What should I say to my stepdaughter?

I would say make sure it’s are tobacco free… you won’t want her smoke tobacco and not say anything

Do u want your 15 year old smoking? That’s what the vape is.

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Just dont make her scared to tell u things in the future.
How we react when they tell us things we dont want to hear is when we teach them how safe we are or arent🤷‍♀️

I started out at that age too, Id stop her because I sure regret it.

What did she do with the Vape depends on what you should do

It’s no different than a cigarette. Let dad handle this one.

They can come to you however the boundaries I make is if something that can hurt you or illegal I won’t keep that to myself

Have the conversation about the health effects

Them cape cartridges do have nicotine in them

Just so ya know…vape juice isn’t regulated.

Yes. They are and she’s 15. Definitely encourage her to avoid it.

Vape related lung injuries are very real.

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Tell her she’s gonna have to get rid of it or you will. You just have to let her know that you love her

She’s 15. She doesn’t need to be vaping. Tell her father.

Okay. So first of all, praise her for coming to you about it. It’s really good that she’s okay with coming to you with these things and being honest with you.
Next step is to inform her of the harm vaping does to your body and to let her know it’s not any better than smoking. While it’s trendy now and a lot of her friends are doing it, tell her she deserves to treat herself better than that. Tell her ultimately, you can’t make her choices for her, but tell her it’s a bad choice to make and she’s smarter than that.

Let her dad deal with this, not you. Let her be mad at him, not you.

Yes say something, Trust will be broken, but you’re not friends, just friendly, you are still responsible for her. Maybe go to her first and try to talk to her about it, then mention you will be saying something to her dad if this continues.

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Yes vapes put fluid on your lungs.

Depending what she uses it for it’s illegal but for all you know the parents are fine with it. My cousin has had one since 16 that both her parents know about and she used it for the zero nic stuff which was totally fine where she is but could be different elsewhere.
The real problem is if her parents don’t know and you tell them it runs a chance of more trouble than you’d like. If my friend had been caught with her vape back then she would have been beaten soooo.

Vaping can give you popcorn lung, I’ve asked my dr.

Yea… that’s something I’d bring up and not let it stay between yall

You have a decent relationship with her, did you talk to her about it? You can’t always be their friend, besides if they don’t hate you at some point you’re not parenting right. If I were the bio-parent and you didn’t tell me, I would be a little upset.

I want you to ask yourself what age you were getting into these kind of things and if not yourself, what age your friends started getting into things like vapes, cigarettes, marijuana. This is a very accurate age for this kind of behavior. Myself and my friends were actually much younger. Having said all that I would go about this differently than my parents had gone about it for me. I would not condone my children to do theses thing but I do educate them often about these bad habits and if I could quit I would. I was also a step daughter who opened up to my step mom alot because she understood and took things with mindset. She often would just tell me weather or not I should be doing it but kept my trust by not ratting me out to my very strict father, she would never tell my mom either but I always respected her opinion and took it into consideration when making my own decisions which I was fully going to do no matter anyone told me. Stubborn teenager comes in alot of forms.

Parents/step parents should really try not to be their child’s “friend”. When you do that they will take advantage of you. My kids are young adults now and they still hate me from time to time. I don’t even take that as an insult. Yes, you want your kids to be open and honest with you especially when it’s more of a serious situation. Every phase our kids go through requires a higher level of parenting from us even if that means we are the bad guys from time to time. Kids don’t need more “friends”, they need parents. I’m not sure if I make any sense but I do speak from experience.

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No can be addicted to nicotine
Educate her.

I would sit her down amd be like “we cam keep this between us but this has to stop. If it doesnt it will no longer be between us.” Thats just me though because you are step mama and she probably sees you as more of a friend and confider.

Be her stepmom not her friend.

I wouldn’t tell bcuz she trust you Its no telling what you could need to know in the future and if you burn that bridge you’ll never know I just think this is the tip of the iceberg and if you loose her trust now you may regret it when there are “bigger” problems …i would definitely talk to her tho tell her it’s wrong and your views and tell her what her actual parents would do if they did ever find out But don’t over react be someone she can trust and confide in at least for now

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Tell her father, let him be the parent​:grimacing::exclamation:

Grow the fuck up and be a PARENT, not her friend. :roll_eyes:

Show her pictures of popcorn lung


Short take Vaping is like cigarettes they just don’t stink and are more easily concealed….if you think her smoking is not a big deal than :woman_shrugging:
Personally if it was mine I’d probably lose my shit as my daughter was born with cancer and she’s more at risk to get a secondary cancer and I’d explain that to her as calmly as possible but not everyone is in that same boat as me :sweat_smile:. I’d at least try to talk her into waiting till she’s of legal age….I know here in AZ they have to be 21 for tobacco otherwise if she’s caught with it it can cause a mark on her record and who ever is giving it to her. So I’d just try explaining the possible consequences of her actions…

This is where you have the best of both worlds. Tell her it’s bad for her if she continues to use it you’ll take it away.

Let girls parent know. Maybe they don’t know.and principal.

What’s the danger factor? And this is coming from someone who’s hubby is constantly puffing in his and I smoke actual cigarettes that are WAAAAY worse. It’s a vape. Better than me and “ my friend and I shared a joint” :joy::woman_shrugging:t2:

No matter what you say at 15 she will do what she wants. I’d just keep it open and let her know your views on it and that you don’t condone it. But I wouldn’t push to hard. If it was my kid I’d want to know the type of vape they are using and the juices they are smoking to check them out and make sure they are a safer brand. My husband knows alot on the topic and smokes so guess we are easy going about it.

She’s manipulating you say something

Sooo u didn’t see dem vape commercials :thinking: yes the commercials that replaced real cigarettes :woman_facepalming:t4:

Your her parent, not friend. Why is this even a question.

Try to set her up so a parent catches her.

Just explain whts not cool about it , she’s a teenager maybe it’ll compute

Buy the public school ticket, ride the public school ride

All you can do is give good advice.

Js but how you handle this situation may determine how she does or doesn’t come to you in the future… If you trust she values your opinions and trusts you … TRUST HER … Talk to HER about it let her know your concerns, the hazards etc… If you automatically go to her parents after she insists on confiding in you it will effect her trust… I was that teen … I thought I could confide in an adult because my mom and I didn’t have that bond… everything I told her she was telling my mom and just made me shutdown and not trust anyone even when I really needed it …

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Vapes can cause something called “popcorn lung” and it is extremely dangerous. Don’t let this be with her, its her safety at risk hun. I would do some research on vapes and teens and try to educate her on why you are concerned. There have been quite a few teen deaths directly related to vaping.

“Let things be between y’all” is a complete manipulation, by a child, that you’re facilitating. She is a child, and yes, vape is dangerous. Be the step PARENT and hand it over to her parents. This is a health and safety issue at the end of the day. And if my kids’ stepmom let this go, she’d have a bigger problem than my teenager being pissy with her for telling.

If the vape contains nicotine then ya they’re u know addictive obviously and too young for. 15 year old to be doing

Shes 15. I would mention it to her dad, and show her what smoking and vaping do to people’s health.

It sucks because she’s at school and because it is the cool thing, around her peers she will probably do it even if she didn’t want to she may do it just to fit in.
I started smoking cigarettes around 15/16 I did it before school w friends or during lunch because we had a courtyard. I wasn’t necessarily trying to be cool it was more curiosity.

So maybe tell her you’re not mad at her that you understand at that age other kids will get their hands on things like that and she’s going to either go w the crowd or be curious herself. Tell her your not wanting to start an argument or big deal about it just that your curious as to why shes doing it. Explain to her that vaping wasn’t even a thing untill 2003 that noone really knows much about it. Tell her your just worried about her health and while teens at that age will try many things you don’t want to see her do it for the wrong reason or not stick up for herself that she ends up trying the wrong thing.
I started smoking weed at that age because it was around I was curious and one day me and my friends skipped school and went to friends of friends to hangout, they rolled a blunt and we smoked. I was tripping balls and now I can laugh at it but at the time it was scary and while my friend were genuinely worried and not okay either the guys who did it thought it was the funniest thing in the world to lace the blunt w pcp. Things like trying to be cool or curiosity can end you up in scary serious situations at that age. People know how to open some vape cartridges and put whatever they want in it. And while hopefully she never goes through that and it’s just kids being kids what is she going to do if something bad did happen?.
So yeah talk to her don’t punish her. You can absolutely be her friend and parent figure at the same time of you handle it correctly.

God made OLDER for a reason be the Adult and help her know the difference in good and bad …following and not following

Lmao no they’re not “dangerous.” My dad has been in the vaping industry for 10+ years from selling them, doing graphics for websites/stores, hosting events, and even building his own. Do your research. He got bronchitis every year but when he started vaping, he never got it again. If you smoke then switch to vaping, the vapor actually clears shit out of your lungs caused from smoking so for a while you have a cough and are coughing shit up.

They are for nicotine or weed. Either way, not something for a 15 year old. Just trash it.

Working in the school district she didn’t have to tell
you anything throw it out and forget about it!

They’re not any more dangerous than smoking lol

As a mom of 3 of my own and my bonus daughter who’s now 27 and has her own son but I’ve had her since she was 6 years old. It wasn’t vapes it was smoking cigarettes :smoking: ans at the time I was a smoker. I explained the dangers of smoking. Explained that it’s an expensive habit that isn’t pleasant at all. It stinks and does so much damage to your body. I now vape :dash: and while there are still dangers. I feel they are a lot less risky than cigarettes and alcohol :tumbler_glass:. So I would explain the danger :warning: and see if she’s still interested in vaping. You can pull up pictures of other human lungs 🫁 and have a conversation with her. My bonus trusted me amd talked to me about things that she still as an adult wouldn’t ask her mom.

At 15 they have no buisness vaping

Yes, they can* be dangerous

In my opinion, just do your best to educate her. Are there any nicotine addicts in her life that could share their experience and feelings about how badly they wished they’d never started and how hard it is to stop now and what kind of effect it has on their finances and health? -Signed, a former tobacco smoker turned vaper to quit the tobacco who’s now weaning off the nicotine. This addiction is hell. They all are.

Literally anything can be dangerous

Snatch it immediately!!

They are NOT healthy, they ARE illegal for minors. The fact that she told you is a good thing. Now is the time for a talk about smart/healthy choices. Also, you are an adult, mother figure, and authority figure due to your position to this child, you are not her friend and as adukts we are obligated to keep kids safe which often entails doing things that make them unhappy. But like I said, have a talk with her. If it becomes an actual issue in the future then step in

Lmao @ these comments. Some of you are literal cringe.


You could participate in research with her about vaping and the dangers of it.

Explain to her that it’s dangerous and the health risks etc. don’t break trust but gage the situation a little better

Parent first friend second

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What should I say to my stepdaughter? - Mamas Uncut

I would explain how glad you are she is sharing the information with you and just educate her on them. We cant expect them to know everything and always be upfront. So we need to educate as much as we can when they are listening :slight_smile: well done! Xx


I wouldn’t keep it to myself. First of all it’s a BAD habit to start. Second if I were her birth mother and found out my ex’s SO was hiding these things I’d be mad as hell! Ya don’t have to tell me but ya best tell her daddy!!! And third do you forget it is ILLEGAL?!? it’s illegal for her to have and for someone to provide her with them. Do the right thing and tell her father


Now would be a good time to explain how addiction to vapes / cigarettes ect…can effect ppl ,and their future health.


Is she got a pack of cigarettes from a friend would you say something then? Vaping shouldn’t be treated any different than smoking a cigarette. It is harmful and habit forming.


Be thankful it’s just a vape, way worser influences out there


Is there anyway her dad may have been able to “over hear” your conversation? That way she doesn’t feel betrayed by you for something she trusted you with? As a parent I would want to know what my kid was up to. And vapes have a bad rep of causing lung issues much faster than cigarettes. I would try to find a way to make it where dad found out “on his own” and then he can be responsible for punishment without you being the bad guy :woman_shrugging:


Anything put into the lungs besides air is not safe. Research popcorn lung and lack of regulations on the vape juice/oils. I would be thankful that she felt comfortable enough to come forward. Maybe research together to look into the pros and cons. This is an opportunity to teach her to make safe decisions for herself.


Could also be one of the thc or delta 8 ones :woman_shrugging:


Tell. It isn’t your kid and you shouldn’t be making decisions on whether or not you should tell anything to their parent(s). Especially when it comes to something that is illegal for a minor to have. I would be furious if someone knew my kid had a vape and didn’t tell me. You gotta put yourself in the parents shoes always.


OK yes as a parent you should say something but also keep in mind you where young once to.
We all make mistakes. She didn’t have to tell you but she trusted you enough to let you know her friend gave it to you, if she’s only just started opening up like that be careful on how you treat the situation.


This is a tough one. You definitely don’t want to break her trust because her being open with an adult in her life can be vital if she ever finds herself in a bad or dangerous situation. However that’s a pretty bad habit and definitely something she doesn’t want to start and can be a health risk. So my best advice is to really talk to her about it. Show her the consequences to her health and her wallet if she were to start or move on to actually smoking. She’s open with you so use it to try to educate her and make her see how bad this is. I find with my teens that open and honest talks gets me a lot further then just anger and punishment. They are capable of reasoning at this age.


Its not ok to vape any substance at 15! Yes tell her father.


Take it away and talk to her. Don’t snitch on the friend that gave it to her or she may hesitate to tell you things in the future.


Just looking at the profiles of the two girls who have laugh reacted to pretty much everyone’s advice and I don’t know whether I should cry or laugh myself. They’re clearly in need of some serious guidance. Maybe if they would stop laughing at everyone long enough, they could take in some good advice as well.

Look, most of this shit floating around saying vaping is MORR dangerous than a cigarette is BULLSHIT. This is one of those situations where YOU need to sit down with her and explain what nicotine does, and why in the long run this should NOT be something she should continue doing. If her father gets involved at all she is going to know you ratted her out. She may be 15 but she isn’t stupid.

Sit with her, discuss this LIKE AN ADULT with her, and go from there.

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Let her know that you’re glad she told and that she didn’t try it and how harmful it can be through it is supposed to be better than cigarettes. I f she did try it,does she want to try it again and that you don’t approve of it. Most of all how did she feel about it. As for the other kid ask your daughter if their parents know about it. before saying anything because their parents might be okay with it toware your not.

I’d sit her down (with both parents present is best) and give her a firm but gentle lecture on types of lies, peer pressure and the risks of smoking both vapes and regular cigarettes.

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Be a parent and take it away and tell her the dangers.


If she’s already brought the subject up, why wasn’t there a discussion about it then.

Talk with her about it. If you guys have a good relationship maybe she’ll listen and do the right thing.

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Wouldn’t you speak up about cigarettes, or alohol? Same thing.

I wouldn’t be ok with my 15 year old using a vape. Most contain nicotine and while some don’t, I don’t want to promote smoking in any manner. Vaping is just as addictive as smoking cigarettes.


If my man knew my daughter(she’s 15 y/o) had a vape Given to her and he didn’t tell me that would be the last Secret he’d keep from me because I’d leave him


Allowing a minor to vape is a felony. Contributing to the delinquency of a minor. My neighbor just got child protective services on her and jail time for allowing it.


If she told you, then she probably doesn’t want it. I’d tell her to just throw it away and thank her for telling you.


It’s extremely dangerous for your lungs. Those laughing please read up on it. This is from John Hopkins medicine What Does Vaping Do to Your Lungs? | Johns Hopkins Medicine


How are they dangerous?


I would talk to her and find out if shes using it, let her know the risks of smoking them as with cigs too. Then mention it to her father if she is using it, just so he can “catch” her himself. Its nice she confides in you but also dont want to lose her trust. Good Luck momma

Get her a cbd one. Unless she’s addicted to the nicotine but most kids use it as a coping mechanism with the cbd.

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Well for starter my 15yr old wouldn’t even have a vape. That’s not even a choice in my house but people are different.


Talk to her about it. Why she wants it, does she use it ? What effects it has ? What happens if she gets herself addicted but being under 18 she can’t get herself more and the withdrawal symptoms ect

I vape but wouldnt let my 13 year old vape… Maybe at 18 cuz the 21 law is stupid as shit.

Popcorn lung. Bigger problem than actually smoking.

If she’s trusting you enough to tell you, respect that honesty and just explain that you care and you don’t want her to ruin her lungs. They’re more dangerous than cigarettes because cigarettes have an end but vaping is addicting and has no cap. Make sure you thank her for telling you. That’s very big of her and it’s a sign that you’re doing amazing and she trusts you. Good luck. Hang in there.

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