My son his 15 years old now and had a always been quiet and don’t go out with his mates and that but normally a happy young man but his not been his self now for a few weeks and not talking to anyone and yes he knows when his ready to talk big or small I am there ready and waiting XXX but he has been weeks now where he would sit in his room he come down and stand there watching us all (cook or clean or chatting what ever we are doing at the time when he comes down) he don’t say a word if I take to him he just move his head to answer me and then he be gone again XXX he literally in his room from minute he wakes until he going bed his not doing anything just sitting on his bed and when gets dark he won’t be turn light on he sit in dark only thing he does is get dress and do his hair and sit there I don’t know how to get him out off it and get him to talk don’t want to push him and make it worse and I know he won’t go to doctor but I think he needs something
He is depressed and needs professional help immediately
Take him to er and see about getting a 72 hour hold, better safe than sorry, don’t make the mistake I did.! Please
Definitely seek professional help…this behavior doesn’t seem as though he is in a healthy mental space…sometimes a gentle nudge of acknowledgement that something isn’t right and you are concerned and you care can open flood gates of communication…sending all the positive vibes I can…depression can be a lonely place
Seems like he might be plotting something, observing you all…seek help now! If need be an intervention, he won’t go you say, then have someone come and get him before it’s too late, I am praying for you! This is a dangerous scenario! Search his room, computer, phone etc.
Peer pressure n the media, made my 15 yr old, go thru. What you are experiencing with your son now I sent her to a new school, took away all her electronic devices, n kept her friends she knew since elementary far away. Sometimes you have to change your whole world around, in order to keep you children safe:100:
Praying for you n your boy
Good luck
Pls do an immediate action mommy dear…
There’s something wrong w/ your son,
take him to the doctor before it’s too late.
he might have thoughts of killing himself he needs help right away
COUNSELING!!! Force him to go!! Period!! I did with my 15yr old son and found out he was taking massive amounts Percocets every day!!! Please get him into COUNSELING!!!
He is obviously suffering .went through this with my teen a year and half ago.i thought if I didn’t push he would open up but he ended up having a psychotic episode were I had no choice but to call police and ambulance.he was very unwell mentally and ended up saying in hospital then when he was given treatment it turned out he was autistic and had been badly bullied at college.he now attends a specail school and is doing so much better.i beat myself up every day for not acting sooner but if they choose not to talk then it’s hard.i sudjest talking to your .p about doing a house call assessment. I wish you and your son all the best! X
Take action… something must have happened and hopefully you can get him help.
First I’m so sorry. No one can tell you what to do because every child and every relationship is different but this is what I would do. I’d sit down with him and tell him how much I love him and how worried I am about him. Id tell him gently he has two choices. Either he talks to me now or he must go talk to a professional. I would have a professionals name number and possible appointment already available before this talk. There are resources available if you don’t have insurance just research what’s available in your area. Reassure him that you understand life’s messy. Bad things happen to good people and sometimes we all make bad choices even me so don’t be afraid to talk to me about anything you want to say about what is bothering you. Tell him you love him unconditionally no matter what you just want to help him get through what ever is bothering him. Whats important is getting him to talk so keep emotions in check and listen listen listen before you speak in the event something has happened to bring him too this place. If he chooses not to talk to you then no if’s and or buts…take him to that professional asap. And also understand even if he talks to you he still may need professional help depending on the situation. Sadly I’ve been in this spot a few time with my kids. Boys hold their emotions for so many reasons. They think it’s what their supposed to do as a man. Or, They don’t want to hurt you or disappoint you because they love you. Or there embarrassed etc. Holding in emotions is so bad for a kid. It can change their life forever. It can lead to drug and alcohol abuse and worse. This is what I’ve done for me and mine and it’s worked. On occasion I only wished I’d done it sooner. My heart goes out to you! He’s lucky to have a Mom who loves him so much! Good Luck.
Take him to the emergency room. Something is very wrong. Get together a posse of male relatives who make him go.
You’re his mother and while I understand respecting your child’s boundaries, this is one time that doing so could be a grave mistake. When it comes to the well-being of our children, we need to push… hard. Please seek professional help for him asap.
he could be being bullied~and is afraid to say anything to you about it! get him help right away~
Hes 15 and hes in your house. He doesn’t have s choice and he’s going to see them. Because your his parent. He doesn’t get to make his own.decisions. Because if something happens will you be able to live with yourself. God bless all of you !
When my daughter was 14 I had the same problem. Doc told me that between 13 and 15 that if I knew what was going on inside her body I would wonder how she even functions. It’s very serious body changes at this age. I would continue to keep being you. Keep trying to include him and let him know hes loved and want to be apart of his daily life. My daughter is now 35 the happiest, easy going and a successful business woman. Lots of prayer mom…Its not you. Hugs
Sounds like he may be depressed. 15 is a hard age. You are his mom…make him go to the Dr. Just to get checked out. Hope everything turns out ok.
Schizophrenia comes out in teens and early 20’s. Take him to the hospital and have him tested.
Talk to him privately… tell him he can see a Dr, who will speak to him privately.
I would even go so far as to keep him home tomorrow and see if you can talk with him, and maybe get him an appt.
Has he got a male figure like dad uncle who he looks upto or gdad to spend quality time out with him.maybe b4 going down that dark path everyone is saying. Hopefully its a faze wish you the best nd your son
I could never talk to my parents. Married at 16 to get away from them. Thank God I had a good marriage for 47 yrs before he passed.
Take him to a dr or councler but get him help asap
He needs to see a doctor but also needs to talk to someone friend sibling grandparent
If he has a close friend I would try to talk to that friend to see if maybe the friend knows what is going on . Something in school in one of his classes, with a girl friend or boy ? Sounds like he is really deeply concerned about something and doesn’t know what to do. Don’t be afraid to go in his room and just tell him you will listen without getting upset or anything…. He needs to know you will be there for him no matter what !!! No judgment for what is wrong. Tell him you love him and always will and he can tell you anything it will never change the way you love him. You might be able to talk to a dr and ask what to do. Praying all will be alright for him and the family. Hope I helped I some small way.
Get professional help! Have his Dr refer you to a therapist. He needs help,sometimes it’s easier to talk to an outsider
He is 15. Take him to a doctor or counselor.
Call his school, talk to the Principal and guidance counselor. Also call his Doctor immediately for an appointment. Ask the school for an appointment. Ask them if any one has noticed a difference and what is going on at the school. Gather all your info for his appointment.
My thoughts and prayers are with you. My son went through the same phase and never spoke to me for three years, and he also refused to see the councillor when the family Dr sent the referral.
Thanks be to God he went to college and has a very good job now! But he still doesn’t speak to me.
If he s doing home school for weeks on end with these lock downs that is another reason thats getting to all these kids. . . Have some qui et time alone with him and get him talking. . Dont ignore him include him in everything… . Even plead with him
For all who say get him professional help - it won’t work if he doesn’t want it or won’t talk! Speaking from experience of my grandson. He HAS talked to people but has shut down. He WILL NOT TALK and it cannot be forced.
Better than trying to get him to talk to a professional, get him involved in a church youth group where he will make more posts friends. As he gets comfortable with friends or youth leaders, he might start talking THEN you get him professional help.
Something happened to him. Read that again. He’s either embarrassed, or scared to tell you. Take him to see a child psychologist NOW! Try to find one who uses EMDR…just clicking sounds to connect right and left side of brain together…all while psychologist is talking to or playing with him. It works!
I would bring him to his pediatrician and get a referral to talk to someone.
Is someone bullying him?you need to get him help at least suggest it and watch his reaction. Praying for your family
I agree with everyone here, he needs to see a Dr and a therapist. Invade his space when he is home and again when he is not home. Look for signs of any thing that could cause self harm. Isolation is one key sign of depression and as a parent you want to make sure he is not likely to hurt himself. Yes we want to trust our kids and give them privacy but you need to be proactive as it may save his life. Hopefully this is not an issue, but like everyone said above it is better to be safe than sorry. Good luck, Mom.
Take him camping fishing swimming cook together listen to music play wrestle
Get him a dog from a animal shelter you will notice a big change
This is depression he needs to see someone as a parent that went through this with my own son get him help as soon as possible because it gets worse
Tell him you are there for him, you need to state it aloud and make him tell you no matter how grievous. He must be scared of rejection. Or just plain fear.
Please go get help for him you may be the only one who can help him he will thank you for it one day
Holy cow! My 15 year old granddaughter is going through the same thing!! She stays in her room all the time, comes down to eat and the back to her room!! She’s doing crazy things to her hair and is dressing in baggie clothes. Her family went to Florida this summer and she hated it!! She didn’t want to do anything that you do when you’re on vacation!! She was miserable. Her grades are suffering and she doesn’t want to participate in anything (sports or after school activities) her mom thinks it’s a “faze”, l’m just not sure what is going on!! I’m worried about her too. So , if your son ever opens up, please let us know what is bothering him. We had one (that l know of) school teenage that was harassed so much so committed suicide. That’s scary !!
I’m having trouble with 15 year
Grandson out of control drinking with freind not going to school etc. I want get him help but does not listen am very worried allbi can do is pray and ideas please let me know
It sounds like he is in turmoil, and comes down, and wants to talk, to someone, but is maybe afraid, or doesn’t know how to say what he feels. But do it privately, not with the whole family around. And I wouldn’t wait.
Is there someone else he can talk to because some kids have a hard time talking to their parents about things. Maybe he would open up to another family member or friend. There is definitely something going on though and he needs help.
I have nothing more to add to the advice that’s been given. However I just hope that you and your son get some help and that everything works out ok. Good luck
I don’t necessarily agree that he’s going to be the next school shooter, but I do agree that he needs to talk to someone about what he’s going through. Try speaking to him privately, affirming that you love him and are there to listen. Take him to a medical professional and he can speak to them in private with the things he’s maybe not comfortable telling you. I missed all the signs with my daughter. She was just a few years younger and I found out - had been struggling nearly a year. I’ve never forgiven myself. Reach out and seek medical care for depression. Kids hold so much to themselves, even though they may trust us and love us. It’s a private struggle they often take on by themselves. I will be praying for you and hope you will have an update that he got help and you both are doing better. Best wishes and know you are not alone.
As a teen (18) who has been in this head space on and off since I was around 14, I can say for sure he’s depressed about something. My father took me to the doctor when it started becoming an issue and I was diagnosed with depression and an anxiety disorder, but now I plan to go back to get another diagnosis because there are more symptoms popping up that I think could be leading to undiagnosed autism.
He’s probably neurodivergent (ADHD, autism, etc.) and gets made fun of for it, or is having a depressive spell (which happens a lot when you have those). Maybe take him to a doctor and get a proper diagnosis, but this is what it sounds like to me.
Sounds like depression or anxiety ,he needs to see a professional asap ,young males seem to suffer more than girls .
Talk w him daily, repeatedly. Give him the attention you would want if you were experiencing the same.
Sign him up for a martial arts class. His Hormones are overloading his brain. The classes will give him an outlet and help with self control. Greatly helped my nephew.
Definitely needs help.
Poor love.
He is crying out for help, something is hurting this child. Please get hom some help.
If your unsure about what to say to him ( I’m not sure if you are in Australia ) we have a life line number that you can ring and ask the councillor what you and how you should talk to him , but keep a very close eye on him, even through the night and don’t leave him at home by him self…. RING NOW!
He could be hearing voices and too scared to talk about it. I suffer from a severe panic disorder and was terrified to say anything. Tell him you are ready to hear what is bugging him and whatever it is and there are millions with the exact same problem. He will come around!
I am a mother of 10 some i married in to but 10 none the less… They all have different ways of dealing with issues…
The change in mood and habits are alarm bells and listen to your gut… Is there a male figure around for the possible birds/bees type stuff… Sometimes us moms have to do the talk anyways… But these days they get their hands on all kinds of prescriptions or other peer pressure for different things. But start with primary dr. Or local health department…
The past 2 years has been difficult on all ages let alone being a teenager. I hear a bunch of things in there. Also his school guidance counselor and/or principle can talk to him. What i could not get out of my son at that age is him being bullied and feeling like he didn’t fit in. He went over to the neighbors a lot so i asked them to do a friend check in the next time he went to play video games…they were about 15 years older… Once i gave them money for a manly magazine with girls. A lot of tuff stuff if you are mom and dad… A actual counselor for mental illness is a good idea…and sometimes it takes a bit to get in… If this is your concern a trip to the ER to get him evaluated might be in order. With the youngest she had an evaluation done in ER and put on antidepressants until a psychologist could see her… Mind you Bipolar is in her genetics… And the change to womanhood triggered this for her…
Good luck and keep listening to your gut mom something is off!!!
He needs help. Don’t waste any more time.
Doesn’t he go to school? If so, get the guidance counselor involved. If not, you need to get some some professional help.
I watch enough ID to say this is all a bad sign.
And if he’s disturbed enough counseling won’t help.
Try every route!! Mental health even.
My brother was like that at young age. Tough time for my mom.
Needs help immediately
Yes make him open up to you, or someone close there sounds like he’s withdrawn and unhappy, just tell him your there for him and he can say anything to you he wants
Take him to a crisis center. Sometimes mommas need help too. But being 15…… he is prolly developing a interest in women and needs a man to talk to….
Talk to him about what could be going on at school and give him the option to home school. It could be so many things. There could be a trauma in his past that you don’t know about. Kids tend to keep those things to themselves. It could even be that he is gay and afraid to come out to his family. Maybe you could make an appointment for him for a “checkup” and talk to the doctor before his appointment and tell him what’s going on. The teen years are the hardest. I remember going through stages where I didn’t want to be around anyone and I stayed in my room reading all the time. My family was concerned about me, but I really just enjoyed being alone. Spend some one-on-one time with him and let him know he can tell you anything. I will be praying for your son and for you.
Get him to a Dr ASAP…your son needs a mental health referral
Sit with him quietly just hug him let him know he is loved and seek help but until you can get him in just go out of your way include him when he comes to the kitchen or whatever ask him to help let him know he is needed and wanted but if he won’t then go out of your way to sit with him just being there and him feeling like he is wanted and included might be what he needs most
I am praying for find the answer soon
Therapy maybe
If he’ll go.
Sending Love and prayers.
When you tried everything think about moving. Tell him you were thinking about moving someplace be far see if it appeal to him and do it if need to
Think you need to seek doctors to see what could be troubling him x
Please get him help before you lose him.
He needs help that you can’t give him
He could be gay and scared to tell you as he might think you will take it bad and not love him ,just remember if he is gay he will always be your son .
So many kids are experiencing this!!
for them all!
The people I know who act like this ,are schizophrenic, eg sitting in the dark staring into nothing. . Please get him checked out
Yes ask him questions he needs to talk maybe something wrong or happened to him let him know you get mad
I used to do that - sounds like he suffers from depression. Act now before he does something drastic. He needs anti-depressants but DO NOT USE EFEXOR.
You don’t ask. Take him to the doctor depression is serious.
Get him help as soon as you can
He’s 15 and "won’t"go to Dr?? Who is the parent here? Get him to Dr ASAP!
Sounds like depression, but only a professional can tell what’s really going on.
He don’t need meds he’s becoming teenager and all the feeling that come with it! I say give him time
Talk to him
Get a therapist
You need to get him help asap .And talk to his Teachers and Prinzipal to check if everything is ok in school
Our son went through something like thIs. In fact he was at the point he had us afraid. One of his friends stepped up.and just made sure he stayed involved. His friend had a car so he would pick him up and they would go see a movie or go to a friends. He refused to let him sit and dwell. My thought would be to get in touch with hos best friends patents and work behind the scenes to keep him busy. If you afraid seek help. Don’t think twice. Call your pastor, his doctor or a close uncle or grand dad. My sons would talk with my younger brother a lot more than us old folks.
Good lord where do these come from. I can’t read them anymore. Every scenario outdated like it’s written by a 5th grader.
Maybe he’s smoking weed…
Sounds like deep depression you need to get him help asap
Well obviously you cant tie him up and throw him in the car and take him to counseling. But somehow get him outside into some fresh air. Give him an outside chore. Like dig up to grow flowers. Tell him to build a small planter. nature is a great healer. Then you can tell him he needs help and you must take him to the doctor, it is your duty. He needs an interest. Maybe buy him a jig saw and some wood and he can you tube some jig saw projects. Or buy him a fancy bike. A tennis racket. Whatever might lure him to be outside and active for a bit every day. If something happened at school, change his school. Change whatever needs changing once you find out. Reassure him your love is unconditional. Maybe he is gay? Make sure he knows you love him no matter what. Love, accept and create feeling approval. Good luck. Step one, get him outside, in air by assigning an outside chore. While he is out, tell him he has to go t oi doc, it’s your duty to take him. Then take him. Then do what do. Sez and also get him an interest. And change location of school or if there was trauma anywhere else.
He needs professional help, you need to ring his doctor or a mental health professional for advice ASAP.
Immediately find some help for your son before you lose him mam. I am being VERY Real with you. There is something serious going ON with your child. And YOU as his parental unit needs to SPEAK to him and ASK him what is wrong? That he can come to you and talk about anything without being judged, or punished. And HONOR that statement. Validate him.
Got somebody like that
Please search all devices for clues after making a Dr’s appointment. That boy is silently screaming “help me”. Best of luck for all.
Get him help, he’s a minor so it’s not up to him weather he is going to a doctor or not. You’re the boss
Please get help asap
Sounds like he may be Depressed. Start with your Dr. Today to get him into a mental Health person.
Yes, get him some kind of counseling ASAP. He could be being bullied either at school or online. We have lost to many young people for whatever the reason
Get him professional help. Start by with the school counselor to see if he/she can get into his head.
He sounds depressed and may be taking drugs.
Doing nothing may lead to many regrets on your part. It is a scary sad situation. I will pray for you.
my 16 year old son was exactly like this last year he tried to take is own life we had ambulance and police attend to help get him to hospital he was diagnosed with depression and anxiety and takes medication now witch has helped him so much
Sorry to hear that you are going through that and yes he definitely needs help. Also have you thought about getting him a pup. Something that is his and he has to take care off or even an older Dog. Sometime having something to care for means he can’t focus as much on himself
Plus gives him a buddy. It’s amazing the shit I tell my dog and the hugs I give him when I need it.
By him having a change of focus might help but get help from a counselor or medical professionals first.