Don’t leave them alone!!!
He needs help. He needs attention.
Install cameras through out your entire house.
Ge needs a therapist
Therapy, kid seriously needs it
Don’t ever leave them alone
Serial killer in the making
Girl CPS and POLICE!!!
He needs to be reported ASAP.
A swift kick up the arse should do it
when was the last time he had his ass whipped?? Probably never. Parents are Parents not BFF’s
Step up for your son
He needs therapy now. If he is being cruel to animals he has serious and dangerous issues. Textbook example.
no but he needs an ass whooping maybe
Professional help. Immediately!! Jeffry Daumier in the making.
record him
put recorder in pocket or in bra etc
can progress to big troubles
Just keep your child safe
Install cameras in your house
Professional help and NOW.
Put thr kid in therapy
My prayers are with you and your family
Your duty is to your children.
Do not under any circumstances leave them alone
Get out of that situation now.
Get him mental health…now!
tear his ass up and teach him to have respect not only for his brothers and sisters but also himself and people in society …
send him here Riverdale
Baby monitors linked to phones & have a huge sitdown with momma- & hubby
And…get nanny cams in the house asap
he needs therapy… good luck prayers
Poor child needs counsel.
Don’t have him over anymore and show the mother of him this post ! That will show how serious you are!
Tell ur husband to beat that ass and I bet u he will get straight
Keep your kid away, that boy is a sociopath
Facebook is not the place to find the resolution. Seek professional HELP for the boy with full cooperation of his biological parent. You could be That will be your best move for all.
Dad needs to get an evaluation done this needs to be done asap.
I feel like I’m in a similar boat. My stepson is 5 and my step daughter is 1. My stepdaughter is fine. I have 3 kids also 5, 4, and 9 months. And my 5 year old step son literally tries to beat my son up every second hes over at my house. He hurts my animals. His dad has tried everything he possibly could try to get this kid into counseling but again my step sons mom will absolutely not do anything. We have the kids every weekend which is unfair in the first place. And she makes sure shes able to go to the bars and stuff here every night or most nights and totally neglects her children’s needs. I told my boyfriend, I understand that’s his son, but he cannot come over anymore until he finds help. I have children to protect and I refuse to put myself or my children at risk any longer when I’ve been trying for 8 months to help this child. That’s just how long weve been trying to seek help and counseling for him. Its insane. Do what you need to do to protect your child.
I literally feel the same way about my step son who is the same age… I worry about all my daughters. I believe he’s a little bit autistic, and he gets awfully close to my 2.5 year old… he’s too pushy in her face and I tell him to stop it ALL THE TIME. He’s also a bully to the other kids and just doesn’t listen very well. His mom doesn’t do anything either, mentioning any future concerns that may come about to his dad… he gets defensive about his son ( which I get) I’ve mentioned he needs a psychological assessment and get addressed before it gets worse. I refuse for him to be here very often, which causes other problems of course. He also has a full blood brother whom always says he hates him cause he’s so mean. I’ve caught him holding his brother under water and he’s had rope tied around my youngests neck. So f*ck that, why am I the one who has to worry and wreck my mental health over it? When his mother can’t work on figuring it out or at least act like she cares. I have 4 girls in my home all the time and now a 5th he moved in ( my husbands oldest daughter-nothing to do with her mom) she is older than the problem boy though and does put him in his place… but it is not her job. It’s very frustrating; I totally feel your pain… especially when you seem to be the only one that lets yourself be aware of the possible worse terror
If his Father wants to see him,let him go over there. If you’re fearful of him now,don’t wait for later…it could be too late. Your son is your priority.
Please don’t label this child before he gets. Help. Yes, I totally agree he definitely needs professional help. There are serious issues here that needs taken care of. Your aware of what is happening. Your smart enough to keep your child close to you when. He’s around, and, yes, I agree cameras around without him knowing. Just don’t label him until he. Is diagnosed with professional help.
Obviously keeping him away from your child would be best. However in a common household that can be impossible.
Your husband should get the boy some help before anything “really bad happens”
I wach to many criminals show one thing IV learned they start with bullying then the animals abuse beings he need a therapist to help him
Dad should file a petiton with courts to commit the child if he cares about the child if not i guess dad is a loser and doesnt care so walk away from both cuz safety child shows signs of being a pyscopath or sociopath. Dad should be doing all he can to protect ALL of his children which incudes the mental parts too…
That’s Michael Myers in the making, keep your child safe
Omg this is like the background story to every serial killers . Have eyes on your little one at all times when he is around.
And those are the kids you hear about turning into killers…
Have your husband seek help for him.
And you can take nesseccary steps to protect your child.
If he is 9 years old and he has been apart from your son’s life forever then keep it that way. One bad apple can change a bunch of kids’ life…out, out, out!!!
DIVORCE…Protect your child…serial killer in the making
Constant supervision when he is with your son.
Definitely speak to your husband about getting him counseling. The sooner the better. Do not leave your son alone or unsupervised for any amount of time with the step son. They may just be veiled threats, but you must take them seriously to protect yourself and baby.
My stepsister was this way and ended up trying to drown me. She eded up in an institution.
Talk with your husband and his ex! This kid needs help before he seriously hurts someone! Don’t delay!
Ummmm. He would not be allowed in my home. He is showing signs of a mental disorder.
Never leave him alone with your son.
Is this not how abusers and serial killers start out
You and your husband need to sit down with him and his mother, and set boundaries, when he is in your care. He needs to have respect, when he’s in your home. You … need to enforce the rules. Believe That.
Your step son sounds like he is in crisis or may have mental health issues that need to be addressed with counseling, therapy, or psychiatrist. If his mother won’t do anything, your husband his father should make a Dr appointment with his pediatrician and request a developmental evaluation. If the waiting list in your area is long, take him to children’s hospital and request evaluation, if you’re truly afraid He will harm himself or others… And please don’t refer to him as a terror. He is a child that is emotionally disregulated. He will need different strategies than the other kiddos in your house.
Take him to counseling. Make sure he is never alone with your child. The cams would be good to have proof if anything else happens.
I hope you have a good relationship with the mother. Invite her over for lunch and just talk to her heart to heart, don’t over dramatize the situation, just simply say this is what he is saying I wonder if we all planned a special day for him to make him feel special and loved and then you can tell him there is no need to talk this way. Bottom line he needs hugs kisses and reassurance! He is only a little boy who needs his father. Be kind and gentle and be the best most loving step mother you can be.
It’s sad how kid’s are allowed to act badly, say hurtful thing’s, bully other kid’s that are smaller and can’t defend themselves or tell someone if they have been hurt and abused by an older child. I’m old school if I had said acted the way kid’s do now I would have eaten standing up for a month. I wasn’t abused but I was tough respect , consideration and to treat all people how I myself wanted to be treated. I would have taken the child to his father for him to repeat what he had said to me. If he refused then he knew he was wrong . I would have had a small recorder on the next visit. If he said it once he will again keep it with you paused ready to record. When he spouts off again record it. He will say things at different times his type always does , get a few things he says recorded . Then take it to his father! If he’s allowed to get away with saying thing’s he’ll think he will get away with anything he says or does. If the father doesn’t step up to protect your son then pack your shit and take your son where you feel in your heart he is safe.
The kid needs help, now. Abusing animals is not a good sign. I would keep my son away from him. This is scary!
This child has serious issues . Your husband needs to get it sorted out now before he gets any older . The mother may not want to admit there is a problem but she has to face the problem .
If you think he is a danger to your son you need to contact authorities. Fuck being soft about it and worrying about how it will affect things. Your son comes first and if none of the other “adults” in this kids life won’t do anything then you should. If you think it doesn’t need to be that drastic then perhaps videotape it next time the child is around. Nanny cams, motion detectors anything you need to feel your little one is safe. I hate to say this and I’m sure I’ll get plenty of bashing for it but her little brat isn’t your problem. You look out for your own little womb nugget because no one else will.
RUN, GET OUT. It’s hopeless.
Your step son needs a therapist, I would not leave your son alone around him for any amount of time.
He sounds like a sociopath and if he doesn’t get help now while he’s still young then it will become a big problem later. You will be turning him in from a sketch. His parents need to snap out of their stupidity and get him help. Never leave him alone with your kids.
Suggest therapy/counseling to your husband. If he’s taking it seriously then he can take him if the behavior is affecting your household. There definitely seems to be some issues he’s dealing with that should be addressed. He’s only 9 so him thinking that way and saying those things are extremely alarming! He could be having a hard time not having dad in the house and/or jealousy seeing him with your son. But I’d definitely suggest some sort of therapy. Maybe eventually for you too to hopefully get past the scared feeling of your son being around him.
Beat his fucking ass
Have you seen the movie “the good son” with Macaulay Culkin? The character he portrays in the movie was the first thing that came to my mind upon reading this post. Get the toddler away from that child, for one. At least don’t leave them alone together. And get the kid in therapy, like yesterday. If he’s 9 years old and already abusing animals, I would NOT be taking any chances. I went to school with a kid who used to hurt animals and act out like that and now he’s in jail for murdering another one of our classmates. Please, please, please get him into therapy. Praying for your family including the oldest. I hope that he can get the help he needs. Hang in there.
You need to rethink your TERRIFYING STEP CHILD who is great…
after all you do have a BEAUTIFUL son to your AMAZING husband & This great kid is also your AMAZING husband’s FIRST born. Makes this terrifying STEP child kinda special don’t you think ???
She needs to speak freely and openly with her husband and, if he doesn’t believe her, get a blink and record any interactions with him. Sounds like some people need a wake up call.
You should be worried about your son. Your husband needs to grow a pair and do something himself. At the least the kid I suspect has been sexually abused. If you don’t listen to anything else as I said,your husband needs to grow a pair and do something himself. This boy is crying out for help to someone he considers a safe person, you. Never leave your son alone with him for “any” amount of time. Take him for a psychological assessment now!
I’d say this child misses his dad and is resentful of dad’s new family -like Isaac and Ishmael. Could he spend more time with your family or even live with you? That being said, this behavior is frightening and shouldn’t be ignored. I pray for the wisdom of Solomon for you.
James 1:5 tells us that if you ask for wisdom, God will give it generously without finding fault: “If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.”
That’s what happens when you let the government into your family! Therapy is no good that’s nothing but a money making thing! A good ole willow switch now that’s the best thing!! But I’m old school
I would not let him be in my house starting now. that is a bad sign…and he needs help. He is 9 and he knows what he is saying and old enough to know not to say it especially to you so he obviously doesn’t care. Abusing animals and saying that is a sign that he needs help right away before he does something bad. I don’t want to worry you but you have to sleep sometime. I don’t even think he should be around his brother and sister
First, surround him with God’s angels. Sounds like the ‘problem child’ needs a lot of love. I wouldn’t let him out of my sight, or your little one. When they hurt animals, they need therapy.
It sounds like you love and care about this child and that’s so special he’s lucky to have you.
It sounds like he may be overwhelmed and jealousy of the younger children. His parents aren’t together and both parents have started new families. That can be scary and unsettling for child they may feel unsure about where they fit in. Pull this child in closer to you. You didn’t say how you responded to what he said. Without anger or fear sit with him and tell him that was an awful thing to say because you would never want anything like that to happen to him, his brother or the baby. Explain to him that you love them all and it would break your heart. So you don’t want him to ever say anything like that again. You can teach him empathy by showing him. Encouraged him to interact with you and the baby give him praise for being s great big brother. When the baby takes a nap spend some special time with him as a reward whether it’s baking a cake or throwing a ball he will feel special and have a bond with you and you will be able to have fun and relax with him. It’s too easy to withdrawal and be angry when a child’s behavior isn’t what we want it to be. But that just leads to negative behaviors. Children just want attention good or bad.
attention doesn’t matter they just want and need it.
Teach him how to strive for good attention. You’ve got this.
First off stop referring to him as your STEP child… definitely separates him from the other children.
Your step son is displaying sociopathic tendencies. Your husband should contact child protective services and report the incidents of animal abuse, that the mother is not helping and you should report what he said about your son. They will seek treatment if mom won’t or get her to agree to treatment. If they ask about having the child in your home to get him treatment, I would say you are afraid for your son, so no. I would also tell your husband until he does what he needs to take care of his son, his son is not welcome in your home because of what he told you and the fact he was calculating enough to only tell you. You will find people in here who will say it’s just a stage or a blending families issue. It is not. Kids who hurt animals are practicing/rehearsing to eventually hurt humans, especially if this is accompanied by fire setting and bed wetting. If your husband won’t agree to get him treatment or takes his side, run! Seriously. This kid could set the entire house on fire while you sleep. The movie, Bad Seed, was actually based on a true story. With treatment, you can increase safety, but you should always sleep with one eye open around this kid, especially when you set boundaries and he gets mad because sociopathy is very, very seldom curable. I have a masters in counseling and worked as a child protective services worker and this is my educated opinion. I am not blowing smoke or trying to scare you.
Your husband needs to check in to getting him in to counciling, to find out if he has a mental or emotional problem, either could end up being a disaster if left un treatef!!! Let mom ignore it but to do so could be a big problem for her !!!
Ban the kid from anything & anybody… put the thing in a cage !!! ( just a silly idea! )
Abusing animals is a clear sign that he needs some psychological help. If his mother won’t take him then your husband should. In the meantime have a discussion with your husband about having his visitations with the boy away from your home until you are sure that it is safe to have him around your child. You can also install some hidden cameras to see what kinds of interaction he is having in your home.
This child needs a Psych evaluation and is dangerous to be around your children, so do something about this like yesterday!
You all need to take him to a doctor for help . Father and step mom and mom
Sounds like the child needs some serious professional help !!
Get help for the child!
Get him in therapy and phsyciatrist.
That’s signs of a sociopath or physcopath do some research hun
Slap day ass till it’s red
He is a serial killer in the making….
Get a recording. Of him saying this. Show ur husband.tell him you don’t want the boy around. his lil brother till he gets help. Better save then sorry
The fact that he has abused animals is a strong indication he may hurt your small son and others. Record his threats if you can. Meanwhile don’t leave him alone with your child.
Hurts your son do do not leave him alone with ur son.
Bitch you better euthanize that shit ASAP. We do it to dog normalize doing it to evil ass kids
Get a good therapist now.
Praying for you and family
Needs some help keep him away from your child .