What should I pack in my husbands lunch?

Left overs from last nights dinner

My husband loves leftovers meatloaf or chicken/turkey sandwiches too. I always put in other snacks like fruit, peanuts or other nut mixes, cheese sticks cookies or quick bread, veggie sticks, hard boiled eggs. I fed 2 teenager boys the same lol.

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I make my hubby a bagal for breakfast being he leaves early. But for lunch i pack a sandwhich, two bags of chips, 2 bags of chex mix, 2 bags of fruit snacks, sometimes carrots and jerky or cheese and 5 cookies( small ones or oreao) sometimes a poptart, 2 small fun sized candy bars, a can of soda, a can of tea, a power ade, and 2 big bottles of water. My hubby works out were there are no microwaves and stuff or id pack soup, chili, or pasta.

Sandwiches ? Bologne or ham and cheese.or leftovers from the bight before? Some fruit? Veggies? Maybe soup and bread

I would send him to the kitchen to make it his own damn self.

My husband like to take leftovers from supper and a sandwich. If we don’t have leftovers then he likes tuna with crackers and soup.

Glad my husband takes care of himself…


I would make my husband 2 sandwiches and whatever snacks we had. Sometimes a fruit, chips or sweets.

Go to the camping section of your nearest Walmart and get him a thermos, he can take soup and a sandwich.


He can’t pack his own?


Ask him what he wants???

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Left overs beef jerky nuts ect

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Fruit roll ups, pbj sandwiche, milk, and a bag of chips…grown ass man wants his lunch packed like a child gove his ass a child lunch

Tell him to pack his own lunch. Noone got time for that with housework and children


Seriously?? Some of the shit that comes up in these groups :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Haha I do my hubby’s lunch at night he works hard and long hours it’s such a cool thing being able to do that for him, if I don’t he will spend money on crap food so I just either give him cold meats on sandwiches he eats like 5 sandwiches I make up cordial with sparkly mineral water or sometimes buy soft drink in slabs (he has a fridge in his truck) I cut up fruit and put it in containers and I buy him those big bags of chips for snacks mans gotta eat and he brings home lots of money so I’m happy to be a sandwich bitch for him lol he however makes dinner on weekends normally

I used to pack leftovers with a few snack type foods thrown in.
My husband was good with it.

My guy has access to a fridge and microwave so I send him with leftovers or frozen meals. I have 4 kids to pack lunches for as well. So depending on the weather, fieldtrips, etc I pack the kids hot food in thermoses, sandwiches, veggies and dip, hummus and pitas, hardboiled eggs and pepperetts, etc. I have lots of different quick grab snacks they can all choose from. I give fruit depending on what’s in the fridge and what each kids likes.

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I’d suggest he pack his own lunch but that’s just me.

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My hubby does fruit for breakfast and usually left overs for lunch or a couple of sandwiches and protein bars beef jerky alot of things that won’t go bad he works in the oil field so he’s gone for days at a time tuna , salads he has his own truck he takes to locatuin so sometimes deli meat bread to make food when he’s hungry

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If he can heat food send meals, meat and potatoes stuff. Freeze leftovers in nice divided microwave dishes so he can have a hot lunch. Also he will need A few sandwiches, egg and cheese for mid morning and various lunchmeat. Chips and cupcakes.


I put leftovers in my husbands lunch.

She didnt asked if she should pack lunch for him!! She asked for suggestions of food options!:unamused:


PB&J, that’s a no brainer, what man wouldn’t love 2 or 3 of them…

I do it for my partner as he gets up at 4:30 most morning’s and I don’t want him making noise in the kitchen at that time. So I normally do a pack of chip (we get a multi pack of different ones), a musli bar and a apple or pear and I’ll make him a ham salad sandwich/sweet chilli chicken wraps or toasties. Yes he is a grown man but it’s better then fast food for lunch which is expensive and the kids and I don’t get woken up by banging really early in the morning cos that man cannot be quite in the kitchen no matter the time of day

Why would u be asking a bunch of strangers who dont know him, his allergies, his likes and dislikes…

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I pack my husband a lunch every day, been doing it for years. Basics every day are sammich, pretzels, sliced apples, yogurt, pudding, banana. I always add a treat too. Belvita breakfast biscuits are his favorite, but also cookies or snack cakes.

Left overs or maybe do 2 sandwiches some chips/potato salad/pasta salad. A big drink and something sweet maybe.

Soup in a thermos, hard boiled egg, cheese/on crackers. Alternate meat on bun/bread. And don’t forget something baked (muffin/cookies/sweets) best is put a note in if you want. Pretend it’s your lunch.


My husband takes a large salad, almonds, sliced peppers, and deviled eggs or hard boiled eggs.

Some left overs, salad, boiled eggs, sliced veggie and fruits, whatever he likes, talk to him about his lunch likes.

I make my partner four ham and salad rolls, fruit, chips and then a couple of other snacks

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I usually make leftovers. Depends on his job too. If he has access to a microwave or fridge.

Left over dinner from night before and maybe a snack.Bag done. Lol

Just pack the fridge

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I have never packed a lunch for my husband if he wants to take a lunch he would have to fix it himself.


I would give him some fruit sandwich chips and a drink if he is that big already he does’t need more than that unless it would be carrot and celery sticks.


Here’s a few of my husband’s favorite lunches:
Homemade crunch wrap(taco Bell), carrots or broccoli with ranch, cheese cubes, and like 3 little Debbie’s haha.
Fish stick taco kit, coleslaw, twice baked potatoes, fruit snacks, pie.
Quesidallas, Spanish rice, frijoles, sour cream, pico,lettuce, Oreos.
Cheeseburger (fixings on the side) chips and ranch dip, corn on the cob, Pop tarts.
He loves all food, but sweets are his favorite😅

couple sandwiches, or since its getting cold out soup or hell even left overs, a salad, fruit, chips a drink then something sweet and maybe a snack for break like peanutbutter crackers or beef jerky or nuts… idk i make them like my kids but bigger and more adult type sandwiches … or Ask him what kinds of stuff hed like

He’s a grown ass man … he needs to do it himself

Pack the whole kitchen! :joy:


A note that says “You know where the food is, make your own damn lunch.”

Salad, boiled eggs, yogurt, fruit cup , tuna sandwich, wheat thins and a bottled water

Ask him what he likes

Personally? Ask him if he forgot how to pack his own hshaha

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I grill up a bunch of chicken at the beginning of the week (about 8-12 breasts). Use different seasoning/rubs/marinades. My hubby takes 2 chicken breasts a day in his lunch pail, half a cucumber sliced up, carrot sticks sliced up, peanuts or almond, grapes, 4 bottles of water, tea & a granola or fruit bar. My hubby isn’t huge, but he’s a very solid man who requires constant fuel. Lol

Fried rice with leftovers

Suggest he puts his big boy pants on and makes it himself. :joy::joy::joy:


I used to pack breakfast and lunch . Lunch was
2 sandwiches, (alternating kinds bc it gets boring) 2 bags of chips and then 2 or 3 of the following options ,2 trail mix , 2slim jims, celery and pb cup , string cheese , pretzels , beef jerky , hard boiled eggs and a snack cake .
Sometimes he wouldnt eat it all but some days hed work 16-18hours and need more , he also had to have stuff to eat while driving as he didnt get lunch breaks

How about some veggies…that will fill him up… thats what they do !

What type of work does do?? if its office sandwich and fruit or something he can microwave at work wrapes . Look up lunches on Google good luck

I prepare my husbands lunches the night before and sometimes a few days in advance. Get a thermo food container so you can prepare hot or cold things for him like pasta salad, or spaghetti, etc. Usually do something like that with sides and a drink!

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Watch Youtube, you’ll get tons of ideas there. Yummy, nutritious food too. I would be happy to do it if only I have the time, it’ll save us money and I’ll be able to do bento lunches :heart_eyes:

You could look up lunch ideas online. Think of some of the things he likes and if he can heat stuff up maybe leftovers?

I do two homemade subs, which you can pretty much do anything with that. A container of 2 apples and 2 oranges cut up and a sweet or two like a doughnut ect. My guy is small and burns more calories then he can consume some days. There quick mix and match ideas. Gotta keep them men full. :stuck_out_tongue:

I meal prep for my husband every week. This week I made him sausage with veggies and wild rice. Last week I made him salmon with broccoli and sweet potatoes. The week before that I made him shrimp Alfredo with spinach pasta. Nice big servings as he is also a very big man.

My husband drives 600 miles a night. He has access to a microwave once he drives 300 miles so I always send him with a cooler full of things. Apples that I slice and oranges too. Muffins and plenty of water and even a can of Coke Incase he needs some energy lol. He will take leftovers sometimes or I make him soup or a grilled chicken breast with veggies or even a frozen meal sometimes. Peanut butter sandwich and crackers too just in case he needs a little something. He is a big guy who works out at the gym lot so he needs a lot to keep him full lol.


Oh that is sweet! If your servant heart feels led, do it! Leftovers from dinner are always a good idea if the ability to warm them is there. Or make giant hoagie sandwiches with a side of soup, bread, and fruit.


My husband’s favorite thing now is chicken wraps. I bake him two Tyson chicken patties and slice them up. Then he can add lettuce and ranch on a low carb tortilla. Sometimes I pack him a bag of beef jerky, chicken, tuna, or egg salad, sandwich stuff…
As for extras, I pack the Atkins Endulge snacks, fruit and/or vegetables, mixed nuts, the individual Jiffy peanut butter cups, slim Jim’s, boiled eggs, string cheese.


Any leftovers would be great sandwich and chips with some fruit to snack on, little Debbie’s snack cakes or hostess pies… I also used to make my husband’s lunch and would always take a bite out of his sandwich before I packed it, just to let him know I love him (and that it’s not poisoned)…lol


I always make a little extra at dinner and then hubby takes the leftovers for lunch the next day.


Leftovers are great, if he has some way to heat them. I used to give him a lunch ie; well made sandwich, meat cheese, lettuce, tomato in a seperate baggie on his favorite bread. A fruit, a dessert, pudding, cookies. Then I would pack a snack for morning break, sliced apples, celery w toppin. And snack for on the way home. And to waters for the day.

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Leftovers work great but with a couple of snacks added in! My hubby packs my lunch for me sometimes and adds dessert!

It just depends on what he likes. My husband is an amateur bodybuilder, so I always bake him some chicken tenders and rice. It’s full of rhe protein he needs with the carbs for energy. I also send him with leftovers from the night before. That’s a great way not to waste food and it’s a filling lunch for him.

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Make half a dozen sandwiches, with pickles or small tomatoes, or a big container of casserole. Along with the pickles, you might include a handwritten note, or encouraging phrase

My husband works night shift, I fix him supper as normal, that’s his lunch and he has sandwich meats for sandwiches, and I buy him salads, tuna packs, stuff like that for snacks.


Does he have access to a microwave at work? You could pack him hearty soups, Hormel meals, chili. Stuff like that. That’s what I packed my husband.

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For 40 years I packed my husband’s lunch. Everyone always told him he had the best lunches. I made sandwiches but never used just bread. I’d use the French bread from the bakery at the grocery store, fill that baby up with ham, turkey, roast beef, lettuce, tomatoes, onions, pepperchinis (sp), mayo and mustard. Change them up with various other meats and ingredients. Just slice off enough of the bread you’re going to use for the day. Add chips, vegetables, fruit, and a small treat - they can use something sweet if they feel like it. Hubby’s in construction and loved them. Best of luck

My husband is 6’8 and 295… he packs a sandwich, a quart size ziplock bag filled with fresh veggies, either a apple or banana, a protein bar and a bag of chips, water to drink

Have him pack his own lunch! He’s a grown man!


Im retired & husband works. I am happy to make my husbands lunch for him or anything else he wants. You take care of each other.:blonde_woman:t3:


We meal prep on the weekend all my husbands lunches. It’s various forms of chicken with sweet potato or brown rice and veggies like broccoli or green beans. He doesn’t get a long time to sit down and eat so this keeps him full and energized for the day. Sometimes he will take some protein drinks and rice cakes with peanut butter if he doesn’t eat before going in.


Every time I make dinner I make extra just so my husband has some for his lunch for work and then he has some little snack foods like chips or candy bar or something

I actually cook extra food at dinner for my son & husband to take to work. Always have grab food for them to take. Fruit, granola bars etc. Fill them up with a hearty breakfast before they go.


I make sure when I make dinner at night I make enough that he has leftovers for the next day I figure if it’s enough for dinner it’s enough for lunch. It’s funny the guys at work gets so jealous of the lunch as he brings that occasionally he makes me make extra so he can bring him for the guys he likes at work. I have even had a guy from work ask him to ask me to make something specific because he likes it! The guys at work are amazed that I cook dinner everyday and make sure he goes to work with lunch! 

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So, buy hoagie style buns, hard salami, pepperoni, ham,…basically any meat he likes, some pepper jack cheese…make him a hoagie sandwich, bag of chips, couple granola bars. Get a good soup thermos if he works out doors. Chunky soup and a sandwich are good.


I make extra dinner and my husband takes it the next day for lunch. Also I will make an extra casserole and cut into individual servings that he can take for lunch.


It’s surprising how many are so hateful about saying “make him pack his own damn lunch, he’s grown!”. Yes he is, but he’s also your spouse and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with doing nice things for someone you love. Relationships last much longer when you put effort into them.


I’ve got a Big Boy too. Have you ever thought about buying the sub sandwich bread. You could make him a Foot Long like subway in whatever kinds of toppings and meat he likes.
That with a big bag of chips, some type of fruit or granola bar/ cookies.
Also buying some protein powder he could already have a shake made up the night before would keep him full. You could even make a overnight oats shake for him to take along.


I always packed leftovers for my husband

Soup and sandwich. Desert or fruit or fresh veggies. Get the right kind of containers. If he can’t heat soup up then but a thermos or a Yetti it will keep it hot. Mix up kinds of sandwiches. Also I pack my husband maybe left overs from dinner if he. can heat up. Most important get a good lunch box and good containers to pack things. Also ask him what he would like

More than one sandwich! :joy: but also- if he’s picky about leftover, maybe baked potato with stuff on the side to fill it? Rice and chicken bowl? Both are a little heavier than sandwich. Supplement with stronger sides than chips; cheese, jerky, apple.

And packing lunches for my husband is more budget-friendly than husband insisting he will make his own, forgetting to actually do so, getting hungry and BUYING lunch everyday :grimacing: so good on this wife for hopping on the packed lunch train! Lol

Print a calendar and have him write a menu of what he wants to eat for lunch. If you already have a menu for dinner for the month, he can choose which days he want a leftovers and which days he wants a fresh lunch. It can also be rearranged weekly based on weather.

Dinner once you cook put some in bowls microwave safe lids that close

My husbands favorites are pot roast, any kind of soups (veggie, potato, chili), he likes jambalaya, hamburger steak, he will heat up boiled potatoes and corn and such, whatever leftovers we have usually! You can make any kind of rice dinner and add a bunch of meat like sausage, shrimp, chicken, steak!

When I pack them I put fruit, veggies, boiled eggs, snack foods (crackers, chips, etc), sandwich or lunch meat and cheese, sometimes pickles or olives. My husband works outside so he doesn’t have a microwave and this seems to keep him full.

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2 sammiches, 2 bags of chips, welches fruit snacks, and a protein bar!

Fruit, boiled eggs, small container of sliced pickles. Peanuts. Small cheese sticks. Granola bars. Yogurts or pudding cups. Baggy of sliced celery or Small carrots. Small containers of potato salad or cold slaw. Individually wrapped muffins or brownies. Bags of pretzels. Pre made salads. Soup/stew or chili in a thermos!

Make him two sandwiches and two bag of chips maybe make homemade brownies and put them in a lunchbox

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I use to make him a,sub sandwich, chips and a dessert. Sometimes I added soup
. Even left overs are good.

Farmers casserole is a great thing to pack. It’s good hot or room temp

I am always at work when he gets ready so I make sure there are things for him to fix. One of his favorites is shredded pork loin for sandwiches or to put on a salad.

Get a thermos make some chili or hearty dishes add some cornbread and other munchies :wink:

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$10.00 and a note, go to subway and get a 12 inch sub!!

Protein foods are a big halp, nuts , milk, (freeze it the night before) tuna,peanut butter in serving size packs, beans boiled eggs,

I make mine 2 sandwich
Chips . Snack cake . Drink half gallon tea . And make a pickle .

Also left overs if he has a way to heat them up but 80% it’s the sandwich’s .

You could also put a thermos of soup in it get a hearty soup

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I’d put a Handy Guide to Packing a Lunchbox in his lunchbag.

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I would ask him what he wants and unless he gives you ideas he will be hungry around noon every day. :woman_shrugging:

Mine gets a sandwich, chips, carrots, crackers, those p3 things, sometimes a cookie, candy, granola bar, yogurt