What were you doing when you went into labor?

1st- Woke up at 7am with contractions
2nd- it was my birthday and I was visiting with my mom
3-I woke up at 2am with contractions and decided to fold the laundry,vacuum the house, move furniture around and organized my movie collection until I was 8cm dilated…that’s when I went to the hospital( honey was asleep he had a cold and took some NyQuil so I gave him some time to sleep)

With my oldest I woke up that morning and just had that gut feeling it was gonna be the day. I walked a lot that day. My second, I had the same feeling that it was gonna be the day. My house was a disaster so I cleaned it spotless until my husband got home from work and we headed out to the hospital. My third and final, I had just finished vacuuming my bedroom and felt the gush. My water had never broke on its own with the first 2 so I thought i peed at first :joy:


With my first i was cominghome from work took 2 steps in the house water broke, i called the ambulance and 2 hrs later my son was born. My second was with ny twins. Their dad and I were having some fun time and my water broke. 5 hours later and frantic drive to hospital twins were born.

With my first was in hospital because of preeclampsia, they induced. Second child was a complete surprise, was a sleep when my water broke. Third child, had no movement and went to hospital and again preeclampsia, induced.

My water broke during dinner with my first. My water broke right after exercising cause I was trying to get my son out already. And I had contractions 6 mins apart with my last after also exercising to get my last out. All three labors stalled so they eventually had to induce me with all 3.

My first I had just finished eating supper and was still sitting at the table when contractions started but I didn’t realize the were contractions for about an hour because it was back labor. With my second I was induced. With my third I was at workand stayed for another hour after contractions started :person_shrugging:

I was induced because I had complications so I was in the hospital. I had no contractions then I was in full blown contractions. That was fun lol.

I was asleep. Got up to go to the bathroom and realized my pants were wet on the way. I was like omg did I pee my pants. As soon as I sat down contractions started hard and fast.

My oldest daughter was induced a month early, my second daughter I was making my dad lunch when my contractions hit and my son decided to wake me up at 3 am

First child, I was just waking up and thought I was having constipation cramps. Second child, was getting ready for bed and my water broke.
Third, getting ready for bed also.
Fourth (preemie) water broke and I was admitted for watch, she didnt come out till a week later but I was feeling uncomfortable and pacy all day.

First- I woke up to go to the bathroom and noticed some contractions, which wasn’t a good sign at 27 weeks. Looked at my pants and I was covered in blood… he was born at almost 3lbs but happy and healthy now! Second-scheduled csection. Third- was supposed to be scheduled csection but the day before, I woke up at 4am with contractions.


With my first I was going up for a bath and was having g a few contractions but thought it was Braxton Hicks as I had been having them on and off for a few weeks wasn’t till a few hours later when I spoke to my parents when we realised I was in labour, My second j was sitting watching tv with my daughter just after having our lunch when my waters broke at 38 weeks, my contractions didn’t start till about an hour later when my mum was driving me to the hospital to get checked out as my partner was at work

With my daughter, I had just got done using the bathroom and walked into the living room and felt like I had to pee and my water broke a foot before the toilet. With my son I was in labor for 3 days and filed a complaint on the hospital for the nurses not calling my delivery doctor and for saying I had a uti when the doctor said I didn’t and that she was never called

1st-Already at the hospital, high blood pressure and dehydration put me in there and they induced me. 2nd-i was asleep, woke up at 5am thinking I was sick even though we were 8 days past my due date :woman_facepalming: I was indeed in labor and the light bulb came on when I realized my stomach ache was coming and going like… (Gasp) Contractions haha.

With my oldest, I was laying down, doing my nightly kick count. Only instead of counting kicks, I ended up timing contractions. I didn’t experience labor with my second, because I had to go in for an emergency c-section at 38 weeks.

I was cutting my then 5 year olds birthday cake :sweat_smile: and then refused to go to the hospital till after midnight so they were born on seperate days :joy:


My first I was at home just got back from celebrating my birthday. He came 5 hours after midnight and was 10 weeks early. My second i was sleeping on a couch at my first borns grandmas and woke up at 5 am with contractions. She didnt know i was pregnant (long story) and suprise i had to wake her up and tell her to take me to the hospital

My first baby was the only one I wasn’t induced with but the other two were medically necessary for induction anyway with my son I remember waking up at 3 in the morning feeling like I had to poop went to the bathroom did my business got back in bed but still felt alot of pressure so I tried to fart and just a tiny bit of liquid came out. I woke his dad up who then told me to wake up his sister in law because she had a baby before I did and she told me to call my doctor by now it’s close to 4am so I called my doctor explained everything to him and he told me to get to the hospital my water was about to break and sure enough as soon as I hung up the phone my water broke we couldn’t find the car keys I was in pain and when we did find the car keys on the way to the hospital they had the audacity to ask if we could stop at the gas station I told them I don’t care what you do but drop me off at the hospital first. My water broke around 4am and my son was born at 1:51pm the same day 07/31/2009 seems like it was just yesterday

I was sleeping with my son , sitting outside talking to my neighbors when my water broke with my daughter and with my last I was induced.

My 1st was breech they tried to flip him and he wouldn’t. Flipped two days later on his own. Was born 2 1/2weeks later 5 days after his due date by csection after 26 hours of labor. 2nd was a planned scheduled csection.

1st: I just woke up from a late morning nap. 4 hours later my son was born.
2nd: I was showering. 45 minutes later my daughter was born.

1st one I woke up to go pee when my water broke. 3nd was coloring in an adult coloring book ( it said just go with the flow) and the 3rd was a planned induction

First child, woke up in labor, went car shopping, out to supper and movie, 36 hours total, second was putting my 3 year old to bed, getting ready for bed myself, 12,hours third
Child was making Christmas cookies was having pains had doctor appt, she put me in hospital 8 hours total

1st was induced because I never went into labor
2 went to a aunts for Thanksgiving was laboring all morning but still went which was a hour and a half drive from home needless to say the turkey was done at 8:30 that night 8lbs 2oz, s and bright red hair mad it back to town in 45 mins
3rd one I was moving furniture in the house like couch bed she was 9. 5oz
4 I woke up to go to the hospital induced he didn’t come out till the next day at high noon he was 10. 5 oz, s non of them came out on time

I was 3 days past my due date and going to be starting a new job after a few weeks of having my son, i decided to go in for some training and ended up in labor after a couple hours, around 8pm, he was born, the following morning, at 7:22am.

My first child (17) I was in high school, so I was sitting in class.
But my second child I worked up until one week before I delivered by Csection.

My first just got out of bed and water broke wasnt in labor they induced me 24 hrs later had a c-section. Second was scheduled for c-section went into labor 2 weeks earlier than my scheduled c-section but they did a c-section on me because I was in labor

With my 18 year old, my water broke when i got outof the car at my aunts house for my baby shower :joy: i changed, waited til contractions were 3 minutes apart (about 30 mins) then drove to the hospital about 5 mins away.

I woke up on sunday with pain on my vagina. I peed and saw red bleeding. I was terrified coz baby was 2weeks short of being full term. Gave birth to him tho on that same day :sweat_smile:

First was an induction then my 2nd I was hanging out at my grandmas house. I couldn’t get comfortable then the contractions were on top of each other. Quick labors both times luckily lol

I was asleep with my first and woke up quickly at 5:45 am. As I stood up out of the bed my water broke :joy:. I was induced with my second.

My husband and I had just finished loading our mini-van with a load to go to the dump when I had felt a couple of contractions to which he then had to unload and put our seats back in. I then called my aunt to tell her but she said it was consistent enough yet. Two hours later we all went to the hospital.

My first… cleaning. And I called the hospital,they said come in now. I said, as soon as I’m done cleaning the house. :rofl: My second, eating dinner at the In-laws.

Wrapping Christmas gifts for my oldest daughter on Christmas eve :grimacing:

With both kids I was rearranging furniture when my water broke. Both were born at 43 weeks.

First baby: water broke in bedroom doorway coming back from bathroom. Second baby: contractions started hanging out at home with sister. Third baby woke me up with bas labor contractions that made me want to cry.

finishing touches on the baby room and packing my hospital bag to be induced 2 weeks later at 37 weeks. my girl had other plans as half way through packing the bag i went into full blown labor at 35 weeks XD

1st baby I was induced
2nd baby I had just gotten out of the shower when I noticed the first contraction.
3rd baby I was getting a pedicure
4th baby i was induced

My first I was cleaning second one got in bed laid there for about two mins sneezed rolled over and my water broke(big fish everywhere) third I was induced fourth one I was leaking fluid didn’t even know thought it was pee until I was putting the kids to bed and my water broke(big fish) my fifth one I was driving and my water broke and my last (6th) I was induced

Was at the hospital getting an ultrasound. Started getting pains told the doctor I’m getting pains he told me I need to tell a doctor. Lol I can laugh now but it wasn’t funny then. A total ass that he was.

1st…had just turned the TV off and rolled over in bed.
2nd…was on my way to my weekly ob appointment
3rd…woke up at 2:20am with the horrible urge to pee like every 3 minutes

With my first I was literally shopping for a bassinette and my water broke all over the showroom floor! I was mortified!

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I had to be induced with my 1st son, I was two weeks over due. My second son had to have a c-section that was already planned.

I sat through a 3 hour meeting with other Dept heads (all men!) timing my contractions. Meeting was over and I went to the hospital and delivered 6 hours later!

At home laying down. Kids were asleep and I was having contractions so I watched Netflix lol

I was sleeping. Earlier in the day we went to cut down the Christmas tree

1st - Husband & I woke up and he said you are going to have that baby today. I said, Nah go to work. About 3 hours later I start having contractions, call the doc then my husband. He was a mile deep in the woods (lineman for the phone company) up a pole, He yelled at me , “I TOLD YOU”, lol. Took him an 2 hours to get home. The doc even called asking where I was…ended up being in labor over 18 hours at the he hospital after all that!
2- Was early. She couldn’t wait to born so was finally induced early . Total 5 hours…

First, I was sleeping (2am), 2nd - I was in the ER Bc I was itching so bad I was making myself bleed and my water broke 4 hours later (7am) and 3rd - I was induced.

I was in bed with all three when I turned over and felt the fish of my water breaking! Lol

1st - 7:30 am
2nd - 2:30 am
3rd - 8:00 am

Blackberry picking… To work out this horrendous… Backache??? My first child ,didn’t know I was going in to labor!!!

I lived in apt and i was walking up n down stairs washing clothes for 2 hours before i realized i needed to go to the hospital😂

Woke up at 3 AM to contractions and my water breaking, my son was born at 7:45 AM.

I was in bed, I had just gotten up to pee and lid back down and as soon as my head hit my pillow, my water broke. It was about 7am. Contractions started immediately. It was the classic water breaking and going to the hospital that you see in the movies lol

Twins: Shower in labor 3 half hours. Youngest: Was induced 12 hours and up having an Emergency C-Section.

I was doing the worst thing possible …i was eating. ribs at that. Full stomach n labor dont mix was heaving my guts out an labor pains ugh

1st I had to drive through a few towns that were a police enforced curfew (female white cop shot young black male causing riots) 2nd was induced cuz she had her cord wrapped around her head, 3rd I thought I was constipated only to get to Drs to find out I was 4cm and in labor drove myself to hospital and had him 2hrs later.

Awake with insomnia… 12:30 am… I always said I was gonna go into labor in the middle of the night lol

I was at the doctors office for an appointment. They told me I could check in to the hospital or go home, but that I’d be back later so, since I was an hour from home, I checked in and got the best turkey sammich I’ve ever had for lunch lol.

First 2 I was sleeping and my third I was induced.

Mine was a planned induction…but there were tell tale signs that it probably would have happened anyway that day…tmi😜

My 1st I was sleeping, my 2nd and 3rd were induced at 39 weeks.

My first labor was induced. My second I was working and all day just uncomfortable turns out was labor :woman_shrugging:

My first 2 were induced…my last one,labor started as I was cleaning the house.Which I refused to leave till I was done lol

1st one Just resting in my room
2- just watching tv

I was being induced and waiting for the labor to start.

#1 vacuuming. Then continued to clean my entire house until spotless and I couldn’t take it any longer.
#2/3 watching hockey playoffs. Hubs was insistent I go to the hospital, I kept pushing it off. Finally went in and was dilated to 8. :grimacing:

1st - working when my contractions started, 2nd - about to leave the house to go grocery shopping when my water broke… I still went grocery shopping before heading to the hospital :joy::woman_shrugging:

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2 weeks late went to hospital for stress test , 26 hrs later a-csection , #2 was scheduled c-section

#1- sleeping 3am in bed
#2- after a shower 10pm
#3- at the hospital after going in at 5cm.
#4- doctor broke my water.
#5- 5:30am in bed
#6- 2:45 am in bed

My First I was induced, second sleeping when my water broke thought I pee my bed… :joy::joy:

First-9 days before my due date, my husband woke me up in the middle of the night after taking some very strong pain pills before bed, that were not sitting right with him. Told him I felt like I had cramps, and he said you might be having contractions. He was right and it got real, really fast. Water broke at the hospital. One epidural and 19 hrs later we had a baby girl.
Second- Thirteen years after the first. 5 days after my due date. Went to to the grocery store, came home, made dinner, around 8pm started having contractions. Called hubs (who worked nights) and said I was in labor (contractions were 10-15 minutes apart), but if it was anything like the last he had plenty of time to get home and to take his time. He did not listen, left work and got home asap. Good thing he did, contractions went to 3 minutes apart in the 25 minutes it took him to get home. Dropped my older daughter at my brothers house and straight to the hospital. Asked for an epidural, but labor went so fast, no time for one. WATER NEVER BROKE. It was a busy night and Dr. literally walked in the room right as I started pushing. Sat down and told me to push, then made me stop mid push when she saw my water wasn’t broken. Broke my water and a few minutes late baby girl #2. Whole labor start to finish was 4 hours.

Cleaning up a mess in my 2nd floor bathroom and in my kitchen.
My 4 year old flooded our bathroom and it started leaking into our kitchen :joy: went into labor 30 mins later.

1st: sleeping, 2nd: cleaning
3rd: carrying groceries in my house

I went jogging that morning.

I was at a friend’s baby shower.

Sleeping both pregnancies
First, 2 am
Second, 4 am

I was at a funeral. :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging:

My first I was induced. My second my water broke as soon as I laid down for bed. My third I was 2 weeks overdue. I got scraped and immediately had contractions. I went home and laid down for a couple of hours. Then they were 3 mins apart.

I was in bed on my phone

Youth group at church…I kept having to get up to “pee” little did I know that I was actually in labor and bbn leaking fluids…my pastor is a RN so he started timing my contractions and said I probably need to go on home early because those babies are coming tonight! So went home took a nap and around midnight got up to go pee and my water broke everywhere! We called the ambulance and they rushed me to the hospital which is about an hr away! I ended up having to have an emergency c section due to I had a cord prolapse with baby A

All 3 were in the hospital

I was in a meeting at work lol

  1. Asleep 2/20/85
  2. Bbqing during the Laker’s championship 6/21/88
  3. Watching t.v 4/12/92
  4. Working 12/17/1993

My first i was sleeping and woke up to a wet bed bc my water broke, my second was right after ai had sex my water broke :grimacing: then i had him in the car otw to hospital, my 3rd i was naturally induced/ they broke my water and then i used a breast pump to do the rest

1st baby i bent down to pick up a kitten and my water broke :laughing: 2nd i was shopping for party supplies for my 1st baby (turning 2) and my water broke in the shopping centre and ended up having to cancel the party because she decided to come on her brothers birthday :rofl: so exactly 2 years apart! They are 6 and 8 now :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

With my daughter, I was in labor most of the day and didn’t realize it since she was my firstborn. I made dinner and everything before I was so uncomfortable. I got to the hospital at 6cm.

With my son, I was at church working with the sound crew. I went home to eat and tried to take a short nap before I was feeling “off”. Went to get checked and was admitted to stay. 30 hrs of labor later, he was finally born

First child I was induced since he didn’t want to come on his own
Second child I was making a birthday cake for my step son, was uncomfortable laid in the bath for about an hour when I got to the hospital I was 6 cm dilated and had him a half hour later

With my daughter I had gone on medical leave from work on Monday cuz I told my Dr I wasn’t feeling well. My water started leaking Tuesday morning. I just stayed home all that day doing housework, whatever til my husband got home about 10pm and I made dinner… We ate then took showers and got to the hospital. My daughter was born on wed at 6:35pm.

With my son I had been on medical leave for about a month cuz he was 10 pounds and I was miserable. I went to my Dr for a check-up on wed and he said if I don’t give birth by the following Monday be would induce. I was sound asleep when the contractions started at midnight. I woke up my husband then went to take a shower just to find out he didn’t get up. It took me 4 hours to wake him up!!! We finally got to the hospital about 4:30am and my son was born at 12:35pm!

Fri I cleaned whole apt, Sat at work co-workers said I looked awful. I was having back pain (really back labor). At home around Midnight while talking to the father in the bathroom my water broke. Only 35 1/2 weeks, bag wasn’t packed. By 230am was checked into hospital and he was born after pushing 20 mins at 1114am. Spent 2 wks 3 days in NICU but now almost 19 at 6’2" 185lbs!

My first I was in the shower scrubbing my feet because I was scared the doctor would think I’d have ugly feet when she delivered my daughter. :joy: with my second I was induced at 41 weeks, and she took a full 21 hours to be born. :woozy_face:

Watching TV in bed lol it was after 11pm. I peed but I think thats when my water broke and also lost my mucous plug. They told me not to go to hospital because it was my first baby and it would be awhile. I went anyway and was 9 cm dialted I had to wait for a dr they wouldn’t let me push but he was coming anyway and was born at 1:06 am

First child… i was 2 weeks overdue walking around kmart picking out the car seat. 2nd child was a emergency csection due to me having high blood pressure with 3 weeks left of the pregnancy

Laying on the couch after having sex and bouncing on a yoga ball. 2 hours after the contractions started.

Never judge a book by its cover, I had always talked rubbish about the spiritual healers because i was living a luxurious life with my husband and kids. I never believed that anyone can solve someone’s problems. I could rudely reply to the posts about the healers with insults little didi know that one day they will help me. It started when a strange disease attacked one of my kid for almost eight months. I visited all the hospitals in South Africa but the doctors couldn’t see the disease. I went to pastors, Sheiks, Sisters, and priests but couldn’t see any change. I sold all of my properties and lost my business because I was charged lots of money. I went back to Zero. My husband was used to a luxurious life since he was coming from a rich family. He started losing interest in me, disrespected me, insulted me in our kids’ presence, all my in-laws hate me. I had no shoulder to cry on.I was left with no hope. The most heartbreaking part is when my husband started cheating on me with one of the member of Parliament which I won’t mention her name. I got depressed and tried to commit suicide until when my friend asked me to contact papa marere . I had lost hope and besides didn’t trust healers. I called them scammers. My friend used his cellphone and called her. She gave him a date to go to her office and on that date, my friend picked me very early in the morning and took me there. I explained everything to her. She asked us to go back and bring the sick kid and we did so. She cast her spells and after a few hours, my son was healed. After 24 hours my husband came back home and apologized to me. he gave me a ring for my business and as I speak now am not complaining. I got back everything.+2348109805184 is his number for help. Email him via ( marerespells@gmail. com ) he is INCREDIBLE.

With my daughter I just finished a shower and I had to redry my legs. I was 5 weeks early so it took a minute for the light bulb to go on. For my son, a week overdue, I had just won the argument that I needed to put our daughter’s stroller in the trunk. He didn’t want me to lift it. I had a particular way of putting it in the trunk so it was easy for me to take it out. Shut the trunk and my water broke.

Sleeping for baby number 1,2,and 3. Then my fourth I was at the doctors office when they noticed I was dilated.

Sleeping. At least, that’s when my water broke Haha and then we went to the hospital and stayed til I went into active labor.

With both of my boys, I had just woke up and my contractions started. With my oldest daughter, I went in for an ultrasound and they had to induce because my amniotic levels were critically low. My youngest daughter, I was making dinner when they started.

My first I was actually at my drs and my water broke while they were checking my cervix my second I woke up around 12am feeling like I had to pee and my water broke

I had just laid down getting ready to watch tv before bed. My show started at 8PM, my water broke at 7:58pm. At first I thought it was that she kicked my bladder or something, until I stood up and the water whooshed out :joy::joy::joy:
Got to the hospital & all hooked up by 8:30. (I didn’t really have much in the way for contractions). She was born at 10:45 PM via emergency C-section.