless going back to my parents home at Limpopo with my kids. I was in depression. I tried dating but every man I could get was married and after using me they never wanted to be with me. They could just dump me.
One day I talked with a friend about my life and she took me to a woman who changed my life called Dr. Mama Shamirah. At first she called this woman and I explained to her my problems then we had spiritual prayers with her online on the phone because I was staying far. The next day I was surprised to get a call of my ex husband who divorced me asking me about the kids and he sent me money for the kids support! Something he has never done for years since we broke up. I was so happy and I decided to go meet Dr. Mama Shamirah in person. I went to her office and met her. She told me that I will be happy and my life will change, she cleansed me to take off the bad luck off me and we continued with the spiritual prayers. I cannot believe my life changed from that day.
I got a high paying job I always wanted and after 6 months I was promoted and made permanent. My husband who left me came back to me pleading to have me back and I told him if he needs me he must support me financially and his children he accepted. Right now we got back together and he treats me like a queen, he doesn’t want to lose me. He is even the one paying for my loan and we opened up a new business together. He spoils my kids every weekend and for the first time in my life I feel loved, happy and financially ok with my family.
Thank you so much Dr. Mama Shamirah without your help I don’t know where I would have been in this life that’s why I will leave your number here for anyone who needs help like I did. Contact Dr. Mama Shamirah on +27-683179727/ 0683179727 (call or whatsapp)
Threaten, bribe, drag him to a shrink or ur going to loose ur son.
I would get him in to see a therapist asap
Could be a lot of things. Depression, hormones, a issue.
Let him know. U noticed something is bothering him. And if he needs to talk, ur always available. No judgement and will listen. Even get him the teen hotline number. He will come around. Best of luck
Fight for your son … I am fighting for mine. From minute to minute I never know if the things I’m doing are any good, but I know I have to do something. I go in and open his blinds, I purposely leave the door open. Sometimes I just go and sit in there and engage in a conversation, even if I’m talking to myself… I have no great words of wisdom or conclusions, just wanted you to know that you are not alone. This post stuck out to me for a reason, I will keep your son in my heart and thoughts! Much love
This sounds exactly like what I’m going through with my 16 year old. The only time he talks it is some disrespectful BS toward me. I’m making my kid go to the doctor, because I’m honestly scared he’s depressed and depression can be bad in teens and end badly. We have an appointment next week.
Illness or a imbalance could also be…plenty of things, he needs to be seen
Maybe someone is bullying him or hurt him in some way. He sounds like he is avoiding everything and depressed and quiet maybe even upset or some kind of anxiety and definitely needs to go to talk with a doctor or councillor. I hope he is okay, tell him to accept help and be strong, he is loved
He is either doing something he is not supposed to be doing, or he is depressed and needs emergency therapy.
I would not leave his side. He needs help right away!
Play uno with him. Thumb wars. Today we slapped wrists. Any small thing to keep a connection. Ask direct questions. Instead of did you have a great day at school, try questions like was your teacher in a good mood. Who did you sit next to on the bus?
Is there an older person that he gets along with or looks up to who you could call to get him out of his funk? Sometimes these kids just need a mentor…the world is a pretty dark place sometimes… even if you are 15 or 50…
Teenage hormones becoming a man it’s a phase or maybe he’s smoking weed or something
At 15 it could literally be anything to throw a child’s mood off like this. Could be depression, anxiety attacks, bulling if he’s in school and not home schooled, puberty complications/ Confusion. It is a very tough age for a young boy I have 4 sons myself. I would make a day where you and him just spend time together plan ahead so he doesn’t feel bombarded maybe go out for lunch to a movie whatever he would enjoy and just let him know your there and you know him and you know something is bothering. He may just need a couple pushes to let you know what’s wrong. But I wouldn’t just wait for him to say something. Definitely let him know before you do but tell him your going to make a Dr’s appointment to see if there is anything they can do to help don’t just drop that on him either tell him in advance but do take him to talk to someone. Good luck momma.
Try and talk to him in his room on his own, see if he will open up to you.
Ring your gp and tell them the situation.
There is also charities he can ring if he won’t open up to you but wants to talk about what’s happening.
Some research needs to be done, you don’t mention school and that he sits on his bed all the time. If he is going to school ask his teachers if they’ve observed any changes, etc. Does he has any friends or had? Anyone close to him? All this proding needs to be done discretly, then go to him to start a conversation and of course seek counseling for him and you all, I feel time is of the essence here, you must act immediately. Good luck, I wish you, your son and family the best , be strong.
He is badly depressed it sounds like. Take him out alone somewhere an do something with him …he normally loves to do and get him to a counselor .
People saying smoking weed and taking drugs, i doubt very much there would be drugs involved cause the mother would notice something i.e drowsyness, staggering, bloodshot eyes ect. Also most drugs make you chatty not go quiet.
Personally I have been in a state where i would stay in my room constantly, would only go downstairs to grab some food then straight back to my bed, i would also sit in the dark. For me i was just overthinking alot and personally felt i had noone to talk to, that nobody wanted me around. I know it wasnt true as i had loads of support around me but i felt alone.
Try talk to him and reassure you are there for him, maybe plan a day out to his favourite place? Maybe 1 on 1 time as mother and son. Please dont expect him to change in a day though its going to take time and patience for him to get back to his old self x
Honestly, he probably discovered porn?
If he isn’t able/refusing to talk maybe ask him to write down how he’s feeling. Sometimes it’s easier to write it down than say it out loud
If this has been going on for so long and he hasn’t opened up to you then you need to sit with him and ask him right out. Don’t leave until he speaks to you. Waiting it out might be confusing him, he might feel you don’t want to know what’s going on.
He sounds like he is depressed and honestly either way I would take him to see someone so they can help
Bullying or depression
It may be depression, bullying or he may have acted in a way at some point that he has realised is wrong and hes upset with himself…. It still could be none of those things but yes talk to him just get hime to come out somewhere with you, take him for food somewhere or a milkshake etc talk with him try get him out of his shell take him to an amusements place etc try a few different ways first tell him you are curious to know what is the real matter and he can tell you anything, tell him even if its something bad you wouldnt be angry with him as you can see how its affecting him tell him you can work together to resolve whatever it is… tell him if its bullies then however he chooses to deal with them you will back him 100% and if anything else you can probably solve the issue together, best of luck xxx
Go out into nature together somewhere. Sunshine, fresh air and just you two. Just be like cmon mate lets go out for abit. You can just tell him you need it, you are feeling abit down and you read somewhere it will help. You want him to come because you need the support… you can suffer together. make it fun or a joke about your unfitness etc. taking you both out of a comfort zone should allow for some kind of exchange to be made during the trip. whether it be just a change of a wall coming down a little. gauge the reaction to this adventure together afterwards and assess if you think it may be good to do again.
Could you tell him if he doesn’t want to talk face to face he could open up in a letter or text xx
I really have no advice, I just feel for you. I have a 12 year old son and I would find this really distressing. Well done for seeking advice here and I wish you luck in trying to help him, you must be finding this so worrying and distressing, parenting can be so hard at times. I hope your son is OK x
He’s become disconnected from everything. Lads that age go thro that.
They feel out of place and ignored. ( even tho it’s not always the case).
Tell him U miss his company and if he minds spending some time with u. Make him feel it’s his choice . He will go dwell on u saying that for abit lol.
Show u need him, even doing the simple things of can u help me do … even if u can do it let him think u can’t it builds his feelings of belonging. Plus forces him to interact with u.
Ask him to go shopping with u and then make out ur hungry and go grab lunch together.
People are more open to chat when out for food.
When out keep reinforcing how much u love spending time with him. How u have missed this time together.
Keep conversation light , Just chat about story’s when u where young, daft things u did anything to make him laugh.
Once u get him laughing ask him how’s everything in ur world ?. Not important if he tells u nothing just yet.
Just keep doing the same thing every week.
He will start to warm up once he starts to feel more comfortable with u again.
Then he will open up. Just takes time .
When they r younger we interact all the time with our kids.
When they hit teens they become more independent of us physically. They push us away for they think they are grown.
What teens don’t realise is they still need us emotionally, but due to age they pull away then wonder y they feel like the r outsiders and no one cares.
As a parent we need to ignore the moans when we demand time with them for even tho they don’t realise it they need it. It does keep them grounded.
As a parent we think we r respecting their space , which is a good thing to a point. But as a teen they think no one cares .
Raising a teen is more complex than any other age group.
You may feel ur hitting ur head of a brick wall at first. But keep at it. Your relationship will become stronger now and in the future.
No harm in u getting advice from a phycologist to guide u. Make an appointment for you and discuss ur worries with them about ur son. They will give u tools to help him. Plus see any red flags if he needs there help to.
Try one more time to talk to him and if he doesn’t open up, then get help. You have to fight for your child especially when they won’t. He needs help. That is not normal. Maybe being useful or busy helping others would help. But I would definitely get to the bottom of it before something drastic happens.
Most teens won’t talk and being in his room is fairly normal. Unless he’s irritable or crying a lot I wouldn’t worry too much. Just make sure he knows if he doesn’t want to talk to you about his feelings you are willing to find him a mentor (is pretty important to use that word or he’ll feel like you think he needs mental help and will probably refuse) hang in there mom it will be ok
From what you say he seems withdrawn that is depression other factors may also be involved like bullying,drugs etc I think he needs help NOW lots of young people commit suicide don’t leave it too late.
I see a lot of people saying he’s being bullied and if that’s the case then I feel heartbroken. Something MUST be done in schools around the world to stop this bullying crap. I could say a lot more but unless everyone comes together then how are we gonna change this?? He is 15. Lots of teens go through reclusive phases.
That’s just 1 possibility…
Go to his room without it being pre planned with him, take drinks and snacks, put on a movie n just sit next to him and Snuggle up. Without any Interruption.
It will show him you are there, you see him and hopefully he will open up.
I would say have him checked for autism
Kids do do this around that age. Its wanting to be independent. Must be something going on he dosnt think you would understand about.
sounds like he’s a bit depressed or bullied Check his social , of luck
He definitely needs professional help
Hes 15… He needs a doctor and doesn’t have the legal power to refuse… You’re the mother. Take him.
Try to engage with him, play a board game, go for lunch, visit a family member, take a nice long ride, walk in the woods, go to the beach, etc. Get him out of the house asap, he might be addicted to his games or having trouble on social media(because that’s where most of these kids seem to be having problems)
I felt I was losing my daughter for a while, she was addicted to the electronics, video games, tik-tok, YouTube, etc.
I had to remove her from the element because of I take away her electronics it gets really ugly, it’s like taking drugs from a drug addict, same reaction in the brain. Try to find something you can do with him outside the home, even a picnic, make small talk, tells some jokes. Hormones might also be at play. If all else fails try the 20 second hug❤ good luck
It may sound a little awkward but I tell you from experience My nephew he passed away . Maybe He doesn’t know how to get out of the closet . It could be so many more things. Just try to open up with him .
Kids go through stages like that at his age. My son was like that for almost a year and then he snapped out of it. I encouraged him to talk to me but I never pressured him. Now he’s fine and back to his normal self.
Kids go through stages like this as teenagers. It’s completely normal. It’s not a sign of depression like everyone else is suggesting. Let him know you are there for him if he needs anything but don’t pressure him to talk. He will come out if it eventually.
Pick a day just for the 2 of you together. Spend the whole day together. Talk to him. See what’s on his mind. Maybe he does want to talk, but there’s always ppl around you.
Sounds like he’s with drawing from something is he being bullied at school?? Depression look into this now your his mama try n talk to him go up to his room bring some candy or his favorite snack mom and son time hopefully he’ll open up always tell your son he can come to u about anything no matter what. Next step personally check in with the principle of the school make sure there is no conduct there. Keep a good close eye on this situation your is mother. Best of luck to.u
You def need to get him to the Dr/psychiatrist for an evaluation
Sounds like depression; my son went through similar but worse. He started to attempt suicide. Get help for your son; he needs to open up to someone.
he might be getting bullying at school…or wrost he might be getting sexies rape…he might want to tell you he guy
I cannot believe there are people passing comments saying it’s completely normal behaviour and that it’s definitely not depression! How do they know!!
Your son is showing signs of some form of mental ill health. It may be a normal adolescent phase but it’s really important that you talk to him to try and find out what’s on his mind. Boys do become withdrawn during adolescents but to not speak at all and sit in the dark without the light on and not engage in family dynamics is a concern. Speak with your GP and take advice from them. Not sure where you are but there are also children’s charities for mental health like Kooth that you could look into.
Hopefully he’s a stroppy teenager that is just too cool to engage with the rest of the family but investigate it a little further to make sure he’s ok x
Best of luck x
My son would do this but he was usually playing video games but I think male teens at this age are going through puberty you can always rent a movie and make popcorn and have movie night insist he eats dinner with the family ask him to help you around the house try to plan fun activities outside at that they basically sit around all day watching TV I always took my kids out to eat every Friday but ya know not everyone can afford that but I’d buy pizza on Friday night and we’d sit around watching movies and I also started playing games with my kids like cards or monopoly try to get him to participate in more family time
Could be a number of things, he needs to be evaluated. It’s not about pushing, it’s been weeks and he still refuses to speak I’d just take him to a doctor to figure out what’s going out. Seems to me he is severely depressed and might even be contemplating suicide, coming down staring at all of you and not saying a word then going back up seems too weird to me. He might have a mental illness as well. Could be a danger to the family. Get help before its too late.
Total red flag. He needs to talk to someone or see his physician before something bad happens. At least for your own piece of mine.
My depression started around that age! It is very lonely and you feel like a failure because you can’t control your feeling’s! Sitting in the dark for me was because I was embarrassed about how I felt and felt like I was in the dark even when I wasn’t and couldn’t understand it. I shut everyone out and they let me me, don’t let him shut you out be there even when it seems like he don’t want you there!! He needs to see a doctor asap! I lost a brother to suicide it comes without warning at times!! My thoughts and prayers are with you all.
As a mom go check on him often, just sit by his side & give him a hug…let him know you love him & can tell you anything
Call a crisis team hes not okay
Intervene that’s your son
How does he eat and function?
Mental illness sounds present, and enabling it is going to make it worse.
I agree with a few on here. I work with mentally challenged men that in most cases aquire their challenges at puberty or due to drug use. I’m not going to tell you that one thing or the other is going on. I will say, however, that he definitely needs you to be diligent in his needs and your concerns. Good luck to you and your family