I woke up in the middle of the night with contractions thought I just need to sit on the loo at first but they just kept coming I woke my husband up and he did not believe me so went back to sleep
With my son I was sleeping i was just uncomfortable and my sciatic nerve was hurting really bad and with my daughter i was sleeping and then getting ready for work i only went to the hospital because I had weird discharge that morning I never felt constractions with either of my pregnancies which sounds amazing except I was to last to try and get them stopped (was already 6cm when they checked) so my daughter was born two months early
My first- I was up and down all night couldn’t sleep. Got up the next morning to go to the bathroom and had my bloody show.
My second- I was at my brothers baseball fields while they were doing field clean up, waiting for them to load the trailer with trash for the dump and was in PAIN.
My 3rd coming 4/24/21—— not sure yet!
My first I was eating pizza, watching tv on the couch when my water broke. (35w5d)
My second I was watching tv in my bedroom before bed when the contractions started. (37w2d)
I was in bed when I kept having to get up and pee and realized it was my water breaking. I was in the hospital when labor and contractions actually started because I was only 34+3.
First sat down
Second was induced
Third food shopping
Sleeping. Woke up when my first contraction hit. Delivered my son 9 hours later.
#1 sleeping
#2 sleeping
#3 Induced
#4 sleeping
#5 sleeping
#6 I’ll probably be sleeping lol
My 1st one which is my only girl was induced, my 2nd one came the day I was supposed to schedule an induction lol, I was feeding my daughter when my water broke lol it was nuts! And my 3rd who just turned 1! Was also induced.
1st-coaching volleyball
2nd-in the Dr office
3rd- at the hospital, I was 3 weeks overdue. Was set to be induced the next morning. She came by 11pm
First was induced so hospital, second was in the checkout at Walmart:rofl: third was c section
My first I was at the public pool with friends i had walked there an was having small contractions didn’t think anything of it then a little while later I knew I had to go so I walked across the city to the hospital lol. My second I was getting ready to go to bed as I laid down my water broke. My third I was a few days over due an I woke up having so much pain I called my doctor she told me to come in so I took a shower an called a cab. My 4th I was 3 weeks early I was walking around downtown with my husband and was having such strong pain to the point I couldn’t walk at all I kept squeezing his hand. My 5th I woke up to get my husband up for work an I noticed my pants were wet I sat on the toilet my water broke lol. My 6th I was a few days over due with her to I was home cooking lasagna an had contractions all day I finally ate and went to the hospital lol.
My first- I was still in college so I woke up feeling “weird” but was like whatever. I went to my classes, to work, went home to eat dinner with my dad then went back for my sorority meeting, the whole day I felt like I had cramps I had no idea I had been in labor. About 10 pm the real ones started went to the hospital I was 6cm my son was born at 1am.
Second- I was at home all of a sudden I felt like something fell from “you know where” I went to the bathroom and it was my mucus plug. About 2 hours later my contractions started.
Third-We were debating taking my boys to the pumpkin patch. I told my husband I wasn’t gonna make it much longer so if we were gonna go we had to go that day. Sure enough that night I went into labor and my daughter was born right before midnight.
Induced with baby #1 and #2. Was already in labor with #3 when I got to the hospital for my induction with her.
Preparing to move house - we had a van booked for 8am the next morning. I thought we would be moved in and settled before the twins came but they decided to come early lol x
First- I was nesting and bleaching my ceilings. Then went to squat down and my waters broke 3 weeks early too. I thought I peed myself and continued to tidy until everyone told me it possible could be my waters. It was and I even waited for ex to finishfrom work and shower. Still induced tho. Second was planned induction 3 weeks early too x
With my son I woke up to pee at 4 in the morning and my water broke. With my daughter it was around 10 at night my water broke. So stressful since the hospital was an hour away. Forgot the carseat at home glad I had a friend that let me borrow one so I didn’t have to add 2 hours of driving just for a carseat.
I woke up to go to the bathroom at 1:30 in the morning and my water broke
I was at burger King, supposed to get induced later that day.
I was at work. I had been having contractions all day that kept getting stronger and closer together. I tried to stay all day but my supervisor and his gf caught me having a contraction at the end of lunch break and sent me home
I seemed to have carb loaded while watching TV. I had Hyperemisis during my pregnancy and was very sick until a good half way through the second trimester. After that I only ate what I normally would in a day. The night I went into labour I ate 9 tacos for dinner and a 1L tub of connoisseur cookies and cream ice-cream for dessert. Should have known something was up
My daughter was trying to sleep with son was having a grill out
My first i was at the river fishing, my second i was home asleep lol
I had a scheduled induction because of my gestational diabetes and he was getting too big. I went undiagnosed until 36 weeks … 2 days of Cervidil started Monday… Foley catheter on Wednesday morning got me to 4 cm and I was put on the drip and water was broken. Did not progress, didn’t efface … my boy was born healthy via c section Wednesday evening after 8hrs of contractions and zero progress lol. But it was something I would do a million times over again for my son!
First one I was induced the second one I woke up from the best night of sleep I had in months and set up and felt my water brake
I was induced on a Monday after being in the hospital the weekend with high blood pressure and black spots in my eye. I was talking to my husband about who should be in the room I head a pop and felt really wet told my husband I think my water broke he said no it didn’t you just peed I beeped the nurse and sure enough it broke. 14 hours later I pushed out my baby 5 weeks early.
With my first I swimming, #2 I was on the t-ball field with #1, # 3 shocker came after I got my tubes after #2 so I stayed in the gym was on the treadmill when my water broke, tubes tied again and with my twins #4 /#5 my husband talk me into intercourse. This time I got my tubes removed and hubby got snip too.
My first one I was sleeping in bed and heard my water break (I heard a pop), stood up, and sure enough I was right. I woke my husband up and we headed to the hospital.
My second one we were watching the Superbowl at my cousins house with 7min to go. I was having contractions. We waited until the game was over, dropped my oldest off at his grandparents, and headed to the hospital.
First I was sleeping. 2nd I was sleeping and 3rd had to be induced
I was out for lunch with my sister when my water broke. lightly induced that night, then full on induced 24 hours later.
Luckily, I was already at the hospital having my 38 week scan! My waters broke just as I checked in for it
I was induced with my 1st. With my 2nd, I was sitting on the front porch and started having contractions around 8am. I honestly thought they were Braxton hicks. I told my friend that I was gonna take a bath to see if they eased off. Well they didn’t. When I got out of the tub I woke my husband up and told him he had to get the other kids up because we needed to go to the hospital! We arrived at the hospital around 10:15 and I was already dilated to 7!!! Baby was born at 1:37 p.m.
With my son I was looking for an excuse to ditch work because I didnt want to work a 12 hour on my feet that day. So I went to the hospital instead to preregister since I was about a week and a half from my due date. When I finished they took me to labor and delivery to get my vitals and check me over and everything was fine. Then the nurse came in with my papers ready to release me and she wanted to check my cervix one last time before I left and with that hour since she last checked me my cervix widen 3 cm. I had started my labor. About another maybe 3 hours and another nurse was checking my cervix and my water broke on her hand. 17 hours later my boy arrived.
My eldest so I was sitting in a pub beer garden and realised I was getting mild twinges but didn’t tell anybody until it progressed a bit more, my middle son I was at home and with my youngest I had an elective section
My first one I was doing laundry at my mom’s sitting in my dad’s chair water broke my second one I was home
With my first I was wrapping Christmas presents. Stood up and I had an ongoing drizzle. Went to the hospital and had my daughter the next day which was Christmas Eve.
With my second I was already in the hospital getting induced.
- I was sleeping. When I stood up gravity allowed my water to trickle out.
- my husband and I were at a park waiting for time to go to the ob appt. I thought I peed. There was no bathroom so I went behind a tree to inspect myself. I convinced myself it was pee.
We went to the Dr and hour later. I waited in the waiting room like normal. My pants got wet again. More this time. I suddenly realized it could be my water. Told the nurse and got checked asap.
Just for added info. There is 7 yrs between my kids. I didn’t remember much from the first one.
Stuck in traffic when my water broke…
My first I was grocery shopping and my water broke and was having contractions but still ended up needing a c section, with my second It was a planned c section at 39 weeks
Plowing snow with my first
Working with my second
And I was doing house chores with my 3rd and didn’t know i was in labor because she was a month early lol by the time I got to the hospital to get checked I was 9cm
With my first I was induced at 36 weeks my water broke as they were putting in the Foley catheter. With my second me and my fiance just finished having sex and we were laying in bed watching a movie, and I started having contractions
#1 induced
#2 I had a terrible day between my dog chewing things up, my daughter fell and got an awful busted lip, my bank calling to tell me about abnormal charges on my card, to washing the TV remote with the clothes all on my due date. It was a Monday, so it was my daughter’s gymnastics day and the other moms were asking when I was due. I told them today, but I didn’t think it was happening that day lol. When class was over I took my daughter to the restroom and when I used it and wiped I felt a pop and my hand got a little wet. By the time I was to the car my crotch was soaked, but I told my husband to go ahead and go to McDonald’s because we were all hungry. So, once we got our food and parked I stood outside the car and I literally soaked myself. My husband was a hot mess while we were sitting outside the hospital waiting on my mother in law to come get our daughter. She couldn’t go in the hospital with us (thank you corona). Our second daughter was born the next day at 408pm.
my first. i was eating at a huddle house and my water broke, i finished eating and went to the hospital
second i had to be induced bc she just wasn’t coming on her own
I started having pretty consistent contractions Thursday night before I had my son I didnt have him until lunch time on Tuesday I got to a 7 for being dialated before theg decided ti break my water and I had him just in time to order lunch from the cafeteria lol
I had to be induced with all three. First one was 2 and a half weeks late, second was a week late, and third was 6 days late.
My first born i was sleeping when my water broke at 1am. My second born i was braiding my hair and doing my nails. My third and fourth i was induced.
1– sleeping
2-sleeping after having the baby manually turned the day before
3-stomach virus, coming out both ends until my water suddenly broke… sorry for the TMI. Don’t know how long I was having contractions because of the stomach bug pains.
my first i went in for a little bleeding, they said it was nothing and they were gonna send me home but had to give me a shot before i left which took forever to get, they checked me after and put me in a room because i dialated more, i wasnt even checked into the hospital or had a IV in before i had him, even though they told me it would be hours and ikept telling thwm he was coming. after they said thank god we didnt send you home, you would have had him in the car because i lived far from thw hospital. my second i went in for a ultrasound at 38 wks and then they just told me they were keeping me instead to be induced
Babies #1&2 (twins) Got done with my shower,
#3 bent down to feed our dogs,
#4 was at a Drs apt for my last high risk ultrasound.
My first 2 was in the morning after I had, had a bath and glass of wine the night before! My third, I was bouncing on my yoga ball when my contractions started…this was also after my bath and wine!! An RN and an old midwifery trick…worked 3 times for me!!
I was sleeping,woke up at 4am with back pain,I didn’t know I was having contractions since it was my first child. With my second I woke up to go pee and I ended up passing my mucus plug? And it scared me so I woke up my boyfriend and we ended up going into the hospital, which was scary because it was a 30min drive and I was scared I would have my baby in the car. Lol
With my first I was helping my mom put up the Christmas tree was in labor but didn’t know it. Went in to be induced and they said I was already progressing in labor. Had him 4 hours 20 minute after arriving. My second I kept waking up all night and started cramping. Didn’t feel right so went to hospital and was in labor at 6cm dilated then my water broke getting up out of the hospital bed.
Got up to get ready for work. Sat down to go pee and when I stood up I thought I peed a little more. Sat back down and finished but stood up and did it again. Realized my water broke.
1st and 2nd. At hospital being induced. 3rd at home, 9 days overdue and I was hanging washing. I got mad because I was getting induced the next day and I was wanting a good night sleep lol.
For the last 3 I was sleeping… I am very very impatiently waiting for number 4 (due yesterday) so we will see
My 1st, I was induced. 2nd I went into hospital to be induced but started having contractions and went into labor without induction. My 3rd, hubby and I got home after date night at 2am, Got busy and went into labor 10mins later lol
My 1st baby I was in bed… Got up at about 3am for the toilet and my waters broke. 2nd baby i was induced. 3rd baby I woke at 5.01am to my waters breaking and 4th baby I was induced. All 4 of my babies were 5 days over due and all 4 were born on a friday.
I only have my son. He’s just over a year old. We were getting ready to move( my husband was posted and we were moving to another province. He was taking a bath and I had been scrubbing windows. Decided while I was at it I’d wash the door too…yeah water broke…I didnt have contractions that bothered me till about 8 hes in. I was induced twice and labour was 36hrs
My oldest i was induced…my youngest i was laying in bed sleep
I was induced so I was watching The Hobbit when I first started feeling contractions lol
Just sat down to a KFC dinner. Ate while having contractions. Packed bags for my two other girls and drove them to my moms. Drove myself to the hospital and walked inside. Still having contractions,
They got me into a room and asked me to undress and get on the bed. Told them I couldn’t move because I could feel her head in between my thighs at this time!
Sleeping all 4 times
Just walked in the door from a four mile walk.
I was at the horse races. My husband really wanted to wait for his race he had bet to run. Grrr…lol
Made it in plenty of time after walking half mile to the car…lol
We were laying on the couch late at night watching f Austin powers. I got up to pee and get ready for bed and I thought I peed a little as an waddled to the bathroom. I go to the bathroom and I go to the bathroom like normal and then all of a sudden more. I yell for my husband and he helps me to the shower, he showers super quick and goes to Walgreens to get me adult diapers. I stay in the shower till he came back with the diapers. Then I insisted in making our bed really nice and my husband was like “ let’s go! What are you doing? Its time to go!”
Sleeping during both!
First baby I was in the egg aisle of the grocery store, when my water broke in movie fashion… second one I woke to use the bathroom at 4 am and noticed some contractions (I had her at 7:00, after being at the hospital for about 20 minutes)… third, I was at a summer festival with the kids… started feeling contractions, drove myself to the hospital and had her about 10-15 minutes after arriving at the hospital
First I woke with horrible backache. Labor started but took 3 days til she decided to come out. 2nd I was sleeping and thought I peed the bed so I got cleaned up and decided to go to work 2 hours early. Got most of the important work done before my shift started and I realized labor started. I was 9 weeks early so emergency c-section. 3rd was scheduled c-section.
1st one, I was asleep. Woke up at 10 pm in labor, water broke, had my son 5 hours later.
2nd one, hubby and I were about to go visit family in the mountains, went into labor but then had to be induced when labor literally stopped. Was 3 weeks early but had a healthy 7lb. 9 oz. baby.
3rd (and final), I was cooking dinner (spaghetti) and going crazy with the other 3 (one step). Thankfully my mom and sister came to help. My hubby worked swing shift and met us at the hospital.
With my 1st I was at Olive Garden I just kept have to go to the bathroom wouldnt even get back to table n had to go back I figured there’s something not right and I found out she tore the bag open just a little bit. With my second one I feel like I have to poop all day but I couldn’t end up goin to hospital n have my baby 2 1/2 months early
Sleeping. I immediately woke up as soon as I felt my water break! My contractions started about 15 minutes later but due to my health, I had to hurry and get to the hospital so they could start my amoxicillin.
First- water broke when i was sleeping. Went to hospital stalled and ended up needing pitocin. Second- slept through my whole labor wlstoof up out of bed water broke. Contractions at that point were 2 mins apart had to rush to hospital. Emercengy Csection for footling breech. Almost didnt have time for c section.
with my first I just woke up nd went to the bathroom nd saw the show went to the hospital was already 5 cm I didn’t have any contractions
with my second I was eating breakfast next moment I’m in pain contractions were so strong cudnt get to the hospital in time ended up giving birth at home
my third my twins went into labor but at 29 weeks started getting contractions the night b4 I just though the baby was turning ended up rushing to the hospital nd going for an emergency c section 2 hours later my twin sons passed away
my last born we were actually getting the room ready I was only due the 24th of november but she ended up coming the 9th
1st, was induced. 2nd, I had a doctor’s appointment at 3:00 and was going to be induced that night, but at 8:00 a.m. while folding laundry I started having contractions.
My first, I was hiding in my closet from a tornado. My second was scheduled c section my third, I was taking a nap. I had just had an appointment that morning and wasnt dilated 3 hours later I was in labor and dilated to a 7.
1st baby I was in a cleaning frenzy. My second I was making A ham dinner and all-day ifelt twinges all day and with my youngest was cleaning my bathtub a no s thought my water broke but I had a spot of blood trickle in the tub hadborh my youngest babies in less than three houra
With my first, i was just waking up , like 6 am, heard a pop and my water broke
My second i was induced and bored at the hospital all day
With both pregnancies I was fixing to get in the shower and my water broke before I could even get in. Had a daughter with 1st and twin boys second pregnancy
3 out of 4 of mines started while I was asleep. But for my 2nd born, I was sitting at my moms dinner table having a conversation when my water broke all over her floor
My 1st- My water broke when I was throwing up because some of the meds i was on during my pregnancy.
My 2nd- I was induced
First induced I was at a birthday party when they called to come in. Second I was at work when contractions started
First I had just woke up and spent forever in the bathroom before I realized what was going on; second was at my uncle’s funeral; third I was induced because my water was leaking.
Playing kickball with my two kids with the first one
Second kid I was in hospital due to complications with my diabetes abd right as I signed my release I started contracting
Third kid I had a scheduled c section as he was born too close to kid two so I couldn’t Vbac safely
1st I was home alone watching a movie. Second we were at my in-laws having a fire, I said I wasn’t feeling so well so we left to go home but that didn’t last too long as it was labor time ! Hah
1st- woke up at 5am to my water breaking
2nd- morning feeding in a horse barn and had him 15 minutes after getting to the hospital
3rd- induced
My 1st I was sleeping the 2nd I was at church meeting 3rd in bed and 4th went to 2 parent teacher conferences
First we were watching Grey’s Anatomy. I dropped the remote and bent down to pick it up and my water broke Second I was violently throwing up and had diarrhea. Ended up in the ER and got told I had ruptured.
I never really went into labor on my own. Induced with all three. With my first I was playing computer Monopoly with my husband and felt a little wet down there. My water was leaking out bit by bit. At the hospital the idiot dr told me I was peeing and to go home. The nurse told me it was my water and I wasn’t going anywhere. 32 hours later I had her. Second I was 5cm dilated with no contractions. Eight hours later I had him. Third the doctor asked if I wanted to have a baby today as he was leaving the next week and none of his other patients were having a baby that day. Two hours and 58 minutes after he broke my water I had her.
With my oldest I was just hanging out. The other 3 I was induced.
1st: just got home from big dinner out with friends, 2nd &3rd: sleeping!
My first i was bowling, my 2nd induced, my 3rd induced 3 times
I went to labour just after dropping my two daughters to school and nursery.
Home Asleep in bed both times. Hello 3am your water broke.
I was asleep with both.
Sleeping…lol…my water broke it woke me up
Waiting to go into labor.
I was at a routine doctor’s appointment. My doctor said my blood pressure was high and babies was low. They sent me to the hospital to admit me I delivered and stayed for an entire week. I was having kidney failure. I was given 3 epidurals went into shock they had wrap me in 3 blankets. It was an entire or deal.
First was planned c-section due to her being breech. 2nd, my son, since I didn’t know what labor was from the first one, I apparently labored most of the night and morning. Went to hospital fully ready to go! 3rd I worked all day writing down my contractions. Went home, took a shower, boom, time to go lol