What should I pack in my husbands lunch?

I make my husband lunch everyday for work… I mix it up but it’s usually 2 tuna fish sandwiches, jello, pudding, chips or pretzels, a bag of candy, 3 propels and 3 hot teas to go… if I don’t do tuna then I do lunch meats like Turkey & cheese, ham& cheese, If I don’t do that then its usually pb&j or peanut butter & fluffs.

Get a thermos for not good and put in soup chili leftovers from night before also sandwich chips and desert our cake Aleve of cookies

I made lunch for my husband once, he called me when he ate lunch that day and asked how much I put on his sandwich. I made him chicken salad with a late carb on chicken meat and put the whole can on it. So I told him the whole can needless to say he wasn’t hungry for dinner. (He can make three sandwiches out of a tiny can of potted meat)so maybe two sandwiches, maybe a sandwich pack of sandwich crackers a a snack pack container of pudding a little Debbi snack cake and a bag of chips. I never made lunch after that.

Try asking him what he wants…I know it’s a long shot since he is a man but it might work.

Get a supply of the good stuff like what they have at Subway. You can get the flavored wraps by the flour tortillas. Wraps are way less messy to eat while driving and are filling. Then pack leftovers for the microwave. Always have extra snacks thrown in. My husband was active duty Army and sometimes worked 12 hr days or went in the field. I couldn’t pack enough for the field, but he always had beef jerky and trail mix and energy bars.

I make enough dinner to take a leftovers, or a couple hot pocket and a sandwich granola bar and some yogurt.

You can pack, and I mean PACK a really big salad in a container with his favorite dressing in a separate bottle. Include cheese, nuts, boiled eggs and ham or steak slices and dried fruits and apple or pears and all the regular salad greens. Plus a big sandwich.
You can choose cheese with crackers and ham or some other meats and apple as one item or peanut butter and crackers with dried fruits as another item. You can make soup or pastas or meat stews. Just some suggestions.

U can get a thermal that works by a car lighter. Take soups chili beef stew almost anything with a thermal an it will be nice an hot

Just ask him what he would like . Hes ur s/o maybe u already know the kind of food he likes but definitely leftovers every body is diff I’d say beans rice and some fajita with flour tortillas never go wrong with soups .

I pack my husband’s lunch every day. Ham and turkey cut up…no bread. Banana, 2 yogurts, 2 babybell cheese, 2 string cheeses, 1 sargento snack pack. He works 12 hrs a day. He eats dinner when he gets home around 8:30. Spead out his food for 2–3 hr. Consumption.

Leftovers is so much easier and cheaper. You can buy plastic plates with separate compartments with lids. 12 inch sub sandwiches and fruit is something else for other days. It’s hard, but can be worth it money wise. Good luck!

Left overs from the night before

I used to make my husband stew or hamburger helper. Sometimes multiple sandwiches, chips, cookies, pickle.

Pasta salad with lots of cheese and meat!!

Unless you are a house wife, I say make him nothing. What is he? A 3rd grade boy???

Tuna or Chicken Salad with Crackers and a Fruit he enjoys, with coffee or water. Cook a pot of soup /chili and put it in a thermos, pak crackers and a fruit and drink. A great snack- cut up raw veggies and pak some ranch for dipping.

Grapes, pickles, boiled eggs, sandwiches, cookies, chips, Turkey sticksBeef Jerky, buy a ham dice it up. Cheese cut into squares. Fritos, bean dip, Ruffles and ranch, trail mix, any kind of nut. Peanut butter crackers. Peanut butter, slice up a cucumber throw it in a bag. Carrot sticks, celery, cheese in a can. Chicken in a Biscuit crackers are so good with the canned cheese.

Pack him the leftovers from your dinners…or LET HIM PACK HIS OWN LUNCH that way he can put whatever he wants so your not going crazy trying to figure out what to pack him and he wont complain!!!

Why not just ask HIM to give you ideas???

I just pack leftovers from dinner every night for him

Why can’t you just ask him?

No way just chips and a sandwich is not enough lol. My husband is not big but when I prepare sandwich for him he wants 4 lol. I actually pack leftover dinner or i just prepare him regular meals like, chicken, meat, spaghettis, rice, veggies, soup of course when microwave is available, Things like that. You should go to Pinterest they give you ideas,

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2 sandwiches and 2 bags of chips :woman_shrugging:


And a love note , to say thank you for all that you do.

I’m here for the ideas too, thanks! :yum:

I always send leftovers when he is home.

Tell him to pack it himself. I work and my man stays home. I pack my own damn lunch like a grown up.


Find out what Granny made for Jethro. :wink:

Sandwich. Fruit cup. Chips. Granola bar. Pudding… just my suggestion. I know it’s probably not enough lol

Have him pack his own lunch then if he is still hungry it’s own fault lol

You should know your husband well enough to not need to ask :woman_shrugging:t3::woman_facepalming:t3:

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I pack mine left over dinners

Anything he wants to eat

Just ask him what he would like…

I make extra dinner then just send that with him to work

I pack my hubby
2 sandwiches
Fruit cup
Pudding packs
:carrot: sticks
Homemade treats. Things like that

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Why don’t you just ask him what he wants to eat

Fruits… biscuits…salads…

Yeah, he can do it himself, But its much more heartfelt for his wife to pack him a lunch. When my bf worked in town i would pack him lunch every day. It’s the little things in life that makes you happy.

If you’re on Pinterest there are tons of ideas! I used to do chips, sandwiches, granola bar or cookies or whatever. But after a while he got tired of the same ole thing. Leftovers (if you have them!) Are a great idea.

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I stopped making my hubby luches along time ago :joy:. I found a sandwich I had made him in the garbage so I said ‘ f it’ make your own damn sandwich​:joy::joy::joy:.


Leftovers. My husband is a bottomless pit and he loves taking leftovers


I make big sandwiches with brioche buns, lots of meat and cheese and spinach. Then I put in his “lunch pail” some granola bars, an apple or orange depending on how he feels, a bit of candy, SunChips, and a snack bag of mixed nuts. He takes a gallon jug of water with him everyday so I don’t have to pack a drink. He’s a busy farrier and burns a LOT of calories!

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I always do extra for the dinners in the evenings and that’s what he brings for his lunch the next day :relaxed:


I usually make extra for dinner and we both eat leftovers for lunch the next day. Today it’s chicken noodle soup and a sandwich.


Invest in some Tupperware, start making things that you can eat yourself or may last a day or two such as chili, beef stew, soups, or really anything you might have made for dinner. Cans of soup worked good too with a couple of sandwiches or snacks like cakes and chips. Just gotta switch it up so it doesn’t break your wallet but he has good lunches for work.


People have been making and taking prepared lunches for a long time use common sense and figure it out. If he can’t come up with some idea what he wants he can fix it himself.


Some of you “females” make it obvious that you’re not home grown southern girls :woman_shrugging:

I pack my mans lunch, he gets a main entree (leftovers, 2 sandwhiches or 2 wraps), a side (left over from dinner, or cheese or something else filling), and usually a pack of chips, a meat stick, and a pastry bar or a couple cookies. Then in the top pouch he gets a note and a piece or two of candy


My husband is a local semi driver and I pack his lunch a lot. And hes usually low carb so it becomes alittle more tricky. I usually save leftover from night before and pack chicken and veggies. Or he’s being a little more lenient I’ll make a nice deli sandwich with the works, lettuce, tomato, turkey ham in a big section of Cuban bread. So just as good as jimmy johns lol. Save leftovers like bbq pulled chicken sandwich.


I always pack two sandwiches and a lot of the times I will make wraps from the leftovers we have…

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I have one of these little crock pot s, it’s great for soups or stews etc. Use at work.

Do different pastas dishes with steak and potatoes. Alfredo, fettuccine, Spaghetti,… ect. Steak like rib eye, t-bone, ribs…
My husband has is the same type massive, works 16 hr days and has always been fine with a different club Sandwiches and a pasta salad with chips. :woman_shrugging:t2: Good luck the food bill is going to be massive too.

Make subway style sandwiches but better and to lunch pie fruit candy bar maby two sandwiches a thermos of hot soup or a salad depends on his likes mabt just some slices of meats and cheese as extra with sandwich and don’t forget s little love note!


When we go grocery shopping my husband gets what he wants to take for lunch… and packs his own…

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My husband always takes leftovers from dinner. Throw in some extra snacks. Sometimes my husband keeps microwavable popcorn or ramen noodles in his lunchbox as extra. Just in case he is still hungry later. He works 12 hour shifts and gets hungry.


Beef sticks, protien bars, fruit and veggies… sandwich I use the wraps as it’s more protien for him and a bottle of water… I try to pack extra protien in his lunch as be has a very physical job

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When i made my husbands lunch i put lots of different snacks cuz then he can pick what he wanted from the bag…sometimes hed save it in his car for snacks for the kids later

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There isn’t a thong wrong with packing your husband’s lunch, or for that matter having dinner ready for him, if your a sahm. If your doing it anyway for your children it takes 5 mins

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I would pack left overs from dinner last night! A peice of fruit ziplock bag with some kind of chips pretzels bottle of water energy/ protein bars sometimes I’ll make a sandwich on rye toast with cole sole on top of lunch meat tuna salad with slice of tomatoe on a round roll egg salad with lettuce! Good luck feeding that big boy!

I pack a thermos with hot soup usually a sandwich ice tea or can of soda and usually some cookies. Like a kid and he loves it. Snacks pack chips or jerky.


Grapes, carrot sticks, peanut butter cheese nabs by lance , Apple slices, pretzels, raisins, fruit cups, pudding cups, chips, sandwich wraps, popcorn, candy, love note, jelly beans, bottle water, juice ,fruit cocktail are my man’s favorites. Nothing with mayo. He also likes beef jerky, oranges and apples

Tell him his hands aren’t broke and he can pack his own lunch :woman_shrugging:t3:


Proteins and starches and such will fill him up.

Always pack snacks too like almonds and a fruit. He loves cashews, too

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Pack him a snikerbar turns a hungry soul in a good soul.


Tell him to hire a maid


If there’s a microwave where he works, pack leftovers from the night before…

ask him what he would like to eat, maybe? :woman_facepalming:t4:


Leftovers from the night before. Cook extra send bread

Tell him you give him lunch money

Haha pack whatever you want. Beggers can’t be choosers!

Sound like she’s talking about a huge child.
Packing a grown ass man’s lunch. He could do it himself, period.

He can do it himself…


If it is so difficult for you to guess what he might want the next day. Let the big fucker do it his self. Happy to help your welcome.

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