What should I do?

My daughter 15 was inappropriately touched by a boy at school and she came him crying and shaken. I have written a mail to her principal and waiting on he reply. What do you all think we should do further? Will they take it seriously? I don’t want that boy to get away cause such behaviors if not checked can get encouraged n bigger damage can be done to someone else. I had no one to talk to about this so sharing it here. Plz suggest.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What should I do?

File a police report.


Call the police :woman_facepalming:


Make a police report and go down to the school, do not let this go.


I would go straight to the school and request to speak to the principal immediately , than go from there.

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I would he tempted to call the boys parents too but, its a tough decision

File a report and higher an attorney


If this were my daughter, I would be at their doorstep demanding answers, I would also file a police report and go to the school, and I wouldn’t stop until something is done about it.

If this was my son doing this to a young girl, my kid would get his ass whipped into next year, grounded, and made to apologize to her, and her parents, and I would damn well make sure this would never happen again.

What do you mean what should you do??:flushed::flushed:


Straight to the police


Go to the police!!! Go to the school first thing in the morning and demand this boy be kept far away from your daughter.


Sorry but f*** a letter!!! Id be at that school so damn fast if that was my kid. So sorry for your girl, heartbreaking our kids have to deal with shit like this.

Go to the police and go to the school. Make it a big deal-- because it is!! This is horrible, I’m so sorry she had to endure that.


superintendent & police


Confused why this is a question for Facebook and not just a phone call to the police


Get police involved!!


Go to the police station and file a report.


Go to the police station.
Go to the school.
Demand the parents be brought in.
Face-to-face with the principal.

Don’t just mail them.

Don’t leave this for days to be swept under the rug or for her to be victimized again or someone else.


File a police report, chances are the school will brush it off and cover it up if they can, 15 is old enough for that boy to know what he was doing was deeply wrong, not to mention your daughter needs to know that you will go to any means to protect her, because the school would likely not even punish the boy if he’s not already an extreme problem child, colleges hardly punish boys for sexual assault, let alone protect the victims, highschools on average are worse


I would go down to the school and let them know I’ll be filing a police report. That is not okay and he will do it to another girl if he thinks he can get away with it.

Police, lawyer, school board, councilor for this sweet girl. Good luck love

You “wrote an email”? What about calling for a meeting with her, the kid who did the inappropriate touching, and his parents?

How about call the police??? Your daughter was sexually assaulted! When will parents learn it’s our job to protect our children!!!


You sent an email. My ass would have been at the police station then at the school waiting for the kid to come to school

A letter? Nahhh. I’d have been up at the school in person first thing the next morning… or even that day if it was in time to catch the principal, councilor or school resource officer. And if nothing was done within a school day, go to the police.


You wrote to the principal ? Ooh no sweety , I would have gone there in person and demanded to speak to the principal and made the principal contact the parents AND file a police report AND showed up with the cops…


Why not talk with law enforcement? That’s the only cure! Rainn.org

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Call the police file a report, that may not be his first …

Seriously is that even a question you should ask or even think? obviously go to the cops also take her to the hospital to get checked over (that’s what the cops will do anyways)


Report it to the police next time it could be worse

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Your daughter was touched and you wrote an email…

No ma’am.

You go to the school first and have cops en route!


Go to the school and tlk to principal

Cops need to be called!


Go to the school have the principal and school counselor with your daughter in an meeting. You call call the cops to meet you there or the school police.


This happened to me at school by to boys at the age of 13, school tried to brush it off but my mum and dad didn’t and involved the police, school never took any action against the boys and let them carry on to the point it was me that had to leave the school
Please please get the police involved he need to know what he’s done to your daughter is wrong.
Sending you love xx

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Lol no, go to the police.

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Report to police immediately and set up a meeting with Principal and Superintendent immediately



My daughter was raped and burned by a boy at her school, we reported it to the police and the school.

The school laughed me out of the office because I wouldn’t stop complaining. The boy and his now girlfriend have harassed and bullied my child to the point she won’t go

You go into the principals office…for this matter…if it was really bad the principal will call the kids parents and the police.


Absolutely call the police not 911 but definitely call to make a report


I would have gone and seen.the principle in person and then the police

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Shouldn’t have to ask…report asap…no child deserves to be touched inappropriate ly…I was…I’ll never forget it…I was 9 and now I’m in my 50"s.

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I reported when it happened to me please for the sake of your 15 year old also she might need counselling

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Report immediately to the police dept as assault. Even one finger on her can be cause for complaint. Do it first thing in the morning before you go to school. When you get to school let them know it has been reported a d expect a visit from them. If you don’t do this your daughter will feel even more shaken. She needs to see that you are seriously pursuing this.
The principal will immediately sweep it under the rug and say next time blah blah blah.


U should not even have to ask that question. Police should be involved as soon as she told you


If principle doesn’t do anything
I suggest going to the schoolboard and police

Skip the school and call the law enforcement


Call the cops, get your butt down to the school or even better the district office. Bring a lawyer and the police with you to the district office and school.

Also teach your daughter self defense, she shouldn’t have to know it but in this world it is better she does know self defense than not knowing. This will unfortunately happen more than once in her lifetime, it usually does for females. So when/if it happens again she can be prepared to defend herself and break some hands, arms, fingers, knees, etc…if needed.

Please dont stop doing something. this happened to me when i was 11 and no one did anything about it and turned into 2 school years of sexual harassment and assault and only stopped when i tried to kill myself just so i didnt have to go back. He needs to be held responsible before he does it to other or worse.


Do you plan to file charges? Or do you want to find out what that entails? I suggest speaking with an attorney about your rights and likely outcomes. I also recommend therapy for your daughter. A good therapist can also help you decide whether to file charges and prepare your daughter emotionally if you decide to do so.

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I would of been waiting to get charged by now because that shit don’t slide by me.

You walk streight into the school and into the principles office and set down and tell him the whole story…the also address the school board and if nothing is done…make police report…contact family services and contact 2 news…address it now and very clearly

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Call police first. Dont send her back to school right now- she wont feel safe- it may happen again- and might get backlash from the school or other students. Contact her teachers and ask for her assignments. Contact a lawyer. Get her into therapy. Contact the school board as well.

Schools don’t want to deal with this and schools have tried to ignore it all over the country. You have to be aggressive.


Go to the school and bring the police and a lawyer and press chargers against him

Wtf call the cops that’s assault.


first and for most why would any parent even make this public on a social media post as this can tarnish any investigation common sense would be keep family personal business intact and attend to the matter with due care and by taking the right measures . No assumptions should be based on any of the two children as your only getting one side I am not saying this is a matter to take lightly or your daughter is making this up but once things go on social media you as a person are also in the wrong - imitate reaction would be a supportive parent to your child and listen - school and police and then let it all take its cause . be warn this can be a invasive process to your daughter also so be there for your child .

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You need to report this to the police
Not the school

He can’t be allowed to do that to anyone

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Inbox me if u need to discuss this with someone…

Have your daughter write it all down or record her telling the details so you have details that wont get confused later . Then call police.

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Go to the school, if that doesn’t work, superintendent!!!


I wouldn’t be writing the principal, I’d be going into rhw school to talk to them directly and making a police report! I’m sorry your daughter had this happen to her and who knows how many other girls it has happened to.


Go file a police report they will tell you the next steps with the school. Find her a counselor.


School is mandatory reporters so they will call the police and report it. The school & police will talk to you about it and they should be offering support to your daughter. They should give you the names of organisations to further support your daughter if she needs it. It could go further, but that would be up to your daughter.

Straight to the police then I would have gone straight to school and go psycho mumma ( not new for me to do )


Write it down. Have a meeting with the principal, parents of the boy. Dependent on the boys age, i would not want to involve the police unless absolutely necessary. If hes and older boy n knws right from wrng then definitely speak to the cops.


As a mother of a child who was sexually assulted, the first step is to go to the school and inform them of the incident in person. Contact the local police department and file a report. They will interview your daughter privately and get her statement.
My daughter was touched by another student at school and in Arizona if it involves any touching of the boobs, butt, vagina or penis it is automatically sexual assault, the police offer on campus called and asked if I wanted to press charges. We chose not to since we’ve been down this road and we didn’t feel it was necessary this time. But if your daughter was bothered by it then by all means press charges

Take it to the police ! The school wont do anything about this

Report to the police. Schools sweep to much under the rug and do nothing.


I would call the police and have them meet me at the school first thing in the morning. We have to go above and beyond for our kids so they know we have their backs. I’m so sorry this happened to your daughter. I hope she gets the justice she deserves.


Wrote a letter? I’d be stamping some foreheads personally! Police definitely need to be involved.


Not sure what to do regarding school ect, but please seek support for your daughter if you haven’t already :heart::heart:

#1 I would have gone down there myself and if they did nothing then I’d file a police report.

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Police report asap, what if he does it all the time but no one turns him in?


Hopefully they do something about it but far too often these boys get away with it, and make sure you keep her safe

You go to the police and complain, not the school principle.


I would put a note on the guys locker for the rest of his classmates to see. Then let him know that kind of behaviour is unacceptable and it has been reported to the principal and the police.

Police definitely, I went to a meeting about this and rape by other children in schools has become a huge Issue and can not be Ignored.

I would bring the Police in immediately, what if he’s done it before, let your poor girl know you have her back, this boy is a little creep don’t care of his age, he’s frightened your daughter, has committed a crime and deserves to Pay for it xx


File a police report


Your child was sexually assualted and you wrote a letter? Call the police.


Happened to my daughter on the bus… that was her Last day of public school :100::blue_heart: we also notified the police, principal, etc… it happened 4 years ago. She thanks me often for pulling her out to homeschool :100:


Principal can’t give the correct help or discipline for this.

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Notify the police ASAP and get an AVO on the boy ASAP.He’ll have to leave the school and go elsewhere, which your daughter should prefer anyways


I’d definitely be reporting to the police

Time for police involvement


Police and head of education also need to be informed


Ah id snap i b straight at that school fullstop


Boys/men need to learn to keep their damn hands to themselves. It’s like their mommies never told them no.

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Wtffffffffffff. This is exactly what I am worried about when we go back to the states. I will lose my shit for real. We are military stationed over in Italy. We have really good people looking out for our kids but I’m leaving Active Duty when we go back to the states so my daughter will be in the civilian schools. No because I’m really about to teach my daughter how to fight cause this shit will not fly with me. What do you mommas do with your kids to protect them from things like this?!

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Police I would have called them right away


Same happened to my daughter at daycare she reported with them n they ignored her. I called children’s abuse hot line n they sent investigators the daycare got in trouble for having knowledge and not reporting it. She’s 11 boy was 8.


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Why report it to the school? SA is an actual crime. File a police report.

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Report it to the police… its a serial assault… the school have their hands tied mostly… this needs to be flagged and kept on record znd he needs to learn thats not acceptable behaviour. Report it to the police


Press charges & Restraining order

Police report and don’t let them for you off