What should I do about my step daughter?

A nurse . IT person. She needs to make her life she’s so young

The only reason the boy is sticking with her is because he tells her what she wants to hear as he Hopes to get her cash .if he was worth a dam he would be supporting her.

If you and your husband made the decision to allow her to leave your home at 17 years old and she is not emancipated, she is still your responsibility. And although some of you are going to be very offended by this, the check is not hers. It is yours. This is provided to take care of the child…not to give to the child. It can be used for rent, house payments, utilities, food etc… until this child is an adult. When she turns 18 you owe her nothing. Until she is 18 years old you better hang on to that money if she’s not home because you may need it to get yourselves out of trouble for something she does.

Stay strong dad made the right call! I’d keep trying to get her away from that guy. I was in a terrible relationship when I was 19 and I wish my family would have tried harder to get me out of it, even dragging me back home kicking and screaming if they had too

In my state of the child is not in school, the benefits stop. Check out your state.

She’s 17! Not old enough to be own legally, call the cops and say she ran away. That will get her home, away from the boyfriend. You need to step up and parent her. She’s still a child. Take charge


Go dad i say
Can the dad have it changed until she 21 maybe then she might grow up abit :broken_heart:


Stuck to your guns ! You warned her .

Don give her let her be independent n let her see for herself what life is all about ! By giving in she won’t learn lesson n when the money is finished she cannot earn back either so if u want her good let her learn some lessons ! If u keep insisting of giving her the money u will regret it very badly …

If I remember right he is her caregiver and is responsible for her and her health…good luck, it’s a hard situation to be the in


Your husband is right. But I think I would go to court if I was him and see about putting restrictions on how she can use the money. That bf will spend it all and she’ll have nothing and then want to move back home!!
You are not her parent…your husband is. He makes the rules for her.

Wow she’s lucky he is even saving it for her! It’s nice he is in a position to do so. That is to be used for her necessities and basics while under his roof - clothing, boots, coats, sneakers school supplies, school clothes, help with household bills, food, extra curricular activities etc. she can take him to court all she wants - the father can say it was used towards all of the above and she won’t see a dime


Your husband is right


Don’t give it to her stick with your husband she not thinking clear right now


Stand by him boyfriend using her

Ah teenage rebellion. Stick to your guns. She will hopefully realize that she’s being a dummy soon enough when she realizes that boy is cheating on her.


Stand by your husband!


I dunno… But boyfriend needs neutralized. He is behind it all & she is probably scared to tell him no. Sad for all


Stick to your guns. She can’t do anything at 17. Give her the money when she’s of age

Nope. Let hubby stick to his guns, she HAS to learn. Good on hubby for putting his foot down and not giving into her… don’t withdraw it and give into her…


Nope let dad stand his ground! Tough love. She isn’t holding her end of the deal up so why should you cave. It obviously isn’t for her it’s the bf forcing her to do so. Hopefully sooner then later she will realize what douch he sounds like and comes back home.


Shoot I would put some money in another account and give her that card AFTER she turns 18 I wouldn’t give it all to her…. I truly believe that the boy wants that money just as bad

Don’t give her shit let her and him get a job he taking the money from her more then likely he probably also making her call for the money see if you can talk to her alone she might be scared

I would stand by my husband, he is making the right choice.

Don’t give her the money. Call the cops on the boyfriend for harassment.

Don’t do it!!! If she’s old enough to ask/demand, she’s old enough to make her own $. Atleast until she is “legally” considered an adult in your state. If that’s 18, then, I guess she is S.O.L. until November.

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Never go behind your partner’s back It wont end good for either of you …What if something bad happens ? You will be responsible and will have to live with it You’re an adult. Set the example and your conscience will be clear if you know you did your best!! Good luck !! :heart::heart:


Stick to his guns!!! It will kill your relationship if you go against his wishes…


The dad is right. Let her take dad to court. Dad can provide proof of abuse and the courts can decided if it goes into a RSP account


I thought you had to be in school in order to collect unless they changed it ,and it’s only to the age of 18 I thought unless they changed that one too

I would check with social security. I believe if she doesnt go to school she may not be eligible regardless. Better safe than sorry to make sure you have the legal right to do what you are dojng.

Stay out of it, let your husband stick to his guns and don’t undermine his authority


If she was mature enuf the government would send her the check. You receive it to disperse the funds accordingly and responsibly! Keep the money in the savings! The boyfriend is gina blow it all!

At that age, life offers lessons that follow you through the rest of your life… I commend Dad for sticking to his promise… Going behind his back would only cause far more unnecessary drama. If she wants the money, she can enroll back to school, and move back home. Otherwise, lesson learned…

Stick by your husband’s decision


The law is on your side and tour husband is right.

Stand by your husband. He is right in this situation.


Put up a united front! Why can’t he stop her from moving out if she’s only 17?


Stick by your husband… Tough love is hard… The BF will dump her if she has no money…. just make sure she knows she is still loved and has a bed and meal when needed…

Dad is right consequences of the actions she has taken every action has a consequences weather good or bad


Do NOT go against dad and give her that money. He’s trying to keep her alive. There MUST be consequences for her actions & you can actually go get her with a cop & say you are fearful for a minors well being. Until she’s 18 she’s still a child.

No way keep the funds in the account for her let the judge make that choice and let the judge know everything that is going on,seems like the so called boyfriend wants a free ride,the money will be spent and he will be gone

Stand by your husband! He is right. She made her choices, she needs to accept the consequences


Tell her to get a job


Stand together on this one please don’t give it to her


I agree with your husband …. Stick it out!
A lot can happen til Nov.
Be patient and pray she sees the light . But be prepared if things go “ south”


No let dad stand his ground. He made himself very clear and as long as the money is going into the bank and not being spent than family Court will not do a damn thing. She is under 18, your husband has control of the money until than.

Stick to ur guns.kids have no respect and think they know it all.


I support your husband but he has to make sure that kid has what she needs.

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Legally she can’t have control of it. I am going through that with my nephew and they told me I had to control his money and spend it on him (save receipts for proof) or save it until he turns 18. But they are considered minors until they turn 18. She’s S.O.L. Until she’s 18 or your husband can get into trouble since he’s the rep payee.

Yeah stick with your husband,she’s only listening to what her boyfriend is telling her……


Please don’t, that would the worst thing you could do. Stick with your husband’s wishes.


Leave it in the bank because she’s gonna need income when she comes back home. The relationship is not gonna last long. Quit school so get a job. As long as she’s calling you know she’s ok but boyfriend need to be dealt with. Next time she calls, tell her to put the phone on speaker so he can hear too that NO FUNDS will be withdrawn from the account and don’t ask about it again. Appears he cannot take care of her or there wouldn’t be any harassment


Do NOT GIVE HER WHAT SHE WANTS! She is being rebellious and your husband is right. If you give it to her you are just enabling and being an enabler to that behavior.


Your husband is correct. Leave it alone. She needs tough love right now .NOT fuzzy stuff


Stick by your husband.


Leave the money in savings, give it to her when she turns 18. I’m sure the BF is putting her up to get the money now. She’ll be crawling back home when he realizes she won’t continue getting the money when she turns 18. Hopefully the girl will open her eyes to what he is doing to her. Right now, she’s being rebellious.

The daughter and her boyfriend will use the money to live on because probably neither one is responsible enough to get a job. She probably can’t attend school like her parents want because they can’t afford to live like she did at home., no laundry facilities, no showers, if they are living with friends, they may be getting booted out. If you let them have the money they will live high on the hog till the money runs out. They might learn some valuable lessons but she will be back at your doorstep asking for help when they are broke. The girl is starting her life the hard way and will be sorry someday but love has made her blind. So sorry for this family.

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Those payments will stop when she turns 18. They used to continues payments if they go to college but I’m pretty sure they dont anymore.

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Don’t Stick to the agreement…Hubby is right …she needs to grow up…


He is so right. He has the perfect and totally right approach


Stay out if it, she can wait.


Only gonna say that there’s nothing you can tell her to make her see that the path she is going down will only lead to destruction. She’s 17! She knows nothing about life and her 18 y.o. boyfriend knows even less! You’ve done the best you can with love and nurture, but it’s time for her to have a taste of what this cruel world is really all about and what it has not to offer. Love her from a distance and in time (I hate to be right, but I know I will be) she’ll come crawling back to mom and dad (sans moronic boy-child-friend) asking for forgiveness and another chance at making things right. I’m also afraid that this seems to be the beginning for her of what her maternal parent went through and how it ended her life. Keep close contact, but not too harassing.
And no, there’s nothing you can do after she turns 18. If she’s a fully abled bodied adult with no cognitive or developmental disabilities then the SSA will fully give her rights to ssi. By the way, dad more than likely has rights to use a good portion of ssi to pay half the bills while she resided at his residence. Because she’s 17, she would be considered a runaway minor and in danger to herself. You can file charges against the 18 y.o. man for exploitation of a minor, contributing to the delinquency of a minor and possibly statutory rape…just saying


Listen to your husband


Stand by your husband


Don’t give it to her. She’s probably wants it for the boyfriend.


Hubby is doing the right thing. It’s very difficult when you can see your child being controlled but can’t do anything. I don’t even think her having the money in November will be a good thing. Stick to your guns and be there for her when she needs someone. Good luck xx

Manipulation, typical teenager, do not let her win, they know how to push buttons but guess what? You’re much smarter than her!!


I, personally, wouldn’t have let my 17 leave with her controlling boyfriend.

She’s a child…

Support your husband. Period.


My sister when through this. It’s your husband’s money. Not your daughters. It comes in his name. It’s child support. It can go for rent/ mortgage/ utilities/ food / transportation. I would NEVER give her a lump sum of money with that loser hanging around her. He will take it for sure. If she needs food take her grocery shopping. If she needs shoes & clothes take her clothes shopping. If a utility needs to be paid - pay it directly. Don’t hand over cash. She can’t sue you for support that went to her Dad. Entitled Miss needs an attitude adjustment. Call social security & ask if you can be sued for a death benefit. You absolutely cannot.

Huh? You let her move out? And this is what you are worried about? No wonder she left. Y’all are not good examples at all. Unreal.


The payments stops if she dropped out of school. The school or parent suppose to report that she dropped out.


Stick with what dad says. Alit can happen between now and November.


Keep depositing in savings. No judge is going to give it to a Teen who isn’t acting like an adult


Please don’t. I dropped out of school and Stopped getting those checks and if I wouldn’t have quit and lost those checks as a leg up I would be way farther in life than I am now. Please please stick to it. And tell her she’ll get grants for school too and the checks til she’s 23 as long as she’s in school.

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Be there for your husband and follow his lead on this.

She’ll eventually learn but I pray before it’s not too late

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Take her to court and file out of control charges on her

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I would definitely put a restraining order against that bf of hers. She’s not an adult and your husband is responsible for her for now. Put her on a birth control that is long term. Let her go when she turns 18. Some people need to learn the hard way!

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I am sorry if you do what she wants I am sure the drama wont end let your husband stick to his guns on this one. When she turns 18 if I were him I would have it set up in her name. Maybe she will get rid of the boyfriend before she turns 18 if not I am afraid your stuck with a lot more drana.


Tuff love is the best way to go. When you choose as a minor to put yourself in adult shoes then you have to wear them even if they don’t fit. Hell. He was being gracious by telling her as long as she stay in school and keep her grades up he would give her the money. I don’t know what state you are in but most states would tell her just that. She need to get a JOB.

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Technically she’s 17 and a minor and still your responsibility. The courts would probably make jer move back home or throw her in a juvenile center until she turns 18. Stand by your husband.


Your husband is right. She’ll never learn if you enable.


Nothing you can do…Really Nothing she can do until she 18. By the way my daughter gets same thing, if they drop out of school before 18, payments stop. Call office and once they confirm she’s not in school payments will stop.

You should stay out of it and let him handle it… if you go behind his back you could effectively end your marriage over her antics… dad is showing her tough love, although he should drag her butt home because he’s responsible for her till she turns 18


She isn’t supposed to be getting the checks if she isn’t in school!!


Listen to your Husband!!!


She only has 2 months to turn 18 and she thinks she’s going to be able to sue you before then?? Good luck little girl!!


Back your hubby & develop a backbone as strong as his, if not stronger. To delay it til she turns 18 if she quit school was one of the consequences for her rebellion. If you’re really lucky, she’ll soon see him as he really is: a controlling narcissistic scammer wanting to gain control over her & her money. Romance scammers are always bad news at their best. The fact he’s a narcissist makes him one of the worst. Your daughter’s life may be in danger, if not now, then in the future. That will be the time to show compassion. Now is the time for you & your hubby to have a unified front as it relates to this. Do NOT give it to her early! This isn’t just about her being a rebellious brat, this is a life lesson she needs to learn NOW. Later it will get harder.

You should stay out of it. Your husband laid out the rules and she didn’t follow them. If you go withdraw the money not only are you not teaching her what she needs to learn but you are teaching her that she can use you against her dad your husband as well as betraying what your husband has already stated what he would do. Giving in to her will cause you more drama with your husband and once she is old enough and moved away you will only have him but you betrayed him so maybe not even that.

You’ve w a item this long! What’s another 2 months!?

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Do as you’ve been doing. She’ll learn.


Don’t she will thank you Later and try to get her Way from him


Backup your threat that’s exactly what he’s doing back up your husband you can take her to court to


Great “tough love” parenting! It’s difficult & I’m sure you’ve shed many a tears, although you may be saving her!


Don’t give in cause if she ant in school then when she turns 18 the check will be cut out anyways my dad died and I drew a check and I quit school and when I turned 18 the check cut out since I wasn’t still in school

Social security dependant survivor benefits only last to 18 but will continue until 22 IF the person is enrolled in school. Ride it out.


What??? Did you not hear your husband? Giving in to a young adolescent who cant not understand yet… sorry to be like this… but what are you thinking? I’d go thru hell to fight what’s right for my kids… hell I’m doing it now… I’ve always said to my kids… if I’m making you mad at me… I’m must be doing something right… stay loyal to your husband!

Technically the money was to raise her you don’t owe her anything I was in a similar situation my mom passed when I was young my dad and step mom used the money to help raise me like pay bills put food on the table and buy me clothes it is basically like child support money. So you don’t have to give her any money. We talked to an attorney about this situation when I was younger

Well it’s not like she’s gonna get that check the rest of her life. It stops at 18 if she is not in school tell her good luck.