What time do your school age kids go to bed on the weekends?

9,10,11pm 12 am whenever they want too.

That seems early to me I would say maybe 8 or 9 but it depends on when they have to get up and how they are in the morning.

My 10 year old usually goes to bed between 10-1030. Putting him to bed earlier is relatively pointless because he has so much energy. He falls asleep quickly around this time

9 yr old goes to bed be 9-10 on school night (wakes up around 730)
Usually (as long someone/adult is awake) he can stay up late if he wants, 11-12/midnight, on non-school night.

They need their rest , mine went to bed by 7 as well

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On school nights I put my daughter to bed at 9 and on weekends she gets to stay up until 10 or 10:30. She’s 11 now. 7 is early for a 8 year old mine went to bed at 8 at age 8.

My 5, 7 and 8 go in there beds at 830

They should all be asleep by 11 on weekdays ages 6-14 …weekends they can stay up till whenever (talking about my babies)

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That is very early imo, I’d lean more towards 10 but you’re the parent :woman_shrugging:t2:

I also put our 7yr old to bed at 7. If she doesn’t go to bed early she won’t get up the next morning.

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7? Mine don’t even get home from practice until 920 :flushed:

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My daughter is in first grade and she goes to bed between 9-9:30 on week days :joy: Same with my 3 year old. Only one that goes to bed sooner is the one year old. And she’s 8-9. Weekend is usually the same but they also usually sleep in the livingroom watching movies. :woman_shrugging:t3:

Weekends? 10:30-11. They are 11 & 12 but it’s been this way for a few years.

You’re not crazy! My 5 and 7 year old are in bed by 7:30. My 7 year old is up at 6;30 m-f. Littles do need their sleep in order to do very well in school. My 10 year old goes to bed at 8:30-9. He’s up at 6:30, too.
But, your kids!! And hey, it’s nice, you have a quiet house by 7:30-8. I think its a great thing. Unless they wake up at 6am on Saturdays……

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My jk goes to bed somewhere between 8-9. I thought about earlier but by the time she comes home, has dinner and bath she would have to go straight to bed. So I let her stay up to play a little and spend time with her. All depends on the kid and the parents though

bedtime on a weekend?

7 PM for a 10-year-old? :woozy_face::rofl::rofl::rofl:

you’re fun at parties, aren’t you?

my kids have to be in their rooms 10 PM at the latest on Fri & Saturday lol. they don’t have to go to bed, but they can watch tv or play on their ipads/computer…

they don’t go to bed until 8:30/8:45 through the school week :rofl:. that includes my kindergartner.

They can stay up but lights out at 9. You can watch a movie, make popcorn, play quietly. Weekdays they’re in bed at 8 so they dont make it much past 9pm anyway.

Friday and sat night they stay up till ten :woman_shrugging: sun-thurs they’re in bed by 8/9 up @630

Mine go to bed at 9pm on school nights. They are usually up around 7am but don’t have to be up until 8am. Weekends is about 10/10:30. But they got to bed at 9 if they are tired because they are use to it. 7 is so early! Especially on the weekend. Sometimes we are still outside until 9 on weekends.

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My son is 8, he goes to bed at 9. I wake him up at 7am if he wants time to play and 730am if doesn’t lol. It depends what time they have to wake up. Friday/Saturday or days with no school the next day I don’t give a bed time. In the summer he does not stay up past 2am cus I don’t want him to completely flip his whole schedule. My 14 yr old never has a bedtime as long as he can wake himself up, not fall asleep in class and gets good grades. Summer time he has to be in bed by 2am also. Once last year he fell asleep in class so his bedtime became 930. He didn’t like it and it hasn’t happened again since lol.

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7 is way to early. Nobody is ready for bed at 7pm. In my house I have a 10, 14 and 4 yr old we all go to bed at 10 1030. And we get up just fine everyday at 645 a.m. some days bedtime happens at 930 and on weekends they can go to bed when they want to. My kids still function well in school and life. It does not even get dark out at 7pm through the summer so I think it is just too early but to each their own.

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mine are a lot younger (4,3, and 15 months) weekdays they are in bed by 8-9 and weekends any where from 8-10

7pm definitely seems a bit early for those ages, but also depends on what time y’all get up. During the week, my 5 year olds go bed at 7, and my 8 year old goes at 830. On Fridays, the kids have movie night. The 5 year olds usually fall asleep before the movie is over. Weekends, the 8 year old stays up until we go to bed, which is usually around 930-10.

Yes thats crazy… Way to early for their age even on a school night.

7:30 we read and between 8-8:30 all my kids are in their room and can do whatever until 9 and my older kids until 10:30. (Older kids as in teenagers) 14 and up


I have an 8 and 9 year old they go to bed at 8-830 they are to difficult to wake up in the morning at 630 if I don’t put them to bed at that time… do they like it no but as I told them if they weren’t so difficult to wake up then they could go to bed later but till then that’s when they go to bed. On the weekends (Friday and Saturday night) they can stay up till 10 and wake up whenever that’s the compromise

I keep my kids on same sleep schedule throughout weekend also, or else they are trying to catch up throughout the week. My kids are in bed by 8 every night. They are 13,12,11… sometimes on friday i give them until 8:30…

Your kids, who care what anyone else thinks

8:30 9 ish during the school nights. Other nights we don’t really have a set bedtime

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7:30. We have tried 8 and it didn’t work. My son gets up at 6:45 for school.

That’s very early, especially for the 10 year old.

8 is lay down time and need to be asleep by 9. Because I want atleast an hour at the end of the day for me or stuff I need to do

Pretty sure that’s a NO what’s wrong with you don’t wanna deal with the people you made at their age omg so glad you’re not my mom…


The school kiddo goes to bed at 10 on Friday and Saturday, if she can hold out lol. Usually too tired. On Sunday it’s regular bed time for school.

I have never put any kid to bed at 7pm lol.

My kids are 7 and 3 and they go to bed at 8pm on school nights. But I let them stay up until 9 or 10 on weekends if they make it that long.

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I usually let them have a half hour extra on weekends

I keep my kids on the same schedule the entire year. So bedtime is at 8pm every night unless otherwise

10pm on Friday and Saturday, unless they fall asleep or choose to go to sleep before that on their own . 8pm on school nights

7 PM is insane at that age !

My 10 yr old goes to bed at 9 on school days. Usually between 10-11 on weekends. Putting a 10 yr old to bed at 7 is ridiculous.

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Weekdays 9pm. Weekends between 10-11pm. Mine are 11, 10 and 7.

My teens put themselves to bed at 9 i dont get off work till 10 so i grab 4 year old from nanny and put him to bed at 1030 but he can sleep in till whenever next year we wont need nanny so he will be in bed at 9 with sisters

7 :grimacing: is a bit early I let my 7 year old stay up as late as she can hold on Friday night. Saturday not so much since she has church school in the morning unless it’s summer she can stay up late throughout the week bedtime is 8:30

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Wow let your kids stay up n do something fun w them :woozy_face:.


My 6 year old on school nights go to bed at 9pm doesn’t fall asleep til like 930 10. Gets up at 6am for school… on weekends he stays up til about the same but will sleep in til 8. He is doing great in school and a football player so practice is Tuesday thru thursday and games on saturday…

I personally think 7 for older kids that u have is a bit early. I wouldn’t call u crazy… cause I’m told I’m crazy with busy schedules we have! Whatever works for ur family. Just my thought is it’s early

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We used to do 7:30 every night. Now we do 7:30-8:00 but if the kids are good that day we let them stay up 8:30-9:00

There is a chart with the number of hours per age needed of sleep. As we don’t get up until 7am, I counted backwards and that is our bedtime. That being said I have 3 sons (30, 22, and 12) NONE OF THEM went to bed before 8:30-9!!! AND that was only because of school… Up until then it was 10ish or later regardless of age (we did not wake before 8/9 am. All three are/ were A/B students in gifted classes. All three are healthy and Pediatricians were ok with this. Just saying.

Our 8 year old has soccer games that start at 8pm on mon and Thurs nights :confused:
Before that we normally had quiet time at 8 and asleep by 9 for our little kids (8 &6) and my older two (14 and 12) have quiet time at 10 and asleep by 11.

Now it’s just pure chaos due to sports lol I’m happy if everyone is home, fed, and showered by 10 pm.

I put mine in bed by 9:30 because they get up at 6:30 every morning. They are 5, 7, and 10. Sometimes they go to bed on their own sooner if they are tired

I agree. You also need a break.

My 5 yr old daughter usually can’t stay awake through Saturday Night Live show, which starts at 11:30 PM. She’s usually asleep by midnight.
We can sleep in all we want on Sundays typically….

10pm-2am on weekend or any time we have don’t have to get up early in the morning. If she went to bed at 7 PM, she’ll be up bright and early at 4 AM pestering me to wake up.

We let ours stay up late on weekends and early during the qeek

9:00 for ours. No way would we be able to get everything done and down time by 7.

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That is really early! My kids would never be able to fall asleep that early during the week they don’t even Finnish sports till 7pm then drive home and have a later dinner. I would consider moving it to 8 or 8:30 at least on the weekends

It is possible they may be getting too much sleep depending on when they get up. School age children don’t need as much sleep as you think.

I have a 10 year old. Weekdays usually in bed by 9-930. Weekends usually between 11pm and midnight.

School days 830pm
Weekends 10pm

Well I can see around 7:30/8 on school nights but the weekend I would go a few hours later, especially the 10 year old.

7pm? That’s really early. This does work for some kids though as they need more sleep.
If I put mine to bed that early they would be up at 4am. No thanks.
Weekdays are 12yrs -9pm
10 year old is 8:30pm

Weekends are bed by 9:30 and they can chat with friends or play games until later. It works for us. Don’t come for me haha

7pm on the week days and 10 on the weekends. My kids are older now though and sleep in if I let them stay up.

My kids had a bed time at 8pm all the way through middle school. Their little brains need rest. Great Job Summer

8pm mine are 7 and 9.

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Weekday my kids are 8pm they are 13,10and 3 and weekends are no later the 11

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I have a 15, 13, 7 and 4 year old, the younger two are in bed by 830-900 depending on the day during the week, my 13 yr old gets until 10 if he has homework and my 15 gets till 11 (between sports and extracurricular activities) she still has homework. Weekends/ Sumer break we give them freedom of choosing their bedtime and usually the younger two are out by 1030-11 and the older two whenever they want.

Mine are 7 and 9 and bed is 8pm. They also wake up at 6 7 am so rest is needed

4 and 6 (also 1) year old…. Between 6:30-7:00. 14 year old at 9.

My infant goes to sleep at 8. Both of my cousins 7 and 10 go to bed at 9

My girls are 8 and 10 and the 8 year old goes to bed around 8:30- 9 on weekends and 10 year old can stay up til 10. On weeknights, they start books at 7 and bed by 8. Oldest can read til 9 on school nights.

Around 10:00 or 11:00 I start telling him time for bed if he’s still up. Hell be 7 in a month. On the weekends though it’s kind of whatever. He’s a night owl and he likes to be up late so I let him be up

7 and 8 year olds…weekends are usually a free-for-all but they chill out and watch TV with us and pretty much go out by 9 or 10. Do whatever works for you momma you know your kids and what’s best for them💞

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Geez 7pm is a tad early


My 7 year old has to get up by 6:30 and needs a very long bedtime wind down. We start bedtime around 7. I tuck her in and leave her with books and the light on around 7.45. She’s usually asleep when i come to check on her at 8:45 but sometimes stays up late. Kids all have really different needs for sleep and depending when they’re waking up and what all is going on in their lives, earlier or later may make sense. You’re going to see a wide range. If your kids are not waking up crazy early or complaining then go with what works for your family. I would expect your 10 year old will start shifting their schedule later as they get closer to their teens. That bedtime will eventually put pressure on social life and extracurricular activities but again every kid is different

My 14 & 12 year Olds go to bed at 10 on school nights and 12 Friday and Saturday nights.
At the ages your kids are, 8pm for both on school nights, 10pm Friday and Saturday

8:00pm for school nights. Slightly later (9:00)on Fri/Sat. He doesn’t have to get up for school until at least 7:30am.

We did a 7:00pm bedtime until he started elementary school. With school, dinner and any extracurricular events 7:00 is pretty much impossible now.

Depends on what’s going on they r usually laying in bed by 8. If we r doing something special it may be later. Tried to do regular schedule however it doesn’t always work plus amount of sleep needed depends on child some need more or less than others and illnesses can make it difficult.

My 7 and 9 year old girls go to bed at 8:30 during the week (sometimes they will go to bed earlier if tired). And on weekends they can have til 9:30, but usually are asleep by 9.my boys are 12 and 15. 9:30 during the week and 10:30 on weekends. We get up 4:45/5 am during the week.

My kid isn’t even home from practice at 7

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My house would wind down about 9pm on weekdays and free for all on weekends

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When ever they fall asleep :woman_shrugging:t2: (12,14,17)

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On weekends we go to bed whenever. Sometimes after 11 if we are watching movies. During the week their bed time is 7:30/8:30.

IMO 7 is to early for that age. Especially for the weekend unless they are kiddos that have to remain on a set schedule to refrain from meltdowns.

During the week, 7pm with tv til 8. Weekends is 8, with tv til 9.

My 11 Yr goes bed at 9pm weekends he goes bed between 10/11 if we usually have munch and a movie night

Tell her to mind her own god dam family

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Your friend is correct.

An hour or 2 later on weekends depending on how tired/sassy/overwhelmed they are or if there is special on TV durring the holidays or family/friends visiting they can stay up. More than a few hours in the difference and I found/find it hard to get them to bed on Sundays and harder to wake them Monday’s along with cranky attitudes because of the sleep change

8pm for my kids during school night takes them 30-40 minutes to fall asleep so almost 9pm the get up at 6:30am weekends we don’t have a set time.

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What you do and how you raise your children is your business and your business alone. Each parent is different.

Personally, my two oldest are adults (19 living at home and they do what they want). My son is 14, and doesn’t have a bed time at all. As long as he can get himself up, ready and out the door in the mornings on time, I don’t enforce a bedtime. My youngest is 9. If allowed, she would stay up all night and sleep all day. During school, Sunday-Thursday, she has to be in bed by 8 and can watch TV until she falls asleep. That’s usually between 9:00-9:30. If we have issues in the morning, getting up and ready for school, she gets an earlier bedtime. Weekends, is pretty much a free for all. She has to be in her room and quiet by 9pm, but she’s usually asleep by 10pm on the weekends.


Ah will ye stop :stop_sign: everyone to their own needs this is when Facebook abused it’s like asking what time should I give them brekki load of :face_vomiting:

My son goes to bed at midnight and he’s 12

That’s way too early.

They wake up around 7:30 so we usually go to bed around 10 or 11 and watch TV. But they don’t have a set bedtime. (10, 11 and 14)

If your child can go to bed at 7 without a fuss…Good for you , never mind what anyone else says. Only you know your child


I wish my kids would go to bed at 7.

In any event we stay consistent with bedtime (830/9) but give them leeway on the weekends for more tv or reading time in their rooms

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Really early to me but if it works then it works. Bed at 8. Lights off at 830-845

School nights is 8 pm, weekends is 9 pm

School nights in bed by 9 asleep by 9:30. Weekends I don’t give them bed times but they’re usually snoring by 10 ages 3 to 13 . 4 month old goes to bed when I go every night