Oh I’m so sorry you are going through this. I will be praying for your family for starters. It sounds to me that there are definitely some things going on with the 9 year old acting out either by abuse, jealousy, or a disorder. Have you tried listening to the boy as to what is troubling him and come up with some solutions together as a family? I do not know if you are Christian or not, but some christian faith council would be good even if it’s to establish of the boy needs further Psychiatric help. No disrespect but your family is broken when you joined it and you need a good solid foundation foe all of you to build on and repair some things so that you all can grow healthy & happy.
My partner has a 7 year old boy from a previous marriage and I feel the only thing I can do is show him the same exact love I show my child , even if sometimes it may feel awkward hes only 9 and can still be open to accepting more love without even realizing. He probably really needs mom love and doesn’t know how to express it,
I personally would not allow the child near my home… He needs psychological help… That is not “normal” behaviour for a 9 Yr old…!
I say watch how you boost someone’s head up on the internet because a childs safety and well being is at risk. This isnwhat was posted… however put yourself in that mothers shoes… why is she not doing anything… how would u feel if exs new parter took ur kid to be evaluated when u said no? Its mom and dads buisness not hers and if she doesn’t feel safe dont allow the child around her child alone. And dad can figure out how to manage that since its his problem. New parters tend to have blinders on to the previous situations we all know this… hence why hindsight is 20/20
Give dad an ultimatum and tell him to step up or leave. Protect that baby because that kid will hurt him in some way and then you could be in danger
The comments up here are sad from a bunch of females at that… u speak of this child like he is a killer or something and could make ger so paranoid she cpuld harm him… people are crazy these days… u women are disturbing.
That kid is a psycho and you need to keep him far away from your son. Also one of his parents need to grow a pair, step up, and take responsibility for their little demon child. They need to get him serious freaking help before things escalate and he does something that can’t be undone… This kid needs professional help before he hurts someone or anymore animals. If not, he’s going to grow up to be a freaking serial killer… Just saying
I’m not a therapist but those are early signs of a psychopath.
Sounds like serial killer qualities. All I’m saying. I would have him see someone so they can evaluate him and for you and your sons safety I would definetly not leave him alone with him and have your son sleep with you. Rather be overly cautious then regret it later.
Ummm never leave him unattended with others. ALL parents in this situation need to come together and get him therapy. This is serial killer behavior in the making. Stop it now before it’s too late. Hell an anonymous call to CPS should get the ball rolling. But do something
Dude sounds like he’s going to be a serial killer when he grows up
Don’t have him around them. The dad should follow up with consoling even if mom won’t.
Poor boy sounds a bit lost, maybe some 1-1 time with him, you or his dad, preferably both.
Hes already showing psychopathic tendencies. Keep him away from your babies when he’s around
Those are early signs of a sociopath.
Seems like someone needs shipped off to military school
He would have learned about my gangsta from day one 9 girl please
Get him counseling asap and get help. He may be getting abused at home .
Psychopathic tendencies. My Masters is in Criminal Behavior and I’m telling you its would be in your best interest to get him evaluated. If the mom doesn’t agree, tell your husband, the school, social services, and even the police your concerns as well. Its best to get the behavior under control at a young age before you can no longer gain control.
1st get camera and voice recorders in all rooms. 2nd sit down with his father n tell him your fears n set boundaries! Id not let him around my child even if I had to stay with my mom the weekends he comes over. It’s your job to protect your child no matter what it takes. Id also get cps involved if the mother is not listening or caring. Good luck to you and yours prayers for all
There’s so many questions…but in my opinion, Dad needs to take care of it PERIOD
Cameras, cameras, cameras. Turn them on while he’s with you. Sometimes being caught is the only way other people will see who he really is. Being caught on camera doing something wild and crazy will definitely be useful. I hope he doesn’t harm your son, you, or anyone else!!
If he is infact saying those things and doing those things then that his early warning signs of being a sociopath. If the hurting animals wasnt happening I would say he was probably jealous and that’s y he said it( not caring if brother dies). But that along with hurting things that cannot defend themselves , is a bad sign . Get him in therapy ASAP
Beat that azzzzzz senseless
Nanny cams then you have proof
Leave the husband. Or get the boy help. Do not let him around your children alone.
Who hurt him? Maybe he has abandonment/neglected issues. He’s a child in need of support, love and attention by the looks of it.
Talk to a child psychologist asap. Once they get involved they can make mother continue treatment
The father should handle that
Honestly counseling would help. But the situation sounds like it needs dealt with carefully and slowly
Harming small animals? No empathy? Believing he’s better than everyone and terrorizing other children just so he can? Lying and manipulation? Tiny sociopath in the works, I believe
I’d be acting out to if I didn’t have a stable home and my parents didn’t give enough s**** about me to keep the family together and then abandoned me go off and create babies that get all the attention with somebody else. You ALL need family therapy.
Sounds like some jealousy, however the abusing animals is a little more off the charts. Maybe seek some therapy for that.
Trust your gut, and protect the others. This is very sad, however what could be even more sad is no intervention and a death. Best of luck, report, and keep a log of behaviors!!!
Does he wet the bed at all or has started fires? If so, those are the dark triad symptoms and abusing animals. This leads them to being sociopaths or psychopaths. Most serial killers had if not all three symptoms at least two. Research it. I have my degrees in criminal justice and psychology specializing in juveniles.
He needs MAJOR counseling and/or an institution ASAP
I keep watching the show Evil lives here and every child that was like that ended up hurting people… please get him some help
Sounds like he needs some love and attention.
Also sounds like you have giving up on this child no matter what happens.
Keep him far away from your child. Never unsupervised until you feel u can trust him. Go with your gut on it every time, minute, second, whatever. Trust ur gut
If the husband supports you I would get this taken care of now before something drastically happens.
He needs therapy due to his behavior there’s something wrong with him.
Well I’m not an expert but I’ll say maybe look into some form of therapy. Idk if he’s with you more or the mother. But it seems reasonable to find him help. In the mean time keep him away from your Littles. Atleast not allow them to be alone
That child needs counseling and he wouldn’t be around my other children till he received it. Possibly feeding off anger from his biological mother since she is showing no concern. I would not take this lightly. Please seek professional help. God bless and wishing you and your family the best.
That kid needs therapy. Keep your son with you when hes around
Get him help and if need be have him if only you and your husband are both in the house so your other children are safe. Remember he’s 9 but does know what’s right and wrong also set up camera’s and tell him you have them so he knows and maybe will behave himself better. You can’t make your husband choose between his kids but you also have to keep you child safe. Remember change won’t happen over night but if he gets the help he needs he can come around
Maybe you need to watch ID Channel to put you in perspective. The child is gone, watch him, cause you are putting you and your kids lives in danger.
Your kids come first you could still be with hubby but move out and put a hard stop to your son visiting terror kid
Get that socio/psychopath out of your home and away from your toddler ASAP!
Lawyer. Consult a lawyer. Call social services. This is a tragedy waiting to happen. What is the priority here? Is it anything other than protecting the innocent that depend on you? Are you making this all up with some sort of hidden agenda, or is it true as you described?
Do the right thing. You know what that is without us.
I think y’all should change the name of this group! Not many nails, but a lot of advice post that has nothing to do with nails. My opinion! Not that these post bother me, I like reading some but the group name could be misleading
Have him evaluated by a child psychologist! You can’t ignore those red flags darlin.
Your husband needs to have him evaluated and never leave him out of sight with your child! Husband should also find out from his other children if he has ever bullied or abused them, or threatened them! This is not something to be ignored.
Get security cameras around the house that he doesn’t know of… they record voices as well as video
He’d be nowhere near my children. He wouldn’t be able to come over my house either. He’s most likely already been abusing your baby. If he does serious harm or kills him, then what? You’ll wish you did more to protect your baby. NEVER PUT ANYONE BEFORE YOUR KIDS.
Cps put them in a psych ward or send them off to boarding school
I was totally broken when the love of my life left me it was so hard for me and I almost gave up if not for a friend who directed me to a very good and powerful man called Dr Lucky who helpe me bring back the love of my life and now he treats me with so much love and care I don’t know what you are passing through spiritual problems like bad dreams , HIV/aids, bacteria, illnesses ,stroke , cancer , syhilli ,etc but trust me with what Dr Lucky did for me I know he can help you in any problems in your life message him on his page all thanks to God sent man Redirecting...
Take him to church, throw holly water on him, or take him to therapy. That kid needs mental help before he turns into Ted Bundy
I sure if you spend 1 on 1 time with him and ask him what wrong and why he feels this way. He will tell you. Then you have him tell the dad and you . The kid and dad tell his mom then you can solve the problem your selfs. Love him the way you love your own children, if you buy your children something buy him something etc.
Get that child some help ASAP! If the mother isn’t doing anything about it then your husband needs to step up for his kid and get him help! I’ve heard of kids that age being “terrors” but never to that extent. That is a serious red flag!
Keep that demon spawn away from your child.
Be wary.My stepsons brother was the same way.He started molesting other kids in his family at the age of 9.By 15 he had already molested 7 kids including my Stepson.
He’s displaying sociopathic behavior. He needs to be tested and fast. There is no way I would leave him alone with my baby who can’t talk. My husband would have to handle the situation with the ex like now!
I have a son just like thet, he threatened to kill my daughter when she was born hurt animals and now hes a adult that horribly beats women, he was diagnosed with a mental disorder and was put on medication he beat on me and went after his stepfather with a knife. I had him put in psychiatric treatment
KEEP HIM AWAY FROM YOUR CHILD … abusing animals is a sign; little to no empathy is a sign. Let his parents deal with him away from your address. I understand your role as a step-parent and wife but protect your mental and physical, but most of all, your son.
Try to get him into therapy. He seems like he’s very jealous of his siblings
Run…he sounds like he will be a serial killer…
Nanny cam this can help show mom what he is capable.Sounds like it would be beneficial if he got some therapy
This child needs counseling, tell your husband that you don’t want him around your son until he gets it.
Il dois être suivi en pédopsychiatrie car peut être n’a t’il pas d’empathie et sa peut devenir dangereux autant pour lui que pour les autres
Seems normal with exception of abusing animals, the other things most grow out of but the animal issue needs to be addressed now.
Excuse the language but I would beat his little ass an tell him he’s not an adult and he needs to change his behavior or suffer an ass whopping for each time he acts up. If that doesn’t work you need to get his father an his mother on board an come to an agreement on how to put his little ass in check
#1 keep him away from your child. #2 document every thing. Even Video proof. Take it to the mother if the mother will not do anything. Take it to a lawyer and take her to court so you can get him evaluated immediately! This is very dark behavior.
Ain’t no way he would be around my children! He already said he doesn’t care if your son dies, plus he abusing animals!!! Come on, he’s letting you know what he’s capable of!!! He’s telling on himself!
Chucky wouldnt be round my child.
I think the camera thing is great idea that you have some show the phyicialogist and also some thing show his mom to if she is either blinded by it or believe not really true… since your husband is the father he could get up check out too but def I say put camera around inside and outside the home and also I would not let the child be alone with your little for no reason u till u guys can get handle what is going with that child mental state also hurting animals is usually the first sign that some not right maybe mentally or emotionally or both but def worth checking it out with a professional before some does happen to someone else if not your child some else’s… hard as this for me to say as am mom as well but I really think this kid needs help or asking for in all the wrong ways … even therapy or something … bottom line you need take care of your children too and your self too … we all herd horror stories of kids killing people and starting with abusing animals first with what he been saying about your son and his brother I scared to!!! Go get your family some professional help…
how is he with the other kids at his moms or your other kids?
It’s not your kid - had it been your kid you would deal with it especially the animal abuse which is a sign the mother ignores.
Your child comes first.
Ultimatums are heavy but if you cared about your kid then the husband is a liability.
If you can get your hands on proof of this child’s behavior and document problems then you have a case or to show the judge if your husband refuses to make moves.
No doubt the kid is acting out against his other sibling.
So I’d leave when they’re there.
I’d leave the husband but that’s me, no one touches my hypothetical kid. Fuck no. Baby daddies, men, aren’t as eternal as your kid.
It sounds like some real issues going on mentally here…starting with sibling jealousy. I would start with a psychologist and definitely trying to confirm with the boy that he IS just as important to BOTH his father and you. It’s nothing to be ignored, but he’s just a child and feeling like his family is taken over by another family can be devastating (I have a son who went through something similar…he needed very serious reassurance and therapy but things have been WAY better). I’m not saying this will fix it because some kids/people have more serious issues but to shun a child for possibly just feeling alone and acting out to try to get the love he wants/needs is just a very sad thing to do…
most behaviors are learned…but those are some major red flags!! like…serial killer red flags
Your husband needs to take his ex to court to have court mandated counseling and intervention for the 9 year old. You need to document everything with video, audio and write down everything. There needs to be a record kept to bring to the courts and a licensed professional counselor.
Don’t want to scare you but most murderers start with harming animals at a young age. This would worry the hell out of me, either his biological parents deal with it, or he wouldn’t be welcome in my house & certainly not near my child. Good luck, it’s a horrible situation to be caught up in
Keep him away from your baby. Dont let him in your house. That child is obviously mentally unstable and needs professional help asap. This is the reason I never dated men with children.
Um have you seen the show on discovery +? EVIL LIVES HERE
Robert Arthur Hawkins - westroads mall shooting
Terrifying and real.
My prayers for God to help and guide you through these difficult times .!! …the child who kills, steals and destroys …have brought forth evil desires of sin in their lives …God almighty will deliver him from evil …have no fear - our God is here !! In Jesus name …amen !
I totally get that he should definitely be evaluated and for sure not left alone with any other child. But has anyone stopped to even think WHY??? Or WHAT OR HOW??? this has triggered in this young boys mind??? Im not saying psychopath doesnt just happen in some people. But ot really saddens me the shun of this child b4 actually anything being done!!! Maybe he has been abused himself that has made him feel and say these things! But instead of anyone worrying about what may habe brought this on or if somwthing has happened to him or is happening…its an automatic shun him get rid of him he is evil he will never change etc kind of scenario and that is heartbreaking!!! People wake the hell up a lot more so than not there is something that has triggered this thought process and yes his family needs to seek help/counseling/evaluation etc but at the same very time need to be showing love and support to this child who knows where this really stemmed from but all of u are bashing him and maybe the child needs love, care, compassion etc. My heart is saddened by everyone of u who just shunned or told the step to shunn this child may God be with each one of u ans humble u to a better spirit and understanding and may he work in ways and throughout this family that they need. Guidance underatanding answers love support and most of all Gods love and mercy to guide them and comfort them.
Prayer and call a priest
It sounds to me like not only the boy but the mom “bio” needs to be evaluated. If she takes nothing seriously who isnt to say she isnt the one putting these thoughts in this childs mind. Maybe she is jealous or angry that her ex husband is remarried with a baby even though it sounds to me she has others also but unsure of the whole situation maybe she has said to this 9 year old oh they dont care for u like they do him he is more important than u are who freaking knows maybe she has done or aaid things noone knows about. Maybe she treats him bad and he is cryinf out for aoneone to love him who knows but again yes take all proper precautions to protect ur baby and urself for most but do not give up on this child b4 his parents seek help. It seems strange to me they havent already??? Adults wake up see the bigger picture instead of letting another slip thru the cracks of todays society!!!
Talk w your husband about getting all the kids into therapy, that way the one child doesn’t feel singled out and you can get help professionally.
Kid sounds like a early serial killer…id tell the mother to give her head a shake and take the kid to therapy since what he is doing is messed up , hurting animals abd bullying ect and never ever leave this kid alone with your baby ever!!!
sounds like a serial killer in the making…you have a right to protect your baby…maybe it is time to limit visits or have his father set up a therapist it may not help as these individuals are different and tend to get worse as they get older just saying…
I think this lady needs advice from a professional not a Facebook page.
Get him professional help asap
That’s what they make counselors for
Serial killer in the making… keep him away from your son.
I wouldn’t have him around my house. My child would take priority🤷🏻♀️
Personally I would talk with your husband and discuss professional help. Tell you husband about what has been said and allow him to ask his child about it and see the reaction of said child… I wouldn’t leave him alone with any child. If his mum is not willing to address the matter you and his dad will have to as your child is going to suffer otherwise.
This displays literally psychopathic tendencies. Get him some help ASAP. this will probably only get worse.
With this level of issues and concern, I would honestly say the kid isn’t allowed over anymore until the mother gets serious and he is doing well in established therapy. If no one gets serious about it, I’d tell my husband I’m moving out with my baby until it’s addressed otherwise I’ll be living Solo for safety.
Have you tried talking to the step son to see what’s bothering him? I’m not expert but he sounds like a troubled kid who probably doesn’t get the right input or attention…my partner is a single child and he used to be a terror, his father was an alcoholic and his mother a selfish narcissist…
Never leave this kid alone. Go to therapy with him and have a talk with his mom which i think she is learning these things…he has a hard personality, which is constructed on chaotic education and for him this transition makes him to feel that he is not good enough. Showing strenght to the others by bullying them and agressing animals is a sign that he needs to feel he has the power around him. It s a hard personality and behaviour which might lead to dangerous things. I consider it will be better if you distract him, take him everywhere show him nice things, always be around, play with him and involve him in different activities. Throw appart everything that might be violent for him, even video games or cartoons. Try to involve him in education programs…but have a talk with a specialist…this might really help. He in not feeling important he wants to show that he is in the center of the attention.