What should I pack in my husbands lunch?

Dagwood sandwiches, you’re probably to young to know what those are. Ask you dad, I normally had 3 of these in my box and a fried egg sandwich for breakfast. But now I worked construction all my life so I never got fat until I retired


On days he dont take leftovers i do 2 different sandwiches, granola bars, string cheese, chips, crackers, n he buys a drink

Leftovers. Easy and economical :woman_shrugging:


Sub sandwiches. Fresh veggies with ranch, chips and a water bottle or soda?

Or leftovers if he has a microwave available

Does he not know how to do it himself? Whatever you make for dinner, make some extra for him to have to work the next day and you don’t have to much ideas all the time


I pack my fiancé leftovers from dinner, snacks, water, and drinks.

Mine like slim Jim’s and cheezit things like that to have before and after lunch

I just send my hubby with left over dinner :slight_smile:

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I make a large sandwich with cold cuts, lettuce, tomatoes and pickles on potato bread (so thick I could never bite into it). 3 toasted English muffins with peanut butter and honey. Cucumber and carrot sticks, banana, 2 apples and oranges, protein bars, bag of grapes, pretzels.
He usually eats it all by Noon time :woman_shrugging:t3:

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My husband takes leftovers from our dinner the night before I normally make enough for that reason. Baking is always good. Sandwiches are always good too with salad and meat or egg. Plus I always throw in biscuits or muesli bars

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I make my hubby’s lunch everyday! So everyday is the same. Toasted sandwich with meat and cheese, two protein bars and one apple. He seems happy with it…:crazy_face::crazy_face: he has not complain…now I do change the meats, bread and the cheese… so the taste is different…


My guy is happy with a sandwich, chips a snack cake & a pop. Hes a welder & if he eats a big lunch it just drags him down the rest of his workday

I would pack him a pile of shit maybe that’s the last time he’ll ask you :woman_facepalming::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::joy:

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I always pack left overs and a few snacks in my hubby’s lunch box. Sandwiches and wraps always work too with a side of chips or something else that he likes.


A leg of lamb with a loaf of italian bread and an apple pie😋 lol
I love making lunches for my husband. Hes a big guy too. I make sandwiches on whole italian bread and cut into wedges. Send a bag of chips and a container of potato salad and fruit. He’ll love ya for it♡

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My husband takes boiled eggs (I cook and peel a dozen on Sunday evening), lunch meat and cheese roll ups, protein bar, cheese and turkey sticks, water, and diet soda

1 sandwich and a bag of chips! He will lose weight!:wink:

I make my husband a lumch everyday for work…lunchmeat sandwiches n soup …ravolis… Peanut butter n jelly… Subs…leftovers from dinners

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Sometimes I’d give my hubby leftovers from the night before, because he loves my dinners. But a lot of the time he just ate out at work or just drank a red bull (totally unhealthy I know). My hubby is 6’1 and like 280lbs so I feel ya

Sandwiches, bfast burritos, chips, mixed nuts, hard boiled eggs, carrots and hummus, pretzels, cheese sticks, jerky, fruit(apples, bananas, etc) i also make my husband over night oats to take to work for breakfast, protien bars, pepperoni, yogurt and granola.

I always make sure I make enough for dinner and pack left overs.


Ask him what he wants… also, he’s a big boy. He can pack his own damn lunch. You’re not his mommy.

Depending on how long my husband works, (anywhere from 8 to 14 hour shifts), he gets 1 or 2 sandwiches (peanut butter, meat and lettuce, grilled cheese), a few granola bars (he has so many different kinds so usually one of each), crackers, sometimes fruit and veggies if he wants them. Popcorn is a super easy snack to throw in there too. Also LOTS of water. He works for a moving and garage door company so he burns lots of calories all day long.

My hubby packs his own lunch, but he likes deli sandwich, cheese it’s, Chex mix, fruit. If he’s active at work or likes to eat you could put extra meat on the sandwich or cheese.

Two large sandwiches, snacks. You can even buy sub rolls and lunch meat to make hoagies fairly easily

Left overs with 2 oranges, a protein bar, fruit cup, some sort of dessert (cookie or fruit bar) 2 eggs, and some sort of nuts.

Girl the easiest thing for me to pack is burritos lol I buy the biggest flour tortillas I can find, and usually make them out of eggs and bacon or eggs and ham or eggs and chorizo they fill you up pretty good and if you wrap them in foil they stay warm!

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Left overs, already cooked rotisserie chicken or fajita chicken in a bag for salads or wraps…just needs a microwave to warm chicken

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Save one extra (big guy) portion for him at dinner and use it as leftovers for a lunch.
Do this every night if you can! :slightly_smiling_face:


I do left overs, or I do 2 sammiches. Honey wheat, like 5 slices of cajun turkey, lettuce, bacon, tomato, cheese, and mayo. Then I put a fruit in there like a banana cause he is always having to climb stairs in the plants, and some chips and a Gatorade.

You’re kidding right?? Girl you should already know this. He’s your husband… You know what he eats… Really? Even my husband is asking me if this was a real post. Come on now…


If he has access to a microwave that gives you a better idea of what you can prepare if he does not then you might want to invest in a good thermos for hot drinks or hot soups and the smaller thermos for Chili’s and stews and things like that

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Leftovers and plenty of snacks, gatorade and/or water, and can of soup, pasta or beanie weenies with pull off tab

When mine takes lunch (which is rare) its usually left over dinner from night before

Cook extra food at dinner and pack him leftovers daily.

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What I usually do is send him dinner from the night before. He likes to take fruits and snacks water and a soda every once in a while

I do left overs, too apples, two small bags of chips, two containers of cherry tomatoes or cucumber slices, 68 oz of water, and 4 fun size candies.

I do two large sandwiches chips fruit protein bars lots of water oh can’t forget my husband energy drinks lol also sandwiches get soggy overtime so I get up at 4 am to make his lunch and I leave the veggies in another baggie he can add them to his sandwich so it won’t get soggy

#1 would be a note for him about your love or day you hope he will have. . sandwich, on roll , fruit, cookies, juice or even left overs from dinner

Leftovers should work some days haha.

Omg how nice of you, I’m always doin the most for my man ,yes he works so hard ,I mean I do too,but I live to show him love and spoil his ass …have him fill out a menu of stuff he’s enjoys …packing lunch saves sooo much money than ordering every day ! Pack foods tht give him energy , if you cook alot of rice the night before it is still soo good left over ! Also you can make him big sub sandwiches ! And healthy snacks cheese sticks, hard boiled eggs…slim jim…wheat thins…almonds…oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, healthy and stay fresh for a while if you make a batch for the whole week …apples/bananas …etc…even write notes like you would for the kids ! Lol he will love you all the more for it! …if he dont like wht you make …is when I’d tell him to do it himself :rofl:

Leftovers from the day before. Or get him a George Forman portable grill n some already paddy out burgers n let him cook it fresh at work?? Mine does that sometimes too lol

If you want to pack his lunch, is there a reason you can’t simply ask him what he wants?

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I even put my mans vitamins pills and some ibuprofen in his lunch cuz if not hell never remember

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Get a nice thermos and heat up food real hot and it will be warm all day .

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If he has a microwave at work, send him leftovers from dinner and snacks, chips, cookies, peanuts, a fruit, a couple sodas and a couple waters. That’s what I send my husband. He doesn’t like sandwiches.

Sandwiches, fruits, veggies and dips, boiled eggs, cheese and crackers, granola bars of all sorts, and leftovers if there’s a microwave. You can literally pack anything into a lunch.

I always cook extra for dinner and we both take leftovers to work the next day. We also keep snack foods like trail mix, chips, or fruit cups I our lunch boxes for that extra snack if we need one


Best bet would be to ask him specifically.

If I pack thing I think my husband will eat, they usually come back uneaten at the end of the day. :woman_shrugging:

So my husband isn’t much smaller than your husband lol, so he has a huge lunch box and I fill it up. I put in a soup, turkey and cheese sandwich, two cuties, 2 bananas, string cheese, and an apple.


My husband likes to take the big cans of chunky soup in his thermo, crackers, something sweet, a couple drinks…or leftovers

Egg sandwiches full of protein and cheap

Fried rice & fried egg
And my husband love it

I would pack him 2 6"subs make them meaty with fresh vegetables. Fruit, chips, some type of snack cake or cookies and plenty of bottle water

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Fresh fruit fresh chopped up veggies salad and a lot of veggies in it dressing in another container so it doesn’t get soggy. We always make extras at supper also so he can take meat veggies and a side. Soups and crackers. 2 Bottles of water also bought a case of Gatorade so he can take one a day.

Leftovers! Sandwiches, hot pockets, fruit, snacks!

Many of you say you use leftovers from the night before. I guess your guys are lucky enough to be able to heat these up. What happens if they aren’t able to heat them

A gift card for mcdonalds


A friend of mine uses his thermos to for hotdogs in the water they’ve been boiled in, has buns on the side and assembles at work.

I had to ask cuz I had no clue cuz he says he just wants two sandwiches but always comes back w them uneaten


Ive sent soups, pastas, sandwiches, raviolis, chips, crackers, snacks, ive cut up meat chunks and cheese, ive sent pepperoni and cheese with crackers, ive sent chicken and rice casseroles, ive sent deconstructed tacos, ive sent salads, ive sent him with almost anything you eat at home. Ive put oatmeal and different things he can make at work. I got him a tea cettle(electric) for roman and oatmeal. It truly will depend on what he likes. Left overs are good. That way you dont waste extra money just for lunches. They can be super expensive. If sending sandwhiches i didnt put condiments on them. I sent those in a different container (you can buy small bottles at the dollar store) salads send dressing separately. Burgers and thing i put the meat in a container and send buns separately this prevents the bread from getting soggy. You do want to try and balance out his diet. Yogarts and fruits are good too! I buy fruit cups and jello or pudding cups. They even have small containers for cottage cheese and things. I do suggest if sending chili, soups or stew to invest in a good thermos. They can stay hot for 12 hours or so. Be sure if you do send things in he has a means of heating food up. You can try different sandwhiches made in different styles so they dont become boring. Hard boiled eggs offer amazing protiens.


I throw in 2 sandwiches, chips, a snack cake/brownie, he loves pistachios, peanuts, trail mix, also loves fruit so I kinda chop up fruits and put together in small bowl… strawberries, grapes, oranges, berries, peaches, pears, apples…fruit salad. And during summer when he sweats and loses electrolytes I throw a couple pickles in a Ziploc baggie

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Depends on the kind of work he does. Outdoor? Active? Or just a big appetite? My hubby in his 30s was fairly standard-sized guy, but he did heavy manual labor outdoors and had no way to wash before eating. He also has fantastic metabolism. Feeding him was a full time job, but I worked full time too. I got a one-pint wide-mouth insulated cup and filled it with leftovers from supper. Two pint mayo jars full of iced tea and frozen overnight gave him drinkable ice packs. Homemade pasties full of sloppy joe meat, or diced ham and scrambled egg mixture, or chicken and really thick gravy. Every kind of peeled, sliced fruit in a sealed container. Apples don’t brown if packed in a solution of water and lemon juice. You can put as much sugar as he wants in hot applesauce. He loved “sides” of potato or mac salads, baked beans, and every kind of bread with any kind of spread. I kept breakfast stuff frozen, took it out the night before, and tossed it into his lunchbox on the way out the door. He loves me :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

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I make my husband 4 sandwiches, fruits and a sweet treat.

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My fiance gets leftovers and extra snacks and whatnot. Sometimes sandwiches. You’ll probably need more than one of those! Lol


I usually pack leftover from the night before with some hard boiled eggs, fruit and veggies, a snack to eat during break and of course a dessert like jello, pastry, or pudding

I pack, a sandwich, leftovers, juice box, a can of ice tea, hot chocolate, water, granola bars and snack items. Usually comes home with an empty lunch lol. (He eats on his coffee breaks and at lunch)

Always made enough dinner to pack a bit of it along with his usual fav pb&j with a bag of pretzels and some sorts of sweets & a can of fruit

What!!! Tell him it’s 2019 and he can make his own damn lunch! Wth…

Some of these comments are ridiculous stop shaming women for wanting to spoil their husbands, at least they aren’t the ones who are gonna get cheated on for giving their man some respect


Wow is this a serious question?? Do you have kids? Do you question what to feed them?? :woman_facepalming:

My husband takes fruit cups, granola bars and trail mix along with a sandwich, chips, Gatorade and waters. If he’s on a job where there is a microwave he sometimes takes leftover dinner from the previous night.

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You ladies are so nice :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Make up some hot dishes and put them in containers and freeze them and put them in his lunch box and as lunch rolls around it’ll thaw out and won’t take as long to microwave

My ex was a smaller guy but honestly I packed a lunch 3 guts coulda ate from everyday. 3 sandwiches - leftovers from supper - soup- pudding or fruit or Jello - munchies - sweets - n he was stil ready 4 supper soon as he walked thru the door!!

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I’ve done Texas toast with sausage eggs and cheese (I used wax paper to keep separate) with hash brown patty and grits. Whole new potatoes sauteed in butter and bacon bits, grilled chicken breast with Cesar dressing on Italian sliced bread. Also 2 sandwiches like deli style on hero/sub type roll.

My husband gets fuck all he can make his own dam lunches 20 years married and if I started to make his lunches he wouldn’t eat them thinking I put poison in it these men need to grown some balls… plus I work longer hours than him

Sardines, oysters, canned meats, soup by the hand and protein bars

I downloaded the TASTY app.

I cook extra for dinner and I serve his lunch for the next day first. Then I serve everyone dinner. Throw in some of his favorite snacks and drink. Mine likes sunflower seeds and plain water. :woman_shrugging:t2:

It’s the easiest to way do it. Unless you want to actually make him something especially for him, the night before or the morning of… which is honestly wayyyy to much work. Lmao.

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I make burgers and rolls sometimes salads and kabab.

Yes I make extra for my boyfriend and pack his lunch after dinner time. And snacks

I send mine a sandwich with lots of meat, cheese and veggies. He also loves pita bread and gaucamole. Pretzals, fruits, cut veggies, and a little sweet snack type thing (cupcake or whatever we have on hand) banana bread, a few drinks, maybe some chips, left overs, whatever we have really.

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I wish I could pack my husbands lunch! He travels though so he makes his own. Prepare some sub sandwiches! Lots of meat and cheese. He doesnt have a microwave on track so all his meals are cold

Last night’s leftovers

Since I’m at home all day with my daughter, I just pick a random day of the week and just cook a bunch of different stuff, chicken with pasta and a veggie, or hamburger helper, easy things to make, and that’s what I do for my husband’s lunches. But now his brother is staying with us and I offered to make him lunches too since I’m already doing my husband’s. I also will give them leftovers from whatever I make for dinner throughout the week.

I also do like burrito bowls, or some type of rice and chicken dish with a sauce and veggies. I do homemade beef stroganoff, I just throw everything into my Crock-Pot.

You can make him two sandwiches (to fill him up more), chips a drink and a water bottle, fruit and veggies like maybe some carrots and strawberries or something, maybe some crackers and some sort of candy for desert, or maybe try asking him what he would like

I would do leftovers and a snack, maybe a sandwich or two. But since my husband would often forget I made him lunch I quit doing it.

make a big pot of soup and put it in a thermos with a big sandwich more healthy and filling mabe a few crackers for his soup

make a enough for all week vegetable soup is always good

When i did have to make my hubbys lunch alot of the ideas mentioned is what i did!Can i just say that yes making him his lunch should be something you want to do for him working so hard for the fam!And i am a stay at home mom so i understood!But when my hubby expected it and treated it like i had no choice but to do it than thats no longer respectful as someone else mentioned on this thred!He is a grown man and can make it himself!It shouldn’t be takin for granted you doing nice things for him that you dont have to do!

I make bigger dinners and my husband packs his lunch from that oatmeal packets and bars for breaks

I used to pack my husbands lunch every day. But then he’d start forgetting it, leaving his lunch box at work, not eating lunch, all that. So I stopped.

But I would make him a sandwich (like a really nice full sandwich), a salad with the dressing on the side so it wouldn’t get soggy, and a little bag of trail mix.

Swear to God I would stick a 10 dollar bill in his lunch box. Lolol.


A drink and any snack…
You can literally make a burrito out of anything
Stuff, roll and pack


Just make extra of dinner and pack it for lunch. I always add a few snacks but my husbands gone for 14 hours

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I use to make my man whatever, I’d get up at like 3am and make a meal for one giant man (my boyfriend is also almost 7’ so not easy to please with most food portions). Usually I’d make him breakfast sandwiches (eggs helped fill him up) and hash browns or rice if a normal lunch isn’t enough you’re gonna have to make meals or get him to do it himself

How about asking him? How the fuck do men even marry some of you women, you don’t even know what to feed your husbands 🤦

Does he have access to a microwave? If so, send leftovers

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Leftovers, frozen chimichangas, yogurt, nuts, fruit, Nutri-Grain bars, protein shake, occasional dessert.