This child sounds like he’s in early stages of being a sociopath or psychopath. You need to get him into therapy treatment or to see psychologist. Do NOT neglect this behavior, it can become very serious. I don’t think it’s safe to leave your other children alone with him ever. He needs serious help. Abusing animals and hurting other children is main aspects of an onset psychopath. He’s showing he lacks empathy and compassion for others, that’s sociopathic tendencies. I hope you find help
I wouldnt be having him in the same room as my child if I’m not in the room u need 2 tell ur husband before something seriously happens
Do these two kids live with you? you didn’t say. The child needs serious therapy. He sounds like he’s on his way to becoming a psychopathy or developing psychopathic tendencies. I feel for the kid but he needs help…now. Do not leave your son alone with him ever. The fact that he’s saying that to you only may also just be his way of protesting the fact that you have a child with your husband. Either way, he needs therapy right away. Long term treatment. If possible, don’t let him come over to your home.
Dad needs to get him in therapy ASAP! This is a normal behavior to say I wish they weren’t here but it’s usually jealousy… his situation sounds far more serious though and now is the time to turn things around for this little guy or it will never happen.
Please don’t be afraid of 9 years old kindly show him Love. He Is replicating what he saw
He Is a child : children learn by observing. Pray
I will also pray for You and the children. God Is Love every human being has His Nature : Love Him ,
Please express same Love to All the children. Pray You Can’ t do it by yourself but with the Mercy of God. The Lord Jesus Christ dwells in You : just Say Lord Jesus Help me I acknowledge You are The Lord of All. Have Mercy Lord. I will also pray for You and your Family. Do not be afraid : I declare peace, harmony in your Family and within children. The Love of God Is Above everything.Father Thank You for stability in this Family in Jésus Name Amen. You are Blessed May All that Is in Christ Dwells in You and Prosper You.
When the child is with you record what he says at all times, video him abusing other children then call child services give them a your evidence advise them that his mother is aware but refuses to act. They will take it from there you need to protect your child. If your husband won’t do anything you must, because if another child gets hurt you will feel guilty
Talk to your husband about getting his son into a counselor.
The kid needs counseling and I would never leave my kid around him alone at all
I had to leave after 2.5 years. I couldn’t deal with it any more.
My personal opinion is mom, dad, and you need to sit together and talk about him getting help. It may or may not get worse. But that’s definitely not okay.
The kid needs mental help now before it’s too late to save him
needsto be taking to get se help,speak to his dad ,before things get terrible out of control
Tell dad to tell her to get him help or he calling himself to get him help and brings him himself…
He needs to be Supervise every single second …
It’s not going to do your husband any good to tell his ex anything he has to take action for his son. The fact that he knows that this has been happening and he hasn’t gotten him any type of help yet no counseling not seeing a doctor that’s a big deal. And I’ll tell you this the day something happens to your son God forbid it call the police immediately I know that he’s your stepchild and that you love him and you want to do things the easy way but the day he crosses the line you see him hurting another animal you see him hurting another person you call the police he needs serious helping if his parents are going to do it you have someone intervene call child services. Is not normal for a child to hurt animals … to be jealous of siblings is one thing but hurting animals is a completely different ball game.
Get him help now!! Animal abuse by a child is a precursor to other types of abuse/harming.
Evil Lives Here episode in the making😳
Get counseling for him that includes mon dad and you where they talk to you about his behaviors
When the 9 year old is over. Keep your son close. Always have eyes on him. Until your son is at least old enough to talk.
Don’t ever leave your child unsupervised with this kid and encourage dad to have him speak with a therapist.
His mom may need to take it seriously due to the fact that she has younger kids too and he could harm them. The son needs some therapy to see the core reason for this and try to fix it before it’s too late. I would suggest all the parents get to together and have a co-parent meeting to discuss this.
are u sure he is abusing others because he is being abused by someone…could be his cry for help
Gosh, I couldn’t imagine going through something like this. At the end of the day you have an obligation to protect YOUR child by all means necessary. If mom and dad are unwilling to get said child help you need to take the appropriate actions to keep your child safe, whether it is not leaving them unsupervised or leaving the situation.
We have a 4 year old with the same issues his stems from trauma caused by his birthmom while we were fighting for custody. We had to admit him into impatient not just for the facts he says things but he also tries to act apon them. We have good periods then go through periods of regression again. My advice is find a therapist psychologist have testing done and never leave him alone. He may need to be on meds. It Definitely won’t be easy or a quick fix we’ve been at it for 2 years and this week was one of his worst even with meds
Someone better get a grip on the kid soon! Otherwise he might end being the next rapist, serial killer or whatever else! This kid has issues and probably needs to get into counseling soon!
Boyyy this is a very tuff situation… I’m sorry to say but that boy is heading down a very dark path. It’s going to end with him either being killed or in prison. I’m not being mean I’m just speaking the truth… I hope he gets the help he needs.
as you said keep your son in your eye view all the time
Set up cameras in the home. Monitor the behavior and then set up some type of counseling for him
Abusing animals is the first sign of a psychopath I’m not saying he is but he needs help
If he is under your care and they give you permission to discipline him the old fashioned spanking will for sure get his behavior in check. Or make him sit and write sentences I would not put up with that behavior and if nothing else I would not allow him around my infant under any circumstances. Kids can be cruel and some times it takes the right discipline to get across to them I find the old fashioned discipline works very well very effective kids nowadays have no respect.
This is some ID channel type stuff.
Sounds like all my crime shows beginning story. Bring him to counseling alone and as a family. Something isn’t right in the head at the moment and if not fixed I pray for anyone who deals with him in the future.
Take that boy somewhere he’s going to grow up an evil person.
Show him love. Try to find a way to under stand why he’s feeling like this. Kids are just confused and need help choosing better things to think about. Maybe go send him on a SMALL timeout for saying crap like that. If you can’t say nothing nice don’t say nothing at all! Sometimes when there’s a lot of kids they don’t get as much attention. Bring out the child in him! Keep his thoughts innocent and remind him life ain’t that bad. Do special things with him maybe if you don’t already. Be strong! Step up and be the one to make life feel different
Never leave a child alone with them
I would definitely NEVER leave them alone! I would always keep reminding the 9yo that he is loved and part of ur family. Counseling would be definitely on the list
Firstly talk;to your husband second. Get him;some counseling. It sounds;like he’s jealous.
Now I’m wondering what kind of abuse does that child go through with his momma. I wouldn’t leave my baby’s side when the 9yr old is around.
Ca.eras cameras cameras. He sounds like there’s a future dateline episode with his name on it. I agree he needs help ASAP. But first and foremost protect your child
I wouldnt have him alone around the toddler and I’d be suggesting that he gets a pysch evaluation if hes harming animals.
This is super serious. He needs help immediately for everyone’s safety including you and your husband. I would also suggest maybe having some alone time like out to lunch or ice cream with your stepson with his dad to talk about things away from other kids to maybe see if there is something else going on. Definitely get therapy even if the mother doesn’t agree to it at this point, he can go when he is with you guys.
Your husband and the boys mom need to get him into therapy. Children act out for attention and without knowing the root of the issue it can’t be helped. Get the child the help he needs
Ive been through similar situation…first step is to talk w school they do testing and will set you up with services …also look in to childrens mental health services asap the sooner the better
The mom wont stop him because shes coaching him to do and say these things.
Have his ass tested ASAP those are traits of a person who is psychotic and his mama need a ghad damn reality check to
You have a very evil child on your hands . I am so sorry. May god bless him and work on him.
So I watch a lot of true crimes, ID discovery stuff and what you described is not good at all. All the signs leads to psychopath tendencies. Next he’s going to start kill animals then moving on to human. You need to take this very seriously. Those signs never goes away and it just be worsen
Definitely counseling & he probably needs to be on meds. Never ever leave any kids alone with him. Not even if u think he’s gotten better in the future. I would also suggest getting a sitter for all other kids & u & husband spend time alone with him giving him ur attention. It could be a huge jealousy thing. I would put cameras everywhere but the bathroom. He may have been abused or his birth mom may be telling him unhealthy things about ur son. Something isn’t right. My cousin was molested when he was 5. He became abusive to animals & was always taking a magnifying glass & burning insects. My uncle beat him. Now this was in 1975. He started molesting his sister & my sister. I was born in 1976 & he started molesting me when I was in diapers
Not your kid not your problem
Keep him away from your child until he’s evaluated he definitely can be a threat to your child and it sounds like he needs help and mom isn’t taking dad seriously…
His father and mother need to get him in therapy asap. These are all signs of more serious things to come, especially abusing animals! If they don’t jump on it, I would tell them both point blank that he is no longer welcomed around your child. Safety first!
Get cameras and get that child some mental help
These are the beginning signs of a psychopath. He needs to be evaluated and get a hold on this asap.
God love you. I was lucky. My stepson was OCD, hyperactive and a dare devil. He kept me jumping but he had a heart of gold. My mission in life was to make sure he made it to 21. I never had to deal with mean or abuse. Just keep an eye on him.
He needs help. Sounds like mom is a winner to if she doesnt take concerns seriously. If its not a cry for help with his behavior and its a mental disorder…sounds a lot like ODD… Then it will escalate and get worse. Im going to school to be a cps worker and took two child psychology classes. Something is definitely wrong with him in one way or another.
Aybe hes acting out because his mom has many other kids and now his dad has more kids and he feels left out or jealous because you have a nuclear family maybe he also wants to live with dad and have that family he sees when hes there
Don’t ever leave him alone with your child! Trust your instincts mama!!! I went through this with my husband’s daughter.
EVERY WORDyou said describes her behavior too. ( we both had 2 kids when we met, and had our son together right away). From the day I met her, I just knew something was off. She was 6. By 12, I made the decision that she would never spend another night in the house with my children after she told me if I called the cops on her (she stole money from me, hitting/kicking walls, throwing stuff out windows) because she threatened my kids lives… again. I went through 6 years of making sure that she was NEVER ONCE alone with my baby. We didn’t find out until after she wasn’t allowed back how much she tormented my step-son. It’s been 6 years since she’s been gone, and he just stopped going to therapy due to how she treated him(he’s 2 y younger than her) mu husband had full custody of his kids when I met him. It was a nightmare feelinglike I had to keep the restof the kids safeall the time in ourown home. I love my husband more than I can put into words but if I knew what she was like before, I never would have allowed my children arround her for 1 day! I’m actually written a book about what we went through.
Wny is it there is always excuses made for people’s behavior. Sometimes what they show you is exactly who and who they are. You can’t hug away rot. Best run now while you can.
He needs therapy and that might be out of your control since you’re not his biologically mother. All I know is when a child is being hateful, that’s when they need the most love. He is craving attention and acting out may be negative attention but it’s still attention. Progress won’t happen over night but he sounds desperate for someone to love him.
Have your husband take him to a child psychiatrist.
I have a 9yr old who acts very similar and we do medicine and therapies. Eventually he will end up in a group home because we can’t keep putting our other kids in danger
Yes that’s mean and he needs counselling. Never leave the two of them alone
He needs a psych evaluation immediately and NEVER leave him alone with the kids EVER. He’s exhibiting sociopathic behavior and needs help now while he’s young
As hard aa it may be you need to give him extra love spend time with him one on one. Seperated families the kids suffer the most this may be stemming from jealousy of siblings because yours have both parents in the home i have gone through this personally and i know its not easy but wrap him in love love conquers all
In the rooms your small child is in
Get him help before he hurts your son. Or you. I would ask him if he feels the same way about his other siblings with his mom.
You know good and well those are signs of a psychopath. Abusing animals, bullying, the things he said. He needs a doctor and quick. Sorry but someone had to say it. You need to protect your child and the rest of the children before he starts actually killing animals and then before you know it people.
Get that kid some help and fast. Don’t leave him alone with any other children or pets. Document everything you witness in detail.
You and your husband should take custody and send him for psychiatric help. That may be the only chance he has. The direction he’s heading is to psycho-ville. I’m sure your aware he needs the help. Seriously this little boy needs stability, love and psych help badly please consider saving him.
He needs to GO before he hurts your child. Murderers start with Animals.
I won’t allow that child in my home until something was done.
Never leave your son alone when hes around, if he stays over keep your son in your room and lock your door. I know this seems extreme but if hes speaking this way about his brother and has a continuous behavior of doing harmful things then its best to keep the baby safe. Also, talk to hubby about seeking a mental evaluation for the 9 year old, something can be seriously wrong
Sounds like the beginnings of a sociopath. Definitely needs a psych evaluation and supervision on all visits
Try to get him assessed it really helps …dont give up on him maybe the neglect from moms side is why he acts out around you .you show attention …maybe he sees love there that he dont get!
First I am sorry for your situation. Second if his mom doesn’t do anything what is his dad doing? Dad is responsible too.
I would sit with both hubby and mom regardless of what your co parenting relationship is. Whatever problems you guys had are no longer the issue here. This is something y’all need to sit down and discuss and find him some behavioral therapy.
It could be an attention thing. ADHD or any other similar things such as aspergers/asd .
He may be jealous of his dads “new” family and take it out in angry words he may act upon them he may not. I would definitely not treat him as an evil child or a terror. I would speak to his dad and his mum raise your concerns and all sit down and talk to him if this doesnt work I would talk to them and ask about getting him therapy. Again if this doesnt work I would leave and unfortunately call it quits with the other half as I wouldn’t want the boy to stop seeing his dad but I also wouldnt want my kids around a child who doesnt want help ir help doesnt actually help.
I personally wouldnt leave him alone with the kids or have him stay over until something has been sorted but I definitely wouldnt just call the kid this and that without anything else It could just be a cry or call out for attention but who knows x
This may sound awful, but I would not allow that child in my home near other children until he is in therapy. Or something gives. All it takes is you to be in the bathroom for something awful to happen, and you can’t have your eyes on your children and him 24/7. Super scary stuff. Sounds like dangerous adult in the future…
Definitely get cameras. See about counseling for him. And definitely never leave him alone.
People say things at a frustration and being irritated but it doesn’t mean they’re going to act on it. But it is a red flag that he is frustrated and he needs somebody to talk to and it needs to be somebody who’s objective to his thoughts and feelings so getting him a counselor a therapist anybody in that field that he feels comfortable to talk to would be a good idea.
Therapy and keep it away from your baby
If the mom isn’t trying to help, get him evaluated!! Sounds very serious and if it comes back ok just be cautious. If they come back with something more serious y’all can get him help and have proof for the mom! Until then DO NOT leave him alone with your son or any kid!!
Never leave your child alone with him. It’s obvious that he needs psychological help and I do hope his mother and father get him the help he needs.
… im so sorry. Ever seen the show on Discovery+ called Evil Lives Here? I dont want to scare you more… but you’re really going to get a handle on this before something tragic happens. Get him into therapy right away and get you and your husband into therapy as well to learn how to handle and cope with this. Right away.
First indication of future killers is abusing animals. Then they start wondering how it is to see them die, and then the curiosity goes to humans. I would definitely be on the watch for anything weird! That whole thing would scare me too It’s your right to tell your husband that you dont feel like that son should be around
Sounds like an episode of criminal minds, if the mom wont do anything maybe you should advise hubby to seek professional help for him , honestly I would call cops or cas , maybe record convo with him and ask what he meant by his brother should die etc and show the recording ro his mom and dad and also a thearapist or cas
He’s already showing signs of being psychotic you need to get him in therapy before y’all end up on the news from him killing everyone in their sleep look at previous killers and how they behaved as kids
It’s plain and simple
- I said your child is beautiful
what about your husband children
I see straight through you already
- He’s a middle child all he needs from BOTH side of the parents including your no good self
As his age progresses you ALL could be in danger.
Sleep not.
Keep that baby away from him. Those are all RED FLAGS!!! He needs help ASAP
House security system
Get nanny cams. That way you have proof
While you never allow him access to your baby see if you can get him talking about it and record it - video if possible to get physical demeaned so mom can’t just say he was kidding
You need to take him to a psychiatrist because signs of animal abuse or things like you mentioned could be signs of mental health issues like bipolar and things like that. And even if you don’t feel comfortable at first mentioned it to your partner you can always call a pediatrician and ask your concerns and see what they can tell you
Sensors or cameras that would notify you if he left his room or entered the babies room at night
Nanny cams
Child proof the house… like to the Extreme - we had a foster kid and meds, chemicals, alcohol, knives - all had to be under lock and key
That child needs some serious help ( mentally) and I wouldn’t have him around your little one at all, until he gets that help. Sounds like that troubled child’s mother could use some help as well. Try and make your husband understand your fear of all this and I wish you the best of luck
If your husband doesn’t wanna listen to you then just keep your son away from it.
Ask him why he feels like that he maybe feeling some type of way and doesn’t know how to express it I’d certainly try and get him some form of therapy and then you may need to scrub up on behaviour strategies to help when he’s at yours
he is going to need therapy these are warning signs . i would record him alot when he is acting up and send it to his mom
Since his mom doesn’t take it serious, I would have sent him to her so she can deal since it’s not that serious. I wouldn’t even trust him around my child or let alone inside my home. Some don’t take it serious til it’s to late, better nip it now
This child is lacking something he is lacking love his lacking attention and he’s acting out in the wrong ways to get that love and attention somebody is pushing this child aside! Someone is abusing this child! And somebody needs to get to the bottom of it before somebody gets hurt!! Children learn what they live!!