What will planned parenthood tell my daughter?

The best advice is let her make her own decisions. I was raised a Christian too. Keep religion out of it, it’s her body and her choice.


It is her decision and only her decision. She is the one that has to make peace with her future. If she is not ready to be a mother, then she has to decide to carry the baby full term. I am adopted. I also have had 2 abortions. I was 17 and on the pill and still got pregnant. The father did not want the child. I too wasn’t ready to be a Mom.


They will give her options. They aren’t going to force her to do anything, so whatever happens it was her choice and you should be supportive because either option is scary and hard.


Just be her mum and support her in her decision. :heart:xx


Forget the religion part, Abortion is a church doctrine issue not a biblical one.
Cruellest thing you can do is bring an unloved child into the world.


I’ve went to planned Parenthood many times as a teenager. They are very beneficial and educational. They will educated on every option and ask what she wants to do, and help her with every step of the way.


To say she’s already had the plan b and decided to go to PP I would say she’s already decided what she wants! And good for her! It takes a lot of courage to decide so young that she wants more in life first before kids. Just be there and support her. She’s an adult and can make her own choices.


Pregnancy is incredibly risky and can cause all sorts of permanent illnesses and changes to the body. Adoption does not solve the fact your daughter doesn’t want to be pregnant, or a mother. If you truly supported her, you would not be looking for alternate resources.


They will go over all the options. Adoption, keeping the baby, and abortion.


There are so many couples seeking adoption of babies. I pray she would at least check out this option as well.


Planned parenthood will talk to her about both sides of it but ultimately go along with whatever she chooses. They will not push her either way, but will talk to her and listen to how she feels.


Her body her choice. If I became pregnant now I would want to go through getting an abortion. I can barley take care of myself and my lifes not in order. Why bring another life being unprepared. No go on adoption, there’s plenty of children/teens who need homes already. Also I should have the choice to decide if I wanted to carry to full term just to give (what would have been my baby) away.


Planned parenthood goes over all the options and make sure that is what a woman wants to do… They do not favor one side over another… They are there for us women!


Literally not your business. Your job is to support her in whatever HER choice is.


In my experience they discussed my options but ultimately it’s her choice and they will help her in whatever way she chooses to go


It is her choice. She really should not have this baby, she is not ready financially & the Dad is not interested. The kid would start off in a bad situation. Your daughter would be struggling for the rest of her life. Chalk it up to a mistake & move on with life.


Planned Parenthood will do what your daughter wants them to do. it’s not your decision on what she chooses to do with her body. get out of her business and support her emotionally, that’s your only job as a parent.


When I went to planned parenthood I already made my mind up I was gonna keep my baby. They talk to you about adoption, abortion, and becoming a parent. I think every women should have a choice and they do give you a paper telling you about the choices. They didn’t push me to abort the baby in any way.


As far as I know, they will go over options but ultimately it’s her choice so they won’t pressure her into one thing or another


I was 18 when I had my first child. He wasn’t planned of coarse. He is now 17 years old. I lived at home with my parents for a while. Got my associates degree and am doing great now.
I hope that your daughter sees that this baby is already a life inside of her. Heart beating more than likely and possibly can feel pain at this point depending on how far along she is. I know that it’s SO scary being so young and pregnant. I hope that she really seeks and prays about this before she makes a decision. Every life is precious! Even the unplanned ones.
the Save the Storks


This isn’t about you, it’s about your daughter and her choice as an adult, the more you try and change her mind the more you will push her away. Support her decision or stay away, she is already feeling bad enough without you trying to sway her decision either way.


Stop bullying them when they already made their decision, let it go.


They will talk to her about all sides. Keeping. Adoption. Abortion.


Tell her in time she will find out the baby is actaully a gift from god and not a burden even though that’s not how she feels now


Check out the pregnancy resource center! Let her know it might not be easy but there are people and places that will help her and she can do this and every baby is precious :sparkling_heart: no matter how they came about.


Please take her to Hope Center not PP so she can have a choice. There are sooo many couples looking to adopt who can’t conceive. They will even pay for all her pregnancy expenses. No choices at PP just abort.


They very much go through all the options and let her weigh her options. There are women who change their minds in the clinic and it is not a big issue. They do not want to push you either way, but do want you to be aware of your decision no matter what. They honestly do try to make sure you are aware of every option, especially the non abortion route. She is in good hands. Ask if she wants you there and support her.


Terriblly sad women choose to indulge in adult behavior, but cannot be adult enough to handle the consequences that comes with it… who gives a woman the right to play god seriously they should take all this into consideration before doing adult things…


I’m sure there are other pregnancy centers that aren’t Planned Parenthood (or push religious beliefs) that you can visit or just get a second opinion. But Planned Parenthood isn’t on a mission to abort babies.


This entire post seems that it’s about you and not your daughter. Your daughter is 21 and she is already well aware of her options. It seems as if you are manipulating her but not directly. It’s like you want to take her to a place that will manipulate her into making the decision that you want her to make.
Deal with it.


Planned parenthood is not just an abortion center nor will push just for an abortion. They will give her all her options and different places that help with all of those options. It is definitely worth going to see them just to hopefully get answers to any questions she may have. That way she can make an informed choice.


Planned Parenthood will give her All Options. Also side effects and other Organizations that can help with decisions made. Good Luck.


I hated being pregnant and was sick the whole time. I planned both my pregnancies though. It’s not always the raising the child that isn’t wanted, being pregnant sucks especially at 21 years old.


Being a single mom is no fun! She’s only 21 and wasn’t planning on starting a family. I personally would not recommend it… Emotional stress, financial stress not a good beginning for adult life.


I have been through this exact situation and am happy to talk to her if she wants / needs?


They will schedule the abortion and they’ll talk with her to be sure she’s confident and sure of her decision before her actual appointment.


Pp does full disclosure and doesn’t do a sales pitch for any choice. She will get as much info and resources they have for whatever choice she makes.


I pray your daughter does what SHE wants and that you stop worrying about what YOU want because wether you help or not YOU aren’t the one who has to carry and birth and raise the baby


I got pregnant with my son at 17. I was alone and scared and had no idea where to turn for advice and help. I made an appointment at Planned Parenthood… I spoke to a counselor and she told me the truth it would be super hard to be a single parent (especially since I was so young) but to be honest, I just needed someone to tell me that I could do it. That is would be hard, sure but not impossible… and with positive family support, you can really do anything.
I will forever advocate for Planned parenthood because it was their counseling that made me believe I could be a parent. My son turns 21 in November. And while my life has been much harder, I still have a college degree and my life is still pretty damn great! And my son is amazing! Everyday I am faced with the awesome fact that not only did I make that human I shaped him into the fantastic person he is today.
Good luck to you and yours :heart:

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At 16 I was pregnant & told to put the baby up for adoption whiich I did I met a fine man while pregnant. We purchased an apartment together when I was 18, married at 19 & essentially had a fabulous life with an amazing man until he died of cancer 20 years ago, including meeting my daughter when she was 21 & learning that she has had a fabulous life too.
Lots of things occurred I could never have imagined, around the time that he died but as an adult you soldier on, fo through anger, grieving & acceptance.
In life I’ve learnt that absolutely everything happens for a reason.
Doors you have never thought of will open to your daughter, whatever decision that she makes of the 3 options available…
A big decision.


Planned parenthood isn’t an abortion clinic. They’ll make sure to talk to your daughter through every possibility and help her with what’s she’s most comfortable with

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If she aborts, there’s a small chance she won’t be able to have any more children in the future. My aunt had an abortion at 16 and it messed her up so she couldn’t have kids ever again. She’s now an old lady wishing that she would have kept the baby because she never experienced her own firsts but had to watch everyone around her with their babies experience all their firsts. Talk to her about considering all the pros and cons or each option


I think planned parenthood should be all she needs. Bombarding her with advice will just confuse her more. She will eventually have to make up her own mind. First thing get rid of the bum who made her pregnant. He doesn’t want kids but obviously prefers bare rather than covered for him.


Whatever she may decide is her decision. Planned parenthood will give her all the info and she can decide. Also , I know of a couple of childless families who has been through adoption/parenting classes and would love to raise a baby if she decided to go the adoption route. They have the resources to give a great stable life. If she feels not ready I’d pray she would consider adoption. Best wishes to your daughter. :heart::pray:

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Planned parenthood won’t just set up an abortion without going over the options and discussing it. They would have to know she is absolutely certain that that’s what she wants before they would do anything and schedule an abortion appointment. I wish you all the best either way to you and your daughter! Trust her and her process :heart:

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Prayers for you both…such difficult situations for you both. Alot of adoption agencies are about money I think…private placement might be an option…


God does not make mistakes. If she as abortion it is killing. Let her know this… also many couples would take the baby that can not have children. I will pray for you and your family. God loves you all.

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There’s free pregnancy clinics around that will do free ultrasounds. (Google near you)80% of the time seeing a heartbeat is all it takes :heart: if not then Gladney or something for adoption?
You are absolutely doing the right thing encouraging her to not get an abortion. Life is life , and that baby has no voice yet

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Plan parenthood will try for her to give the baby for adoption or keep it, I think your daughter should keep the baby, she knows the father and the child is not just his, the baby is part of her, and somewhere in the future she may have regrets. I am also Christian and that is the biggest decision she have to make and I really hope she makes the right one, having a parent like you she is blessed. Also I think she should pray about it.


They will give her options I believe they have you go to a counselor before the procedure can be performed.


I was 21 when I got pregnant with my son. The father was a boy I had dated and broke up with because of a toxic relationship, screaming and throwing stuff etc. We had fixed our relationship, and we’re planning on getting married 3 days after I found out. (wedding was already set before I knew) he freaked out about becoming a father. But he has been the best dad to my boys. We now also have a 6 week old. They are 2 yrs apart. And our little family is doing good. We went from living In a van, to a 2 bedroom apt, we had some support along the way but it was mostly just hard work through and through. She can do it if she puts her mind to it. She had consenting sex with a man. This is what happens He needs to man up and she needs to woman up for that baby. Neither of my boys were planned. And we don’t have any parents money or housing etc. I would offer her every opportunity to keep or adopt out this child.

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Planned Parenthood isn’t in the business of pressuring people to have abortions. They don’t pressure anyone to keep or adopt out their baby either. A 21 year old woman is well aware that adoption exists and is capable of making her own reproductive decisions without interference. If she goes in to an abortion clinic and specifically asks for an abortion without expressing interest in other options, they’ll schedule one for her. If she expresses doubts, they may offer counseling while refraining from pressuring her in one direction or the other.


If she isn’t ready to be mother maybe you could suggest putting the baby up for adoption. There are so many couples that are unable to have children of their own. Suggest talking to an agency that helps with the adoption process and she may be able to line up a couple that will help her through the pregnancy, or she can choose to not meet the adoptive parents.

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I was pregnant at 19. I was already thinking marriage to the father. But this was not planned. I kept my son, but my mother also suggested I keep it without the marriage, and a brother suggested I go to NYC where abortion was legal 50 years ago. I did the marriage, gave birth to the son, and that mostly the marriage was not the best idea in the end. I know those that have had abortions, and those that have given up kids for adoption. NONE of the solutions really worked out in the end. Guilt hovers on those that had abortions, adopted kids came calling with guilt, and marrying the father carried its own issues of loss of a what if life of one’s own demise. That’s why I wish I could create a program for Junior High schools where a woman from each issue could speak. Tell it from the heart the options they decided on and why it was still gut wrenching. The mother in this case…needs to step back. And shut up. The girl knows now the options….and the mother can NOT push her agenda on the girl. She’s of age, and no matter what she picks…she and she alone will be one carrying with her the rest of her life the decision she chose. Not her mother…She and she alone…7 days a week, 24 hours a day…in the dark of the night…for the remainder of her life. Personally the best bus sign I ever saw….said…having a child young is like being grounded for the rest of your life.


This mother has good instincts. She only wants to see her daughter make a good choice. Young adults still need advice from their mother at that age. It is not wrong or manipulative of her to try and help her understand the full concequences of each choice.

If she doesn’t want it, nobody has any right to convince her otherwise. There should be no reason you try to get her to keep it, especially if the father is uninterested. You’re looking at a real bad time. Don’t let emotions get ahold of the situation. If it’s not time, it’s not time.


I just want to say I think you’re an excellent mom, and I actually think you are doing everything right. Planned parenthood will talk to her about all her different options. If she isn’t 100% certain she wants an abortion they would never give it to her. It is really hard to put aside your own feelings and let her make the decision that feels right for her, and that’s exactly what you are doing. She will probably feel a roller coaster of emotions, but you guys will figure it out together! When she has questions, answer them honestly and as best you can. It sounds like you are a wonderful support system, so no matter what she decides at least she will have you by her side. :heart::blue_heart:

I have been in that situation with my daughter & after the initial shock I supported her in the decision she made. It is ultimately up to her. I wish you both good luck in whatever she decides.

Planned Parenthood will discuss all options with her and will NOT just schedule a time for an abortion. In fact, not all planned parenthood facilities are able to provide them in house. She will see an appropriate medical professional and they will tell her honestly what her choices are and answer her questions. If she wants a referral for a specific option, they may provide the contact information for her to do so. They will also offer her a prenatal exam and any testing she might need. She will be treated just like she was at a regular doctor’s office because…surprise!..it is one.

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I’ve had an abortion at planned parenthood. They did present all options to me including adoption but I had already made up my mind and I dont regret it.

You’re a mother right now, not a grandmother. And you won’t be a grandmother until your child makes that decision for themselves. Whether its your intention or not, it sounds like you are trying to convince your child to keep it and want reassurance that someone else will convince her. Stop doing that. She will wind up resent you if she makes this decision to make you happy.


Sorry not sorry, but your opinion and what you want doesn’t come into the equation, it’s your daughters body, daughters life, daughters decision, yes support her, but not on the basis that if she keeps the baby you’ll be there for her!!! If my daughter had told me that she didn’t want it and didn’t feel ready for it, I’d of called up the nearest clinic to sort out her healthcare, to not prolong her anguish and suffering anymore!!! Come on….we live in 2021!!! She’s an adult, abortion is not wrong it’s a right of a woman to take care of her own body!!! You’ve spoke more about your own feelings then your daughters!!! Go to the god damn clinic and help her to go through the abortion process safely and supported

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Molly Smith I see the results everyday of a young woman coerced by her her family to keep 2 children she did not want. For the child’s sake, don’t push her in any direction. If she decides to keep the child she will need to understand that the demands of parenthood can be daunting at times. If she, in her heart does not want the child fathers is a good possibility that she will grow to resent it.

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My daughter also found her birth control didn’t work. She talked with me, her friends, the father, but eventually decided on her own to have the baby. They lived with us for several years and even thought she didn’t marry the child’s father she later married a wonderful man. She now has two more children. I would have supported her decision if she had decided to end the pregnancy but am so thankful she kept the baby. In the end though it has to be her decision. I hope she can get council from someone she trusts and that all options are discussed. Prayers to you.

Far out these comments are odd. I for one found you came across as supportive mum, and smart enough to know this is a HUGE life changing decision either way and want to make sure she talks it out with a professional.

Im pretty sure they go through everything there, they wont book her in without some form of counselling.

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You have a wonderful perspective been there with my son etc myheart said one thing and mybrain was laying out different perspectives and the reality check .at the end of the day its her decision. My heart is with you .

No they won’t. There’s too much money to be made in that industry. They don’t see those babies as living and breathing children. They see $$$. Go to a pregnancy crisis center, not Planned Parenthood. She will be allowed to hear that baby’s heartbeat. Almost 90% of the mothers who hear that little heartbeat will change their mind and have their baby. Yes, it will be hard. She can do it with the support system you’ve offered. We know she can. Seek a Pastor’s counsel. It’s an absolute fact that women do not do well after an abortion. They may seem to do well on the surface, but the internal battle wages on. Whatever you do, y’all please read together from PSALM 139:13-18. Let God speak to y’all. That baby already has a name. That one sweet child could change the course of a nation or even a world. May God give all who are involved, wisdom and courage during all this emotional turmoil. Life always trumps death. :pray::pray:

PP in my experience gives all options. They also make sure you aren’t uncomfortable in anyway way. They always ask how you feel, if you’re excited or scared—and they remain caring and neutral. They give out all sorts of info on everything—keeping the baby, adoption, and of course the choice to end it as well. It was really nice to have an outside third party to discuss options with versus just mom or dad. You don’t feel ashamed or embarrassed either. Good luck :purple_heart::purple_heart:

Just let her know that you trust her to make the right decision for herself and that no matter what she decides, she has your full support. Then, pray a lot that she will, in fact, make the right decision.

It comes down to what she thinks is the best choice for her. I understand not wanting to carry a baby to term and adopted, I also understand wanting a child but being scared. I feel for her, none of this is easy. She’s gotta make the choice. I think she will be happier in the long run keeping the baby but again I understand not wanting to. It’s totally subjective and not an easy decision to make.

Her decision but you might talk to her, explain when one has an abortion you are killing a human being. Adoption is fine, so many couples would love a precious baby. Just lots of love at this time. Know she will do the right thing. Prayers coming your way

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I’m disappointed that you are not fully supporting whatever decision she decides. You shouldn’t want to change her mind no matter what she chooses. Her body, her life, her choice.

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Planned Parenthood comprehensively covers ALL options! Anyone who says differently is blowing smoke and has an agenda. She is 21 years old - she KNOWS HER OWN MIND. Just love her and give her your support…this isn’t an “easy” choice - but, it IS her choice.

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her mother isn’t guilting at all. she wants her daughter to know she has options and wants her to make the best decision for her based on those options. idk why people are assuming she’s guilt tripping her daughter when she’s clearly just trying to help and wants what her daughter thinks is best

Every decision she will make has long terms effects that may be devastating for her in the future. PP never pushes. She may have regrets she if she keeps a child she does not want. So may she if she gives the child up for adoption. I have a friend that did that and she was forever searching for her child. It was very hard on her. It was heartbreaking to see. Don’t push her in any one way.

I was 16 when I first fell pregnant

The planned parenthood clinic I went to was excellent. They’re informative without bias or sway - they gave me information on abortion, adoption and keeping the baby. Everything was discussed with me so I could make an informed decision as to what was best for me. There was no judgement nor pressure for me to choose any particular option.

I wish your daughter well on her journey whatever she decides to do.

P.S. The choice I made? What happened to the baby I fell pregnant with at 16?
She just turned 15 a week ago :wink: :heart:

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If she doesn’t want it, see about adopting the baby yourself. You all may regret one day giving up this child. Adoption is hard on the baby as it gets older and you will always wonder how the baby is or what the baby looks like, etc. I would try to keep the baby in the family some how, even if it is a distant relative.

If she doesn’t want to spend 9 months creating a baby she isn’t ready to have and might not want, she shouldn’t have to. Even just insisting that a child be put up for adoption brushes aside the immense physical and mental toll pregnancy can have on women long-term.

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Shes an adult.
She’ll make the decision with or without you.
Be there. Thats all you can do.
I got pregnant when I lost my virginity at 15… my mom was so upset at first… but she was there, she supported me no matter what I decided. I am so grateful for that.

That’s it Mom give it to God in prayer that is really the only thing left you gave your advice and now it is up to her to make the choice May God Bless you and her with the right way to go Pray

No reason to feel lost in the situation. you’ve already done your part by letting her know that you are willing to help should she keep the baby, but also respect her decision should she not. now the rest is up to her. imo, PP is the best resource and you should just let her be.

I’m not sure what some people are referring to, I think you are being a very supportive, open minded mom. I hope she can take the time to weigh all her options and not make a rash decision she may regret years down the line that there’s no taking back. If she takes the life of her unborn child, she will live with that for the rest of her life. Ultimately, legally it is her decision and her responsibility.

Planned parenthood goes over every option to help the person come to a decision. They never pressure you into choosing they just give you all the options and info you need. I go to planned parenthood for my birth control and honestly most doctor offices make me uncomfortable, but not them. I always feel like I can ask them anything and they will take their time to talk to me. They really are supportive.

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I think you should let her make the decision about what to do but whatever she decides it will affect her life so you just need to be there for her
She needs advice from a professional person
There really isn’t an answer to this but she will do what best for her xxx
Best wishes to all of you at this very difficult time xx

No advice really but just wanted to put it out there you are an amazing supportive mamma not wanting to stress her out and support her choices!!!

Let her know that she is strong enough to take care of her child. Empower her. Don’t let her go to a business whose model is built around taking human lives for profit. They care about her just as little as her child’s father; merely someone who they can get something from. Let her child, your grandchild, know only love.

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Without knowing your town it’s hard to direct you. But if you type pregnancy center near me into search it will tell you. Heartbeat is a good one if you have one. And , support her by going with her so she has someone who actually lives her by her side.

I think you should just advise her to that you love her no matter what. And what she decides. You’re willing to be there and hold her hand. Don’t try and send her anyplace. If she wanted to talk about Keeping it. She would. Planned parenthood will go over her options but if she’s set. Then they’ll set her up for an appointment

Planned Parenthood did not go thru all the options with me. All literature given to me was pro abortion. Basically, it was “what do you want to do about it” and completely amazed that I wanted to keep her. I will add, it was many years ago also so hopefully they are more well rounded now.

You didn’t have an abortion. I, unfortunately did, 2 of them. Which extremely made me think I’d turned away from God. I’m not Catholic, but a Christian. I got pregnant again, in my early 20’s. The Dad, same dad I’d been involved with oblast abortion, was pushing abortion. I finally woke up to myself, and this precious baby. It was a girl. Beautiful baby, and beautiful adult now. So when she got pregnant at 17, I told her how I felt, having aborted her brother/sister. She made the decision to have her baby. And she wasn’t ready to raise him. So we did. And now, he’s doing great. Turned 18 Christmas. We are building a house for his forever home. Grandparents can help, be the parent, if needed. This baby is never a burden.

This is your daughters decision. Nothing anyone can say that will sway her one way or the other.
It is important that your daughter is provided information to make a informed choice for herself, not anyone else; including you.

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Planned parenthood . No way. That baby has a heartbeat and she can give her baby to someone who is ready if she doesn’t want the child. Bad choices have consequences and she will regret it.

One of the most difficult realities as a parent is accepting your child’s adulthood. You must trust that your daughter will make an informed decision regarding her pregnancy. Planning Parenthood is NOT ProAbortion. Planned Parenthood is ProChoice. They will give her all of the information she needs to make that informed decision. Please trust her choice and be there for her.

I know good and well you’re not trying to make someone keep a baby they don’t want. So may kids end up abused or dead because of it. You MUST let her make her own decisions. If you want more kids to raise go ahead and have some but don’t force your feeling on somebody else that’s not what Christianity is about. Also planned parenthood will discuss all her options with her and give her sometime to decide what she wants to do.

I cannot offer advise- But will lift you both in prayer! And thank you for being an amazing mom and having her back either way❤️

Tell her that this will be the best mistake she ever made. There is a reason the Plan B didn’t work, that baby is supposed to be in this world. Just my opinion. Blessings in whatever she decides.

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Be there for your daughter. She needs your support not your pressure. Planned Parenthood is there to share her options with her. Just because you have your beliefs does not mean she shares them. You need to step back and let her make the best decision for her rather than try to make her keep a child that will have a father that will never want to be involved and a mother that could end up resenting the choice you pressured her into.

I went to planned parenthood when I was pregnant with my first born at 20 years old.
They gave me every option. With pamphlets and who to call for any of options I chose.

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PP will talk to her about all options. So adoption and keeping the baby as well. They are a great resource for information and support. Ultimately it is her decision but they will not sway her anyway. It would be unethical. But it seems like you are doing everything you can for her. Which is supporting her and being there for her! Great mom!! :heart:

Please support HER decision. You do not want resentment later on. This is HER’S only to make and he has time to consider your support if she chooses to keep the child. Try and not offer anymore persuasion. Tell her you are there to talk if she’d like to.

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Just know, that in my personal experiernce, Planned Parenthood does very little to present anything other than abortion. While it is most certainly your daughter’s decision, I advise that you also have her meet with someone that clearly presents the other option without judgment i.e. keeping it or adoption. There are so many people who are unable to conceive. Why not let the baby live while at the same time fulfilling someone’s desire to be a parent? An informed decision most definitely requires knowing about both options.