What to do about a terrifying step child?

He needs discipline and Theapy

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Donā€™t leave your children alone with him. He needs therapyā€‹:pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2:

He is crying out for help. Dont wait to long before you cant help him.

Therapy immediately! thats a really tough situation for sure! Your husband might need to prove it to the bio-momā€¦ but that kid needs therapy stat! And donā€™t leave your children alone with him :flushed:


Sorry, he wouldnā€™t be around my child after he wished him dead. Period.

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That boy needs some mental help .Please watch your children around him .

record him and then maybe you and your hubby can get him into some cousliling

Sounds like daddy needs to have a serious talk with him. Maybe therapist.

Show that you love him.

Police report child servicing agency. Kid need professional help asap

Never leave your baby out of sight.

He needs therapy without a doubt.

Keep your son away. Sounds like the start of a serial killer. Kids needs help but keep yours safe.

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Ok, Iā€™ll say it. Get him counseling now because heā€™s got all the signs of horrible things to come

Protect your child. Never ever leave them unsupervised together.

So what is your problem? He is a dad seed

Your husband needs to get him in therapy

Document!! Everything! Tell your husband you donā€™t want him there, and if he is there, go to a hotel

Sounds like he is a sociopath. Get him counseling ASAP! His behavior will get worse as he gets older!

The pattern is clearā€¦he is showing you what is to come. HE NEEDS HELP!!!

Jeffery Dahmer was the same way, and he became a serial killer

sounds like a episode of law and order

Hurting people starts with hurting animals.
Get some help ASAP

Most serial killers start with abusing/killing animals

Yeah donā€™t leave them alone together EVERā€¦ā€¦ therapy

Watch the movie ā€œthe good sonā€.

I beleive this child needs some mental health care ! It seems he feels angered and jealous of the other children! Please let his father know before he really does hurt someone !

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Dont marry others who have kids not grown and out of the house. It only causes problems.

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Those are SERIOUS behaviors. Abuse of animals !!! A good child therapist

if he abuses animals he needs help

Please ask your husband to look into professional help. Like others have said this boy needs help asap as if left unchecked it can progress from animals to humans. If your husband knows about this you have every right to say he is not to be around your son due to potential harm. Here in the UK we would report the mother to social services (child protection services) as her not seeking help is a form of neglect in itself considering the potential harm to more animals and humans.


Sound like the orphan movie :hushed:

Classic signs of a very troubled mind

A big red flag is harming animals and saying he doesnt care if his brother diesā€¦that needs addressed fast. Get your husband to set him up with a therapist fast. All of you need to go and explain whatā€™s been goin on and how the mom doesnt do anything.

so sorry, prof help NOW. dont ignore or let husband make excuses. its serious

What does the father say,???

Heā€™s feeling invisible. Younger kids always get more attention, coddled, etc. Give him one on one time, brag about his accomplishments, let him know heā€™s special. I canā€™t imagine how he must feel. His siblings are not ā€œstepā€ children. He has to feel so alone.

Get help before something awful happens to the other children and him as well.

Itā€™s time you get him to a doctor because those kind of actions are not very good for any child. He is showing signs of a Psychopaths tend to be more manipulative, can be seen by others as more charming, lead a semblance of a normal life, and minimize risk in criminal activities. Sociopaths tend to be more erratic, rage-prone, and unable to lead as much of a normal life. Psychopaths are usually deemed more dangerous than sociopaths because they show no remorse for their actions due to their lack of empathy. Both of these character types are portrayed in individuals who meet the criteria for antisocial personality disorder.

Sounds like his Mother is fueling the fireā€¦ Sounds like she needs anger and parenting classesā€¦ this boy is having ander issues and desperately needs help and supportā€¦ Everyone needs special time with parents

They do not need to ever be together

Ever heard of a spanking!

Donā€™t leave him around your child, he seems to be very disturbed. Iā€™m sure you have wanted ā€œEvil Loves Herā€ and he sounds pretty evil to me.

Set up audio tape, collection of those, both parents need to interven. Write down dates and times

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Donā€™t have him unless he is in therapy and his parents also are in therapy. He is angry he has been abandoned that energy needs healing and channeling.

Yes, please not for 1 second leave him alone with your son, even going to the bathroom!

Record this crap get husband involved get other mother involved .tell her if she doesnā€™t help with this problem she and the boy will turned in for child abuse and child neglect .it can be done .then he can get some help .

The kid needs serious therapy. Have your husband put him in it. Or donā€™t allow him around your baby. He might hurt him.

Your child needs protection from any and all trauma!! That is your job.

Arrange for the toddler to be with other family or a sitter away from creepo

There was a movie about a child like that who killed his sibling cant think of the name but will search. True story.

Iā€™d be gone. Your childā€™s life is worth any trouble it may cause. Run donā€™t walk.

Do NOT leave your child alone with this boy. He sounds like a sociopath or is well on his way to becoming one.

He kills animals. You have a murderer waiting in the wings. Good luck.

Future serial killerā€¦ Dr Phil can help

Take it back to its mother

Vous ĆŖtes des nordos.

Counseling now!! Immediately even if its family counseling without his bio mom but with you and hubby.

Get him into counseling asap!

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He needs help bad. So does the mother. Record him.

Wow 2 people thought it be funny to laugh react to this sad situation.

A child that abused animals needs serious help!! A sign of a Psychopath


I would keep my kid away from him if heā€™s that bad. Sadly, because youā€™re the step parent, there is nothing you can do. His mom should be handling it but since sheā€™s not then maybe dad needs to go to court to advocate for him and get him help. Other than that, you canā€™t do much


Psychiatric care immediately. If he will hurt animals, he will hurt his siblings. Do not ever leave this child with your son unsupervised. Ever.


Your son is your sole priority, if the mother or father wonā€™t do something itā€™s up to you to protect him, donā€™t worry about whoā€™s feelings you hurt, you have to protect your child first.


Perhaps if your husband still wants contact with this son he does it on his own but does not bring the child back to your place. This child needs to be in counselling now and not later.

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Record it ! The mother is his problem she needs counseling , you and your husband need to not let him be around your family until mom and son seek counseling , and the husband needs to hear his child so the mother can be informed and also child services need to know of his abuse to kids and animals !! He needs to be stopped and he needs discipline now !!

Keep him away from him Its not a matter if something bad happens its when. History shows Abusing animals which is sick and should be done to the abuser.Most Sick criminals have started this way history doesnā€™t lie.The father is just as guilty as the bully.Wood shed therapy needed


He needs to stay at home with his mom and you need to talk to the dad and let him know that you donā€™t feel comfortable with him in your home but the oldest can still come ove.

The youngest serial killer known was an 8 year old boy. He killed his own sibling, cousin, and neighbors child. Be scared for your child with those words coming out of his mouth. I would not let him come around any more.

The kid needs some serious help if he is hurting animals if the mother isnā€™t going to do anything than the father needs to step up an put the child in therapy an find the root of the problem before he starts hurting the babies

Sounds like you have a Michael Myers on your hands. Its best you get him into therapy as soon as you can. Hurting animals is a number 1 trait of a future killer.

Heā€™s a serial killer in the making literally

Yea.!!! Get that boy into therapy NOWā€¦ Sounds like he has sociopathic tendenciesā€¦ and thatā€™s not a good thingā€¦
Good luck to you because sometimes therapy doesnā€™t even work for a sociopath.

Facebook is not the place for this.
I understand he is your stepson. Living with his Mother.
His Father maybe needs to involve social services, or speak with his School.
The child might need some help. His Mother sounds like she is not willing to listen.

This little boy needs mental health and quickly!! Maybe the whole family needs it. This little boy is disturbed :cry:

Sounds like the child is dealing with a lot of psychology. Anytime he is around your other children it would always be a good idea to keep camera on him at all times. Sorry but if he was around my kids you best believe if I couldnā€™t watch him something would be watching him

He is a seriously disturbed child if he is harming animals. If mom is refusing psychiatric evaluation or treatment, it should be hotlined. As this is neglect. Or if you donā€™t want to do that, you can contact your local Division Of Youth Services office (juvenile office. Not sure what they called it where you live) and explain the behavior issues to them and they can follow up with mom and the rest of the family and ensure he gets the behavioral supports he needs.
But I am going to be real for a second. Kids who display these behaviors are extremely hard to treat after age 6. But you have to try intrrvention and treatment. Otherwise, he is facing a very bleak life of being in and out of jail, not being able to maintain real meaningful relationships, possibly being a violent offender, and a high risk for drug addiction and other risky behaviors.
Good luck.

You need to get him help asap and dont leave your son alone with him at all.

Tremendous amounts of therapy and keep him away from your pets and children.

You and your husband donā€™t get help for that child now, a few years down the road heā€™s going to be a serial killer, or a sniper on a bell towerā€¦

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Tell Dad. If he doesnā€™t address the issues, call DHS. TO IGNORE THIS CHILDS RAGE IS TO ENDANGER HIMSELF AS WELL AS OTHERS. could you live with yourself if something happened and you had neglected to actā€¦?!! MAKE NO APOLOGY TO ANYONE!!

Get counseling immediately. Those are legitimate signs during childhood, that present as either serial killers, or spend their life with chronic PTSD as adults. That is sociopathic behavior.

Do NOT leave him alone with your child OR your pets .Does your husband see what you are seeing? If he agrees then I wouldnā€™t have overnight visits in your homeā€¦.

Tell you husband he is no longer welcome around your mutual child or leave with yours when he gets there and let your husband deal with him.

Poor kid sounds like heā€™s acting out. This child is not coping.Get some therapy.

That kid needs a wake up call. Protect your kid in any and EVERY way. Tell the mom to keep her Satan spawn away till he learns respect for you and your family! Tell his dad to cowboy up and beat that kids ass every time he says that shit! And when he hurts another animal. Donā€™t let that brat near your kid/kids!
Sounds like a serial killer in the making if dad letā€™s him goā€¦

Keep that kid away from yours. Sounds like a serial killer in training

The kid needs psychiatric help. Please get it, before he hurts your son, or someone else!!!

call adult and family services today !!

Therapy ok right just say what they want yo hear

Heā€™s a psychopath!!! He will grow up to be a serial killer. Donā€™t ever let him be alone with your son. All serial killers tortured and killed small animals. He needs a physiatrist

Sounds like the making of a murderer or serial abuser

Thatā€™s some serial killer stuff in the making right there!!

Keep your business off Facebook

Red flags all over. Seek professional help.

Get him help. Immediately.

I would contact childrenā€™s services.

He needs psychiatric help

Also, install cameras around the house in case you canā€™t always be there.