I’d move to a non-smoking apartment building
Buy a air purifier works great target has them.
Wow. I’d move to a healthier apartment if possible. In the meantime buy an air purifier
First thing I would do is complain about it on Facebook and then ask for advice from complete strangers.
Buy a air purifier, works great.
Sounds like you should probably move and stop bothering someone
Make the apartment complex move him or you to a different unit
Well if they won’t fix it, you have cause to break your lease. Get out of there.
Move, lol, and take your peace with you.
Talk to your house Boss…tell the problem to your house Doctor and write a letter to the house company
So you want this man to stop smoking in his own apartment …
lady its his apartment not yours and unless the lease says no smoking he can do whatever he wants. If you don’t want to deal with neighbors that close then go rent or buy a house. Its not your place to tell him what to do in his own home.
If he’s not going to move, I would, That’s got to be Horrible Y’all
Either move or mind your own business.
Move, unless you pay his rent too let him be.
I also live above a cigar smoker. When it bothers me I shut the window. Problem solved.
Start puffing joints together
Grow up. Its his house. You cant tell other people what to do in their own home. If you dont like it, then MOVE
Move. My neighbors stink my apt with the marijuana they smoke. It’s terrible! Apartment life sucks but sometimes in life ya gotta take the good with the bad.
Have them move you to another unit.
Get an air purifier, and scent infuser. One will extract the foul smell of the smoke, while the other, with gardenia, eucalyptus or citrus oils, will make a delightful aroma throughout the apartment. Go brave!
Mind your own damn business… that’s what you should do
You didn’t mention anything about no smoking in apt being in the lease… so… Unless it says no smoking in the lease then you need to just move! Why would you even move into a place that didn’t say no smoking in lease! If you’re as health conscious as you say then that would have been first thing I looked for!
Break your lease and move but that’s expensive, do something really annoying and maybe he will leave.man that’s a hard one.call the news.
I’d move if at all possible…and I’d MAKE it possible.
i think you should join him & smoke cigars too. i love my smoke. all y’all health nuts can go kick rocks.
If your or his lease does not have a “no smoking” clause then you are SOL. You can complain all you want and you will get nowhere if he is not breaking any parts of the lease. While it may be nasty…you have a choice to either stay or move. Personally i would ask to relocate to a different apt or just not renew my lease and move into a house. You dont get to subjugate other tenants to harassment just because you dont like something that is not provisioned in your lease. This is whats wrong with people now. Instead of using your right to not live in those conditions you try and force others to live by yours when there is obviously no legal standing for them to do so. Pisses folks off when they are trying to live their life too and you end up labeled a Karen
I ended up having to move
Close your windows. Its his home too and he should be allowed to be free to live his life.
Move ? Lol or deal with it
Just move. If enough people complain(assuming tenants keep changing because of that) not only will the lazy landlord actually do something about it, you will be in a better spot and not give a shit about any of those shitheads. Relying on a landlord to actually make someone change their habit is like relying on pigs👮♂️to actually help you regardless if it’s against protocol or just not at their best convenience. They’re most likely not gonna do it. The landlord might have other properties to tend to so he just wants his rent money and as long as he still getting it nothing really gonna grasp his attention… find a better spot, don’t pay the rent here the last month you plan on being there cuz you got the next spot figured out. Then when he notices somethings up he’ll go to you instead. And by then you’ll have anther spot figured out and you just tellem here’s last month rent gimme my deposit are you still in the lease?
Move, unless there’s a no smoking clause in your rental agreement, suck it up or move
Complain to the management you are not allowed to smoke within 25 ft of the building.
Leave that man alone…
Ask the Apartment Manager to move you to a different unit.
Start playing John Denver… really loud.
Just one question. Does his rights end where yours begins?
Maybe you can shift. Coz he can do as he wants.
Don’t be that neighbor. Mind your business or move
I’ve had this issue before. Old house converted into four large apartments. Vents connecting apartments so whenever neighbors cooked or smoked it came through. Best we could do was close our vents. It helped tremendously in the summer. Winter not so much obviously. Eventually they moved. I don’t recall you saying if you owned or rented. Unfortunately not a lot can be done by you legally I don’t think if landlord won’t enforce his own rules. Or maybe you can. Consult with an attorney. Most of the time that is free. Look up tenant rights laws. Or just move. I know this isn’t exactly the time to do so though. You’re kind of stuck. I wish you and your family luck though.
I would move and get out of your lease because he poses a real threat of falling asleep and catching whole place on fire. I’d move before that happens
I had a very heavy cigarette smoker under me a few years ago and it was absolutely disgusting because I didnt smoke and cigarettes smell like shit. My entire house always smelled so bad. I MOVED. Dont be a Karen. Find a better place to go and leave that man alone.
Stop being a Karen, or move. He pays rent just the same as you. When you choose to live in apt bldgs, you have to deal with up close neighbors. Don’t like it, find more suitable housing to fit your needs.
I would move! The landlord can’t really do anything about it if it doesn’t state in the rental contract that NO SMOKING IN THE BUILDING PERMITTED! For your family’s sake , I would find a new place to live. Best solution is to rent or buy a single family house.
If there is not a no smoking clause in the lease, you are out of luck. It sounds like you are guilty of harassment. There should be a zero tolerance policy for harassment and you should be made to leave.
Move, it’s not your choice what he does. If you don’t like him smoking then your only option that you control is move
Buy some giant fans and point them towards his smoking area. The fans will blow it back downward.
Hey pics of him falling asleep with it. That’ll show it’s more of a fire hazard. And who wants to deal with all that paparrwork.
Lets hope he don’t start cooking curries or anything spicy…
My god, that would be a double whammy…
If he happens to be on the ground floor, wait til he starts smiking outside, he will habe direct access to your windows and then what would this world be coming too
Time to move. The manager is not going to do anything and the man is not going to stop. Be pro active and get out before something terrible happens
Why is the disturbing peace rule not applicable for both the non-smoker AND the cigar smoker?
Move to the country. You can’t ask people to stop doing anything in their own home.
Because you are paying his rent, I think he is disrespectful to you. Tell him to move, the lease is over.
What would I do? I’d move, and I’d do wayyyy more due diligence the next place I moved into.
Move apartments or buy the man a smokers candle and stop your complaining.
Sounds like you need to move then.
if the building is smokin then MOVE
Typical liberal if I don’t like it nobody can do it.
Kill him! no pls dont it will create another problem, invest in an air purifier instead
Aww look at all the people that think the world revolves around them:joy:
Air purifier for your home
You are bothersome
Live some where else
Burn some insense or a scoob
Mind my own business and move.
Fill a pit with cinnamon, and bring to boil. Turn down heat and simmer. Cinnamon will remove most of the smell. BE VERY CAREFUL NOT TO LET THE WATER SIMMER OUT!! You can use Cinnamon Sticks or Cinnamon spice.
Relocate to a different unit
Michelle Hruska heheheheh
Worry about something that matters geez
Invest in a really good air purifier
Move… problem solved…
Shut your mouth, he’s living his best life. Don’t like it move
Just move. Problem solved.
Complain…complain…MYOB. Lady
Can you request to be moved to another unit?
Move! Problem fixed.
I’d mind my own business
Shut up and move and quit your complaining.
Hey some water guns.
Pump action
And shoot him with water every time.
Either move or get over it. It seems your land lord doesn’t care
Sounds like… a bitch
Move out Jesus Christ man
Lol what Karen wrote this ?