What to do for a baby with acid reflux?

My daughter had it so bad, I had to spoon feed her baby cereal. It had to be thick. She finally was able to keep down normal bottles/nurse around 5 months. People will judge you no matter what you do.

My daughter did that. Breast milk, soy formula…nothing helped. That plus severe constipation. Nutramigen was the ONLY thing we could give her until she ate big girl food

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I tried baby zantac with my son and he would not drink it. My pediatrician put him on dissolvable previcid tablets. The taste like strawberry. You just put them on the inside of their mouth and they dissolve quickly. I think you need to ask about them because the doctors usually push zantac. My son had a severe case as well. My husband and father in law made a large wedge from sturdy cardboard and we put it under his crib mattress to elevate the head. Many people tell you have the baby sleep in their car seat. I did not like doing that. Not sure why, I just didn’t feel right about it. I also used Nestle Good Start formula for him. It is a little more expensive, but afte6the previcid, formula, and wedge. Everyone started sleeping again and Jack was keeping formula down.

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Since I was breastfeeding I ate tums after every single meal. My son spit up all the time, never super painful but it was annoying having to do so much laundry heh, after I steered the tums regime he was fine and eventually grew out of it

Consider taking your baby to a chiropractor. It can help. Also, you can give them a prebiotic to help their belly.

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My daughter’s pediatrician put her on an oral medication at 7 months old. Her spit up bleached the color out of her clothes. She’s 19 now and I can’t remember the name of it. But I’d talk to your baby’s pediatrician.

i had to change my oldest to soy formula and after the 2nd bottle she was like a new baby! also, try Gripe Water.
this worked after trying multiple other things like formula with broken down proteins, and medicine like prevacid

You need to make an appointment with your family doctor, get a referral to a pediatrician who than can send you to see a Gastrointestinal doctor that specializes for infants :heart:

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Try cutting dairy from your diet if you’re using breast milk. More than likely you’re gonna need a formula change and/or medication. They may suggest adding cereal, just call your pediatrician. They will have answers.

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DeAnna if his gets worse, you may want to look into pyloric stenosis as a possible diagnosis because that’s what Patrick had. It’s more common in infants.

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Try nutramigen. I had the same issue and switched to it and it did wonders.


He sounds bad, he might need to get started on some medication and they need to closely watch his weight

Enfamil AR, helped my son. You should talk to your pediatrician about different formulas

My son was on the yellow enfamil but switched him to pink enfamil (enfamil AR) seems to be holding in his tummy better

There’s not really much you can do . But maybe get some meds my daughter suffered bad until she turned 1 she was on Ranitidine. And we put a wedge in her bed to sleep. She also had a tongue tie issues. And got that fixed and it helped a lot to .

He might need an anti acid. My daughter had it really bad too. Talk to his pediatrician.

Prescription reflux medication and alimentum formula is what mine was put on. His was AWFUL!

He could have a milk protein or soy allergy. My son had both this and reflux. He ended up on prescription formula. Definitely tell your doctor, especially if you start seeing blood in his poop

Mix with oatmeal or rice baby cereal. Both my children had it bad they almost had to operate on my oldest. Elevation is key 45 degree angle after eating for at least an hour. The baby swing really helped my youngest who had severe projectile acid reflux plus colic.plus both my girls had to be on sensitive soy milk.

We had to put my daughter on soy formula and a reflux medicine from the dr.

Go to your doctors my youngest had to go on special formula which was softer on her stomach

My two children had really bad reflux and I put rice cereal in their formula to thicken it also switched then to the gentle ease formula and still mixed cereal in it

Medicine and hypoallergenic formula is what we had to use for my daughter.

Call your pediatrician. My youngest was put on zantac at 6 weeks old. I also switched his formula to an AR formula with rice added in it.

Dairy allergy - do some research and it will likely fit

I used gripe water and wrapped the baby’s belly. Rip a receiving blanket in half, fold the half to wrap the belly. Then wrap the baby up afterwards with a full receiving blanket.

Try him on regular homogenized milk. It worked for my niece. She is now in her 40’s.

The first thing I’d guess is probably lactose intolerant

Dairy/soy free formula, lots of burping, sitting upright for an hour after feeds, reflux medications

Seek pediatrician advice as there are many reasons this can happen, you and the Ped should rule out together!

We used bay leaves boiled in water and cooled roughly an ounce small sips at a time

My son had this due to gut issues from being premature. He had to have thickened formula (they sell AR formula in stores,ask the pediatrician if this would be an option) and they also put him on reflux meds that helped.

I just kept my kiddos elevated for a while and actually put them up on props when they slept

Add cereal to the bottle. You will have to widen the nipple holes in the bottles a little bit.

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The doctor prescribed medicine for my baby when she had it. It helped a lot.

Gripe water over the counter you can get it at almost any store like Walmart, Walgreens target ,freddy’s

My children needed soy formula for this same reason. Also happy tummies and gripe water.

My daughter could only use the simalac spit up or the similac gentle start

Sounds crazy but take baby to a certified infant chiropractor. That or it’s a milk allergy. My babies are/were soy babies.

Go to the doctor to rule our any underlying issues. He can then tell you how to safely and effectively treat it

Was he prescribed medication?

Also have baby evaluated for lip and tongue ties


Talk to your pediatrician they can give u a liquid medicine for that

Pediatric gastroenterologist for medication!!! My son needed to take meds 5 times a day to get relief.

When my son did that he was allergic to milk and soy products :woman_shrugging:t2:

Talk to your pediatrician. They might try Zantac. It’s liquid and is minty.

Ranitidine was it for both of my girls.

have you tried an antacid like Mylanta or Malox? they work for me!

My Dr prescribed baby gaviscon and it was a godsend

Paediatrician and get some medication.

Tell his pediatrician. There is medicine for him.

Oh and yes medicine,HE NEEDS IT.my baby has been in her meds since 8 weekss

Bump up the head of his crib a little.

Cereal in his bottle just a little bit

Baby gavison prescribed by the pediatrician.

He could have an intolerance to the formula, definitely get an appointment with his pediatrician.

Take to his ped dr and they will put him prob on rqntidine or something stronger if needed

Could be a tongue tie. My daughter used to take a full boob of milk, I’d sit her up and the entire lot would come up. It was because she was swallowing so much air due to the tongue tie. We got it cut and it solved the problem immediately x

I see a lot of comments about formula change and I agree with that but I want to add Playtex bottles to the recommendations.
Two of my children suffered from terrible reflux and the playtex bottles with the bag were a life saver!

I had to ha e my son put on nitramigen. It didnt stop the spit up but it definitely slowed it down.

Adds lil rice cereal to jus bottle and change the milk it works my dr told me to do if

Talk to your ped,you should switch.formula.

2 of my kids had it bad but since they were still gaining weight their dr didn’t do anything about it. It was rough til about month 6.

He may need to switch over to soy. Bring it up at his next appointment. There’s only so much the ER can do

Talk to his pediatrician about it. They will have the best advice.

Maybe stop eating spicy foods? You say breastmilk. What you eat gets passed to him. Eat a bland meal.

Please change to soy!

My first born had this issue. He ended up on acid reflux meds for a short period until he was a little bigger. I also let him sleep in one of those vibrating seats. The seat helped tremendously! Stock up on the batteries!

This helped my son a lot

My mother-in-law taught me a great trick that I used with my first born and I’ll probably use for my second if he has problems like that. take fennel seeds boil the water strain the seeds out and allow the water to cool and use that as the water for the formula.

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My son needed to go on an RX antacid that his regular pediatrician gave us. In most cases by the time the baby turns 1 the acid reflux resolves and there’s no more need for the Zantac, because as the baby grows and matures and their muscles become stronger so will the muscles of the diaphragm and they’ll be better at keeping the food down :blush:

Id check into it more honestly … my son had the same problem had to have a surgery and a compound medican 2 times a day and had to use elecare formula

If the baby or child has bad tummy ache ( gas) lay child on it’s back then get his or her legs n push them up to the chest high as possible up n down and that will release the gas

Had to us alimentum formula for my little girl couldn’t digest milk protein

My premise had it but it went away when they got a little bigger. I think around a few months old.

I switched mine to lactose free formula and it basically stopped instantly

Have you told the Dr about it

Donor breastmilk might more than formula

Alimentum by Similac helped ease our baby’s acid reflux. We tried many…

My son required ranitidine to help his severe colic & reflux. Talk to your kiddos pediatrician ASAP

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Talk to your doctor.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What to do for a baby with acid reflux?

My daughter ended up taking medication for it and they told me to have her sleep on her stomach at a slight incline.

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You need to consult with your pediatrician, who may refer you to a specialist. My oldest son (who is now 21), was diagnosed with pediatric reflux at about 9 months old. When he was finally correctly diagnosed, he would projectile vomit entire bottles and entire jars of food. What we didn’t know, was that he had also been aspirating that into his lungs and ended up with a very bad case of pneumonia. He had to take liquid Zantac until he was almost 5 years old, we weren’t sure if there would be any permanent damage to his lungs (thankfully there is not), he had a VERY crappy immune system as a result until he reached about 10 years old. We were also told to expect him to have numerous food allergies (he doesn’t have any at this point). In addition to his medication we made sure he was slightly upright for all feedings, we spent extra time and care burping him several times with each feeding, and he needed to sleep on a slight incline.

I will reiterate though, you NEED to be consulting with your pediatrician. Every child is different. What works for one may not be the answer for another. We were told that the Zantac may not work and we may have to try several different things before we found what worked for him. We just happened to luck out and it worked immediately.

My first turned out to be lactose intolerant we had to do a say formula at the time (14 years ago) and also we had to feed her on a strict schedule because if we let her cry before eating she would projectile it everywhere. Feeding her before she was “ready” helped. Also when she got hot she puked too.

Zoey had severe reflux and we had to use the aptimel anti reflux milk and also gavisgon sachets to thicken the milk even more

8 weeks of Prevacid and supplementing with Similac “spit up” formula gave my baby some relief.

It probably stems from food allergies. Babies can react to food proteins in formula and breast milk.
Medications for reflux is actually damaging to the gut microbiome which doesn’t help the situation.
My baby had projectile vomiting and vomit to shock from breast milk reactions.

Definitely get a referral to a paediatrician and a GI for review

Stick with just breast milk. Always keep him upright after feeding.

My son had reflux, and they recommended gripe water. Don’t know if t hjis is available where you are, but worked for my son, added to his bottles if I recall correctly (dosage on the gripe water bottle)

No advice because you’re doing everything I would recommend but my daughters, started at birth and she “out grew” it at 6 or 9 months. There is hope yours will to!

Definitely chiropractic for babies!! Drug free solution and definitely breast milk is easier for their systems as well…if can’t do breast milk goats milk is second best

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My lo used nutramigen formula for severe acid reflux and lactose intolerance. My other lo used enfamil ar for acid reflux. I unfortunately did not produce breast milk so I cant give any advice on that.

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Go to a health store they have some stuff

We got a refferal to a gi dr from our pediatrician. My son had really severe reflux he would stop breathing and his oxygen levels would drop. They put him on prescription meds had to go through a few meds to get to the right one. Took 2 pediatricians and 2 gi Dr’s and until he was 10 months old to get it right.

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Could be lactose bothering him. Talk to the doctor and see what he says

Definitely ask for a referral to a GI. There are so many different things that can cause what looks like reflux. My last 3 babies had milk/soy protein intolerance. Once we got the correct formula going for a week or 2 it helped a LOT!

My nephew, when he was a baby… he’s in college now… they thought it was acid reflux for MONTHS but turns out he was allergic to powered baby formula. They switched to the pre-mixed and didn’t have any more issues. He would throw everything up, cry and was never happy… switched the formula and it all went away. Maybe something worth trying.

Doing both formula and breast milk can cause issues with his stomach. It’s probably safer to stick with just breastfeeding and cut dairy out of your diet. My daughter had that issue too I would give her infants mylicon on days it seemed like her stomach was bad even though it’s for gas relief.

Call your pediatrician and ask for a referral to a GI. You need help. They might be able to give your baby medicine to help. This is not an uncommon issue so seek help…not only for your baby but for you too! It’s hard dealing with a baby that is sad and uncomfortable. My second baby had silent reflux and it was terrible.

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