What to do about my cigar smoking neighbor?

I would move, once you have trouble with a neighbor you will always have trouble with that neighbor. Good luck.

None of your business what someone does in their own home


I mean, you do as you please inside your walls, right? Heā€™s entitled to do the same. Get over yourself.

Run air purifiers, change the AC filters more often.

Save up and get your own place on your own propertyā€¦

Move. Not much landlords can do besides keep warning. They wonā€™t evict for smoking, the damage is most likely done to the apartment already(smoke) and most landlords of apartment complexes are hesitant to even act on something so petty. It sounds like you may be the one becoming a nuisance, as bad as it may sound, but obviously itā€™s already been a nuisance to your whole family for an entire year now, so for everyoneā€™s happiness, sounds like you may need to find somewhere more fitting

Invest in an air purifier or two.

I love the way cigars smell

Move. You canā€™t tell someone else what they can and canā€™t do in their own apartment. I am a smoker. If I lived in a apartment that allowed smoking, I would tell you to fuck off if you kept harassing me about it.


Why dont you just move if its so bad? You want everyone around you to change their life because of you, or how about save your money and but a house? Have a large yard, so that you can make all the rules in your land?
Its that simple, leave the inconsiderate, unhealthy asshole to his death by stogs, and live happily ever after!

Put fans on the balcony point them toward the smoke see if that will help

Get some Scentsy, febreeze and air purifiers

Not sure where you live but here in ontario we have a landloard and tenent boardā€¦ i would get them involved if its afecting your health

Disturbing the peace would be something that youā€™re calling the cops about. You wouldnā€™t call the cops just because someone is smoking, thatā€™s ludicrous. If itā€™s that big of a problem, find another apartment. It sounds like youā€™re talking about an elderly man whoā€™s probably been in the building a lot longer than you and has been allowed to smoke for just as long. They arenā€™t going to make him stop just because of complaints. So either buy an air filter or two, or find another apartment.


You live in an apartment. Kinda got no say. If your needs were so specific and dire, you should have searched for a smoke free apartment. Not just pick any apartment and then expect your neighbors to full fill the needs you should have taken care of while house hunting.


Stop being a Karen and get over yourself. The same way youā€™re complaining about his smoking is the same as heā€™s prolly complaining about your complaining. If his smoking of cigars is the biggest thing you have to worry about youā€™re doing pretty good. Get out of here with your he hurt my feelings shit. Grow up and get your own place. If you canā€™t afford to get your own place then start complaining about that. Whack ass shit; acting like your neighbor is holding you back


What would I do? Move. That is the best option you have. This is the price you pay for apartment living, and even though the rules donā€™t allow for him to smoke, the landlords donā€™t seem to care. So save your money and rent a house or find an apartment with better neighbors.


Call your local fire marshallā€¦ no im not a ā€œkarenā€ but the falling asleep thing is dangerous afā€¦


Well hes not impacting on your quietness, my suggestion would be move to a single storey house with a yard, and even then you may have neighbours that do something you dont like, so maybe a property out away from suburbia so you can be natural and free, you cannot control others lives just because you dont lime something, change yourself and surroundings


Where do you expect the man to smoke if not outside? Down the street? Sounds like you need your very own home.


If heā€™s allowed to smoke inside thereā€™s nothing u really can do buy some goosecreek candles an u wonā€™t be smell c the cig the cigar smoke unfortunately if u keep doing this to him an he reports jr u will be disturbing his peace


I understand his wanting to smoke in his apartment. However the man is a danger to himself and his neighbors. My Grandmother was forced to leave her apt. Because she kept leaving the gas on her stove with no fire. The smell of leaking gas alerted everyone on her floor. I would contact Social Services.

Move to an non smoking apartment. Whilst i agree with you worried about him smoking while sleeping, he has a right to smoke in his house unless his lease says otherwise. If someone came to tell me or my husband to not smoke inside/balconyā€¦i will politely tell them to fuck off as it is my property

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Sounds like you need to move to a one family home. You canā€™t control what someone does in their own house. Tf??


Iā€™m in the same situation. I live between two neighbors that smokes. Even when the windows are closed still smells. Iā€™m a single mom with a Down syndrome toddler. Canā€™t move to a new place. No money.

welcome to apartment life! wanna switch neighbors? i have a neighbor who loves to party at least 3 times a week and another with a dog who barks 24/7

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We have a similar issue except no one is allowed to smoke in any common areas pool, BBQ, playground, gym facilities, EVEN our own patio smoking it is Not allowed ā€¦they actually tell residents to smoke Inside their own apartments instead of even on our own balcony or patioā€¦?! I just dont get it

Either move or put up with it his choice to smoke them itā€™s his place of residence too he is allowed to do what he wants in his own apartment until you pay his rent and bills you have no right telling him what he can and canā€™t do

I donā€™t think this went the way she plannedā€¦I agree with everyone else. MOVE OUT! Sounds like your disturbing his peace.

Lmao just leave if you care that much. Thatā€™s just what happens when you live in an apartment. Thereā€™s always gonna be someone doing something you donā€™t like and thatā€™s just the price you pay for having an apartment. It sounds to me like you are the one disturbing his peace. He pays rent to live there and unless thereā€™s rules about not smoking thereā€™s nothing you can do.

I would be scared if he falls asleep while smoking.
My first thought is to move. If that is not an option, buy this man one of those smoke fans. It goes near the smoker and inhales the smoke, so you donā€™t. Also buy him smoke alarms and make sure your house has them.

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You donā€™t have the right to tell him how to live his life. Try purchasing some heap stir purifiers, keeps your windows closed. Then donā€™t renew your lease and find a new place.

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Pay his rent. He might be more accommodating since you pay his bills.

Fortunately, the last person that told me I couldnā€™t smoke or play certain music in the home I pay for when they visited doesnā€™t speak to me anymore.

If you can afford to be all Natural family and take your health and home cleanliness seriously, I think you better move to a community where your neighbors do too. This place isnā€™t working for YOU !!!

Karen, youā€™re going to encounter many things which make you uncomfortable. You have three options, continue being a nuisance, move to a place that grants you the life you believe you deserve, or the most preferred one, learn to deal with that which makes you uncomfortable. You should stop infringing on his right to live the life he wants to live because it makes you uncomfortable. He wonā€™t be the last encounter.

Move dude. Landlords/managers will barely if not ever listen to your suggestions, some are just shitty like that. If theyā€™re not taking care of it after you asking several times, theyā€™re not going to do it. Get out of there, itā€™s better for your health and your familyā€™s.

If itā€™s effecting your health ask if you can be moved to another apartment. If you have to live there try some cool mist humidifiers with an essential oil tray. There are oils that help with congestion and others that fight against environmental smells.

Move not necessarily because of the smoke but for safety reasons. You are right, if he falls asleep while his cigar is still lit, it could burn the apartment. Maybe you should write a formal letter to the landlord stating that and CC a friend so he sees you are documenting your complaints and there is a witness.

I mean unless there a rule in his lease that says he canā€™t smoke inside his apartment thereā€™s nothing you can do. Thatā€™s a you problem. He can do whatever he wants inside his home. These are the types of issues you have to deal with when you live in an apartment building like that. One of the reasons Iā€™ll never live in one. Move if your able to, otherwise you just have to suck it up. :woman_shrugging:t3:

Please move, so that poor neighbor can smoke his cigars in peace. I hope you will buy a home somewhere nowhere near humans. Then you wonā€™t be disturbed by petty bs anymore and first and foremost, other families can live their lives in peace.

You already have your answer. Heā€™s not stopping, the landlord doesnā€™t care ā€¦ so move. Maybe your landlord will care with an empty apartment.

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As much as I sympathize with your situation as I cannot stand the smell of cigars, cigarettes, weed, etc., your neighbor is within his rights to smoke in his apartment if there isnā€™t any rule that says otherwise. Why donā€™t you just move? Surely there is a non-smoking apartment complex you could move to?

I would move into a houseā€¦as far away Frome other people as possible. Out in the country so you have clean air to breathe. Thatā€™s what my hubby and I did. House payments are a LOT less than rent.

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Itā€™s the same with people who have stinky fires in their backyard that seeps into your house.

That is his rightā€¦if u donā€™t like it then moveā€¦preferably not a apartmentā€¦u gonna always have something to complain about when u live that close to peopleā€¦I would never live in a apartment especially if you gonna complain about what someone else is doing in their own homeā€¦he has not directly distributed ur peace and Iā€™m sure the landlord has talked to him but nothing they can do cas he has rights as u do and itā€™s ur right to move if itā€™s causing you problemsā€¦they might can even let you move to another apartmentā€¦

Do what Iā€™m planning to do, as difficult as it may be in these unusual times, move. Unfortunately only a handful of civil judges will side with you in a civil case. Also by the time you take him to court, gather your witnesses, and get your doctors reports, you could have found another place. Iā€™m going through something very similar, but only worse. My neighbor smokes the cheap so called blunt rolled, legal marijuana. It causes me headaches, sneezing, and sinus problems. He frequently smokes it because since it went legal it is also less potent and requires him to smoke it constantly like a cigarette. My lease is similar to yours, and I have also complained frequently. Now all of a sudden my landlord have placed me on a month to month lease, given me documents warming me of hazardous chemicals in the building, and raised my rent twice over the past 6 months. It could be worse, you could be in your own home and have a next door neighbor causing a similar problem. Just make sure that if you do move, make sure you get a downstairs unit.

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Itā€™s not fair. But you should move. I bet that landlord will have a hard time renting out that stinky apartment.

If you called 5 times and no resolution, the next best thing is to ask for a different apartment in a confirmed ā€œNON SMOKINGā€ building. If your concern is odor, second hand smoke and this guy ā€œfalling asleep while smokingā€ then why would you want to stay in that building. Ask for a transfer of apartments.

Moving seems like the best option imo. Your landlord canā€™t force one of his tenants to quit smoking because another tenant doesnā€™t like it :woman_shrugging:

I would have the apartment complex either move him or your family to another apartment at their expense. That will get the managers attention.

Find an affordable place to live & move away from this neighbour. The last thing is that blockhead falling asleep with a lit cigar & start an apartment fire that way. The building manager is going to have an impossible time explaining why a tenant ignored the warnings & had a fire start when falling asleepā€¦itā€™s expensive cleanup job.

Just move to a property that requires no smoking its really common these days

I would buy some liquid fart spray and spray it on his door and doorknob but be warned the spray smells like a hot steamy SH** when you spray it make sure you donā€™t accidentally smell it because you might actually throw up or maybe pass out oh and also the cigar smoking guy wonā€™t know what is smelling so awfulā€¦ā€¦I would say spray in his apartment but I donā€™t want it to travel up to yoursā€‹:wink::heart:

Then move. He has a right to do what he wants in his apartment. If youā€™re so worried about your health, find a different place to live.

Oh pleĆ”se, itā€™s not her ā€œpeaceā€ but comfort.
Children can disturb ā€œpeaceā€.
Smoking cigars is ā€œannoyingā€.
If itā€™s not in his lease, then move!
Those are sacrifices one makes for your family.

There is really nothing else you can do. I do know how you feel, because I canā€™t stand the smell of cigars either

Buy an ozone generator or move. If he be pays his rent he should be able to smoke a cigar if he wants.

Take ur complaint to the property management company snd let them know u have told the manager multiple times as well as ur neighbor, to no avail. Let them know that it is affecting ur childrenā€™s health and that if they begin to start wheezing, it IS going to be a problem and that u will take legal action bc nothing has been done. And also let them know u have seen him fall asleep with a cigar in his hand

Really the only thing you can do is take care of you and (sorry to say) moveā€¦

If it doesnā€™t say anything in the lease unfortunately thereā€™s not much you can do besides move out. Thatā€™s probably what I would do. Iā€™m a smoker but I smoke in the privacy of my own home but if heā€™s falling asleep smoking thatā€™s a hazard to everybody

My wife and I previously lived in a shit hole purposely to build capital.
Our next door neighbor had chemical imbalances. Screamed all the time and was very vocal while having sex (challenge accepted). Another neighbor neglected their dog, so he barked all day.

We used this as fuel. Work your ass off, Penny pinch, invest until you can move into a nice place above the noise, smells and BS.

Poverty sucks, your paycheck becomes effective once you do.

I would move but I know itā€™s not that easy. I would buy some air purifiers put them in every room and keep windows open with fans on as much as possible

Well I would buy him a box of Cuban cigars , Cohiba cigars, they smell great ! And ask him to smoke them instead of what heā€™s smoking , win win

I would just get a candle. I make and sell candles so this isnā€™t a big deal to me, but in my apartment a lot of people smoke Marijuana and after I light a candle it stops smelling

You shouldnā€™t have to move because of it but you should take it to higher authority, smoking is not only bad for you it is a health and safety risk specifically if your children can smell it and donā€™t like it and if your upstairs and no fast way to escape if a fire happens :roll_eyes: i hope you get this sorted soon

Unless the lease says something about smoking not being allowed (itā€™s a real thing! The last apartment I lived in there was a section on the lease about strictly being smoke free apartments- and if found to be violating you would be evicted.) I donā€™t think thereā€™s anything you can do about it. Maybe see if your landlord has anything like that in your lease? But yeah sorry he xan do what he wants in his apartment. That is crazy though heā€™s going to end up burning your house down one day falling asleep! So you guys should start looking for a smoke free property.

Can you close the vents? Maybe an air purifier for your rooms? If management doesnā€™t do anything can you ask them if you can move to another unit, itā€™s a health risk to you at this point.

I didnā€™t think people still smoked cigars on the reg anymore I hate the smell too but ilI like the style :sweat_smile:

Thatā€™s like asking Indian neighbours not to make curry - but youā€™d still eat it

I would get over myself and stop trying to control others. If you donā€™t like it, move. Itā€™s just that simple.

What I did for my little sister, I bought her a HEPA Air Purifier. Mostly for her health due to husbandā€™s lovely habit of Mary Jane. She and her cat donā€™t care for the smell either. But she said it helped her a lot. She can place it in any room of her house to clear out all and many smells, germs, and all she has to do is vacumm out this filter. Thatā€™s it. It by Hamilton Beach True Air Purifier with a permanent HEPA Filter. I bought her a Black one to match bedroom. She said itā€™s very quiet, as itā€™s cleaning the air in each room. She put it to the test buy cooking a meal that had lots of fish smells and onions. By the end of the meal. They didnā€™t have that lingering smell of fish & onions in the kitchen. This Air Purifier machine removed these smells too. Sheā€™s happy that I really thought about her gift.
For me I wouldnā€™t keep pestering him about his love of his cigars. I used to do that to my grandma pestering her about her cigerattes and her :smoking:. Itā€™s her habit, like it or not. Yes, you care but itā€™s his right too!
Since you care so much. I would get him a ashtray that makes a point. ASH-Stay Sealing Wind & Odor Resistant Indoors/ Outdoor. Comes in Black or Brown doesnā€™t cost that much, seen on Amazon too!
Plus you wonā€™t be smelling his Cigar smoke anymore. I hope this helps you.

Unless it is a No Smoking complex.there is nothing you can do. He has rights alsoā€¦maybe you should consider moving ā€¦ U canā€™t make him move. You have equal rightsā€¦

Iā€™m assuming this means your children are silent during all hours and never do anything that might disrupt the peace of your neighbors?

Either buy a single family house or move to an in the contract non smoking facility.

If it bothers you that much then just move, Iā€™m sure itā€™s a habit for him and heā€™s not going to just stop

Specify in writing what your concerns are and send them to the landlord. Ask for a unit transfer. If it is a non smoking property they will have to do something or allow you out of your lease. Read your lease for specifics on how the property management deals with disputes

Where is this? Sounds like my dad :joy: you live in Georgia?

I think unfortunately itā€™s a free country and theyā€™re not illegal, you could always move :rofl:

She also says what if he falls asleep smoking inside

Record your conversations every time with both the cigar man and the owner. If you break your lease you have a leg to stand on. Also most attorneys dont charge with the first call (*Didnt use to anyway) so contact one. Its your health and your familys on the line and thats not counting the risk of a fire.

If it was against the lease or a problem they would evict him and make him pay for damages or fines for disturbing you. Is it messed up. Yes. But otherwise, thatā€™s on you for not knowing what you were signing up for. Mind your business or move. Sounds like he was there first and didnā€™t have issues.

Unfortunately if the lease rules for his unit does not state he can not smoke than I donā€™t think there is much you can do. Can you ask you manager to put you on the list for a non smoking unit?

Go get some jars of activated charcoalā€¦ set them all around to absorb that nasty smell!!! It will work. Just take the lid off and set it in the openā€¦

Is there a no smoking policy in the rental contract?
If so, yo need to talk to the landlord, because itā€™s a reason for eviction.
But, even if he moves, the smell will be there fotears to come.
I would consider finding a new place to live.

That apartment livin is roughā€¦ door dings, loud arguments, nasty smells, constant water shutoffsā€¦ all kinds of inconveniences. Like just move out and save urself a headacheā€¦ pardon the pun

Seems a bit odd to me that HIS smells are entering YOUR apartment. Can you block however the smell is getting in? Or is there maybe damage somewhere that you can ask the manager to fix?

I donā€™t agree with the attitudes of the commenters who are calling you names etc, but I do have to agree that you may have no choice but to move. And hey, you never know: you may find a place you like much better. Good luck.

Iā€™d MOVE. This is disgusting but if the landlord wonā€™t do anything thereā€™s nothing you can do either except move to a place where they donā€™t ALLOW smoking.

Iā€™m sorry your frustrated but if the lease doesnā€™t say no smoking thereā€™s nothing you can do. Other than move lol

Try boiling orange peels and cinnamon.

Maybe you need to mind your own business and get a fan or candle

Lay your stereo speakers on the floor, put ā€œBaby Sharkā€ on continuous play and leave for the day.

Pay rent to an escrow account. Bet the landlord wonā€™t forget to ask him then

Try putting little trays with white vinegar in them around your house vinegar absorbs the smell

Water your Plants everytime he lights up!

Buy a small electric dirt compacter.
Set it on the floor in the middle of the room and ever time he lights up a cigar turn it on.
That simple.
Problem solved.
Thanks for the tip carl

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Thereā€™s no good way out. Look for a new apt.

The down side of communal living. Ask to move apartments or move entirely.

Unfortunately you will have to move. Before you sign a lease, make sure people living in the building are non smokers or choose a non smoking building.

File a lawsuit for misconduct on the apparent place for not following their own lease bet you make bank from it to lmao

Move before you loose everything you have even you life . Good luck

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