Hey, mamas, I’m curious. What was everyone doing when they went into labor with their kids? I’ll start. With my first I was visiting with my aunt, we were watching tv and I ended up with.few contractions and the inability to get comfortable. With my daughter, I had to be induced because my labor kept stalling. My third baby is due soon, and I wonder what ill be doing.
With my oldest I was sleeping it was about 1 a.m and my youngest was trying to go to sleep started at 7 p.m
I was sleeping, I thought I peed the bed turned out my water broke
I was peacefully sleeping in my bed when my water broke at 1:11am and I leaped to the bathroom like the floor was lava😆
Trying to start work Lisa Cline
With 3 out of my 5 I went into labor right after having sex. The other 2 I don’t remember.
My 1,2nd one i was sleeping when my water broke, My 3rd one i was cleaning our new house we had just moved into my 4th one they induced me because she was over 11 pounds and still not due for 2 more weeks…
With my first i was asleep. With my second I was viewing a new house… I did end up buying it!
With both of my girls, I was sleeping. Woke up around 5:30 am with contractions. I’m due in two weeks with my son (but will be induced in one week) and I have a feeling he’s going to need to be evicted.
With my first daughter i was in bed. With my second daughter we were leaving the ball game.
When I had my youngest, I had to beg, plead, and pay my mom to watch my oldest till his bio donor could get there. I wasn’t expecting to have an emergency induction when I went in for my NST testing
I was induced both times so I was getting ready before labor
I was induced all times except one. We were trying to “induce labor” well it worked and my water broke.
With my first i went in for an NST, and had gone from 1.5cm to 4.4cm dilated overnight so they induced me. My second I was trying to sleep and had extreme pain, was admitted for HELLP syndrome, he was born emergency c section four days later and 4 weeks early
Just sat down at Golden Coral for dinner. Water broke. My husband jumped up. I told him to sit and eat. This baby isn’t coming at this moment. Lol
I was sleeping with both of mine. With my son my water broke and with my daughter I started spotting blood and went to the hospital and as labor progressed I had to have my waters broken
I was sleeping first pregnancy, started tossing and turning really bad and when I woke up 1 am I was having contractions. With my second pregnancy 7 pm I was coloring and I was actually having Braxton hicks all day which progressed to contractions without me noticing until I lost my mucus plug. I didn’t believe it so we went to the hospital and yup I was in labor lol.
Working as a waitress. Contractions started at 10:30 shift started at 11. Had back labor so I thought it was just back pain. Made it all the way thru the lunch ruch and then some before going in.
Sitting in the movie theater through Titanic when it came out
It was soooo long that it even had an Intermission and I was so uncomfortable
1 and 2 i was at work. 3rd and 4th I was at home laying down. 5th I was induced because of high blood pressure. I have a feeling the 6th will also be an induction or just me being at home again laying down lol
My first I was sleeping & my water broke. I was only 31 & 6. I got flown to a city three hours away as my hospital doesn’t deliver under 36 weeks. I stayed in the hospital till they induced me at 34 weeks. My second, I had contractions all night. I finally went to the hospital the next day. My work gave me a couple days off to relax. But that same day, I was home & the contractions came by & again, I got flown 3 hours away as I was 35 weeks.
Both my boys oldest and youngest were just after sex. My middle daughter was in the morning
Just got done babysitting a 1 year old and dropped her off at home, stopped at a gas station to get a movie to watch, used the restroom and found discoloration. Drove myself to the hospital and find out it’s amniotic fluid leaking…no movie that night lol
I woke up with early labor. I watched tv with my husband while I snacked on chips and salsa. I was timing my contractions. Before we left we packed our bag
I had a nice hot shower and got all comfy in bed at 11pm and ready to fall asleep then the pains came. And closer and closer so I couldn’t sleep. Told my partner I think we should go to the hospital. So we did. And couldn’t sleep at all that night. Had him at 11am the next day. All I could think of is how much I wanted to sleep before haha but I’m happy with how everything went.
I went in to be induced with my first and joke was on me I was having active contractions a few minutes apart and I never felt them. This time around I been scheduled next week for a c section at 36 weeks due to complications with growth and being below the 10 percentile.
With my 1st I was walking around the shops, had finally convinced the lady to let me use the the toilets. Came out and felt like I peed myself. It was my waters leaking. Got induced 2 days later.
Next 2 were planned sections so no exciting stories
Washing dishes and my water broke
I started having contractions around 6:00 PM 2 nights before (04/27) but I figured it was Braxton Hicks (I shouldn’t have thought that though I was 42 weeks when I had her) and around 6 AM (04/29) I started timing them (they were 30 seconds apart) and I woke my husband up to take me to the hospital (he took his precious time, brushed his teeth and everything before we left ) I was dilated to a 6 when I got to the hospital around 7:30, my water wouldn’t break so they broke it around 11:30, I got an epidural around 4:00 pm when I was dilated to a 7/8 and I started pushing around 5:45 I pushed for 15ish minutes and she arrived at 6:04 PM ( so I was in labor for a while)
My first pregnancy sitting watching tv started not to fell well I went into early labor 6 weeks cause a infection set in the cord with me having 104 fever. 2nd pregnancy schedule C-section. 3rd pregnancy I was washing my hands when my water started to leak. 4th pregnancy I was laying in bed around 1am I started having real bad pains.
Working, I had contractions when I was drawing a donors blood. He remembered about a year later.
I made an appointment and was induced with both … boring.
Eating pizza and the other two were c sections.
My first I was trying to sleep but couldn’t get comfortable. Back was tight and knotted… aka back labor but I didn’t know it. Went to hospital after 6 hours of failed sleep, my Exhusband slept…lol Had my son within 3hrs. My second I had just sent my first with his aunt and cousin and was walking to my room to nap and my water broke… well trickled. Went right to the hospital had him within an hour!!!
With my 3rd again water “broke” while I was cleaning my kitchen but contractions were not close enough yet. So I labored at home a couple hours packed a bag for and picked older 2 up from school dropped off with family them calmly went to the hospital.
I had just got home from my midwife appointment, had scheduled next visit the following week, and as I put my key in my house door, my waters broke! Under 4 hours later I had my boy in my arms!
I was sleeping! The contractions woke me up lol
I was enjoying a nice breakfast date with my husband after dropping our oldest off to school. And one bite into my eggs Benedict, my water broke. It was so embarrassing but the best day of my life.
First, in bed for the night… woke up from contractions.
Second, water broke while in bed for the night.
Third, woke up with contractions at 3AM
My first i had bronchitis and coughed him out and the 2nd was an emergency c section
Contractions turned into back labor at 3am… went downstairs to pee and pop… water broke going down the stairs
With my first I went to pee and my waters broke
In the hospital with preeclampsia had him at 33 weeks
1st I had just got off work at 3 in the morning and started having contractions. My other 2 I was sleeping when they started
1st and only- I was baking cookies and started having back labor. As soon as I got to the hospital my water broke.
Riding in the car home, thought it was another false alarm. Decided to deep clean the entire house while in the beginning stages of labor
With the last one I was at work. Started having contractions after lunch. Started writing them down on a sticky note between seeing patients. Finished my shift and gave my coworker my clinic keys because I figured I’d be having a baby that night
Went home, told the husband I was going to take a shower, we were going to eat dinner and to go ahead and call his mom to sit with the bigger kids… that we were having a baby tonight. I did the shower, but didn’t make it to the dinner table My sweet boy was born via C-section on 5/22 at 22:22, and 22 inches long
My first baby I was induced at 38weeos because her placenta stopped giving nutrients. With my second I had an appointment checked to see how dilated I was and I was in labour 2 days later after waking up at 4am to send my hubby to work barely made it to hospital she was born at 38weeks as well
My oldest i was asleep butt naked with my legg thrown over my husband and my water broke all over his back my last 3 were induced and I am being induced with this one on the 30th of this month
Sleeping my mild contractions woke me up that was at 4am didn’t go to the hospital until around 730am because of mild bleeding one day before my due date turned out I was 4cm and once I got to 5 they have me a room fast forward a couple hrs I was 7cm and they have me oxytocin in my iv to speed things along I ended up having to get an emergency c section
My first - girl … I was induced - high blood pressure. Emergency csection. Baby to big, but was in labour for 8 hours.
Second - girl - planned csection
Third. - felt like something was pushing down hard for days when I was about 35 weeks. Then kept getting a sensation of my stomach tightening everyday at least once. One night went food shopping (37 weeks) come home an could barely move, felt really heavy below.
Turned over at 6am in the morning an felt my water bust everywhere in bed.
I’m surprised of the amount of water that constantly leaks out.
Went to hospital after a shower and getting my bag organised (they said no hurry cos I wasn’t in labour but as long as I got there to get tested to check it was definitely my water.
I was booked in for a csection a week after, so seems it was definitely my water and they didn’t want me going into labour. By 11 I was getting rushed to get ready for my csection.
He obviously didn’t want to stay in like his sisters, he come early
My family and I were celebrating my brothers 21st birthday (you can already tell people were wasted ) I went home early after my mucus plug had came out at my brothers house. Soon after I was having contractions and called my mother to come get me because my contractions were getting closer, so she had to leave the party by the next morning, everyone showed up at the hospital hung over with red bulls and monsters in their hand It was definitely a good memory.
I was sleeping for both of my kids woke up to contractions
First playing Monopoly w/husband, second one I never went into labor had to get a c-section
I was at home trying to eat dinner
I love my story! I was scheduled to be induced at 6am at 39 weeks. I called to make sure they had a bed for me, and sure enough they were too full & said “we’ll CALL YOU.” Ughhhhh, like I wasn’t already anxious!!! I really didn’t want to be induced, so the night before I had bounced on an exercise ball, eaten spicy food, drank pineapple juice like it was going out of style, and walked a ton. Needless to say I spent the whole day waiting for them to call and going through tons of emotions. I kept telling my big guy “DUDE, you can come any time you know… they’ll have to take me that way!” Well, they finally called around 1pm and said “COME ON IN!” So I got in the car and I kid you not, 5 minutes down the road went into natural labor (driving myself, ON THE FREEWAY!!). I kept think “am I just anxious or is this the real deal!!!” It was so funny because I whipped into that hospital garage having double (back to back) contractions every 1-2 minutes. Back labor too!!! I was that classic woman bending over the L&D desk checking in “for my induction” but it natural labor. Woop!! I was already at 7 cm and had my bloody show when I changed into my gown. Soooo crazy!!! My big guy listened to me and came on his own!
Sleeping. Woke up at 3am thinking it was false labor went back to sleep. Was in labor for 24 hours. Only the last few hours were painful as hell
I literally had a movie moment. Woke up at 3am to my water breaking and had to run to the bathroom to dry off.
My water broke first. I continued folding laundry and got my step son ready. I then showered, shaved, did my makeup and headed to the hospital. At the hospital, I was induced and stayed until I gave birth.
1st, I was laying on my bed after just coming back from buying a car seat, my 2nd I was induced, my 3rd I was happily trying to eat my dinner lol, my 4th I was scheduled
With my older son I was trying to sleep and was having diarrhea, i thought contractions were poop cramps and was in total denial for hours that I was actually in labor lol. With my youngest I had a sweep done after having random contractions for a few days, then me and my fiance went to get groceries, I sat in the car while he ran in and waited for almost 2 hours in labor, then I drove home and laid on the couch while he put groceries away then we went back to the hospital and I was in active labor
my first i was sitting in the bar i worked at with my now ex and i went to the bathroom my mucus plug came out drove to hospital which was few minutes down road. my ex was working and i ws off work. my 2nd and 3rd i had to be induced they were 2 weeks and 1 week late.2 induced me walked laps at hospital everybody left me had to call back because water broke. 3rd induced and just plane stubborn coming out
First one taking my nieces to school second I was induced
On my way to get induced
My first I was visiting with my mom,had her in Saginaw mi hospital. My 2nd I had family over awaiting her arrival when I lived in manistee mi, went in at 2am. My 3rd we scheduled induction bc the first 2 I had some form of help in that way so it was anticipated we would need to. He was born in midland mi. 2 gorgeous girls and 1 handsome son. It’s kind of crazy thinking abt. I was allover!
#1 laying in bed
#2 induced because he was approaching 9 lbs
#3 folding laundry
#4 sitting on the couch
I was having sex
Took 39 hours of labour after that for the baby to actually come out though
First was 39 weeks and they had tried to turn him(breech). It didn’t work so we scheduled the c-section for his due date. Not 12 hours later, after he got the results of my sons BPP, he called me at 7 o’clock at night to say “How about we have a baby tomorrow instead?”. I said ok. Baby wasn’t growing and had stopped practicing his breathing in the womb so he needed to come out. C-section the next day since baby still wouldn’t turn. He was sideways and sitting on my cervix. My second was a planned c-section so no good story there. The crazy happened after his birth but that’s a longer story!
I woke up to pee went back to bed got back up cause I thought I needed to pee again as I went to open my door my water broke 9hours later I had my son (36weeks+3days)
1st one (girl) I was attempting to go to sleep when I started with severe pains. Nothing too out of the ordinary. Membranes artificially ruptured. Summertime. 2nd (girl) 2 days before her due date, most uncomfortable ever. tried EVERYTHING. relations helped to evict her. By the time I got to the hospital I was 5cm. Was about 4 am (give or take) had her 7:39 am.
3rd (boy) gestation hypertension. Dr was about 1.5 hr away. Had an appt on my due date (already scheduled for induction November 7th); I was told to go to ob triage had to go pick my daughter up at school, drive down to her family (dads side) drop her off, head to the hospital and to ob triage. Was told because I had 2 high BP on 2 different dates, I was a candidate for induction that day. I was admitted, induced and had my son the next day (10/30). They canceled my scheduled induction. Oh, and he was still very high up and only a finger tip dilated. He was pretty cozy there and didn’t want to leave. With my daughters, I was at least a cm dilated.
Sleeping for my last two. My oldest was an induction due to health issues
I was induced both times. I had pre-eclampsia with my first. Went in for my 36 week check-up and my OB asked me what my plans were for the day, and when I said I didn’t really have any, she said “well you do now. You’re having a baby. We already called labor and delivery.” Apparently my blood pressure was 190/110 and my urine was full of protein.
And because of my first labor being an induction, and because I had gestational hypertension with occasional trace proteins, and I lived over an hour away from the nearest hospital with a labor facility (plus they were shutting down the highway for blasting) we scheduled an elective induction at 39 weeks for my youngest. I was already 3 cm dilated and effaced and my OB had done a membrane sweep which failed so he was like “does three days from now sound like a good birthday?”
First time: I worked till 10:30. Laid in bed at 11:30pm to go to sleep and the cramps and contractions started. Born @ 9:27pm next day.
Second time: Exact same thing can you believe? Lol
Born @ 5:04am that morning.
Watching movies 5 days after my due date and was uncomfortable, didn’t want popcorn. Woke up at 3 am with contractions went to hospital and they sent me home, came back at 6 because contractions were closer together and they broke my water cause I had dilated quickly. Had him at 10:43 a.m. the day I was to be induced
1st baby was almost born on the toilet, and the 2nd, I was taking a bath (water broke at 5am in the bed but I thought I just peed myself lmao) felt the head of the 1st baby, and 2nd baby was breech but I thought it was her head. Yelled for the boyfriend with the 2nd baby, 1st baby, I was home alone and had to call 911 and as soon as I got to the hospital baby was born (for both)
easy deliveries
First 3 were all in the middle of the night… last one, I was pulling weeds and prematurely broke my water … longest labor of them all!
With my 1st i was at kfc with a few friends having lunch when contractions started luckily my waters didn’t break til I was at hospital and started pushing. My 2nd I was asleep and I woke up to my waters breaking at 4am and 3rd i woke up with pains at about 7am and my waters broke 15 minutes later on the kitchen floor as we were walking out to the car
My second I was literally sitting on the exam table waiting on my doctor and my water broke. Super convenient though because I was already at the hospital and undressed from the waist down my first I was induced
I just finished a walk around the block with my husband in 30°C+ heat, I sat on the love seat, slowly slid down to be on the cooler floor. Boom bloody show. Had supper contractions 5 mins apart, went in eneded up emergancy C-section he was born the next morning 4:24am at 41 weeks
Sleeping! Woke up drove myself into the hospital. Arrived at 225 A.M. , water broke in my car as i pulled into the parking lot, emergency c section born at 403 A.M.
I was in bed on the phone with my dad talking about contractions and my SO had just laid down to sleep for work when my dad told me to get to the hospital I didnt go into full labor until after we got to the hopsital, my Dr broke my water fully because my water only partially broke and then reclosed. I was 5cm by the time we got to the hospital 45 mins away, my labor started at 4pm and we went to the hospital at 7pm. Then my son was born at 3:50am.
Both water broke wen I was asleep
Every one of my kids I was sleeping and it slowly and continuously woke me up. First one left for the hospital at midnight because I was an hour away, second waited till 5 am this waited till the babysitter for my boys had her kid to school
My husband just got home from a Long day at work he came home 10pm
We where sitting on the couch he was having a few beers
First and only child I didn’t know I was going into labor so we sat there at home all night until 830am and I finally agreed to go to the hospital so we packed everything up and his ex wife had brought us we stopped at a coffee shop and went to the hospital 1045 pm our son was born
Little boy. Contractions started on Monday evening. No painful ones but couldn’t feel him so I got checked. He was fine just hit monitored. Then the next day I was at my nans after taking boyfriend to work and at 1245 my waters broke I kept getting a hard belly and tightening but no pain till after my waters broke. Then at 8.06am on the Wednesday he was born.
Celebrating Christmas Eve with family, I was so stubborn, and in denial, because I didn’t want to have her on Christmas! But her dad, watched me closely and timed my contractions! He knew, and finally told me when my contractions were 7 minutes apart! He finally got me to go to the hospital a few hours later! I was 5cm dilated, and had her Christmas morning!
First i was in the bathroom doing my make up for midwife appointment when my waters broke (39+1 weeks)
Second, i was in the bathroom after using the toilet i stood up and gush (38 weeks)
Oldest i was in hospital and they induced me because my waters went. My daughter they induced me because i kept having reduced movements and the baby was induced because i was 41 weeks xxx
Induced with the first, sleeping with the second. With my second I woke up with my tummy/uterus contracting in every direction then my water broke. That was fun. Woke my ex up and told him I broke my water and he said I had pissed myself and then promptly rolled over and went back to sleep
First baby I was moving house, 2nd baby I was getting ready for christmas and moving around the household furniture the night before ended up having an unplanned home birth the next day. 3rd baby contractions woke me up at like 2am and she was born at the hospital 6hrs later. My 4th baby is due in 4weeks and I’m curious as to what I’ll be doing hopefully not being induced and not having a c-section.
Was sleeping with all 3
My first I was at my dad’s 50th birthday party, my second was watching tv with my husband.
First child I was sleeping kept having this feeling of needing to pee (no contractions)it was my water slowly breaking drove my self to the hospital as I crossed the bridge at 4am to get there my water broke a little more and finally completely broke right at the emergency entrance. Had my kid at 11:37pm that night.
My 2nd child I was asleep felt some pains around 12pm and 5am just couldnt get comfortable got up went to work started throwing freight, moving stuff around lots of walking I’m a manager and couldnt sit still no matter how prego I looked n felt (btw no matter how many times people told me to sit down I couldnt I need to be doing something)
9-10am started have contractions felt like really awful cramps from running (example like you would get when ur in high school to run the mile and ur totally outta shape)
Id walk a few feet stop work thru it like jesus this is some sharp pain. It would go away start moving walk 10ft do it again did that for about 30 min finally realized I think I’m having contractions (didnt have any with my 1st so I didn’t knw) drove my self to the hospital at 1:23am the next morning I had my 2and baby
I started to get contractions at 40+2 after my doctors appointment when she did a third membrane stripping and I was in labour for 72 hours! She did not want to come out I still needed the meds to be induced cause I wasn’t dilating and the doctor had to break my water
My first: Water broke at about 1230am I was sleeping - went to hospital and about 8 hours later they had to break my water again (it twisted) needless to say over 16 hours of labor then he finally came.
2nd- getting ready to take my niece home which was about 45 minutes away and I was standing in the bedroom and my water broke at 37 weeks, that was at about 1030 am. Went to hospital all day sat there, wasn’t feeling any contractions. I was having them I just couldnt feel them. Then it was nurse switch and new nurse checked me and discovered my little was breech. So I ended up with a csection. While I was in hospital i felt her flip. She was only 5.1 lbs.
First one I was asleep when it started, only weird pains but believe me they got worse and she was born four days later, second one I worked until about a week before he was born and the third one, running after the first two, threw days later she was born.
My first one I woke up at 5:30am with contractions the morning I was actually scheduled to be induced at 38 weeks due to preeclampsia. My daughter was born at 6:41am. Barely made it to the hospital and the only reason I did was we were less than 10 minutes from the hospital. Due to that, I was not allowed to go into labor on my own with my next 2 as the doctor said I would not make it to the hospital, my babies are born super fast and I lived 30 minutes from the nearest hospital with them. Both were induced at 38 weeks. Lucky me, lol
My first child I had just got up and went downstairs. Contractions were all in my back so I didn’t realize I was in labor. Called my mom to say I think I pulled a muscle in my back and that’s when she recognized back Labor.
For my second child i was scheduled for a c section but went into labor while doing dishes. I went to bed and got an hour sleep before I woke up with more contractions and went to the hospital.
Went to doctors office Monday and found out that I’ll be induced on Wednesday (the day before thanksgiving) - was originally due December 13th but had low placenta fluid. Induced Wednesday afternoon, epidural 5am, gave birth to my son at 841am we call him our little pumpkin- born on Thanksgiving! Couldn’t leave the floor to go to cafeteria to eat dinner with my family, they brought me a plate
My second child was the only one I had vaginal. The rest were C-section. But with my second child I was on my way to go out with my friends. Until I had my 1st contraction. That started on Dec. 23 I walked around in pain until early Dec. 27th when my water broke at home when I sat on toilet. Everything went fast from there
I was watching Father of the Bride 2 with my first when I had the first twinges, but being my first I was unsure. I was lying in bed timing contractions when my water audibly broke. 3 pops… it was crazy. My 2nd, I was at work squeezing in last minute things before I headed to the Dr.