What should I do?

Don’t give him that information

Don’t give him that info. With that he could claim him on taxes, establish credit using your son’s name, or other things you don’t want. Never give out Social security number or birth certificate to anyone.


He’s obviously trying to claim him on taxes! Don’t give him ANYthing! He hasn’t been there, so he doesn’t deserve a damn thing regarding those kids! People can do a lot with that SSN alone! Don’t do it!

Tell him to piss off

He’s probably trying to file him on taxes.


Hopefully he’s not smart enough to know that if he’s on the birth certificate he can just go get a copy of a birth certificate and a copy of social security card.

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Do not give it to him. Has he asked about seeing to child? Talking to the child?
Getting supervised visitation? How the child is doing in school? How’s the kids health?

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He’s trying to claim your baby on his taxes. Don’t give it to him.


Do not give him any vital information! He does not need it. He does not take care of his child and hasn’t ever so there is absolutely no reason for him to have it.


Ulterior motive. He’s trying to cash in on an opportunity.

Control taxes no doubt

He probably wanting that info to carry them on his taxes, dont do it.

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Dont ever give anyone your or your kids social security numbers. And this guy as never been around he got some nerve.


Trying to file his taxes


For him to be a part of his life he doesn’t need those things especially his SSN and birth certificate. I apologize for thinking negative but the social security can also be used to open up additional lines of credit. This all could be for taxes as well.


Identity theft. He’s looking to get credit in the baby’s name.

Taxes. Don’t give out his info

He probably wants to collect the child credit on his taxes. Unless he won the lottery and is opening a college fund. ??

He definitely tryna claim taxes for that baby. Do not share any of that information with him girl

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No he doesn’t need that

Either stealing his Ssn or using for taxes. Don’t give him them. He will try to claim him and I’m assuming you already do. He has no need for that information.


If he hasn’t seen his child he doesn’t need that info and he shouldn’t claim child on taxes you are the main parent who should put on taxes every year. If in life be one thing like every other year. But he’s not. And if never seen child when and if meets don’t send your child off alone with him make supervised visits your house. A public place a family members house something never alone with him sense don’t know him.

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Taxes and stimulus money


He doesn’t want a relationship with him. He just wants the important stuff. Dont do it!


If he’s on the birth certificate all he has to do is go to the court house and pay for a copy

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He’s trying to do taxes. That’s gonna be a nope!


Yeah no don’t do it and tell him only reason he’d want that is taxes and he’s already claimed.


Do not give his SSN or birth certificate unless a judge orders you to. Those things aren’t necessary for him to be involved in his life. My daughters dad tried getting hers around tax time, tried saying his lawyer needed it and I told him to have his lawyer call me. Never got that call and it’s 2 years later.


I would tell him you talked to childsupport they said not to give you this info that insurance already handled only other thing would be he trying claim taxes I would bring that up that you already claimed the child on taxes


He can get his own official records from vital statistics and social security admin, it takes time and costs money. He doesn’t need anything from you. Let him figure it out.


He doesn’t need any of that info for a relationship w his kid …


Do NOT give him any of that Information! I promise all of us are just trying to protect you by telling you to NOT … sending love light and prayers!


Don’t do it! He can steal your child tax credit by having the ss number .or use it to get an apartment.


Do not!!! If he wants them, he can fill out the appropriate paperwork and follow the correct steps to obtain them.


He wants your tax money!


Don’t give it to.him, he can get all that info himself

don’t give him your son’s SS number, My ex husband, got a hold of our son’s SS number & used to for all kinds of credit (bank accounts, a rent place, etc) & when my son was 18 he tried opening up a checking account & found out he had all of these default issues against him from yrs ago, so when he was around 14-15 yrs old. But on all of the applications, The bank knew it wasn’t him because the age on the bank accounts was around 40 yrs old at that time, SS refused to give my son a new SS number because they felt it hasn’t ruined his like, even though all of this companies had liens on him !!! Really his father, but on that SS number!!! So he had to carry around the letter from the banks & SS to show anyone that when all of this was done, he was just a kid. As for the birth certificate, your son’s father can get his own copy thru whatever town/city your son was born as long as his name is on it, but he will pay for it. As for him wanting all of these, ask him why & tell him, you will not be giving him any of that information


He’s a cockroach that comes out of the woodwork at tax time. I’d tell him to kick rocks.


If he is on the birth certificate he has access to that information, he can go pay the fees to get it… it sounds like he wants it for tax purposes I wouldn’t give it to him…


He can get them himself.what does he want the documents for? So many ?s I could ask.like would he use your sons info to open accounts.like electric phone t.v.i have seen many people do these types of things. Can he not afford to get the paper work he is asking u for.idk but pls ve careful

He has no need for it

Taxes… money… trying to fuck the system… y else…

Don’t give any of that info.

Probably to clam him on taxes. Don’t do it! He has no reason to need that info.

He wants to clsim on taxes dont do it an tell him no

He’s probably trying to claim him on his taxes! Hell no!

If for tax purposes, he doesn’t qualify,as you have been taking care of him. Don’t give him anything, let State handle it.

Sounds to me like he wants to claim him on taxes. I wouldn’t give him anything. If he wants any documents he can access them if he’s allowed.


He’s the father he has a right to the information


Do NOT give him your sons Social Security number, under any circumstances!
He’s a snake and up to no good.


May be trying to claim him on taxes?


So he can claim him on taxes


Want to claim him on his taxes maybe?

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go with your gut, give him nothing

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Yell him DSS said No and if he has question comments or concerns to call them directly and they will not give him any info but at least that takes the heat off you


My first thought was so he can claim him on his tax return


Tell him to F off … Don’t give ur child’s information to anyone who’s a stranger… Even though he’s his sperm donor doesn’t give him rights to anything, 6 years makes him a stranger to ur son and urself

He suddenly wants involved and at the same time is asking for his information? And it’s tax season? Girl don’t let him see your boy he’s going to lose interest as soon as he gets the refund he’s trying to take from you. Which will just confuse and hurt your son. It isn’t wrong to keep kids away in this situation. It’s for their safety.


What perfect timing he has. Right at tax time. He’s a snake. He sounds like he wants to claim him on his taxes. He hasn’t taken care of his child in 6 years, never even met his child, does not need those documents. Please tell him to kick rocks.


Lol to get some tax money. Why else

Tax time…he wants that money! Don’t do it.

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It’s for the taxes. Absolutely not.


Wants involved all a sudden around tax time. How fatherly of him smdh.


Just wants him for taxes don’t

Do NOT give him this info!!!
No need for him to have this info, especially just to have a relationship with his son. He wants financial reward - stimulus money or claim him on taxes.


I agree with the others who said he wants the info for taxes. I wouldnt give him any info.

Taxes. I bet you taxes!

Go figure he wants involved at tax time. Screw that

It’s either tax season or benefits he’s trying to claim. You owe him nothing. Contact an attorney if need be.


He can obtain all this information himself, if he is listed as the biological father .

Dont give him anything!!!

Don’t do it. He don’t wanna relationship he wants to claim him on taxes

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It’s for the taxes. What a piece of work :roll_eyes:


To file his taxes probably .

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Something sneaky don’t do it!

Where I live if the other person involved making a child hasn’t had any contact for 3 years by law they have given up all legal rights.


He wants it for tax reasons lol


He wants to claim him on taxes! That’s what my gut says lol. This sounds suspicious especially if he’s never even met him before


yup my baby dad hmu for the same thing :roll_eyes: sike .

You don’t have to give him that information. I’m sure he has a selfish reason for asking. Just tell him you have been advised to not give him that information.

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I wouldn’t give him anything sounds like to me and this is just MY opinion that he wants this info so he can claim him on his taxes it’s right about tax season


Yup income tax purposes … if he claims the child first u will be fighting IRS forever . I work at income tax office , I know


Dont do it sounds like he wants to claim him on his taxes


If he’s on the bc he can go get copies for himself. If he files taxes and the child was not with him then he will get in trouble. That’s on him.

Wow I went back to see what other folks thought and we all think that’s all about taxes I thought I was wrong for saying that but I see everyone thinks the same


Cause he prolly wants it for taxes. He has no right to any of that information if hes never met him, therefore not an active role model in his life. 6 years and nvm may him? After 6months to a year that’s abandonment in my state I’d get his rights taken.

He wants to collect income tax

Sounds like to file his taxes… He keeps pushing, ask him why. Embarrass him a little lol. People move weird these days.


He probably wants to claim him on taxes.


Tell him no and be done !!! Why is he even contacting you after this long anyways and if he was on the birth certificate tell him go get his own !!! However it could be for beneficiaries as well

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Nope don’t give it too him

Cause he wants control,.keep this one at arms length he’s sounds like he enjoys control

Perhaps to claim him on his taxes?


Do nor do it. A lot of damage can be done with that information.

He probably wants to claim the child on his taxes …. Child benefit fraud . A lot of fathers try that …. Don’t even bother replying to any of his future messages … after 6 months of not seeing a child it’s child abandonment and je basically already lost all his parental rights …. Block his number and at all costs don’t give in …, if he wants to see the child that bad , he can take you to court and get made a fool in front of the judge his damned self … I had the same issue , my sons father has 5 children …: oldest being 14, my son is 9. Je out of the blue message me on fb saying he wants tk see his son … I said oh yeah what son ?? He said my son …. I said you don’t have one and if you want go get a court date … he tried everything, the police , a lawyer , and the judge all refused to even take his case …. So case closed ……

Don’t with that info he can get the child tax credit plus identity theft

Um no, he wants that infor to try & claim him on taxes. He can have that information once you guys go to court & have a step by step plan in effect. He has zero reason to need that information since he has had nothing to do with him. Just tell him no.

Tell him you are contacting a lawyer (and contact one about what he wants and possible visitations and child support) before handing the kid over for any visitation I would want a criminal background check. As to giving him a copy of any documents ask your attorney.

He wants to use his info for tax purposes

I would keep that info till the child is old enough and decides on his or her own to let him have it. Too long an absence to just pop up and be in control

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