Sounds like an early onset sociopath. If you keep showing like walking on eggshells all the time he’ll soon figure out you’re vulnerable spots. Seriously like the public have suggested go to an counselor/psychiatrist now. The more it’s swept underneath the carpet the more it gets worse not only just for yourself but both children will suffer
You need to not leave your 2 year old alone with him, and let your amazing husband handle his son with his sons mother. Good luck!
These are very scary thoughts for a 9 yo yo express. I’d speak to your husband and get him into therapy ASAP
I would never leave your son alone with him not even for a second. He has some serious issues that need to be addressed cause it will only get worse as he gets older.
That’s incredibly scary and yes I’d be greatly concerned about him being around your son especially alone. That being said if you fear your sons safety than you need to either leave while he’s there or have a serious conversation with the bio parents and tell them that this needs to be addressed immediately or your no longer going to have your son around him. Sounds like he needs some serious counseling and behavioral management. Hurting animals is a serious sign of something really wrong with him mentally. His bio parents and you need to address this ASAP because it’s a serious thing to say you want someone dead and to be hurting animals. If the bio parents don’t want to help you address this issue than you need to do what you have to do for your own sons safety.
Sounds like he’s not getting alot of love in the place he wants it most and needs to be taking out every now and then just by himself and have wonderful conversations and told that he is loved with an embrace that holds until he lets go. Dont bring up negativity, make it all about him. make him feel loved and keep reminding him he is a good kid. Im sure he feels everyone’s frustrations and just acting on them. If kids are seen as monsters they will act like a monster.
Do not have him over for visitation. Your husband can have visitation with this child elsewhere. What his parents do is not your business. Take care of your children first. Those who don’t like you putting the life’s of your children first don’t matter anyway… Set your foot down in your home with your family.
Never leave your son alone with that child . As sad as it sounds look for a counselor . That child needs help .
Push to get help but protect ur kids til that happeneds sorry mr man i dont feel my child is safe until u handle this we have to separate for sm time
My advice to you would be this: if this was your child abusing and screaming our for help, and you “did nothing” like you say about his mother, how would you want your child’s stepparent to handle it?
Never allow them alone together, and tell your husband he needs to keep his kid in check or you will take your kids out of the home when he is around.
Second piece of advice, don’t listen to fb strangers with internet psychology degrees.
Talk to your husband about your worries and show a united front that you are not going anywhere, sounds like he’s got a lot of jealousy, stop it before anything bad happens good luck x
Wow! Everyone just jumps on the bandwagon, this is y my kids don’t like my x wife she hates my kids but won’t admit it she has left bruises on my daughters back, took my sons Blanky from him and told him he doesn’t need it he was 2 and my girl was 6 at the time now 17 and 14 and dad blames me for them not wanting to go around her I refuse to make them go. The real mom of the boy probably makes him go over there and every child is different he is pissed his dad chose a new family instead of fixing there’s. Most boy boys are assholes lol(specially with only a mom full time) they think there protecting there mom he is 6 far as abusing animals she’s probably seeing the boy get rough with them not purposely trying to hurt them my son did the same shit they just haven’t learned there strength at that age. Plus whatever this woman says to the dad the dad will believe her over his son. Boys are harder than girls they have more energy and more of the protective side my son is a buthead but he thinks he’s the man of the house, if someone hurts me he comes unglued I’m sure this lil boy thinks the same and his brain this lady took his dad away from him his mom and sisters understand he watched the break up watched mom cry for days weeks and in pain. So STOP SAYING HES A SERIAL KILLER ITS A CHILD!!WITH A SHITTY STEPMOM WHOM a would rather get rid of him instead of trying to talk to him and spend time and reassure him she’s a good person.
Don’t want to scare you bur keep your kids away I’ve watched lots of documentarys and hurting animals and behaviour like this is literelly the start of a serial killer I no it sounds dramatic and he probs won’t get to that but it’s possible
Sounds like he has the makings of a serial killer. I wouldn’t leave him alone with any kid. Tell ur gusband point blank that under NO circumstances is that child to be left alone with any of the other kids. So as long as “can’t” get through to his ex, he will be responsible for watching him at all times. If it were me, I would demand ur husband put in a phone call with the kid’s pediatrician. Even if he doesn’t have joint custody by any chance, the pediatrician can still listen. I would sit down with ur husband and make a list of all concerns and SPECIFIC incidences, such as u mentioned here to us. Then I would be by his side if and when he receives a call back from the pediatrician (if ur able to do so).Sit silently by with pencil and paper. Ur husband may not properly tell the severity of the situation, and/or omit pieces of pertinent information. If ur husband refuses to do any of this, it is up to u as to whether or not u want to risk ur child’s life by allowing that kid into ur home. Yes, it will probably cause a rift, but u are ur child’s mother, their protector. Ur child’s safety comes before ur husband’s hurt feelings.
Sad situation to be in plenty prays also needed
Therapy therapy therapy!!!
You can’t be the one to try to control him. The upset may be that his Dad left. He doesn’t understand it. Or to go to the worst assumption he may be a sociopath. Either way he needs professional help. Your husband needs to get him help. As everyone else has stated under no circumstances leave him alone with your son. If he’s so full of rage he hurts animals he’ll work his way up to humans next. I understand how your husband feels but he needs to show him love.
Do not leave you’re child alone with him,He needs psychiatric help.
Treat him like you would your child. Because he is now. Now what would you do if your own child was saying these things about and doing these things to your younger child. You love both but you cant let one continue to hurt the other and you cant give up on trying to help the child who is acting out. 9 is still a good age for help. Maybe he is acting out and needs attention due to these new babies on both sides of his family being born when he was only a toddler. Did your relationship with this child begin before or after you married his father? If before, how much has that relationship changed since you married his father and had a baby. Im not making excuses for his behavior but seriously thing about it. I did it to my son. My twins were born when my oldest was 5 and i instantly started making him do more things for himself. I stopped playing with him as much. I was always tired and frustrated. But i did play with the babies because i had to change their diapers and carry them around. I sent him off to his room to play and bought him a bunch of toys but he wanted me and he missed me. Then as the twins got older and i had another baby. I sent them all to play with toys and just tended to the baby and my oldest was already acting out and began to bully and hurt the twins. We love them. But they have no clue if we arent showing them. My advice, do not push the kid away. Pull him closer and stop allowing them to play out of your sight with each other until you can help fix their relationship. Because he will rub off on your child and any child after the one you gave birth to will be treated this way by your bio child. If the 9 year old is your husbands child, he is your child. Do not make your husband choose between you and his child. This is a child. He is only 9. Just like any 9 year old child he needs to be looked after and taught. There is a huge possibility he is feeling unloved and unwanted and the reactions to his behavior only confirm it.
Whoop that ass girl
Many of these comments are awful. He is a child. Not an adult behaving this way, a child.
Firstly, try your best to never leave this child unsupervised with all the children but absolutely not under any circumstances with your youngest. (not saying the others aren’t as important but they can remove themselves from a situation or tell on the child. )
I agree with others, seek professional help immediately for the behaviours displayed.
And just continue to address any negative behaviours so the child knows its inappropriate but ensure your giving explanations as to why if your not already. Try asking the child why he does what he does and for an answer more than because I’m better than them, just keep asking why to whatever response he gives to try and drill down to whatever his thought process is.
The biological mum sounds like she’s burying her head in the sand so she needs telling it’s for you all to tackle this together and be on the same page in order to make the child not only better behaved or at the bare minimum not a risk to himself or others, and in turn a happier child as he mustn’t be to be acting this way.
Best wishes to your family
He’s only 9 ans already acting that way! He’s got some issues get therapy so they can check him now.
I don’t want to be THAT person but sit down with your husband and force him to get that boy help. I would make it known that if things do not change that specific child is no longer welcome in the house. You have to look after your child and their safety. Until that occurs that child is not to be left alone with any other child at all regardless of relation. It’s much better to hurt feelings now than to have to clean up major damage later
It is your god given duty to protect your children…something needs to be done before your son becomes a statistic…it’s a proven fact that children who abuse animals never ends well…please address this today (and hopefully he will get the help he needs as well before it’s too late)
Sounds like he needs therapy to get to the root cause of why this is happening.
He needs a psychological evaluation. Currently know someone going through this.
If he’s in your house and he told me it’s in your kids and your pets and he’s acting like a pure hell yeah and then you have the right not to have them in your house he’s not your child if your husband wants to see his kid who can take that shout out with him somewhere and hang out for a few hours but you don’t have to allow that kid in your house he’s going to injure one of your kids or you or your husband one day and he sounds like he’s I’ll tell you what he sounds like he needs a good ass whooping that’s what I think but since you can’t do that anymore and every kid knows it just don’t let him in the house you tell his of his mother that if she can’t get control of her son and he behaves better in the house then you don’t want him in your house your husband can see you can’t take the chance of him hurting your kid because nobody’s going to obviously the mother does not believe how he acts so what’s the point don’t let him in your house.
flying head kick him
Honestly, there really isn’t anything you can do for the step son unless it is reinforced in the other home… Keep your comments civil and truthful when speaking to your husband about him… God only knows how he is really feeling about his son… You know that has got to be killing him inside… He can only do so much without the same on the other end… So, do what you can in your home and teach your son to defend himself as he grows up… He will face many more bullies like his half brother his entire life time, so start young… Kids Karate is something else and how they really try… It teaches many disciplines beside just beating on people… Good luck and try to be patient or at least understanding!!!
He needs physiological testing and a therapist. His father can schedule that.
Cover him with love, he’s just a child. Many things could be going through his mind. Someone hurt him deeply, possibly filled him with anger. Pray for him constantly, let him feel love. Have his dad show him love too
Schedule therapy sessions on a day that he is scheduled to be with you and your husband. Invite mom to come along too if she wants to participate. If she fights you on it, let her take you to court so hopefully you can get a court order even if it’s only temporary.
I had step kids from hell I had him go out with her she wasn’t allowed at my house
I personally would get some support for him, I know as a step parent to a troubled child myself that it’s really hard. But you can ask for help, social services can offer a lot of support (I know they have a bad reputation) but we had to ask for help before and it’s honestly changed our lives, don’t suffer in silence because you’ll lose yourself in it all xx
Went thru this with a stepson. The day I walked past and he had my 4 year daughter down trying to smother her with a pillow was the day his father realized there was a need for help. Needless to say I moved out.
Get him in therapy have phys eval done and get him the necessary help that little boy needs. I understand it is scary and you want your family to be safe but get in some sort of treatment plan that will help rechange his mind set.
Therapy. Not treating him like a Devil child.
Leave that relationship wtaf
Omg. I’m actually unfortunately related to someone like this. Please don’t leave your child alone with this kid. He needs therapy and he needs it ASAP.
His parents failing him
Has he not gotten help? He is obviously doing stuff to get someone’s attention. He probably doesn’t feel he can talk about what’s really bothering him.
Becky Ford. See if the comments help. ( you know who)……
If my son was in danger because of my husbands son from another marriage I am doing WHATEVER I need to do to protect my son. That is my answer.
He is a child and needs love and support he is obviously struggling with some issues or past trauma and it’s manifested in this way. He needs to know he is wanted not to be pushed away. Get him some support but in the meantime let him know how special, important and loved he is. Model positive behaviours and be the calm in his storm as parents that is our responsibility… even when it is difficult!
Sounds like he’s jealous of his little siblings relationship with the family. I’d suggest a few things. 1. Family counseling for your hubby, him, you and his 1 other sibling that is tied to your spouse. The mother can’t control what your spouse is doing/seeking with his children. Getting help professional help can open up the threshold for a new beginning in the family’s relationship with all of you. Leave baby with a sitter, get to talking it out. 2. Dad needs more one on one with his son. This child is crying out for attention. He’s saying things doing things to get it and obviously it’s working. He has some security, social, emotional issues that if your hubby is willing can take a whole new direction if he’s shown that no matter what his father is with him and supports him. 3. Parenting skills are harder with a hard headed difficult child.not that this child is hard headed or difficult. He’s acting outbecause he’s hurting. Get help, reach out to see if you can find some support groups, parenting classes, therapy that could help you as the parents help this child. Regardless of the fact he’s your step child he’s still a child you care for he deserves you fighting for him too. And it doesn’t matter if the mother says there’s nothing wrong you know something is wrong and by gosh darn sakes help this child. 4. He’s not separate from you or you child. He’s a part of the whole family. Make a difference in his life by getting him the help he needs on top of family therapy he needs to see a specialist, he needs a support group, he might even need medications. Psychological issues can lead to totally uncontrollable issues. He’s 9. He needs help. You need to help him. Listen you already know something is wrong, your afraid of him, help him figure out what he’s feeling, how you all can help, and get him back on track. Remember he’s 9, he’s hurting, he needs you and your husband, he needs his family to surround him with love and support. He’s screaming for it. Don’t let your chances of saving him slip away. Just do what’s best for him for him, for your son, for his father, for you, for the family as a whole. You married your husband knowing he had other children. You took that responsibility as a co parent to your husband. You can do this.
That’s a red flag… hurting animals… ffs let alone what he’s said about his brother… that kid needs psychological help… before it gets worse… jealousy is the root of all evil
Kids that hurt animals runs too far deep for me… they turn into psychopaths/murderers etc… dont even Google it as the results will unsettle you!
He needs help and urgently
Please for the sake of your kids and marriage self refer your family to “Mind” they’re a fantastic mental health company who will get him the help he needs
Probably because his dad has this new kid and he’s feeling left out and like he’s not wanted!!!
Its most probably jealousy because this 2 year old sees his dad everyday and he doesn’t. Put yourself in his shoes!! Just give him love and show him he IS wanted and is family just as much as your own son!!!
Your probably just being a karen on that poor lil guy
Let me get this straight, his parents divorced. You come along and make a baby with his dad. It seems mom also made a baby with another man or dad was with you months after he had a baby with the baby momma. Confusing? Now imagine how he feels. You cannot fully blame the bio mother. The adults turned this child’s world upside. That being said, you should probably not leave your baby alone when he is with you. The adults made this mess so they need to fix this. How sad.
First and foremost, never leave your child alone with him. Secondly, that child needs therapy. There is certainly something not right. If something isn’t done, the situation will escalate.
Kids that develop behaviors such as randomly hurting animals and kids and having narcissistic traits (I’m better than the others) need immediate psychological help, before they develop much dangerous patterns
Secret camera on your son and at your home when he comes over to show what’s going on when you’re not around as evidence
Get your son and leave.
So many psychologists who graduated summa cum laude from Facebook University….there is something wrong when you turn to FB posts for advice on a child. Get off the damm computer and contact a real mental health provider, lady.
If your husband is truly the good man you say he is, have a sit-down conversation with him where you insist that for everyone’s benefit he be put in therapy. Stand firm on this, he needs your help!
I’m a certified psych nurse. He needs professional help. Showing no remorse over the abuse of animals is a huge warning sign. Those statements made outright without hesitation or remorse are danger signs. Do not leave your son alone with him or any smaller vulnerable child or animal. He’s 9 not 3. Please seek professional help now rather than later.
Protect your children and anyone who doesn’t see red flags are crazy
I agree with many other people. A lot of these signs (killing or abusing animals, lack of empathy, bullying) are all major signs of a mental illness. Many psychopaths and sociopaths do those things during childhood. It is SO important and crucial that you get him into therapy immediately so he can be properly diagnosed and get the help he needs. If he doesn’t get help now it could end up being catastrophic to himself and others. I would most definitely never leave my child alone with him. It doesn’t mean that you don’t love and care about him, just that you need to love and care about him enough to get him the help he so desperately needs. Good luck mama!
Kids who feel jealous after the birth of a sibling or formation of new family units DO NOT turn to the physical abuse of animals. Ice cream, an extra play date to the park and a second bedtime story at night are not helpful.
You are his parent too…discipline the child when he does things he’s not supposed to like you would your own children. He has some heavy feelings inside that he NEEDS to let out…set him up with someone to talk too.
Just because he his a stepchild does not mean he’s any less important or any less worthy of help and attention from you. You are his step mother. Help him.
If that was me i’d be telling mum either she gets him professional help or I’ll be calling social services for advice, they may be able to monitor him and mum ect That behaviour is very worrying, it sounds like that child seriously needs professional help before it gets out of control. At 9 years old he’s old enough to know what he’s doing.
Sounds like a budding psychopath!
Had the same problem. So we put camera’s in our house.
That gave us the necessary evidence. Soooo…
You can DM me if you want to know more.
I would definitely suggest getting him into therapy. Licensed professionals will be able to help him get his feelings out and a solution to his emotional problems can be found, make sure to have patience with him he is probably just as confused as you are about his feelings and emotions, causing harm to animals and other people is a definate red flag for a young boy that needs help. Good luck I hope he gets the help and assistance he needs
Install the cameras and don’t leave your child alone . If his other son spends the night I would move your child to your bedroom. I agree his son needs to be evaluated by a psychologist. Hurting animals is often a sign of problems.
Be a serial killer him
This child needs serious intensive therapy and help beyond what the parents can provide. I hate to be the one to say it but many serial killers started out harming animals and bullying. PLEASE get him help before something happens that cannot be undone
This goes beyond sibling rivalry, the child is out of control and dangerous. He needs therapy to confront his anger, abandonment issues and jealousy. This is some serious business.
Please see a doctor and have him checked…maybe he needs therapy and counseling… His behaviors are red flags
He needs to be seen by a child psychologist if he’s harming animals Period! That part is beyond normal childhood issues.
Not trying to scare you just letting you know how serious this can get but there was a stalked episode similar to this where 2 parents got together and the husband’s son tried drowning the step sister and after the parents broke up it didn’t stop.
He needs help ASP!!!
Talk to your husband about puttin him in some kind of hospital for help. If he can’t do that then take your son & leave his safety is way more important than your marriage!!!
The amount of adults on this page ready to throw a child out instead of attempting to seek help is alarming…
Get that child help…those are not normal reaction to another child being born…
I see some say cameras…DO IT…do not leave your child alone with that kid for longer than few seconds…
Normal kids do not hurt animals…
Sit down chat with dad…this is a dangerous situation if everything you are saying is correct
You and hubby should talk to mom about therapy. If she refuses then contact social services. Set up cameras in your house and outside. Document what the child says or does
Sounds like he needs more one on one time, and has gotten lost in the mix of babies being born and relationships being created. I would also suggest family therapy
Please get him counseling he needs help his behavior can be very very serious please talk to your husband to get him help and his mother. I knew someone who’s 6 year old was abusive to animals he killed his kitten while watching tv. He had no remorse and said I killed the cat no remorse of emotions. Get help now!!!
Get the psyco in some counseling asap
Long story short, my ex’s brother was really weird when he was a child. Animal abuser etc. later in life he murdered his wife and unborn baby. Still wish he was in jail.
Terrible dangerous situation, Put cameras asap, talk with mom, try and just have dad have alone time visits, Good luck to you all, but do not leave children unattended. So sorry to you.
Keep him away from your child
Let it be known that you will involve authority’s be any means necessary. The child mom can be mad BUT really not your issue
Makings of a serial killer
I wouldn’t even let him back in the house until his own mother takes you seriously and is willing to address the situation. If she’s not willing to punish him and teach him that it’s totally unacceptable behaviour then it’s not your problem,and if the mother isn’t bothered it makes you wonder what the poor boy might have witnessed elsewhere
I would put my foot down and refuse to allow him in my home. Dad can deal with that himself. Dad doesn’t need mom’s permission to seek mental health help. Your child’s life is first.
The making of a serial killer!!! Record your convo with him,sit his father down and the two of you have a mature and respectful chat about it!! Act now before its to late.
He needs a lot a therapy it maybe something happened to him and he does not know how to deal with it
Try blaming the dad too…cut contact. You already know the correct thing to do. You don’t need permission. Protect the other children and get the dangerous one sent for help.
Go over the mothers head, with dads permission, and have him evaluated. Don’t let him unattended w any child or animal you don’t have a choice.
A whole family conference.
Im sorry Snd i don’t care to be judged for my decision but I had my husbands little boy do that. But he actually hit my daughter to the point I had to get her seen. He gave his mom concussion and he’s only 3 years old. He’s only getting worse. He needs help but she doesn’t care. I had to think about my well being and told my husband if he comes back to my home I’m taking off with my kids and won’t be around till his son is gone. He knows I’m not lying and even if he didn’t recognize how bad his son is he should trust me as his wife when I say something bothers me. He decided to take it thru court and CPS to her him help. But the process just started.
Talk to him let him no you love him let him no his brother and sister love him these at not bad kids their just missing something its up to you to fine it a doc can’t help they just put him on pills you need to fine his soft spot
You have a classic angry child. Don’t leave your child with your child. Tell him you love him however you feel he is angry and might hurt the baby. Do more with him not less. Talk to his teachers. How is he at school. Connect with school resource person. A sport that just he and dad do. Go out and burn energy then go for a treat and talk.
Murderer in the making😳 tell ya husband he’s not to come round, tell him take his kids out when he has them. As harsh as it sounds wouldn’t have him round me kids
Very serious if things arent taken care of ASAP. Therapy and counseling is what he needs.
I work in child physiology, we see a lot of kids with problems like this, the mother is playing with fire. That’s the problem when parents ignore the situation? It only escalates, gets worse? I saw a movie once when the parent gave the child anything he wanted, instead of discipline. The child grew up to be a monster, a serial killer. ( true story) so I don’t think you have to think about that one?
Cameras EVERYWHERE! Cameras with night vision and definitely audio. I personally would talk to your husband and tell him I’m putting the 2 yrs old safety above all else. Whether the boy will or wont do it is of no concern, his behavior is a serious problem. He shouldnt even be allowed back in the house and dad just needs to visit him by himself