13yr 10p on weekdays, 11yr old 9p (this one shares a room at their dad’s house with their 7yr old sister) weekends my 11yr old is out by 10/1030… 13yr old by 11/1130. (I try to keep them the same at mine as as their dad’s)
7pm! Sometimes we lay down at 6:30 and asleep by 7. But asleep by 730/8 most nights.
My 9 yr old goes to bed at 8 every night, even on the weekends during the school year. During summer break, I let her stay up until 9 at the latest.
8.30pm at the latest on wknds. During the week we aim for 7/7.30pm
So my 5 year old 7:00 my 9 nearly 10 8:30 and my 12 9:00 and my 13 9:30
8pm they’re 7,8 & 11 they have the Internet until 10pm on weekdays and 11pm at weekends
We don’t actually have a bedtime on the weekends but my 7 year old is laying down by 9:30 watching TV. My 14 and 13 year olds go to bed whenever they feel like it.
My girls go to bed at 8-830pm most of the time. Sometimes like tonight things got hectic and they went to bed at 9pm lol. They’re 6yo and 3yo
Mine is 12 she’s in bed by 10pm
When she was younger 830-900 pm but if I put her to bed any earlier she was up at 4 am ready to rock and roll
You know your kids best, do what works for you!
7 seems a bit early, but I guess it depends on how early they get up.
I always kept my kids on the same schedule through the week, the weekends, holidays, and even summertime … mine were fed, bathed, and ready for bed by no later than 9. When they became teens, it was 10. Later teens, it was still 10 during the week, and as late as 12 on weekends or through summer.
It’s important to keep them on the same schedule, no matter what you designate their bedtime to be. For us, we both worked, so by the time I picked them up from daycare/school, went through their backpacks & did homework, then they played while I made dinner, after dinner it was bath time, then it was “quiet time” til bedtime at 9. I don’t think we could have gotten them in bed before 9, & still gotten everything done. They were usually up by 6 every weekday morning … and slept in on weekends til about 8.
Depends on the day and how they’ve been but between 7-9
Same time as during the week. 7.30 8. His nine
9 during the school week and then I don’t have a bed time on the weekends. But my kids 11 and 15 are pretty good about going to bed at a decent time themselves.
On the weekends we try to have them in bed by 9:30ish but sometimes it runs later if I’ve been working late. Kiddos deserve some fun too. My only rule is if they are tired and cranky the next day they have to go to bed earlier the following night to make up sleep.
I must be a horrible parent cause on the weekend and during the summer they can stay up pretty late. I won’t trip until about 2am. However they are quiet and respectful and stay in their rooms for the most part but they are also 14 and 16 yr old boys. I do have to say I’m a night owl and they’ve always been too.
12 yr old. 8:30pm weekdays. He starts school at 7:30am.
Fridays and Saturdays are free days. He can stay up and hang out with the family (when we have family over) Or until we all start going to bed.
Sundays: Cleaning day & Prepping for the week.
On weekends from 11-12 , no later though . Sometimes my husband makes them go to bed even earlier though. My 17 year old now doesn’t have a weekend bed time but if I see her up super late I’ll say something. 7-8 is too early at that age even on school nights though. School nights is 9 p.m.
6 yr old, 8pm -ish. Sometimes a little later. Sometimes earlier. He’s up bout 8 for school
16yr old would go to sleep when ready but she would be in her room quiet, so didn’t bother me. 12yr old 9-10pm but sometimes I’m still chasing him up at 12-2am to go to bed and this is school nights, holidays I let him stay up, weekends I’ll push for 1030pm. 3yr old he’s in bed by 730pm, sometimes later if he won’t go to sleep (additional needs) but he will still be up 6am
Your kids your decision
Maybe you and your man deserve some time together
My 15 month olds bedtime is 9pm. If i put him to bed at 7pm, he would be up at 4am. No thanks!
Between 7 and 8 on school nights. My son stays up until 11/12 weekends, unless he falls asleep on the couch
In bed by 8-8:30, must be asleep before 9. Up at 7 AM, weekends in bed by 9 asleep by 9:30 no excuses.
My mom puts my 5 year old nephew to sleep at 7 30 at latest he wakes up at 6 your kids should go to bed no later than 9 I think
My son just started kindergarten. On school nights, he goes to bed at 9. He doesn’t have to be up until 8. School doesn’t start until 915. I let him stay up a little later on the weekends but he has adapted well to his schedule and usually ask to go to bed on his own before 10.
My kids are 3 and 7 and it’s a9pm bedtime. I look at it like regardless they’ll be b up early. So a lil time for me after bedtime is good
7 is too early, think by 7am they’ve been asleep 12 hours
Like with a 7pm bedtime what time do they have for themselves??
Bedtime is roughly 8pm for my 6 year old during the week. Weekends is 9 ish to spend time with me, dad and her sister
In bed 8:30 got tv & phone or tablet until 10 pm then everything off
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I always have my 7 yr old in bed by 9pm on school nights. On weekends the latest he might stay up is til 10
Mine are 11 and 14 they go to bed 9 pm weekday and 10 weekends some times later. Your friend sounds like my sister I used to put my kids to bed at the same time as you when mine were little. Now they’re older I let them stay up later.
Our 4 year old goes to bed at 8, our 7 year old goes to bed at 9, and 10 goes to bed at 10.
730 Monday to Sunday
Your friend is right 7 on a school night is crazy. And your doing it on weekends also it sounds like your doing it for yourself not for your kids.
My daughter is 7 she has a shower at half 6 and into bed for 7 for down time (film,books) asleep for 8-8.30 weekend is free time but she likes her quiet time so will go up around half8-9 to play in her room or watch a film
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630-7… and then 830 when they in intermediate the 2nd kid did what he wanted.,
What time do they wake up? How many hrs are the getting? 8hrs is plenty of sleep.
The thing about letting mine (8&4) stay up on weekends is they don’t sleep in any later so it just makes for a cranky day for everyone if they’re up too late. I usually do 730 on weeknights and 8-830 on weekends
7pm is way too early in my opinion, even for a school night. My kids go to bed at 9 on school nights, 10 on weekends. They’re almost 9 and 12
9 on the weekdays and they don’t have a bedtime on the weekends
My 5&6 year old go to bed at 7/730 my 8 year old goes to bed at 830/9
If they’re sleeping through the night when you put them to bed at that time and they get up without an issue. It’s what works for you and yours. Our bedtime has always been between 8:00 and 9:00. He is a teenager now, we get up at 5:00 a.m. walk out the door at 7:00 a.m… he goes to bed about 9:30 10:00. It’s what works for each other.
Mine was never earlier than 8pm, and usually more like 9/9:30. 7pm is really early unless for some reason they have to wake up super early during the week. 10 hours of sleep is more than enough at that age.
My 5 year old goes to bed about 8 school nights and 9 on a weekend but he happily sleeps in on a weekend until 9ish
Weekends whenever they want to and they are 12&5
8 during the week for a 7am wake up. Weekends ehh depends on how I’m feeling and how they’re behaving. If they’re just hanging out not being rambunctious they’ll get to 9:30-10. If they’re being nut jobs 8:30-9. Doesn’t mean they go to sleep right away but that’s settle down time.
That is crazy, especially at those ages. My 9 year old is in bed by 830 on weekdays my 13 year old by 930. Weekends I let them do what they want unless they have to be up for something in the morning, then it depends on the time they have to get up. But it’s never as early as school night bed time
10pm for under 13. Over is 11pm.
Week days is 8:30pm for under 13. Over 9-9:30.
My 5&6 year olds go to be at 8 but on the weekends(if I hadn’t had a rough day with them) 9:30/10
Poor kids! Think about how much sleep they need and work backwards from the morning. If they need to be up for 06:30 then 20:30 is fine as a bed time, maybe heading up at 8pm? I doubt a ten year old needs ten hours sleep though so probably 9pm is fine for them. Certainly 9pm is fine for both of them at a weekend. Mine used to go to bed at ten and wake at seven.
10 year old ss goes to bed when he’s ready on weekends
My girls at 9pm weekdays they are 8 and 10 and they get up around 7am
My daughter is 9 and in bed at 8:30
No bedtime on weekends but usually before midnight.
I put mine to bed between 8-8:30. But you know what? Sometimes earlier If I’m ready for quiet time. Some kids need the extra sleep, some kids use that time to wind down for electronics and relax prior to bed, whatever it is they may not be going l p 0paap⁰
When they are home 8:30-9 if they are being good. Depending on where they are that night (my husband and I usually work Saturday morning so they stay somewhere Friday night) they can be up until midnight. (And mommy gets to deal with cranky kids on Saturday because they were up late)
If 7 works for y’all, then stick with that. Mine are 11 and 13 and they go to bed 930-10
830-9 on weekends (almost 8 year old) he goes to bed 730 on weekdays because he likes reading in bed snd he has to be up at 6 for school
Ours are in bed by 9 PM, unless they spend the night with their grandma. My husband and I always spend the last few hours of each day together.
My 5 year old goes to bed inbetween 7:30/8pm. Everyday idc if he has school or not.
My 2 yr olds go to bed at 7 30. My 8&10 year olds go to bed at 8:30. Were all up at 7
Weekends whenever they want. And weekdays 8pm …up at 6am & out the door at 7.30 to travel to school
Ones 4 & the other is 10 but has special needs so her sleep schedule is all over for her.
Point being all children are different
If they’re tired let them sleep. If they stay up and mess around maybe some freedom.
i have a 4, 7 & 8 year old.
bedtime is 9pm on weekdays & no bedtime on weekends.
When I was I’m school I had to go to bed around 9 or 9:30
Sleep effected me more than my little sister so she didn’t have a directed bed time.
It always made me mad but now I’m older and a parent and I understand it.
On the weekends we were free to go to bed whenever.
My youngest who is 8 goes to bed at 8:30 but it used to be 7. There is nothing wrong with being strict about bedtime.
Weekdays 9:30, weekends 12:30. However on weekdays they have to be down stairs by 8 to unwind and detach from electronics. So they do their homework or chores during that time. Ages 13 & 15
My 9 yo goes down at about 930/10 most nights. Earlier if he or I feel he needs it.
Do what works best for your kids. Only you know how much sleep they need, given the individual demands on your kids.
On the weekends my 11 and 13 yr old don’t really have a bed time. On school nights they need to be in bed by 10 30. It works for us and they get up fine with no issues in school
Weekends, it’s around 9pm for an 11, 9 and 7 year old
School nights: age 4 @ 8:30, age 12 @ 9:00
Weekends: age 4 @ 9:00, age 12 @ 10:30
On Friday and Saturday my son doesn’t really have a bed time (almost 17) but he is told he can’t sleep all day. Sunday night he has to be in bed by 10:30pm to be ready for school on Monday.
Weekdays 8:30. Weekend about 9:30.
They can never make it to that time usually.
My mom had us in bed by 7. I think it is wrong, since I actually experienced it. It’s like not wanting to be bothered by your own children. 11pm weekends is more acceptable, imo.
13 and 16 go to bed at 10 and my 6 year old 8:30 . Weekends then can whenever they want.
I put my two (ages 6 and 9) in bed at 7:30 on school nights and 8/8:30 on weekends. No matter how late my kids stay up they will still be up at 7 and at least in our case, they need 11 hours of sleep so they are able to have a good day.
5 & 3 8:30 sunday to Thursday. Friday and Saturday no bed time
It was 8 for a while now my daughter goes at 9
But last hour is wind down so laying down watching tv
8 during the week and 9 on the weekends or holidays
I have 4 kids. When they were little they were in bed by 7. People thought that was way too early. But I needed that me time.
Mine don’t really have a bedtime on the weekends but if it’s getting to a a crazy hour that I think will Jack up their weekly schedule I tell them to get in bed. Usually around midnight is when I say because we also allow sleeping in til about 10 on weekends unless we have plans. They also are welcome to nap during the day on lazy weekends too!
By 11ish and they are 7,8 and 11
My 2 girls ages 10 and 11 every night they go to bed at 9pm I’ll occasionally let them stay up till 9:30 on weekends even same in summer is 9. Now 4th of July up a little later and new years eve if they make it.
Its a lot harder for them to get back into a routine after a weekend of staying up late. I would say to not let them stay up no later than 9-10. We try our best to stick to this. It is hard at times. We have 10,6, and 3 year olds.
Weekends are free for mine… however, they are usually tired from getting up early for school so they usually crash around 10-10:30 and are back up around 8ish In the morning. M-F they are in bed by 9pm latest usually 8:45 pm and get up at 7am for school.
My daughter will be 6 next week and we start our bedtime routine at 7…and she is usually in bed by 8…this is everyday because my husband and I work weekends and are up a415am. Unless we do or go somewhere special than it is the same time.
7pm at 8 and 10 that’s early on the weeks it’s 10 on the week days it’s 8:30 for my younger one and 9 for my older one.
Mine is 8. 10pm on school nights. On the weekends, I prefer she is in her room by 11,but I really don’t care when she goes to bed. I raised my son the same. My kids are night owls and I am not a morning person. I works out for everyone. I never have had to struggle to keep my kids in bed like most people complain about. Mine never get up and ask for water, etc after 10 or 11pm. Everyone is happy.
830 weekdays is lights out, weekend bed by 930 lights out by 10 because they read the last 30-45mins
My 6,4 and 1.5 year old are in bed by 8pm on school nights. And they go to bed when they get fussy and tired on the weekends. 7pm, especially on a weekend, is basically your way of saying you don’t want to deal with them. It’s just easier to throw in bed at 7:00 rather than actually stay up and spend some time with them.
The sun is still up at 7pm you monster.
My son is 5, and he goes to bed between 8:00-10:00 depending on if he has a nap after school.
8:30. I have a 4, 9, and 11 year old.
When my second son started kindergarten he was miserable everyday with an 8:30 bedtime. We pushed to 7:30 and it was a world of difference. He was rested and happy. Young children can benefit from 9-11 hours of sleep. My children are now 10,11,14 and they get ready for bed at 8:30. They are in bed with no tv and no electronics before 9 on school nights. No school = no bedtime unless we have to be up and motivated for some reason the next day. If that’s the case then we set a bedtime that’s a little later than a school night bedtime.
My 7 year old is allowed to stay up until he wants on Friday and sat night as long as we don’t have to get up early to go somewhere…
But they are your kids, so you do what you think is best for your household
There’s nothing wrong with creating healthy sleep habits. If they’re not getting up at like 4 am and are sleeping in the morning too then obviously they need the sleep. I’d say until your friend magically becomes your kids mother she doesn’t get to call you crazy. Little kids need so much more sleep than our culture makes space for.