Make sure she was was kicked out, sometimes these little girls want to stay with their love of their lifes. She needs to go home. Make sure it’s safe environment. She just may not be following house rules.
Wow you mothers are so judgmental commenting on this post.
It’s up to you what you do. Helping a child out is a gracious thing. She could say she’s not being abused, but maybe she is. Maybe she does not live in a good home environment and feels safe at yours. Try contacting the parents, or maybe also try to contact the school and they can figure out what’s going on. Do what you feel is right. Forget that she’s “your sons girlfriend” and remember that she’s a child that is afraid to go home… to me that suggest that something is wrong.
God forbid something happens To her while she is at your house and you no way to help her. She is 13 years old and a child still… as much as you want to help, it’s a big liability for you to allow her to stay. Plus, super weird to have your 13 year olds son have his girlfriend live with him. not cool. Drop her off at the house… knock on the door and ask for her parents. Trust me when I say that they KNOW some English… she’s lying.
Keep her. Have them sign her over. I bet there is abuse
As previously mentioned, you need to involve the cops or CPS. You have no idea what really is going on, and you have a son to protect. Do not allow this girl to stay with you. If there is an issue at her home, CPS will handle getting her a place to stay.
Find somebody who speaks Spanish and go to her house.
Call the authorities. She’s too young to be kicked out and they could get a translator to find out what’s going on. She’s too young to make her own decisions also at this point. She doesn’t automatically become your responsibility. If you care about her they need to find out what’s going on at home if she’s that terrified to go back.
Contact the police. If it’s a domestic dispute, it’s their job to relieve it-- not yours. It’s a liability.
I’d speak to the school counselor about the situation. He/She should be able to give you guidance before calling the police. You will most likely need to call the police. Btw: Google earbuds translate for you.
Let’s start at why a 13 year old has a girlfriend, shall we? Smh…
I think there are translation apps so you can communicate with her Parents
Ok so in highschool my sister knew a Mexican who’s parents were super old school. By the time she was a freshman in high school she was married. If she’s scared and always hanging around your house that could be happening. Maybe you should talk to the parents yourself and take someone you know who knows Spanish
Has she said why they kicked her out? Are they against her dateing yet? I would set up a meeting take her home n have her translate everything but then again u may need to have a serious talk with the girl amd find out whats going on. Maybe reach out to another adult who speaks n understands englush amd spanish n have them translate for an adult to adult convo…you need to get to the bottom of it all honestly id say do that before calling social services or anything. Def a tough situation but i would try talking first im kinda against calling social services if things are not good at the house she may be sent away
CPS as well as going to your local police station. 13 years old is way to young to have a girlfriend/boyfriend stay/live with them. What happens if he feels like he can’t break up with her because they live together also how do you know she got kicked out and she didn’t just leave. I know heaps of teenagers that say they got kicked out but, they actually chose to leave and live with friends/family.
The police told me I couldn’t legally have a child stay unless the parent gives consent… Idk.
Please try to find out more. There may be a really good reason she wants to stay but if she is 13 yr old, please be careful
Id definitely go to authorities
Hopefully shes not just trying to set up shop. Like alot of girls do
Been there done this recently!! I’m the type I want to save the world and let me tell ya… LET HER BE HELP HER FIND FAMILY don’t let her sleep outside no but don’t let her move in! Too young. And when they live together they feel obligated to stay together. Or it becomes even worse in other ways. JUST DONT.
Send her home period call the cops and have them take her a figure it out. You can’t be harboring a minor without consent from her parents. Watch her ass get pregnant right under your room LMFAO! 13 dating!!! That’s probably why her ass got kicked out!!
I was dropping off someone, next door I noticed a young girl sitting on the stairs…asked if she was alright… didn’t know her but ended up taking her home overnight, next day I contacted a woman I had met…she worked with welfare/children…I left it in her hands…she knew what had to be done and the laws
Sounds like they are not particularly feeling parental. It happens. My son, who is 60, is an uncle to a 15 yr old boy who lives just over the stateline. He is at the age where they eat a lot because he,s growing…a lot. Dad may be going to jail.Stepmom decided he had to go because he eats so much. Kid called my son since he was the only one who cared. He now lives with him but he gets no help from either parent or either state. But at least the kid has a place to live. Don’t underestimate how some kids are treated.
If they can’t read, write any language and only speak Spanish, how do they get along in life? I bet they know a enough. Can they not read their own language??
Ask your friends, family members or neighbors if they speak Spanish and see if they’re willing to go with you to translate with the girls parents when you take her home. If she comes back after said discussion, if they will even speak to you, involve the law or DSS and see what your options are. I find it odd that her parents haven’t come to get her themselves.
My daughters friend ran away once and came here, she and her mom had gotten into a fight. Her stepdad came but she didn’t want to go so my husband called the police, they also spoke to stepdad. They said as long as she had permission and we were ok with it, she could stay. She went home after a night or 2.
I would call them and see what they suggest. At least it will be recorded that you spoke to an officer.
How old is your son. Yes you could be charged with harboring a minor, not to mention the temptation of them living in the same house.
I would take her home and insist on speaking to her parents (she should be able to translate, if she won’t use a translator). Just show up at their house, who knows the real situation, I’d definitely want a face to face meeting with her parents. I wouldn’t call CPS immediately, maybe the school counselor will have suggestions too or they can call the parents in for meeting there?
#1 do not get involved with this family dynamic the girl is 13 and you could actually get in legal trouble. Also you should not be allowing your son girlfriend to stay because ready or not your putting them in temptation way and you could be looking at being a grandma and your son not going to college but work to support a kid. You need to look at the BIG PICTURE AND OUTSIDE THE BOX.
Call the police. They should be able to get this sorted out. If not, & this is something that keeps occurring then (although I don’t think this would be ignored by the cops), if you can file with DCF (I’m not sure how that works as I have not had to do that myself), that would be a backup option, I guess. Also, the more reports filed with DCF (from what I was taught in class anyway, I’m no expert), the more likely they are to respond.
Hispanic families are generally extremely strict with their young ladies, especially concerning sexual relations. I thin you might talk to your son, also.
Do you know the kind of liability and danger you are opening yourself u to by taking this child in? Your son could be labeled a sex offender and go to prison.
Do yourself and your family a favor and protect them by either calling 0olice or child services to pick her up. She’s just to young and hormonal to keep.
Call cps before you end up a grandma
Not saying this is their situation, only offering my experience, and a very frequent experience: the no speak English is usually a lie. And 13 year old girls aren’t the most honest…NOT calling her a liar… Just experience lol. Raised 3 girls. They’re dad is Hispanic. Girls that age can be very manipulative.
I think there is definitely something up. I personally have dealings with the Hispanic culture. You need to talk to this young lady and get to the bottom of what’s going on at home then you make the decision on who to contact and when. If she tells you that there is abuse then you need to go to the proper authorities or maybe it’s abuse to her mother or siblings and she doesn’t want to be in it any longer. There’s more to the story than she just wants to be with her boyfriend, your son. First off I’d talk to the parents and see if they care for her being at your house then talk to her and see why she feels like she needs to be there. I can assure you that if her parents don’t mind her being there then it’s more than just rebellion on her part.
There is something happening where she is terrified, I completely understand these people cautioning you because shes young and dating your son, however, she is a child potentially in danger. If you don’t want her staying at your house I suggest finding a way to translate what her parents are saying and actually try finding out what’s happening. Strange the sister won’t respond to you, have her call her and put you on.
Turn to the proper authorities, it is your responsibility now that she is in your household, but imagine trying to set boundaries on a child that isn’t yours it is an awful hard situation, I think talking to the school and finding a female classmate to help home her is better because this put too much pressure on your sons relationship and it could easily become toxic for them both
Call cps let them figure it out and buy a pregnancy test
Because you’re not a legal guardian you can’t make important decisions upon her behalf. Her parents, whether or not they like it are liable for her wellbeing. I think some children’s authority’s or even the police so they can get ahold of the proper outlets.
Sad to say but you need to contact the proper authorities. She can’t stay with your son. Never know what parents my say about the girl at your house. Could end up they accuse you of forcing her of whatever. Has to be a reason she doesn’t want to go home or can’t go home. You still can keep in touch with her if possible. You also don’t know what she is saying about you and the trouble it could bring you. Need to take care of this asap just doesn’t sound right. I also think the parents speak English too
Teenagers lie to get their way.
If figure out a way to speak to her parents… maybe the older sister can translate?
For all you know she is just finding a reason to stay over…think about when you were young and un “love”…
This is like putting a kid in a candy store and saying " no candy" then leaving the room. You think the kids not gonna grab candy? No disrespect…but you HAVE to think what’s in the best interest of your child…have a real talk with her…you gotta probe.
Is there anyine in the house yourafraid of?
What makes you afraid?
What makes you not want to go home?
Not Why but what?..two pre teens underone roof that arent related but dating…thier future is being set up and it aint looking good!!
I speak Spanish I can call them video chat I can help you
Spanish is my first language. I volunteer for a call if really needed.
Latin-American families are in fact very strict when it comes to girls and more often than not it causes them to break bad.
No accusing the kid. It just happens. PM anytime
Google has Google translate. It will literally say out loud what you want to say.
Call the cops if u dont want to be a grandma there to young to have kids my boyfriend got kicked out cuz he wanted to come visit me so when he moved in I got pregnant…
Call cps… Even if u want to help her, this can get you in a lot of trouble if her family calls the cops or something. Shes 13, if something really is wrong at her house u need to talk to ur son so he can get it out of her because she trusts him and get her out of there, but if this is just a phase (i feel really bad about saying this incase this is a serious problem) she might be lying and this is her form of rebellion
you need to call cps and cover your rear…
She is under age for her parents to kick her out. And you shouldn’t keep her there without calling authorities. She’s either lying to you or the reason she’s scared to go home needs further investigation.
Call the cops and please post an update…
Ok other people really need to stop judging about the son having a girlfriend at his age - it’s not that bad. I really do think you should get child protection services involved and explain that the family won’t take her back. It might be a slight liability taking her in but it’s better than her living on the streets
Big liability. Contact police. She is not old enough to make decisions for self.
Coming from a Mexican person…
is she pregnant by your son?
Listen to cryst n take the girl with with you.
You need to talk to parents. Find someone to communicate between you and find out what’s going on first. Not always as the child perceives things.
Don’t meddle. Call CPS and stay out of it
Do you have a Spanish friend or maybe could hire someone to go with you to speak to the parents?
If she is absolutely refusing to go home and they haven’t come knocking on your door, they may have but you need to find out why and to cover yourself call CPS Even if you are willing to let her stay, you need to report it so someone knows where she is
Have u talked with this little girl.
She might be telling you this just to be with your son. Don’t get involved. Call police
You can be charge with contributing to a minor by letting her stay there
If as a mom she seema terrified to u then something could be happening amd she’s afraid to talk abt it. Why else would a kid runaway and the parents not care to get her back? Be careful.
Call the police her parents can not get her out at 13 years old!
I personally feel she is to young to be dating because she is not mature enough to make informed decisions regarding relationships , i dony know her parents but i mean the discussion about protected sex and things. Perhaps u could talk to her have an open discussion In that sense and try and find out whats going on. Puberty and emotional rollercoser
Get a hold of children services. Get interpreter. You need to be able to communicate with parents. You are taking responsibility for her if she’s in your home
Call Child Protective services. They will work out the case as either runaway or abandonment. You don’t need that liability especially with the possibility of teen pregnancy.
Time for a pregnancy test
No way in hell im allowing another persons minor child to stay at my house. No matter how mad you are at your child you don’t get to just kick them out of the house at 13. No way would I listen to a 13 year old telling me they have been kicked out either. You are opening yourself up to them saying you kid napped her or any number of things. also what if she gets hurt or sick in your care? No place will allow you to get the care she needs and you will be financially responsible when her family sues you. At 13 boyfriends and girlfriends should be hanging out at the mall or movies not living together. I agree with calling the cops and they will take her home and figure out what is going on.
Try using google translate as a last ditch effort to communicate if you cant find anyone to help with that
Call cps. She is 13 an not your responsibility. She a friend or a girl friend. 13 is way to young.
Something is seriously wrong you need to either call CPS or the police but need to find out what’s going on over there something not clean
This is why there’s so many teen pregnancies. Grab her and take her home, bet the parents speak English too. Why’s everybody so afraid to be stern on these kids?
Call CPS or whatever its called where you are and get that girl home or some help. She should NOT be trying to stay at her BF house… Why not a friend thats a girl? She may be trying to just be with him and they arent letting her or she rebelling. Or there is something going on and she is too scared to say something. Either way she needs help, nd not by you.
Call the school to see if you might be able to meet with guidance, her parents and a translator. There’s obviously a reason she’s not going home and calling CPS right now may force her into an unsafe situation. Or… there could very well be something she’s not telling you that her parents will. You could also try communicating with them through a translation app. Maybe send them a note, not through her, but using Google translate or something?
Get a hold of cps. Shes a minor. Not your responsibility either. They will help her and the parents figure things out. Shes 13…and I dont think ahead should be sleeping at her boyfriend’s house. Stand and be strong. Take her home. If you cant, then call cps and get them involved.
13 is way to young. No way would I allow that.
Not your business tbh
What does your son know about it?
Download a google translation app and go talk to the parents. For all you know she ran away.