What should we do about this dog?

My husbands grandmother bought a new dog after the family dog passed away a few months ago, so she called and invited us (myself and my 2 year old daughter) to meet this dog whom they bought. So we go to the house and the dog ended up bitting my daughter in the face! After the bite happened she informs me that in the first 24 hours of having the dog he has attacked another small dog and left a mark on my nephews face in which they said is not from the dog biting him? I’m beyond pissed!!! But they think it was an accident, saying the dog didn’t mean too he only scratched her! (I seen the whole this and he bit her there are marks!) fast forward and she calls me to tell me the dog has his vaccines (this was my first question after the bite) and tells me this dog has had 3 owners in the last year! And they got him off a site because he was only a few hundred dollars. But still thinks the dog is safe to be around kids and I’m over reacting…??? What do you think???


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What should we do about this dog?

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There are so many things that need to be taken into account for this. How long have they had the pup? Was your child being disrespectful and ignoring pups space? Who was monitoring the interactions?

Please keep in mind that this pup has gone through a lot. Three owners in one year means they all gave up because they were not prepared nor were they willing to put in the time to properly train.


The dog likely had a past that led to its behavior. It needs a much more educated owner that can properly train it and a less triggering environment. Killing the dog like, some suggest, is a lazy and inhumane “solution”


With proper training that could be fixed , please don’t condemn the dog because he hasn’t been taught too behave or had the best start in life , he needs time too adjust to new people


You are not over reacting at all. I would not let the dog around my children. Nor my children in the home where the dog lives. I would bet that biting is the reasob for the rehomibg in tbe first place.


Take it from a retired pediatric emergency room RN, the dog is not safe around kids.


Dog is not safe shouldn’t bring all these people and kids to a situation where it is not comfortable so it doesn’t keep biting people


Check with your local authorities; this dog may have to be put down regardless of how much they paid. Where I live, a dog is allowed one bite, after that the dog must be destroyed.


By no means has this dog been trained, nor around children. Not sure what his new family will do to correct this issue. This dog cannot express his personal history… you know he is not safe with children now(unfortunately) .
I personally as a parent, would not allow my child/children put them in that situation where it could happen again.


That dog is not safe for your child to be around. It sounds like this dog has a dangerous past as this isn’t the first time and it won’t be the last.


I don’t think it’s safe I was bit as a child I went through a whole phase of hating and being petrified of dogs to this day i get petrified of dogs from time to time not as bad as I use to be but I would NOT let children around the dog especially if it has biten and it’s had 3 owners it needs training and may not be good dog to ever be around children and small dogs That’s my thought


return this poor dog before he kills someone.


That’s extremely dangerous! Dog needs to go to a home with no children! So sorry to hear your child was hurt.


This dog needs to be in environments without kids. The person they bought the dog from they need to get more information from. We had a dog that would do better with adults than kids. We tried a trainer. He did well with them. Then the dog bit my daughter so bad she bled. We returned him to the shelter where we got him from with all the information we were able to gather about him. It was sad for me but, you need to think of your family and kids.


The owner of this dog is responsible for their dog and they are the bigger problem! They put others in danger, they know the dog will bite and knows he has done so before and failed to protect the children …hold them accountable, the dog is just a animal…but they know better! Don’t let them harm anymore children or other animals!!!


We had a similar problem, but thank God that dog wasn’t allowed in the house. We never did anything but protect our kids from him and didn’t go see them very often.

Keep your kids away from the dog. About all you can do


I think she is afraid you will report your child be bitten by this dog - the authorities have specific rules how to handle this - as child’s parent you have every right to insist on proper info before a visit such as this was particularly with the dog having bitten a child previously - I would report the dog - I had new older dog bite my girlfriend and broke the skin - the bite was to her thigh - it was huge - I reported it as a matter of community responsibility - loving your child makes it a ok to protect and make boundaries concerning the child’s wellbing


All puppies nip
You have to correct them
From what you have said it didn’t fetch blood but marked the little one which is scary I do understand
Give the puppy a chance and as I’ve said if he nips correct him
If you were there you would know if the puppy was vicious
I wouldn’t leave the puppy and the child alone in the same room for a while until you have seen how the puppy reacts but as I said they all jump up and nip it’s part of all puppies
Best wishes and kind regards

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Dog is not safe, don’t let your child around it again!!!


Nope. Dog needs to be put away in a separate room if you ever visit again.


any dog that attacks a child … bites a child, needs to be put down. There are plenty of dogs avaliable, she should get a different one.

Report dog and owner to police


You’ve not over reacting. If he is biting I would have them put the dog in a room when u come over

Suggest proper training by a professional and I agree with everyone, this dog is not safe to be around children at this time.


I think the dog has been through a lot and needs time to get acclimated in it’s home. Little kids scare animals and the dog may have been reacting in fear. Small kids should never be allowed to go up to any animal without an adult with them unless the animal knows the child.


Your child is not safe around the dog. The dog needs more training.

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I spent years in animal rescue. Do not allow this dog around your child again. Grandma needs to find a good trainer to work with the dog and determine why the dog bites and if retraining is possible. If it is not, Grandma must agree to find the dog a child free home with responsible owners.

That dog is not safe for anyone


No big no that’s not over reaction at all. I wouldn’t not be visiting again with that dog there

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All your comments and no one else sees that the owners of this dog are responsible! Are all of you that dense?


Looks like it has had 3chances enough

Keep the dog away from people and get him to a dog trainer

get rid of the dog… could have been interbreed …

Shoot the frucken thing.a bad dog is a dead dog

The dog shouldn’t have been introduced to new people so soon. He/she needs weeks to decompress and adjust to the new home and schedule. They need to consult with a trainer immediately. Although they sound like pushovers to me and probably won’t be able to work with the dog properly. I hope they don’t give the dog away but contact a rescue group for help if proper training/rehabilitation can’t be done. All previous owners failed this dog. For the safety of others euthanasia may be needed after all avenues have been researched.

Let’s pass around your kid in foster homes all his life and see if he reacts aggressively towards people not knowing it’s not the right way to react. Let’s blame him for turning into a lil douchebag pos for having shitty parents and no love or stability. Fuc* I hate humans. So much

Fuc*king ignorant as all hell

Maybe if the dog was shown a little love and stability and wasn’t passed around so much by a bunch of inpatient heartless FCKING A**HOLES he wouldn’t be such a lil sht.

Stay away from her house ??? Then you won’t have to deal with the dog. :grin::fu:

Dog should be put down.after it bites a kid you can’t trust it.next time it might kill a kid.

My kids or i would not be around that dog again.:woman_shrugging: Some dogs just dont do well around people or kids. Sounds like proper research wasnt done.


Needs proper training

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Keep him away from kids clearly he doesn’t like them . He might have been abused by kids in the past .

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Report to P.D. where dog lives taste of blood not good and be sure they get info on who sold dog they are putting kids and others in danger. No telling how many others they have done this to.

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Stock to your gut feeling

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Cut it short, to no more visits while the dog is loose around the kid.

OVER REACT is the least, you should be calling the police & animal control.


Bye-Bye dog unless the vet can give me a medical reason why this is going on and I don’t think this is a problem I think the dog is just mean she needs to go to a shelter and get her a sweet baby and get this one put down


It’s their dog :dog2: so don’t visit would be my advice. Takes a good person to love a pet and time to train one :point_up:. Give them time .You said it had multiple owners so looks like nobody has really done that yet .


Not all dogs like children. If that dog had been abused or traumatized somehow before it came to your family…there is no real way to trust that the dog won’t do it again. I would tell them to get rid of the dog…and my daughter will not be around it again.


3 owners in the last year? That’s stressful on the pup.
Just imagine?
No child should be unsupervised until that poor little pup is comfortable.
People suck. Poor little babe. Don’t adopt dogs and just give up on them.
Of course I feel bad for the little girl too! That’s scary.
Hope all works out and dog is given a chance.


Do not go around the dog and tell her you will not come around the dog nor your children. Warn all family members and friends about the dog around children with the full story. The dog is not safe and had no training and needs to be in a place where perhaps some training can be done. But all you can do now is stay away.

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Don’t let that dog anywhere near your kid ever. It should be locked in another room or crate when you visit.

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I’m a huge dog person but animals are here to be taken care of but time to put that one down its proved its n abusive nature

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Don’t take your kids anywhere near this dog! He’s dangerous and proven it several times already. I’d be pissed too. Can’t control your relatives, can’t control the dog. YOU can control/decide where your children go and who you expose them to. I’d report the dog/incident to authorities. I feel bad for the dog as well, he’s had a rough go of it w 3 owners in a year and God knows what else has happened to him. The right person may be perfect for this dog with the right training and handling. However, I’m not excusing the dogs behavior I wouldn’t risk it w my own children. That simple!

Do they have plans on working with a trainer with this dog. It will take at least several weeks for the dog to feel comfortable secure in yet another new home new people new environment. I wouldn’t be inviting guest over first thing. But do get a knowledgeable trainer to help this dog work through his issues. That being said he may very well never be good around kids.

Not enough information. How old is the dog? What was happening when the dog bit the child? Were adults present? Was the child being rough with the dog? Was the dog still adjusting to the new environment?

No accident. Dogs not right in head. What kind of dog doesnt matter. Some dogs just shouldn’t be sold if not right in the head

Tell them that you will back to visit them only if they put the dog away while you are in that house, other wise don’t go back again

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She needs to have the dog evaluated to even see if the dog can be helped until then nobody should be around this dog…

Okay so now you know that the dog probably does not like to be bothered. Sounds like your going to remain mad even though the owners probably didn’t know the dog was going to bite. My suggestion is make your visits when the dog will be put away.

Dearly Presents Why would anyone invite a 2 yr old and her mother to meet a dog that has a history of inappropriate behavior and aggressiveness on several.accounts…
and when the dog acts out they come to a public group for advice ? One doesn"t put a child or themselves in harms way. “They might get bitten”.
People need to use common sense about all potentially dangerous situations (it’s a dog with teeth) period… before exposing a child to such.

You need to report the dog for biting… And it’s not one you want around other animals or small kids.

Mary Lou had best advice. If a dog bites take it back! Keep children away from it.

The owner needs to be trained so they know how to handle this dog. This dog has not had enough time to get used to the new home.

NO DEFINITELY NOT the dog she be put down before it scars someone for life

Nope my kids wouldn’t be around it neither would I. If she wants to see the kids she can come to our house and leave the devil dog at home

Your answer is right before you . He has had 3 owners . I would tell her you are not coming again unless she gets rid of dog . The next time could be your daughter’s eye. I don’t care if dog has had shots or not . I would not let my child near the dog nor you either !

I would tell her that you will not be coming over nor will she be allowed to bring the dog to your house. If it bites again, you will call the proper authorities and let them deal with it. Growing up I had a friend who had a German Shepherd. The dog had bit someone, then I was there picking up my friend and went to pet the dog and it bit me in the face (I had been to the house on several occasions so it’s not like the dog didn’t really know me) one bite was dangerously close to my eye, he bit another child after me before he was dealt with. In my opinion, a dog that bites at children should never be in a situation where it could happen again. She needs to either make an area for the dog to be, away from kids, do some training, or don’t expect you to come around.

No. No. No. No. The dog should be put up whenever anyone is visiting. Also, inform her if the dogs bites again and a police report is filed, she qill
Be sued and the dog will be put down. Sometimes just knowing you can lose $ is motivating for people.

They made their choice to keep dog, you make yours and keep your daughter away from the dog, and them if need be.

Put dog away when visiting or stay away

Dog must be put in a crate or room when kids are visiting. This is non-negotiable.

If they won’t put the dog down I wouldn’t be visiting their house until he drops dead of old age.

Stay away from that dog.

Just don’t go there while they have that dog

You’re not wrong. The dog needs an owner that has no kids and other dogs. I don’t believe in going straight to destroy the dog, but the dog needs to go to a foster or rescue that knows what to do with him instead of passing him around like this. Unless you want to call the police and report the dog bites… I’m not sure what you can do to make that happen… What resolve exactly, are you looking for?

I don’t understand what the question is for. If you don’t know what to do the question might need to be so you need a child not what to do about the dog.

Pissed is not you right, they are family and there home.

Sometimes it takes time for the dogs to like kids.

Don’t take kids there

Give him back to the person that sold him or her.

I think you’re very stupid if you let anyone in your family near that dog. If it bites anyone else its your fault for not reporting it to the police.

Thankfully the animal has had its shots. Doesn’t need to be around children I would think.

First how old is dog.? Some dogs hurt if old .second not all dogs like sm kidd to noisy and grabby. .tell her put dog in room when you come over or you wont be visiting

My friend was bit by her dog and it was very clearly an accident. It did major damage to her arm. She had owned the dog for 8 years or so. Her Doctor and Vet told her once a dog bites a person like that, hospital time reconstructive surgery, the dog has to be put down. With tears in her eyes she put the dog down.

Not at all. It is her dog and he must be fine with her. Some dogs do not like men, or children, etc… When you visit, just ask her to put the dog in another room…it’s simple. Just because the dog does not like little children does not mean it is a bad dog.

Put the dog down
I was attacked by my own gorgeous dog many times as a teenager
He wasn’t picky he bit everyone
U can’t trust this dog!

Take her to er and report it. You could be saving someone else’s life.

Not all dogs like kids and other animals. So don’t take kids or other animals around it

She needs to get rid if the dog before someone really gets hurt. LIKE NOW !!!

Oh hell no!
I’ve seen small dogs who bite out of fear and I’ve seen them who bite because they can. Either way the dog needs professional training. Meanwhile keep children away from the dog!

Don’t be stupid…the dog is dangerous around kids!!

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No ur not over reacting and obviously it’s not safe around kids once that dog has bitten a kid YOU NEVER GIVE IT A SECOND CHANCE FOR ANOTHER CHANCE TO BITE ANOTHER KID.

Keep your kids away! Bites are traumatizing!

Why would she want to keep this dog

The dog needs training from a professional trainer (as it’s obvious the owner can’t do it) & to be socialized.

On average, it takes a new dog, 3 days to decompress, 3 weeks for their personality to appear & 3 months to feel secure.

This poor dog has been bounced around, a lot.

The owner needs to be responsible, take control of the situation (& her dog) & FIX this situation. And that does not include a 4th human failing this dog.

I wouldn’t bring my child or pet near until she has done that to my satisfaction. … & if she dumped this dog & I’d probably dump her.


Keep an eye on your child for any infection. Don’t bring your kid around the dog anymore. Obviously the doggo has been through a lot and isn’t trained or has trauma from the past. Keep your distance until the new owners train the dog.