What should I say to my stepdaughter?

I’d tell her as an adult that is something that you can’t condone. If someone were to find out you allowed it and made a big enough stink you could get in trouble. And on top of that nicotine is so addictive and expensive. Seriously I wish I had never started smoking. It alienates you from people when you want to be inside having fun but have to go outside to smoke, your clothes stink, you can’t breathe properly. Just advice from me a smoker. It’s a terrible habit. But if it were me that’s what I would say and encourage that you still want to be in on the other gossip about boys and friends and teenage to adulthood things.

Yes but at the same time your the parent. Act it … let her know it’s wrong and that u can’t watch and not say something …

On my perspective I started smoking cigarettes at 14, mom found out when I was 15 and told me that it is what it is. She didn’t try to deter me away, she didn’t ground me for it. She didn’t support it by buying them for me unless I had money of my own, but she said she started smoking young and didn’t wanna be a hypocrite either. If it’s one that she can refill, but her the 3% nicotine or even the nicotine free ones because she may not have a nicotine addiction. Just talk to her. Don’t scold her about it.

I’d honestly tell her that they are horrible for her body and to give it to her dad honestly or you’ll have to tell him. Be upfront and she’ll respect you looking out for her and you won’t be keeping a secret from your partner

It depends on the vape honestly. You can do your own research but they really aren’t as dangerous and people make them out to seem. I’ve been getting scans on my lungs for the past two years and they look better than when I was smoking cigarettes, and I don’t have a smokers cough anymore. Coming from a going person’s perspective , kids will do what they want and if you give them a safe space but warn them of the dangers all you can really do is sit back and let them decide. My mom didn’t push against my actions very hard and I never got into any trouble as I had no drive to do anything bad. But when I was with my dad he pushed against me and I started partying and not caring.

She is 15 & trusts you & is comfortable talking to you… definitely try not to mess that up. With that being said, she is getting to be a big girl & just like she is open & talks to you, you need to be able to do the same with her. Help her understand the dangers of vaping & help her with ways of opting out of things like that while also not downing her friends or making herself feel uncomfortable in the situations where it’s offered, as well as how you value you & her relationship, you also value you & her dads relationship so you do have to tell him about it IF she won’t. Which she should. I would tell her that you will let her dad know that y’all talked about it & looked up info & hopefully she fully understands that it’s not ok for her to do at this age & hopefully he won’t feel the need make a bigger deal about it.

It sounds like a friend gave her something & she is looking for advice on what to do next.

Don’t listen to these people saying she’s trying to play you or take advantage of you either. She’s not. Kids ask their bio parents “can we not tell mom/dad about this” all the time.

Tell her it’s as bad as cigarette or worse. She needs to know she can still come to you but also be aware that she’s doing something stupid talk to her

Don’t over react, do your research, then talk to her educate her on the dangers of vaping. then discuss using nicotine free juice if she is still going to choose to vape???

Find a balance…a way to deal with the issue whilst maintaining her trust…

You should be like a parent as well as a friend. Have her give it to you and it can stay between you or tell her you’ll have to go to her dad

It’s not good at all . Addiction ,harms lungs . Chemicals

Google some information about vapes and print it out for her.

It’s illegal for her to have it especially on school grounds whether it had nicotine or not. You can’t smoke till 18 and in some states the age is 21. She can get suspended for that. This is definitely not something you keep a secret. They’re very dangerous too. I made the mistake of vaping and ended up in the hospital on a ventilator for 5 days. Vapes cause pneumonia and bronchitis.

Yes they are dangerous. Ask her to give you the vape. They destroy lungs. Kids die from this or need double lung transplants.

Since she asked you not to say anything, don’t make a comment to the school or the parents.

What I would do, is write an anonymous letter to the school, stating that kids are camping and giving vapes to other children. They need to educate the kids on how dangerous these are.

Don’t sign it. No return address. Just address it to the school principal.

By telling her father let’s her know that you love her and want to be a parent more than her friend. In the end she will respect that. You owe her father to tell him. It’s the right thing to do and it shows her a united front.